The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Monday, February 7, 2011 » Sarah Palin Throws Support Behind GOProud Participation at CPAC » Sarah Palin Throws Support Behind GOProud Participation at CPAC

GWAR5 is the most 'right' of the right side of the church of satan (Lucifer a. la Saul Alinsky - big in Egypt; name calling at the same time destroying Both the Declaration and Constitution here in the US, where 'Centrists' continue the 'fool's role' of compromise with Satan') v. The Church of God (Lessons, the Way, the Truth, and the Light). Everyone, it is that simple! In the Book of Mormon, God is speaking -listening through Alma 6; and through Joseph Smith who is living through and with this Nation; as it grows-up parallel to actions against the Mormons, now "The Church of Christ of the Latter Day Saints".

What is an individual's choice is just government at all and especially no judgment by men named judges...Only One Judge - mankind doesn't come close to qualifying mankind's behaviors!

Two simple observations about Mrs. Palin, as mother-citizen-Patriot; the flag she wears on the Left side is witness to there are no Conservatives which would not allow opinions to vary. The books on the library shelf, indicate that Mrs. Palin is fully aware that the founders decided on a Democracy In a Republic, because the balance could bring ..a Congress.." defined in 1828 as "A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns." Not agreement; Not just the "greater number (... good, social justice contract defined by a few men sans history - especially from The Bible, Common Law, or philosophy of individual character via obedience to God's Law); Not for "the party of political expediency (which actually dates before Obama's great, great grandfather's birth, was thought of) from the beginning of land expansion with money, through this date; and until the Soros - E.U. type of government controllers definers; el. al. leave the stage of global, sovereign nations-states-and most important to the success of human kind with animals and plants - The Sovereign Individual - of God's word.

The only persons, happen to be elected to office via various methods good and bad; but given 9/14/09 - 10/28/10 - 11/2/10 not supported now; nor able to hear-see-"We the People in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice in Law (not in social, defined via ignorance and denial of fact)...", in any manner even resembling an Oath of Office, or the supreme Law of the Land; are residing in 'the church of satan (not capitalized on purpose)'. These centrist to left sort of persons, enjoying the group of non-critical, lemming behavior; and having decided; that 58 founders writing and establishing the Testimony to God and this Nation..and the world contained in Both The Declaration and The Constitution; are simply not informed enough to overcome the absence of knowledge of the Obama-Stern-Emmanuel-Alinsky -Cloward-Piven-Jones and friends of "Ethics of Mean - means nothing until the wind changes direction of the blowing of electrical letters arranged to remove any resemblance to inalienable rights as individuals (including homosexuals). This loss represented as "Corporate" individuals; via Acts, Bills, Executive Orders (not coming back around to be placed in the Legislative process), Commissions, (and the very favorite, union-based lawmakers san any light of any natural or naturalized elected-nonelected vote) Regulations of every Cabinet contained in this very lawless Administration's belief in its "group-self-interest governing role". Examples abound: "Patient Protection and Affordable"; Financial Stability; Department of Education's 34CFR Parts 600 - 603,"Program Integrity Issues" for centralization in the Executive Branch of public and Private Education defined and determine, solely by the De-PART-ment. No oil drilling in any US Territory Water because a litigation attorney from Harvard and John F. Kennedy School of Law, appointed by this President - to continue bias of non-critical, blind-deaf-stiffnecked, single-side, thinking of "guarantee" v. 22 years of no problems drilling, the risk/benefit cost to every individual living in America - including themselves; because "can't be seen(PBS radio)" risk/benefit, like Constitutional Law, outer space exploration; isn't worth the risk!

Thank God, these majestic creatures on two-legs, weren't around with the covered wagons, sailing ships; or other reason-planning, risk-taking men; or the moon would still be a smile in the sky!! ....And that's the "civil" wording of Michael Bromwich's absent knowledge with for political bias, decision-making skills on behalf of the United States of America(????), via global socialism which cannot allow America to produce Petroleum! Much better for Egypt, Iran, and the Middle East to fight!

With friends like these running government, we don't have enemies.....except our own individuals who cannot and shall not allow "The Way, the Truth, and the Light" "to shine on the cities in the distance".

The open-ness of the Republican Party before "Donations are much more important than wasting money in the Virgin Islands" centrist party of suspecion against any of 'those members' who dare to call a president lawless and without ethics of office...and in spite of this president's huge confusion over governing by edict v. Constitution...very apparent in the SOTU abbreviated because it has too many words for the president. Yep! Not civil is it! Civility not intended....anymore than respect this president Does Not Hold for Founders and Both Declaration and Constitution. God before Nation. Nation before family. Party is the last, but actually much more important than 'centrist's realize'! That's another essay...

Thank you, again Mrs. Palin, for your splendid thoughts and support of our Nation. I vote for you, when-ever and where-ever you decide to act....

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