February 13, 2011
THANK YOU, Mr. Speaker (for all you do and are doing) and all Republicans of the United States First before politics of party: FOR PARTICIPATING AS ONE OF THE CITIZENS OF “ELECTED, WE THE PEOPLE” and for respecting the "agent role" of "We the People"!
This is to remind you that you are....ONE CITIZEN...and responsible for the support and love of BOTH Founding Documents — because you can’t have One; without the Other: The Promise of the Declaration; and the fulfillment of the Promise in the Constitution....every, single sentence and philosophy with God are interlinked!
Do you realize, that the CPAC speaker who said “Unfortunately, both parties are responsible for the debt of this nation.”, is correct, but Not for the reasons that first come to mind, i.e. too much spending with too many laws, rules, regulations, commissions, executive orders! More, for the reason the founders wrote "enumerated powers" in the first place!
‘Repeal Obama Care’, environment; energy, and Education are taken together because Not One is Part of the Supreme Law of the Land - as enumerated powers! This American Patriot would like to point out the Truth of That Statement: “The Budget of the Federal, [and much of the States], cannot and shall not — EVER BE BALANCED; as long as the Legislative and Executive Branches refuse to acknowledge the tiny, tip, of “Enumerated Powers” for the Federal Level of government: the common sense of No government can solve mankind problems especially as the sovereign individuals with the God-given right to choose Life, Liberty, and Happiness. Nor has Any Government Been Successful at the Attempt! This Axiom has been true of history since society first got together; is not the Centerpiece for Bible topics among which is "The law is not written for the righteous..." of Timothy.
"I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to Love it..." by recognizing and encouraging the "Elected, We the People" to recognize...there is no money available. Common Sense should say, get rid of liabilities at Federal (and State) Levels...meaning those areas not part of the 'enumerated powers' -- close down first Education and Medicine as H&HS(it doesn't serve if it has to count numbers and descriptions of inanimate objects living or not, rather than the acute, disabled, or chronically individuals who are at the receiving end of "Patient-Centered Care"
The Founders knew this as businessmen, as homeowners, as world watchers with history and philosophy part of life...as well as God, The Bible and obedience to understanding where and why – they wrote of human nature and the “First Table of Law - Religion and Morality”; that the concept of keeping Federal level government small was to prevent exactly, those actions of Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, Truman, Johnson, Clinton, and Obama and of his selection of mentors and supporters, perpetrated on our Nation [President Bush - Both are left out for reasons which take too long here; but are germane]. The actions, not necessarily by design, more like a new phrase-ology to banter around “Political Expediency” which means decisions are not made based on logic, Supreme Law; but strictly on that which finishes ...or perpetuates...programs that represent numbers. The Numbers are simply the voters, polls, surveys with reason-logic-value; not convenient to political purpose!
TAX REFORM via “enumerated powers” = 2 Birds of cost reduction for 1 Stone: The first two Departments which Must Close: Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services. Dp.of Edu. if only for its brand new “Integrity and Stability for secondary education” (CFR 600 - 604), travesty of nonsense and control over not only public controlled content with one-sided-professor-hood; but also Private and Trade Schools. Trade Schools are an underpinning of liberty and life for those are not, maybe later in life, or cannot– graduate from college. Please, if you haven’t yet, READ IT! Then there’s the concept’s of little known, but much practiced: Its OK to visit a mosque in Boston, Mass; but don’t not Pledge Allegiance to the Flag or pray to God with all the concepts of “Religion and Morality inherent in this type of thinking for ‘educating by state and federal areanas of government, the children who are the United States of America’s Future for their sovereignty, the continued sovereignty of State and of This Nation [over Mr. Obama’s martyred body]! The failure of this form of education is immense!
Health and Human Services are best handled by “We the People” as their own decisions - No Calculation of Income Tax unless the 100% of Health Care to any Tax paying individual residing in their State and in this nation, is REMOVED; whether paid as an insurance premium or flat-cash for care. PS: There does not exist a “flat-rate” or any system of taxation which works in the interest of ‘We the People”; and once in place....well need I say more? Just look at what you are thinking....close down !!?..close down??!!! For the those who do need assist, the State through Medicaid does this now; and is the performer of many of H&HS”s regulating stuff hospitals, equip, medications, home and hospice care. EACH STATE is in a much better position to allow its citizen’s to design and to meet the medical needs of individuals, than the Federal Government. Let each State have 100% proportion, already established by the Fed via Medicare/Cal Services! Leave MediCaid (Cal) alone. It is the ONLY State-Federal program that actually does what it says it will do: Take of crippled, old who required help, severely and all developmentally disabled, post-trauma from whatever source.[ I am a R.N.,B.S.N with 28 years in private and government home-hospice care]. [This is the idea of the founders, not this writer!]
HERE IS ANOTHER PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMICS OF TAXATION: The Federal government paying and supporting the State government .......is the same taxpayer dollar!!!!! Though, not really the ‘same’ dollar: The Fed has to divide between 50 states [sometimes-more often than not, only some states -so called - benefit from a Fed. Program], Territories; 9 Regions; and several layers of filtering to keep what remains of the Fed. Dollar from actually working for the purposes of the above departments.
Remember the other Economic Fact: China & debt receive 47 Cents of each $1.00 appropriated, 2011 and forward for your children’s chldren’s, children - to pay! That leaves 53 cents, for everything else! Now then, Patient ‘Protection and Affordable Act’ is now costing more than that, just starting. Some people, do not choose, in spite of Mr. Obama's dictate, to join PPAA, with its already, 2x’s been thrown out of District Court. Obama would dearly love having Kagan and Sotomeyer to rule on “PPAA”; and since it is well demonstrated, neither have knowledge of the Declaration; we cannot count on the thinking of some Justices of the Supreme court; better go with the words and actions of the founders with Principles from God, themselves, Blackstone, Common Law, The Bible; and history.
Have you performed a ‘due diligence’ on committee meetings of Both Houses? Why is ‘Ways and Means’ even considering ‘fixing’ the “Patient Protection and Affordable Act”? They were asking a question RE spending or sending dollars to the Commerce Dept. Wondering why? Answer: None! We’ll talk in private (c-Span, during CPAC).
Please pay attention to why the ‘Obamagroupies’ want the “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” Named changed; and are renaming it, though not officially - yet? While long to say, speaking of this ACT BY ITS FULL NAME, at every turn of the words spoken and printed helps the Socialist, lemmings, who voted yes to “We have to pass it to see what it says”, take Full Accountability for this untoward Violation of Supreme Law - that does not fulfill “a Congress” according to N. Webster’s definition of Congress in 1828 American Dictionary. In fact, PPAA has at least, the following violations of “Supreme Law”:2 Articles with 4 Sections; 4 Amendments - and CONGRESS think of the money for committee Time (time is money, afterall) saved on this topic alone! PPAA also eliminates, as much as possible, that terrible ‘due process’, that gets in socialist's way for law; in the at least 3 places of the Constitution. ‘Equal protection under the law’ and individual or individual as corporate, ‘due process' are the two most ignored Amendments of the Constitution for Act, Bill, Regulation writing from of the cabinets and Legislature - not reading its work. This is vigorously and actively being removed from all Cabinets via Regulation (see Section 6201 of PPAA).
All the House and the Senate has to Address by Statement is the Constitutional Principles: “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law! And “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any Statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and Null and void from inception. There are many more from the “Declaration of Constitutional Principles”. For those Congress members who value “The Numbers Game” of Democracy to a Republican Form of government: in the Senate: Those members are “Americans” elected to office to support the supreme Law of the Land. ‘We the People’ don’t care whose party they are or are not members of. The Issue is not politics; it is "..at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses be add:...(1789 adoption)". Do Not Let the Progressive-“Number’s Game” players, worry you. Do the Right Action – Stop It Dead – Now!!!
Also remember there is no precedence on Constitutional Rights! And the United States of America does not become a Democracy because a political party or group of political men declare it so!!!! That’s actually another reason to Close Down Health and Human Services and Dp. Of EDU: Not part of enumerated powers and there is no Money....Zero!!! Our Nation is broke!! So removing not enumerated...is a very good idea..whose time has never left; but whose time Must Be Regarded by “Responsible, Members as Citizens-natural and naturalized; to the United States of America”!
The committee work to reverse 72 years of SS, of “ the people’s money” that creates the account without accountability)– a Federal level slush-fund! Find me any humankind who won’t go after a ‘slush fund’! At least, if the people chose to save or not; it is another deduction - that in no manner continues to provides a slush fund for Federal Legislative and Executive political tie-raids.
And 49 years of Medicare which mostly works; but dealing now with 80% of 57 cents of every dollar - isn’t going to work.....is it! “We the People” are mandating stopping the retirement benefits paid by taxpayers to union members, especially to cover in the ‘stock market’ falls - no individual and no government has control to guarantee anything about life, living, or death! Federal government must stop taking retirement money from taxpayers...to only those citizens who are members of unions...not on the same terms as SS;...and the member’s dues to their administrators!
Every Act, Bill, Commission, Executive Order, action of every word, every single ‘Elected-We the People’ costs..... We need to fix it! We need to allow assets to work! We need oil, nuclear*, as well as solar with - I don’t think wind can stand on its own unless subsidized...Congress and Executive need to stop and review all subsidies....stop all grants fo education at Fed Level....back down to State and County or Local! So choosing 5, for the benefit of yet another, meaningless bunch of numbers; solves nothing because of absent substantive thoughtfulness regarding the needs and sovereignty of the United States of America....before anything else - because there is “NO, anything else” unless ‘We the People - elected and working’ recognize “..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station in which the Laws of nature and of Nature’s God entitle them..”!
Speaker Boehner, I am sure the reason for including “We the People” is all that you say...but also includes the reality of 57 cent dollars. Do Members, regardless of party, Love this nation enough to Stand-up and Change the nonsense of states, cities, and counties saying the Fed. Will give US(A) money!!!! NO! NO! NO! A thousand times “NO”! Not if we plan “..to secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our Posterity...(your g-kid’s, g-kids for petes, sake!), one person, at a time home through government at all levels!!! Very interesting, Social Justice as anti-law: where the individual is often held high as the recipient of poor things, no things, lawless things, and things that need Cabinet czar fix - “Study links teen bullying to social status” which is actually acknowledging a lot more than the study thinks it says....Do you see the God’s law missing? Do you see the importance of the individual missing!? All for the study, which we really didn’t need, as taxpayers, to pay for in the first place!
While there is and will be damage; it is better to fix it now; than let any more suction-cups of octopuses legs, infiltrate and destroy what works fine....not perfect..sometime not even right, i.e., payback to Medicare , by hospitals for iatrogenic diagnoses incurred during the hospital stay!!! What injustice? To say the least, what Stupidity- there’s no rewarding anything is there!? And how about that, for a self-sustaining excuse to continue working in a Department sans Accountability to anyone or anything!!!!
The point of this is - Remember “Enumerated Powers” are there as a guide to prevent irresponsible, irrelevant, power-usurpation, centralization via this administration’s direct contribution to defining, withholding and distorting information of American Life, Liberty, and Happiness. Government is inannimate! What it places against indidviduals, local, county, state and itself...is the visible activities of a few men - for power and money. Government is incapable of any portion of these concepts.
Government is incapable of the concepts of "Sovereignty" which are core to "Nature and Nature's God". Please Do Not Hesitate to CLOSE DOWN healthcare; and Dept. E-D-U, a.k.a. Federal or State mandated education....Not to be Confused with Learning! But that doesn’t necessarily stop all the programs! It gives the opportunity for Article I:8 to speak; as well as, ‘We the People” to participate at separating the rest of the Tenth Amendment.
Government Cannot manufacture, except by injustice and irresponsibility, the tax, and now borrowed, funds required for all the Departments, Commissions, bureaus. THIS CONCEPT IS IMPOSSI8BLE. That’s why No Balance Budget - ever! It is also The Reason...medical care costs are as high as they are! "Government Is the Problem"; but not, necessarily in in job as overseer for the borders and interests of the 50 States and Territories with native Indians. That’s why it doesn’t matter which or what Party is holding the “Greater Number” sans any character or morality! You do realize that only 2 words resonate: $$$$$$ and How many votes!!! There are no outcomes; especially any which say - no this isn't going to work!
Don’t you think it is about time to really Look, Listen, and Read..the Founders. Those of US(A) who have.....absolutely Know That They Wrote About Human Nature using God, Philosophy, history they were 235 years closer to than with much better teaching and learning than we perform now, except maybe for Annapolis and West Point. And, Please keep “The 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language” by Noah Webster at the top of your toolbar!
PLEASE ADD THE FOLLOWING ESSAY TO MANDATED READING: “THAT WHICH IS SEEN AND THAT WHICH IS NOT SEEN” by Frederic Bastiat and add “The Law” which is short, easy, and very explanatory regarding Obama, Soros, Islam, any dictatorship, Alinsky-Cloward-Piven, et.al, form of thinking aka, ethics of means via Alinsky’s Lucifer!.
Here really are the extended, expression of our nation at a time when God, Both Founding documents, with 58 very wonderful men set US(A) and every, single person who has, serves now and will serve for the Posterity of our Nation Under God, Who will be waiting for US(A) as we find our direction in exploring and establishing worlds on other planets! It is time to Stand for Both Documents - with one, the Supreme Law and the other, "The First Table of Law"!
The National Survey requests to pick and prioritize 5 among 13 topic areas...
1) Five is just a number which reflects nothing inherent in the areas of “Federal” level of government: Instead, here is a priority list:
Questions on survey that can’t be answered for the computer; because computers are machines which depend on the software writer’s and hardware designers for their function: People think better than computers; but I’ll answer, for your computer what I can...
#1 is a no way for the computer; and you know it! Also, while the man named Obama who has sealed coastal waters from oil drilling, makes licensing for natural gas and shale sources of oil with nuclear - impossible to break ground before 3-5 years of permissions; regulations which if you were at the receiving end - would send you to court faster than a speeding bullet; and.....look out Gates thinks he has to obey this man who now wants the United States Marines Disarmed as the forefront of attack to protect America!!! Social justice regarding war and people in it via czars. As long as this man is in office; he will tear this nation apart. It was said several times by all 4 speakers at Saturday's CPAC; is readily apparaent to anyone reading Both founding documents; and by his own words, actions, deceptions, contradictions, and absent responsibility for himself as a President: Article II:4 is at work here. It would be better to not continue to deny Mr. Obama his violations; because in doing so Congress is exposing this nation to losing more “than bread alone” in compromise of the Church of God of our founders v. church of satan!
1) [A].Close federal level EDU and
[B]. H&HS; please call it “Patient Protection and Affordability” out loud on the floors of both houses, because then you don’t have to explain why it requires repealing!!
[C]. Reduction means looking at all the above...and watching the President as his cabinet continues its regulation orgy; with his ignoring ... and have you forgotten by chance...that Every Executive Order made, Must Return and proceed through regular, legislative process! Granted, it has been a free trip, up until now! Now “We the People” have The House, and with those Senators who are American before party membership; plus recognize, by now, this President who has no intention of supporting or defending the Constitution and demonstrates his disregard for taxpaying earners of this nation while singling out 800 unions to be exempt...along with “elected We the People” at State and Federal levels from PPAA!!!
[D] Environment - Energy: Both need federal level - closure!!! We will move faster and better without the ‘few environmental and energy governors of confusion, misrepresetation of fact, and spenders of other people’s money when they have no idea what they are doing...or worse know exactly what they are doing, in terms of global Socialization without any words which have a meaning or sound like “sovereignty”!
[ E] Homeland Security of no-one’s home or state which happens to be located next to Mexico. HHS here’s the Constitutional Principles violated against 'We the People', “Laws are not made for the righteous (I TimothyI:9)”: “Each level and jurisdiction of government has been delegated the power to punish as crimes the deprivation of constitutional and civil rights of persons by agents of governments, and some governments the power to punish deprivation of rights by individuals not agents of government. Statutes to implement those powers have been enacted in almost every jurisdiction, and they cover almost every such deprivation”. And.. “Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.”
Patdowns and scans of any scope or nature, 10 years after the event; is not viable for the Sovereignty of the Individual, the individual as business - only Air travel!? And demonstrably, does not work to prevent any happening.. In addition, HHS to have access to “Patient Protection and Affordable Act”’s big, central computer so it (a dept.) can check up on individual’s moving about or receivng care, without regard to privacy - due process- or anything else is included in this ACT – read it!! So does Treasury...to be sure the individual has or doesn’t have the money required for program eligibility.... Confiscation of an individual's property the ticket representing purchase of a airplane seat to travel from point A to B, is anti-law severly unconstitutional.. It should not be enforced; and no individual should be required to submit to scans or patdowns of any sort, size, color, location. The purpose has nothing to do with safety; but everything to do with USA News reports of the money flow to purchase, build, and place the scanners (taxpayers, again)....which is why it's occurring 10 years later..and like all government -- never stop what you start, it upsets the political-people-hood flow of money for self-interest!!
F] As the saying goes in this border county of San Diego; what about "illegal" – don’t you understand! Also, the Feds. Have stopped water to the Delta, here; because they can increase the imports from Mexico of the produce which normally would be available here! Hope you enjoy the color and size of the seedless water melon...watch out when you taste it! Once you compromise with wrong; it is just more wrong, in more places, much more of the time; and tends to self-perpetuate its wrongness!
*Nuclear: 2/15/11, North County Times: pg. 1: Apparently workers lied; but the only indication of that accusation is the word lied....no evidence and no input from San Onofre. Also, San Onofre has addressed concerns, has a 100% clean safety record, but still requires 3 instead of 2 inspectors as residents....at taxpayer expense...until inspector sans any specifics of problems: "Uselding said that she was not sure how much longer San Onofre will remain under higher than average scrutiny".
Hope you listen to Glenn Beck...especially on the State of the Budget under this "doesn't know what he doesn't know - President!
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
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