The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Budget comment re taxes, unions, possibilities with single-mined blind,deaf, stiff-necked group-think...

Brown's Countdown, Day 66: Field Poll: Jerry Brown has voter support for extending taxes, but opportunity may not last - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Comment to above:
Brown wants his tax increases. The unions want the tax increases. 68% of voters - both parties are against tax increases. The cost of union salaries, bosses, supervisors, administration with the "hired" union attorneys....continue to grow via each, individual member dues. Member dues deducted even during a strike! Unions are paid by taxpayers. They are not elected; do not have accountability to Legislative branch of government at any level; and on a regular basis fail to perform their duties as regulators for Departments and Bureaus - again at all levels of government - simply because they are not accountable! Union members are taxpayers. Union members support the election of union-represented-governors, senators, assembly-members, representatives, Senators, and Presidents. Union members have little or no say in the decisions made by their leaders whatever level; and coercion in job availability may be rampant or best, the member is simply ignored as a hoy-paloy-non-distinct-two-legged-worker (forget the sometimes attached word, 'bee' - that would be too much of a compliment).

So when the Republicans say 'NO' it is recorded as against the State. The state has no money; is spending what it doesn't have in dollars in every area of health and welfare, education, public works, environment regulation, energy; it has no 10th Amendment right to be indulging its non-entity-irresponsible-selfish need for power and control. Because it is a non-entity, without control; bad concepts of demand, usurpation, power, and control take over; government remains a 'Absent Brain' incapable of performing with integrity, duty and service. The requirements of 'good governance' that our founders wrote in Both The Declaration and The Constitution --- including California's Constitution.

Only returning and shrinking "government" to allow service, duty, integrity with respect to the abilities of individuals as designed by Both founding documents, will save US(A) from the unsustainable nature of irresponsible $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, Acts,Amendments,Laws,Regulations,EO,Commisiions and all tools of non-brain-entity-control.    Both these Documents for 'governance stewardship and integrity' are what protect US(A) as sovereign individuals - states - and nation. Until, "letting go" of Sen. DeMint or "closing down" of this American Patriot of ALL areas of government which do not meet the standards of individual sovereign person first....before money, candidate, integrity or even God's word, take place; ---- Our Nation, the Only Nation of Working to Allow -- God's Gift to Person -- will continue to fonder in the windless sea of lawless neglect to Duty, Honor, Country! --- All Citizens from 8 years old and those at the end of their life's journey(but still vote, listen and decide)--- realize you lose all dreams and all inventiveness with the non-entity of government control-demand-usurpation now acting and in charge! The Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity ---- also end, now 2011-12, NOW!

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