The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Regarding Tyrannosaurus Rex Federal government, balanced budget, fair tax...

When any government has grown to 1300 Departments and Agencies, with the only employment growth at extortion charges to the Taxpayers via Union Admin., Bosses and hired attorneys with only one agenda...more money and power for the self-grandizement for 'Its' admin. bosses and attorney's..! Membership is simply "The end justify's the means - ethics with thanks to Saul Alinsky and his Lucifer mentor for usury of 'Its' member!

Some members are also desiring a "Fair Tax".

The Federal Level of government will not get smaller ignoring unions, adding a balanced budget amendment, or utilizing a fair tax; because not one of these actions will change the self-indulgent, gigantic mouthed, tyrannosaurus rex of this government!  None will make this tyrannosaurus rex of a government perform with integrity and respect to its Citizens, inconveniently called "We the People in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice...and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves AND OUR POSTERITY, do ORDAIN and establish this Constitution FOR the..."!  Integrity of limits - the only answer...and It must Begin, Now!

Every elected Agent of We the People, should be devoting themselves to [this Citizen] "close down" Senator DeMint -the kinder, civil "Let Go" of this monster which Shall Destroy each sovereign individual, State, and Nation!

This Citizen has picked two Departments both not included in "enumerated powers": Education and Health and Human Services [that's where 6% of GNP is located - remember!?]. Both of these would be a good start toward reviewing the founder's 'enumerated powers' with the eye of the not-mentioned, important method, of not allowing tyrannosaurs rex to happen in the first place!

Education because "83% of USA schools will fail the Federal Standard for education(newspaper 3/7/11)"[so what!]. Did you see Greta van Sustern's interview of the HS Student early in the Wisconsin debacle against taxpayers? 100% Socialist line of verbiage, completely innocent and ignorant, and 100% Good American young man..and doesn't even know it! Has no idea the difference between "a democracy in a Republic" let alone the concept of sovereignty of person, state, and nation! Such an education!  There is an organization here in CA which is working to get government out of education at both State and Federal level. Charter and home-schooling are looked upon as a 'savior' of Learning for our young, and is effective against government-based education. So much so that CA State is looking to reduce its funding because the grads leave public school behind at every level! But indoctrination via union-dominated, closed shop teachers[so to speak], is the watch-word and ignorance is the dominant present goal of education.  State and Federal emphasize punishment for lack of success; but "Learning" is the personal essence of sovereignty; and not measurable by any method of group-think mindedness.

Health and Human Services: Someone said to this Citizen the other day: "What would we do about medicine if the Federal Government wasn't involved?".  Guess what?  As a RN, BSN, PHN in all fields of medical care new born to elderly with 38 years of work; we do just fine with JACO, JCAHO, and the inherent standards of practice each and ever sector of medicine utilizes. Further, risk/reward management is more throughly directed toward problem solving the integrity of a problem or issue than any program at any state or federal level.  Again, because We the People are best served as individuals, especially when ill... It is fraudulent for government to think it can group-think or use statistics to solve all aspects of human illness. But "IT" does!

"Patient Protection and Affordable Act" is the most lawless Act Passed in the history of the United States of America...Bar None! The minute the words spoken said "We have to pass it to see what it says." this Act achieved its status of the most illegal Act in our history...and it Shall and is doing, our Nation great harm...and IT shall not deliver Health care in any way...  We Must Take the loss; and move away from the 'sick' government which could make and take action on such a statement!

Granted, this is earth-shaking for Congress as well as Executive; but you, Senator Paul and all Senators regardless of Party membership, are the protector of "We the People".  Health and Human services, from the Founders [not this Citizen] would be better served at each, sovereign State's level with the citizens of the State deciding the 5w's and H of a much better rate, than 57 cent dollar divided among 50 states with the special interests involved, and with politics as usual much more important than the service and duty to our Nation!

Please reconsider the emphasis and change the goal to "closing down" or "letting go" of 1300 Agencies and Departments.

I am a Campaign for Liberty Member.

Thank you, Catherine West  San Marcos, CA

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