Note: "not how our Democracy functions" ... Since we are a Republic, this comment does lead to why It was Obama who left Congress in regards to Debt Ceilings and Bankruptcy disguised as "[America] can easily pay the INTEREST on the debt." by one of Obama's minions of ignorance and disrespect of "We the People". Granted this was LaRaza, a favorite "department of greater NUMBER of MINION votes", for Obama, but that doesn't change his apathy against correcting his huge-Executive Branch-Power-control government from demanding and instituting "change" as Socialism of Group-think to continue.
Everyone, Be Very Clear: The Value of our Earnings as Taxes SHALL DECREASE or DEVALUED whether it is by Congress disobeying its own law by allowing this man - nominally a President - to continue spending via the Arterial bleed of increasing the 'debt ceiling' ; or by the slow-persistent-venous bleed by absent clotting factors(responsible and accountable spending of other people's money). As of today, the PER CITIZEN TOTAL DEBT STANDS AT $163,960! There is no end in sight....unless the Republican Plan goes into effect...without 'political' stand....only "Religion and Integrity"....
The Decision regarding "..and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and OUR POSTERITY.." versus the Socialism - of - group thinking - distortion with absent fact throughout government and State/Federal lead education - Is the "Religion and Integrity" of the Choice for Our Nation's future! There is no politics, because politics functions without respect to "..and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS OF THOSE RIGHTS... ". Refers to 'Natural Rights' of Life, Liberty and Happiness defined by the 'homo sapiens with cognitive attributes' own choice.... not the government of force and control.
George Washington: "No pecuniary consideration is more urgent than the regular redemption and discharge of the public debt; on none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable. [5th Annual Address to Congress]". "Nothing can more promote the permanent welfare of the nation, and nothing would be more grateful to our constituents. Indeed, whatsoever is unfinished of our system of public credit cannot be benefited by procrastination; and as far as may be practicable, we ought to place that credit on grounds which cannot be disturbed, and to prevent that progressive accumulation of debt which must ultimately endanger all governments.[6th annual Address to Congress]."
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
I got thinking, most of you don't think medically, so you wouldn't know that stopping the arterial bleed, while more acute and dangerous, is more repairable; than stopping a venous bleed without all the clotting factors available or identified as missing. We Need To Stop Both 2600 Agency's with Regulations beyond any Constitution with an Executive Branch acting - totally absent 'Religion and Integrity'
ReplyDeleteThe $163,960 is incorrect.. That's the per citizen for July 22, 2015; July 24 it is $176,154 per Thanks to an old friend, angry, from past years. Also, perhaps I shouldn't compare blood as arterial or venous to dollars as tissue-paper-ceiling's of law for arterial and the long-slow-decapacitating-persistent(absent clotting factors)-dark red stuff, flowing freely from the hepatic vasulature into the abdomen! It seemed like a good idea; but the point got lost in the stickiness. Speaker Boehner, you cannot bargain with the devil. You (and our nation) Shall Lose and Obama knows it.
ReplyDeleteAll that has occurred is manuvering the Money-control House into the Pit of Obama's Senate of Lemmings totally absent gray-matter between the ears along with any sense of integrity or responsibility to their own families who shall suffer long after they are dead and buried!!! In God's world - there is no time. Man as human-kind exists for less than the human word 'nanosecond'in relationship to history. That's why doing the action which supports God's Laws and Lessons - makes such a huge difference to one person one at a time. That is how you shall meet your God.