regarding the deficit:
1) Whether we 'DEVALUE OUR DOLLAR" by allowing: - yet another INCREASE by 'changing OUR LAWS' because of political expediency to support a President with all his very visible, valueless of "Usurpative, Regulation creating strongest Executive Branch of Government - aka 'Center of Open-Society decisions of distortion, lie; disaster with tragedy'; to all "members of the species homo sapiens" with "cognitive attributes" (not groups - individuals)-- representing: Yes to increasing the Debt Ceiling ........
OR by allowing the cost to our "tax-payer earnings" to continue to bleed, at $46,142.09 per the "Person" of Our Constitution" (remember it is your "Person(s) of Posterity - too directly and indirectly!), via any compromise with this man who is the 'nominal' leader of this Nation...not the Leader; is the difference between the choices of continued now acute-hemorrhage; with slow vascular bleed due to the absence of 2 or more of the coagulation factors - so bleeding cannot and SHALL NOT STOP.
The President governs with the consent of "We the People". We do not give our consent to this President to continue his so-called "open society" defined by the self-aggrandizement with demand for absolute power.
2) "Elected We the People" you are not members of your "Political Party"; you are this day, in this week, in this year...and forever the years of God's Universe, "founders" of the future of The United States of America. Including all the assets of continued sovereignty of person before God and before Both of Our Sacred, Unique Documents from God through the Original Founders who did perform and demonstrate: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes (Liberty of choice), and our sacred Honor."
You should not be caucusing...Yes I know that would be about 600+ representatives, their staff leaders, TV with that number in the Convention Center - but is important, and "We the People" love and care about our Nation. "We the People" are saying meet as a whole..speak as individuals who represent America of Mayflower Compact - Declaration - Constitution and Do Not Give these Documents Lip-Service (each you Need a copy Mr. N. Webster's "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language either 'book-mark on your bar visibly' or physically in the "Convention Hall" with TV either as C-span which by honors - should be the default "Information to the citizen". You need to vote as a whole, because "You can't have Beethoven's 5th without the Drummer" - you cannot have "a Congress", unless everyone is there. But more important, you cannot have a "Nation of Person", unless the government conforms itself to the will of "We the People".
As Always with "The Way, The Truth, and The Light", Adversity is the Opportunity to follow God's word. Debt is not His Word... because Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness for each-person-one-at-a-time are His words and The Words for This Nation He Has Lead and Human-kind Spirit with Flesh, which is also created in God's Image. The opportunity is in your hands and you are not alone.....
Having said all that, What Speaker Boehner said in his conference is 98% true: The Values and Principles of the Party to which your are aligned (not dedicated to) is a representation of every word spoken above. Party is Important.
Republicans do support the 'person of sovereignty' with the 'person of business' because NONE of the above can grow or prosper Unless Life, Liberty, and Happiness through the Principles of Both The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America first VII Articles with Bill of Rights with XIV amendment are "Defended Against All Enemies". Right now, what use to be called 'Democratic Party' got lost among the Soros-Obama requirement of 'lemming-group-behavior'. It is not the 'Democratic Party' anymore; at least until its members recognize the above problems with all that has occurred under this "Obama Administration". and NO, we do not need a survey - poll - or other number-definition-of-group-who fit-if they answer the loaded question correctly-groupcalledopinion-without need of fact to determine the truth of anything!
One more very important point relating to the missing 2% above: There was a conflict in Speaker Boehner's news conference. He may have noticed it...I'm not it is: earlier in the speech he said "We must examine and cut entitlements." Then towards the end "We have to protect the entitlements". 'Entitlements' are the basis of the Federal Government leaving "enumerated powers". They must be reviewed-deleted-privatized-or placed under a very hot, bright light of legislation - never Regulation -! Entitlements are part of the reason for 2600 Agencies of the US Federal level of government. And
this leads to...
3) There is no-such-concept-as-"bipartisan". That word is diametrically opposed to "a Congress" because the reason "a Congress" was chosen as the definition of "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested contained in the constitutional principle: "..The competitive part of homo sapiens will intrude upon " avoid depriving others of those rights..". And the principle means every "person" among the "cognitive attributes" of "homo sapiens" knows -- agreement or compromise or bipartisan -- is probably not a reality in terms of governing. And that is why "Concert measures" for "common good" and "mutual concerns" is in the definition of Congress.
Reducing the size, scope, and cost of government is not a concern of Socialism of Soros-Obama, except as it is allowed to diffuse itself throughout the continuum of 'individual' with 'individual as business' life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is removed, for the group-think of Social plunder. Reducing cost is not in the works. Reducing the "entitlements" which socialist's believe gets them "votes of numbers" is not a direction for the use of government for government's 'ownership of earnings'-taxpayer dollars; with the usurpation of those dollars as either the increase in a debt ceiling, or the cost of interest and principle via interest as cost of debt! Both devalue our dollar! This is the decision Soros-Obama have 'Forced and Dictated' by each's actions in the arena of governing and of "non-profit, re-education - indoctrination - and redefinition"; is presented to "We the People" the actual "persons" who hold responsibility for outcome, as a consequence of Obama's government of Executive Power.
- Right Now - Congressmember - you are the LEADERS - WITH FULL RESPONSIBILITY VERY SYNONYMOUS WITH EACH FOUNDER AT THE "1776 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION". For much of the reason for the writing had to do with money----didn't it? But, and this is the important principle: Not Money for a "Executive Branch usurpting power, and because of the nature of power when allowed to run rampant, because 'solely and exclusively - Only the Greater Number of anything Counts' or the Mass concept of Democracy with the Group-government defined-collective of Socialism.
"We the People with every citizen affected by $46+,000; AND more important, each of you are Our Republic Form of Government represented by Obedience to God's Laws as well as Integrity of our 391 year old " Nation under God.." with "Trust in God" with the 'full intent and purpose of the last sentence from "The Declaration of Independence.
391years of America, 235 years of "United States" attached to "America" is the 'perfect' time to Again Declare the 5W's and H of We the People: "..equal station to which the Laws of "Nature and Nature's God"... with "We hold these Truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..".
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
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