The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The effects of asking the wrong question.

from Breitbart TV:


Another example of a Lucifer Alinsky tactic in a tactic: "4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity." (A follower of Christ knows this Statement is intrinsically - False).  Don't limit this to God's Laws of religion because it is addressing the large number of 'persons' who have left organized, politically correct religion of 'collective, greater number' - including Catholic; -  rather than the discipline of obedience to the much tougher road to God's Laws.  Because this large group doesn't read The Bible or actively pursue "The Way, The Truth or The Light, they are easily swayed and have a lot of doubt; could have a Holy Ghost, but not know Who or What 'The Holy Trinity' is to their 'self' universe and/or can't hear the soft, quiet Holy Ghost Voice.

Jesus is like that in His 'Complete, Perfect Understanding Person' as two of many roles: The Leader and Teacher. He simply presents examples, parables, introduces characters and poetry with wisdom and knowledge of everything on and off this globe...He shows the path...'person' chooses it, interprets it, lives it, or not, represented by the continuum of 'one homo sapien at a time's cognitive attributes and characteristics. Our Lord God has no delegation of any other- of any description-just our Constitution's synonymous: "The individual component of the polity is the PERSON, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive (and in God's Love 'or not-cognitive', plants animals of life minute to gigantic) attributes (for purpose of 'governance and law' contained in "Constitutional Principles") of a member of the species HOMO SAPIENS.  This simple, practical, deeply religious, truth of 'person in self' before God is part of the magnificence of both Declaration and Constitution...but there's more.  You have to continue to learn..teach your personal network.. to find other Treasures of Mankind instilled with-in these two 'Gifts from God' through the lives, fortunes, and sacred honor of the founders.

Join-in Politics to move its important role to fight of the "politics of Socialism which delights, with Lucifer, in class warfare-discrimination-yelling fire when they are the fire causer's.

It is an unfortunate part of Breitbart, Fox, and all media  that name-calling is better than addressing the disobedience to God through disrespect, disregard, and absent 'Religion and Integrity' of office represented by the anti-law written by the Soros-Obama-CA greater number, group-think Socialist Legislature.

Reader, you must remember - person's die, or if they understand The Holy Trinity return to God -  their presence on the planet is very, very tiny when compared to the effect of their actions-deeds-lawful or "Displacement" away from Declaration and Constitution, with the Truths these two Documents are in application and in life of human-kind, in favor of 'person'.   The Socialist-open society-Zeitgeist is another example of violation of "Though shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor (understanding all meanings of neighbor).". ...never spoken of..but supported continually by its disguise: Democracy. With Democracy as collective or mass, mean greater number, opinion-generator regardless of God's Law, Justice, Fact.  This is represented by CA's new voter law of greater number (regardless of party - philosophy of government - membership) of #1 and #2 "vote-getters" and by the attempt to rid the United States of America of an important fairness The Electoral College Represents,named AB 459 or change to 'greater number of popular votes - only'.
But Lucifer does have and must have every possible combinations of descriptors to lump 'person' into groups, for that is how he works to destroy TRUST....the beginning point of ALL homo sapiens interactions and a difference with the other species of the Animal Kingdom, though love is one part of trust present in many - if not all animal groups.

Lucifer Alinsky with the current not-American expression of 'Greater Number', Group Identification as 'Community of Interest", 'cultural-environmental togetherness', 'union member', 'homosexual', 'teapartier', 'censorship', 'scientific concepts' and most egregiously - 'medical practice' against the person (which most don't even know exists);  regularly lumps 'person' into groups defined and designated by him via, (interestingly) 'a person' or a 'few designated persons' as DEFINED by application of Alinsky via Soro's groups-Obama's Czars-and members of Congress who act as or minions of collective-group-think. But it is Lucifer's 'absolute law' , all persons must obey Lucifer's defined concepts (Alinsky-Zeitgeist-collectivism of the dictatorships of Socialism, Radical jihad, government in Venezuela, China, N. Korea, too much of Islam and the Middle East - including the war of more than 30 years - not 10. God remains the Leader of 'self' as conscience - choice - the Way-Truth-and-Light.."Person" chooses - no group-think.

For this article, the other Alinsky Tactic is:  "10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign." AND: " 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. WITH Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'    Person to attack, that way Soros-open society and socialism represented by Obama, can steal 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" represented by the life you chose and choose - with all you love - by removing or neutralizing Article IV:4's promise and guarantee of a "Republican Form" of government  AB459 - Article II of CA's Constitution - Section 5 holds the number - not philosophy of government as more important - with name calling much more than issue.  One last Lucifer Law: Get rid of 'person' like Glenn Beck, The Only Man In Media who uses Television for what it is also designed: The Medium to Teach. In Glenn's work and mission: Wake-up America, Rome is burning is the place name.....Not The Law of God and of The Truth of America and the 5W's and H of our role on the Planet,  then with Global Nations in God's name... the Universe --- All Mankind's Next Frontier.
"One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other." (pps.127-134)".  You might think that this writer's comment is doing just that God v Lucifer.  But the mistake is not in the actions the names represent, but the '5W's and H in a Total, all Encompassing Universe with one-person-at-a-time-choice' is, at least, among the most important differences. Because only God would understand the totality of the 5W's and H of Lucifer's role among person-hood with 'government' without 'governance' intertwined

The question isn't "Why Do You Feel [Gays] are less than you?".  That is the Alinsky tactic.  The question is "Why should the 'group named homosexual' be allowed to perpetrate its choices on all persons when performance of sex is the Choice of one-person-one-at-a-time."?  Granted it is a sin as is any act which perpetrates 'force of action' against another's  personal choice; and on the continuum of evil, is somewhat minor when placed against the harm and wrong-doing represented by censorship-distortion-lie-especially to the very young who can't know unless taught (demonstrated by the 'X' and 'Y' generations) or any crime blue or white..including this government's lie described; i.e. number with opinion is much more important than "religion and integrity". This isn't to agree with homosexuality or any sexual deviation, just that when 'person' chooses, the act of sex isn't 100% of the 5W's and H of that person.  All life's choices are as varied as the number of humans present in all dynamics of life; the major reason the extreme of group-think is self-destructive with greater number, in placing artificial, man-determined, constraints to corral 'person', when only The Lord God is perfect enough to determine 'person' in His name.    

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