President's Proud of his ignorance and disrespect of Americans...
Homo Sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the NATURAL RIGHTS of LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of happiness (a.k.a. Freedom), AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid DEPRIVING OTHERS of those RIGHTS and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the POLITY (Person) as a WHOLE or for their COMMON POSTERITY (every 'person's children of our future). ("DECLARATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES", Jon Roland,".
There is not one location in any founding document that mentions amount of wealth, obtaining health care, sexual orientation, physical description, dietary habits, environmental living requirements, money management (except for bankruptcy), Research and Development with invention, exploration of God's Universe and this Globe, be determined and defined by goverment, at any level, but especially appointed, government agents of special group-named Union Member of Closed shop, working in 2600 Agencies of federal government, making 1000 Regulations for every 1-one- "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.".
Here is a basic concept which is totally absent from any grey-brain cells this man named President possesses as a member of homo sapiens: One Rich (greater than $250,000.00) Person decides to build a Home and lets place the home at the top of a hill, or the best choice of that "person's" description of Pursuit of happiness. This 'rich person' shall employ 10's of thousands of person's wealthy or not, in creating the rich person's definition of his happiness. NOT ONE RED CENT of Taxpayer Money is required to perform this feat of '.. billionaires (or slurs builder) same as plumber or teacher. ... makes me a warrior ...because the I see the class warfare as a wage against middle class for a decade now."
It doesn't really matter whether the '$251,000 person' uses as their tax-free Foundations of the wealthy to provide $7 million for a Gerontology Program for Nurses; or to increase the R&D, production and distribution of their products; to mentor (as Soros has for Obama); or to support the political-social-historical-religious-personal choice, - their contribution to this Nation is beyond measure...
And Remember, the wealthy's donations of private, public education as schlorships, DOES NOT include the 'earnings of person's taxe $$$$$$$$$, GIVEN AWAY as Grants for Obama care (1 million to each of the 122 new agencies, boards, study groups for 5 years, of this 'Flagship of Social Plunder' - not in any manner attached to quality, person-centered, physician delivered health care) and to education, now under the Executive Branch of government with student loans 100% Federal government provided at same interest rate as private loans, through the same "Patient Protection and Affordable Act".
This man named President does only see culture, sexual deviation, class, amount of wealth, race, all characteristics of mankind as the group-mind so important for socialism to organize againstsovereignty of person as "..endowed by thier Creator with certain unalianable rights..", "..assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.."
While 'persons' who think number, mass, collective of people as much more important than principle of representative republic form of government, they readily buy into this group-minded solution which has never worked in the history of mankind...all of it including the nations, people, and persons in The Bible!
So "Proud to have a class warfare badge of honor"...Yep -- it fits!
Here is the link to the video: