This "Super-blind and deaf-Committee" is totally devoted to the status quo of government with 2600 APPOINTED Agencies making 1000 Regulations for FCR while "We the People's" "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in 'a Congress'.." makes One - 1 - Law. We the People's Congress is silenced by the "Super-blind and deaf-Committee" so characteristic of Pelosi-Reid-Scummer-Czars- and at least 2 members of the Whitehouse with KNOWN TIES to the Islamic brotherhood - (the group building the community center on ground zero).
SINCE the acuity of 'blind and deaf' is so large that it cannot function unless the existing Soros-Obama-open society of social justice, absent the Laws of God; and choosing exclusively that information which fits into 'the UN usurpations' with Zeitgeist, THEN when the "up-down vote" is demanded and dictated -- do what Jesus instructs in Matthew: wipe your feet and your hands - then your back as you vote ABSOUTELY 'NO' to any work, at taxpayer expense, which occurs with this anti-law committee! The taxpayer expense means 'Vote NO' very fast to limit more waste of time along with money!!
The 'super' committee cannot even recognize it is absent any sense of priority for saving the tax-loophole, business owner who creates the "revenue" this and all levels of government have come to call: 'government's right to the property of citizens who earn their dollars'.
This confiscatory - killer shark - random search and destroy for the food named $$$$$$$$$$$$ REQUIRES RESPONSIBILITY WITH INTEGRITY from every "person" who thinks of them-self as AMERICAN of ONE NATION UNDER GOD before Party! This Pelosi-Reid styled form of Law-writing with their definition of permission given via the 16th Amendment blank Check - is totally void any concept that Government is the Reason for Trillions in Debt - loss of business with jobs, except in the 15% increase in closed-shop, union based bureaucratic employees - and increases in college education ($7000+ dollars for a Certificate Course in Private Edu) through don't expect a job unless you go to college - with college costs controlled, by government!!!
This 'super' disaster of a committee costing millions more of taxpayer dollars, cannot even comprehend that the first direction for saving taxpayer dollars is the 2600 Agencies that rule the roost while fettering away our Nation's Supreme Law via Regulations.
The super committee is absent any recognition of antilaw actions of the 2600 Agencies against "Constitutional Person and Person-as-business" exemplified by: Gibson Guitar's importing of ebony (several score years worth - legally) v. do as we say Department or we will put you out of business; HHS Director dictating that taxpayer's ($76,000+/citizen debt) money Shall be given to ILLEGAL ALIENS (Bastiat's Social Plunder - aka pirate treasure for young folk not of English Grammar); internet taxation and censorship by invisible-unaccountable content-software writers; 1 Salmonella Egg in 10's of thousands!; a form of E. Coli as fecal contaminent - well known to all food prep and handling - as a somehow requiring more regulation; takeover of not only public, but also Private education.....and so much more with 2600 hiring the 15% increase in workers - coincidentally members of SEIU - who receive the taxpayer money as a guaranteed retirement, very few private workers receive.
Leave the taxpayer as business alone -- Republicans...because 'We the People's' socialist-controllers of large Executive Branch Power government SHALL NOT leave business alone.
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