to Mitt Romney’s ‘history lesson’ ad" in; Rachel Weiner; 1/28/12 comment below:
Brokaw is a man who job is to report news. There is no "political gain" involved. Journalism's other name is "Educate and Inform the WHOLE MASS of THE PEOPLE. They are the ONLY SURE ALLIANCE for THE PRESERVATION OF OUR LIBERTY." Mr. Browkaw owns this responsibility as a Person with Cognitive attributes and member of the species Homo sapiens.
If Mr. Browkaw is afraid of the information he imparted to the public, he should resign his job description.
One the other hand, pointing out sin and wrong-doing of "person" is useless; unless connected as a pattern or predictor of future abilities to make decisions outside of the politics against "Religion and Morality". The other part of 'person' attacks is ..... "Let he who is without sin or mistakes.....cast the first stone". ----Especially granting that in Islam the stone shall ALWAYS BE THROWN for man as Mullah is above animal, vegetable, and mineral --- including air and water and even fire!
Mitt, Ron, Newt, Sara, Barak, George S., S. Alinsky, or any 'elected-we-the-people or just plain-tax-paying citizen-unending connection to government's self-ownership-Special Interest group producing $76,000/citizen debt; are all "One Person before their God" and "One Person before our Constitution"; and In Noah W.'s #4 definition of Congress: "Republican form of Representative government under Constitution". The Constitution is written from the Declaration which is an expression of man's covenant of rights from our Universe Creator - The Lord God and therefore Scripture.
Each person--alone -- is accountable. Some have already met their "accountable to God" status.
Accountability to God is; and was at the time our Founders NEVER A QUESTION - a Fact of "Eternal" and mankind's life here on earth. Each Founder, and for that matter colonist who fought against all odds, worked and devlivered Both to Give a Most Wonderful Gift to "their Posterity is US(A) 2009-Future fate to be decided on 11/6/2012.
The Enemy is not 'person'. The enemy is not "politics". The enemy is not "person as corporation". The Declaration and Constitution are not what is broken. One Person's accountability to God, to Nation, to self, and to "whole mass of the People" as one person's unalienable right to Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness.
The enemy is "Special interest, self-sustaining, monster-out of control government school board to to legislators of social plunder and anti-law with dictator control State, to lemmings in Congress, to God's Justice by "Opinion without interference absent Law", to the Departments by Czar of their form of Regulation by decree "unfettered by Supreme Law.
You really need to visit to see the imporance of the words Congress, Religion, Politics (especially this one), corporation, person, body, soul, whole versus group, mass versus assembly;... and let Noah lead you around his beautiful, research-relate-reflect-record/take action -- connected logic of "Republican form of Representative governme
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
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