Both Newt and Mitt are close to each other in their Day 1 and in the return to 'consent of the governed' government, but as Shawn says... going after each other doesn't help our Nation.
Mitt clarified Newt''s Ethics problem because of its implications; Newt answered with a tidbit: "George Soros supports Mitt.", squeezed in between Shawn's Q and Newt's Ans. Newt doesn't hold himself accountable by owning what was at least some mistake and responds to Mitt with a sure "Don't vote Mitt!" comment.
Newt has great plans and asks for input from "We the People". That's important! So is the fact that Pell grants or free taxpayer money is NOT removed. Right now, the entitlements for education at any level are out of the question - not at Federal Level - and neither Mitt - nor Newt are apparently willing to close Dp. of Edu at the Fed. Level. Though Mitt plans to return it to the States.
Neither candidate has been able to recognize or address "tyranny of the Majority" not answerable to their "Oath of Office" to support the "Anti-Law" such as the National Defense Act, Obama's directive to enforce LBJ's angry IRS reg. to define, by government what "Free exercise thereof means.. in the 1st -- so Obama's socialism can receive more taxpayer money as Donations; the 38% of States using coal for electricity shall end; and the EPA can still confiscate the property of "person" located for more than 50 yrs. on the edge of the FL Everglades.
Meaning neither Candidate is looking beyond their 4+ (hopefully) years in office to remove any semblance of regulation by definition and enforcement by 'agencies run by unions' of appointment. Remove quasi-anti-law regulation. Respect and Enforce our Declaration and Constitution's unalienable Laws of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness from State and Federal government .... and the Judicial System which defines and decides whether to even hear a case or not and then...too often has a totally predictable outcome before anyone enters the courtroom! Our Declaration and Constitution are not broken. "Religion as obedience to God's Law and Morality" of a Republican, Representative government is what is broken!!!! Our Flag is Up-Side-Down....and every Citizen Knows it! It remains for ALL candidates to work for our Nation of Constitutional Law....not party, rich man's purchase of influence -rather than support of principle; and Listen to the voice of the People!
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Cathy West CONSTITUTION 101: The meaning and History of the Constitution; Hillsdale / Imprimus College; Starts FEBRUARY 20, 2012 FREE AND ONLINE!!!! JUST DO IT, please! :-)