The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Balanced budget Amendment: How well do we obey...

the Constitution - now!?  How will Balanced Budget Amendment reduce the size of 2600 Agencies most of which write unconstitutional regulations as a 'standard operating procedure'?

The “Fair Tax” has a lot of nice ideas, but is absent or incredibly vague about addressing or changing government size...and it is applied to all means of Production and Distribution of goods and services ---- with the Federal Government as Congress makes the Regulations, definitions, investigations, and punishments for disobedience.  At least we know the “Devil of the IRS”.  The Fair Tax Federal level of don’t reduce government, just redistribute how taxes are levied... what happens to Mortgage Deductions is conspicuous by its absence. Do we need to add to Government???

"Opinion without Interference" is an expressed viewpoint with a bias in which a basis of fact, distorted or absent, is allowed because ethics is not considered at all in the argument.  Simply the rich Republicans have a “right to spend money to purchase opinion of Romney over Santorum – get rid of Romney — ignore, turn your back on with silence against - Gingrich via media and internet — and Never, Never, under any circumstance Ron Paul, the single-only-person of constitution- who has stated closing of EPA, EDU, Federal Reserve (bankers dream-$$$$$$$$$$$$); and with a plan to balance the budget with releasing our Nation’s assets in the first week of being in office.

Progressive’s feel the balance of budget by amendment; the "fair" tax; import taxes on corporations who have moved out of the US, so they have to pay their fair share of taxes; are, in each concept correct.  The Legislative Branch wants its power back;..does recognized usurpation and more of the Executive Branch; but not to reduce its own power or megalith size.  The cost of committees, the abandonment of party designations on Bills, Acts, Amendments – the love or ‘earmarks’ Santorum and many others which ignore ethics AND that the money is the same money from taxpayers whether from Local, County, State or Federal levels!!!!!!!! The Money from Taxes is not for revenue or profit via formation, definition, control, inspection, judgement and punishment by government at any level!  THIS FACT, ALONE, MAKES RON PAUL OUR NEXT PRESIDENT.

There is also a SEMI-NEW MYTH - actually grew with advent of “universal precautions”: disposable gloves ...; can be seen with the addition of the ‘body scanners’ in airports (not trains, buses or other transportation); and in many areas of animal, vegetable, and mineral government control.  What is it?  A so-called, skewed concept that government becomes the means of production by producing a regulation which ‘causes’ an increase in the private sector need for the product - especially if a union is involved.   Example: Disposable Gloves after AIDS was more than 3 years old - symptoms and disease progression, not well known. While gloves were not mandatory at the onset of AIDS, it is now but only through the “compulsion of conscience (Noah’s words)” of ‘you’re not going to wear gloves — how can you function in patient care without gloves?’.   You have to understand that in medicine and in nursing — to this day — the best protection against any contamination is ‘First Wash Your Hands” and NOT with antibacterial soap (kills the good germs - as well as bad).  And you have to be aware that Disposable gloves were on the way out as even necessary to medicine (not surgery where you have to learn with much practice how to place and remove gloves with limits inherent). Maybe 1 box in 3 or 4 months were used at first.  That how you use and wear the gloves, how and when put on and remove – all effect the glove’s effectiveness as “prevention”.  So when you see gloves... watch how often changed or removed... if at all in some places.   Body Scans you can do yourself...because you know who received what money for RandD, under what Branch, and what part of Natural Rights is abandoned in order to continue Progressive ‘compulsion of conscience’ for government’s all encompassing cost of their definition of provision of safety and protection.

In California, it is actually written into the Constitution as a “right to safety” provided and defined by government.  Not even God provides safety from life’s adversities....including suitcase bombs and other array of attack named “THREAT” of fear, in this case.  Many of you younger Americans may not be aware that the reason you learn self-conscience, survival techniques, using tools including guns, and all outdoor camping and ‘make-shifting’ is your Own Protection and those you need to protect —AND  is the source of your ‘person’ of safety skills internal and external. Young People – it doe not exist in the “yes-No binomial TOOL named computer”. Computers are not substitutes for mankind’s decisions – any more than surveys, polls, and “opinions without interference”or ‘opinoins purchased for $$$$$.

No government or other person, can learn for you; and if you do not learn...then ‘each-one-of-you become slavers to government. Parents give opportunity, but do not interfere with learning adversity and both internal and external survival of mind, heart, soul, and body as the external.

Government as the source... is only chaos and disaster for “Minority of One Protected”

... “We the People” are NOW experiencing Exactly As The Mayflower Compact Americans; The Colonists of 1776; the worlds of Hitler, Hussain, Amadinejad, H. Chavez, H. Jinteo with our own Obama-UN-EU Socialist, borderless nations and jurisprudence controlled by aged Soros - his minions and possibly heir apparent in Obama (never underestimate Lucifer and look at what Obama has accomplished, albeit not alone!).

We Must not Compromise. We Must Perform All Required to return to choosing “Religion (obedience to God’s Laws) with Morality (doing the right for those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver).”.    This ‘Founding Father’s Patriot’ is officially “Whenever a citizen or other person becomes aware of a threat to the stae and the constitution, he or she has the duty to issue a CALL-UP to the militia, even if he or she is the only person present, and ALL PERSONS who receive that CALL-UP have a duty to respond and act as a militia (VOTERS) to meet the threat (not a threat - a reality of fact). In the context of the social contract, an act of “self-defense” is more properly described as a call-up of the militia, consisting of oneself, to defend the state and the constitution, also represented by oneself.” [Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland].

Government gets to control the private sector simply by making regulations.  WOW, what a concept and discovery...right?  What a reason NOT to reduce size!  What a reason to abandon “enumerated powers”! What a reason to make regulations from EPA for air, water, land, animal, vegetable, and mineral use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

What a reason to abandon the magnificence of logic, knowledge, wisdom which our Founders so beautifully  intertwined:  The Bible to the Declaration - to the Constitution - to the Representative Republican form of government of Oath of Office / “Rule of Law” - “Pledge of Allegiance” to “obedience to God’s Law / “Religion and Morality” // to “The individual component of the polity is the PERSON, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the NATURAL RIGHTS of life, liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive TO AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS OF THOSE RIGHTS..”.

For Progressives, Knowledge and Wisdom toward Truth, a.k.a "religion and morality", is not really important to America right now. compromise to the middle ground is, has been and always will be the best strategy.

WATCH OUT FOR THIS ONE: "ANY REPUBLICAN IS BETTER THAN OBAMA."  Enormous Lie and mis-concept, right?   Our Party is infiltrated.  You can recognize these "Republicans" by their support of the above; by their refusal to even consider reducing government size; and most of all ---- their Abandonment for consideration, of any words or work of our Founders in Declaration and Constitution.

WATCH OUT FOR: “That’s your opinion. Often combined with “I have a right to mine.”  May or may not be combined with “That’s your opinion.”.  You may find yourself thinking “No. That is a fact.”....Say so! Stop the distortion!

These Progressives do recognized the Truth of the Founding Documents; but are more ignorant (never taught in State-Fed run public school)  and easily mis-informed about the “Founding Documents do not apply in modern world.”. The ‘argument’ is reinforced because of many years of lip-service; and because “God’s Law” with Ethics are not applied... except where very apparent as in same-sex marriage or abortion supported by the Obama Socialists of Open-society.   Soros is and has moved into the Progressive array of American... The Amendment to remove “Electoral College” to “greater number” is Soros with socialist states of the ‘popular’ vote or “top-two vote getters regardless of political affiliation” is Progressive as well as socialist.

THIS REPRESENTS THE PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN; and possibly the old Democratic party that has been placed with gags in Congress by the Socialists. It also includes: no reduction is size of government; and a "mandatory clause"  to continue the Progressive Health Care Plan with Fed-Private - emphasis on the Executive side of the Fed through refusal to move healthcare to the States.

It is worth the effort to attempt to inform...change their ‘opinion without interference’ the “George Orwell-Newspeak”; back to “Religion and Morality” of Republican Representative Government under God, Constitution, Declaration.  Many of these mis- or absent information Republicans can change.... . We can hope that Our Great History of Defending self and Others from domination, extinction, subjection to tyranny will prevail with these few men and women of our Party of Principle with “CA-GOP Bylaw 1.01: Section 1.01 PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES
The Committee's principles are based upon the precepts of our Nation's Founding Fathers as reflected in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, with particular emphasis upon the rights of the individual, limited governmental powers and equity under the law.
The Committee affirms its belief in the free enterprise economic system, private property ownership, individual rights and representative government. The Committee shall forever be open, accessible to all and answerable to the people of the State of California.”.

Paul Ryan, Duncan Hunter, possibly Orrin Hatch, Brian Bilbray, some candidates for Senate against Feinstein; and other Candidates for office.  It is important to ask your candidates about HOW they plan to reduce government; DO they recognize that the problem of taxation belongs to government size...and Our Nation dies if megalith, socialism of popular / greater number / group membership defined by government as ‘mass-collective people’. Do they understand the need for Private to increase from 1% over the Government’s 15%; and

A key: Do They Recognized each-one-person-of Constitution - in the MAJORITY or greater number OWNS EQUAL ACCOUNTABILITY to obedience to God’s Law and ethics as expressed in Constitution and Declaration... “No majority, however great even all of the people BUT ONE INDIVIDUAL – may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of ANY MINORITY, however small – even a minority of a lone Individual - as Person of Constitution.”

Socialist, with some of the Progressives, see “Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the PEOPLE COLLECTIVELY, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens.” as Democracy. Democracy and majority do have a place – we are “a Democracy IN A REPUBLIC; and the majority does rule...just not without “religion, morality, or “supreme Law of the Land”.

Regarding EPA, AB32's carbon-lie-footprint law, here is one other Constitutional Principle: “Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of LEGAL PROCESS. Inanimate objects (air, land, water, vegetable, mineral) and living objects (body parts, animal) not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.  In scripture, this is man’s accountability for the stewardship of growth, production, development of animal, vegetable, and mineral for both kinds of objects; for that is how mankind uses the body suitcase for the “soul” which returns to God - depending on how each-one-unique-in-the-world Person conducts the ownership of “self” and “self” as One which is “..and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity.” .  The Whole Is The Sum of Each One of its Parts.


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