The state of government declares that shipping boxes via a private carrier, Fedex, UPS, Courier, requires the ‘shipper person’ to show an “Identity Card”.
But the state of government does not require that “Identity Card” if the ‘shipper person’ uses the public carrier named Untied States Postal Service. AND
The state requires searches with seizure of property, with or without scanners at airports to be sure ‘person’ does not carry instruments of disaster on airlines.
But the state of government does not required searches of ‘person’ at bus, taxi, train, boat or other forms of private, ‘person as business’ transportation.
Now in many States, and soon to be considered here in California: “person” must prove they are the person they say they are”. The proof is the “Identity Card” - an absolute for preventing voter fraud.
There is no prevention of voter fraud, because there is no possible prevention from fraud as the lie and misrepresentation with distortion of fact, available to man......EXCEPT as “In God We Trust”.
Please see “A Tale of Two Cities”. More important - if you are 55 years or younger - this is mandatory.... for you have no memory; and if ‘educated’ in the public school systems of this Nation - absolutely no facts - such as contained herein. You are ignorant. That’s not a crime. [Of course, not all of is a correct use of the word 'collective'; but this writer is included!]
The crime is in REFUSING to obtain the needed information so “The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy the gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people; then shall we both deserve and enjoy it. While, on the other hand, if we are universally vicious and debauched in our manners, though the form of our constitution carries the face of the most exalted freedom, we shall in reality be the most abject slaves. (Samuel Adams)”.
“Threat” is the Czar’s of Obama regime newspeak word for mandatory compliance. Definition of Threat - n.: “A menace; denunciation of ill; declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, loss or pain on another. Threaten - v.t.: 1. To declare the purpose of inflicting punishment, pain or other evil on another, for some sin or offense; to menace. God threatens the finally impenitent with everlasting banishment from his presence. 2. To menace; to terrify or attempt to terrify by menaces; as for extorting money. To send threatening letters is a punishable offense. 3. To charge or enjoin with menace, or with implied rebuke; or to charge strictly.
Let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in his name. Acts 4.
4. To menace by action; to present the appearance of coming evil; as, rolling billows threaten to overwhelm us. 5. To exhibit the appearance of something evil or unpleasant approaching; as, the clouds threaten us with rain or a storm. “.
The state of government declares that by requiring ‘person’ to comply their Regulations carrying the weight of social, body-law to the tiniest, possible threat; it will never occur.
That the government can prevent wrongdoing, criminal activity, fraud simply by requiring the nearly complete majority of ‘person’ to prove for state agency’s purposes ‘person’ is absent criminality via fingers as prints and criminal record summaries; and can identify themselves via a card..
The Newspeak of the word “Threat” is ABSENT truth of Opinion as Probability.
Threat = minuscule evidence that the measure, regulate in law, whatever object of body-law, social justice is “..all the evidence needed and needs no more evidence to prevail over..(”Presumption of Innocence” at” .
THREAT of.... pervades all Life, Liberty, and Pursuits of “We the People” and of all aspects of czar - government control of animal, vegetable, and mineral assets of the United States of America - nationally; and both the United Nations as Agenda 21 and the European Union as control of nation’s financial systems with jurisprudence determined and defined by these entities. UN and EU are 'body law' absent the 'soul' of Religion of obedience to God’s Laws.
The United States IS NOT ABSENT obedience to God’s Laws.
But, through “body-law” / social committee law of mass over “soul-law” / sovereignty of person One with God and One with Constitution.
“Religion and Morality” - the basis of “person” of our Supreme Law of the Land - lies “IN GOD WE TRUST”. Jesus teaches “Love your neighbor as yourself”; and Shakespear states in “Hamlet”: “To thine own self be true, thou canst not then be false to any man.”.
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, Noah Webster’s definition of Love is well worth reading from 4years of age to 105. Here are the pertinent words: “..In short, we love whatever gives us pleasure and delight, whether animal or intellectual; and if our hearts are right, we love God above all things, as the sum of all excellence and all the attributes which can communicate happiness to intelligent beings. In other words, the christian loves God with the love of complacency in his attributes, the love of benevolence towards the interest of his kingdom, and the love of gratitude for favors received. .. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -.”.
Purpose of LOVE’s definition is to connect it to the word TRUST: “1. Confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person. He that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. Prov.29. 2. He or that which is the ground of confidence. O Lord God, thou art my trust from my youth. Ps.71.
3. Charge received in confidence. Reward them well, if they observe their trust. 4. That which is committed to one's care. Never violate a sacred trust. 5. Confident opinion of any event.
His trust was with th' Eternal to be deem'd Equal in strength. 6. Credit given without examination; as, to take opinions on trust. 8. Something committed to a person's care for use or management, and for which an account must be rendered. Every man's talents and advantages are a trust committed to him by his Maker, and for the use or employment of which he is accountable.
9. Confidence; special reliance on supposed honesty. 10. State of him to whom something is entrusted. I serve him truly, that will put me in trust. 11. Care; management. 1 Tim.6.
Here’s OPINION: “1. The judgment which the mind forms of any proposition, statement, theory or event, the truth or falsehood of which is supported by a degree of evidence that renders it probably, but does not produce absolute knowledge or certainty. It has been a received opinion that all matter is comprised in four elements. This opinion is proved by many discoveries to be false. From circumstances we form opinions respecting future events.
Opinion is when the assent of the understanding is so far gained by evidence of probability, that it rather inclines to one persuasion than to another, yet not without a mixture of uncertainty or doubting. PROBABILITY: 1. Likelihood; appearance of truth; that state of a case or question of fact which results from superior evidence or preponderation of argument on one side, inclining the mind to receive it as the truth, but leaving some room for doubt. It therefore falls short of moral certainty, but produces what is called opinion. Probability is the appearance of the agreement or disagreement of two ideas, by the intervention of proofs whose connection is not constant, but appears for the most part to be so. Demonstration produces science or certain knowledge; proof produces belief, and probability opinion. 1. Any thing that has the appearance of reality or truth. In this sense, the word admits of the plural number.
The whole like of man is a perpetual comparison of evidence and balancing of probabilities.”
Please use Noah’s dictionary. Look, Learn the results of Threat - Love -
LOVE connected to TRUST = Obedience to God’s Laws = The Declaration and The Constitution.
“Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the spot of every wind. With such persons, gullability, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck. (Thomas Jefferson)”
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