..consider themselves not required to participate “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. ANY statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and null and void from inception.”.
Here’s how:
“Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action in law.”
Currency and financial forms of exchanging money - for whatever purpose are inanimate objects.
1) When Wells Fargo, other banks and credit unions, receive an individual’s revenue as a check, or wire transfer, from whatever resources, including government, part of the amount of the check is withheld so that the stated value is less than what is received from the payer source. When the individual shops utilizing the wire transfer named ‘Debit Card’, many times the debit card deny’s the purchase because of insufficient funds. The funds are not insufficient because the individual just made a deposit; but the Banks do not recognize the total deposit because the wire transfer of funds from the payer to the individual is not completed until after ‘x’ hour the next day after the deposit occurred.
When asked why the full value of the check is not deposited, but held by the bank, informed the requirement is a federal regulation. When asking the bank which part of the Federal Government [has the power to intercede between the business of two private “Person” or “corporate persons”]; there was no answer among the staff in the little grocery store bank-office. In one case, the bank held more than 1/3rd of $3k over a four-day-holiday weekend — Friday through Tuesday.
2) Entry and Exit from free-standing bank offices, is now a double-door, gun proof, sealable portal. Unless a person requires a physical assist, all entry and exit is “Single” one, person at a time, and so states on a sign at one location...absolutely nothing at another. This ‘other location’ not only had no sign, but also, while plainly open for business, did not unlock the outside entry door or the second inside entry door, until after several tries at pulling open the door while wondering what the heck was going on!
When inquiry to teller was made regarding the why of the double door, she answered the obvious prevention of gun-toting thievery and shooting. Commented that [gun-toting] thievery had been occurring since the beginnings of mankind with currency.; but what is really stated by the doubled-door entry - is this: 99.8% of individuals utilizing the bank office have no intention of robbing anything.
The inanimate object “money” is protected from threat; while the “Soul” of an individual’s honor with Trust Is - erased...
Since God’s Law of our Declaration AND Constitution as well as ‘ethics’ are not required in any aspect of ‘inanimate object or living object law’; AND
Since “The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights.” Person is comprised of “Body” and “Soul”.
In law, “body” is temporal, living object; and “Soul” is God’s Laws a.k.a. ethics for those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver. If you want to use the word “spiritual”, then the 1828 word did mean ecclesiastical, substance of man which included soul; but the 2012 meaning includes “relating to supernatural beings or phenomena”. This additional meaning allows wizards, superman, transformation between inanimate objects with or without any relation to person’s “Soul” of Scripture or Ethics, to become synonymous with “No Universal Truth”.
The effect of supernatural beings or phenomena is to subject God’s Laws to inanimate objects entry restriction - to protect money.
Remember Law is God’s Law as stated in the Mayflower Compact as the reason to arrive in America. Religious and societal intolerance contributed to people leaving all of Europe, in order to practice God’s word as the teachings of Jesus Christ with the Apostles: “I am in my Father. My Father is in me. I am in you. You are in Me. Obey my laws.”; with “Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.”.
To clear the sort of synonymous meanings of “ethic” and “morality” from our Founding Father’s “Religion and Morality” relating to Declaration and Constitution: ‘Ethics’ are lessons of duty and the reasons for morality and social manners. “Morality: ”The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed. The system of morality to be gathered from the writings of ancient sages,.”.
When money requires more protection than “person” of morality and righteousness, then object rules supreme over “Rule of Law”.... money as a regulator of entry - exit of a bank by the trust of “Person” under our Constitution; then the Principles of “Rule of Law” become debased allowing all animal, land, air, water, money, time greater value than “soul” of an individual’s ability to control his life, liberty, and pursuits...the essence of person.
The principle(s) behind the “Only person and “persons” of corporation which is comprised of person may be parties in law. ..”, is what is removed.
You might answer “Isn’t that a bit of over-kill. The double doors aren’t important; protection from the threat or even prevention of robbery... is the better choice of outcome.”. ..But is it?
Take the prevention of robbery. Bet you pictured guns, masks, sirens, and all manner of helter-skelter, right!? What about the other kinds of robbery: – regulation which withholds the ‘trust of 100% of the deposit you made of your earnings or receipts’ at the hour that teller receives your properly endorsed check?
Is the bank taking responsibility? Nope! You are. Do you have a choice? Well, yes some of you do. You could quit using the bank. Problem is that wire transfers and business in general over states and nations, make this very cumbersome to say the least. It is a good idea to perform business with cash, but that’s difficult also. Common sense says that using credit cards is unsafe for personal and family security.
Some individuals have no choice and must use a bank, because the Social Security 1/2600 government agencies has declared they are not going to print checks and mail them to the citizens who worked and had money removed from their pay checks for 40 years or more. Another form of robbery.
Government’s spending which has exceeded not only revenues, but also interest to pay for the loans from enemy Nations, contributes to the dilution of currency value. Now the proper 1 agency of 2600 is threatening to remove, again, Gold form ownership of the private property of persons... because all over-spending Shall Be With consequences. Do you really think government is going to surrender or stop stripping person and persons as corporation - the 1% of growth versus the 15% of government growth....
Truth and Trust are removed. Truth and Trust are Person.. As well as Person in corporation. Destruction of these two Axioms, alone, will destroy our America. Destruction of Truth and Trust allow “Thou Shalt not bear False Witness” to become “Thou shalt lie, distort, misinform, ignore and deny the conscience as “soul” of persons who join to become the ‘horn’ in the Socialist orchestra of inanimate objects without any regard to the sound of cacophony resulting from the mass, collective of horns...bearing in mind that the ‘sound’ must derive from the “soul” of the individual who happens to hold onto the horn for the conductor of the cacophony.
Unaccountable, power, disregard for anything other than power with what appears control, but is really chaos! That’s the reason the bank placed the single, file, bullet proof, double-doors...That and it prevents people from running into the bank to withdraw what’s left of their earnings after the bank fails... forget FDIC because it’s a government also...no accountability, honor religion or morality — just inanimate object.
Gets scarey doesn’t it! Don’t be!
The Declaration and Constitution were written by our Founding Father’s who knew full-well the nature of both government and mankind, the actions which did and will occur. The worse enemy of “We the People” is We the People in our ignorance of : 1) our strength In God We Trust - simply returning to the values of God’s Law; 2) Speaking out with demand for “Acts” to be taken to stop - unconstitutional violations – We the People do comprise “a court of competent jurisdiction” – We do have Authority with Power because of our “Religion and Morality” contained in the logic and intertwining of The Three Documents: Declaration, Constitution, and Word of God.
Notice we just went full circle right back to inanimate object: Declare to banks that money is not over person — that their regulation is not tolerable. Since the Banks are the Federal Reserve - The Quasi-Government of our money... then the Federal Reserve is abolished or “provided new guards for their security”...Ron Paul’s long fight is the correct fight — many others agree with Rep. Paul!
Americans in banking since after 1800 have been doing business with Banks ever since. In fact, Banks had to persuade people to put their earnings into the bank...Americans didn’t just do it – Banks Had To Give The Trust of the Payer of a written check to the recipient depositor....And We - as Americans are Honest with Integrity. Many of us to this day and date, make arrangements with valuables of all sorts by handshake or even just mutual agreement with the integrity inherent in the verbal agreement.
There is also the robbery of deficit spending expressed as $76,000.00 per tax-paying citizen on our now 15Trillion dollar debt. It takes more paper, and the Federal Reserve with the Treasury is happy to print the paper. Too Soon, the paper will not be big enough. Will the government suffer - nope! Government is not tangible and not accountable in any manner ---- except the “Religion and Morality” of the integrity of each and every elected person in Congress. Remember while the 2600 agencies which have grown 15% in the Obama Regime, continue to roll-out unlimited regulations as “Codes” with the effect of Law ---- Never, under any circumstance interfered with by any member of Congress ... So this man as a President continues to plant his despotic schemes against The United States of America....and Each-One-Person protected under its Declaration and Constitution
Last, the young, Naturalized, OWS-age teller said “Government. What does it matter? Borderless nations will take over.”. Then near the end of the interchange of remarks, with happy, smiling face: “Oh I can do that! Ask me anything you want from the Declaration or Constitution. Test me. I can quote any part you want.” Answered with “There is a lot more to the Declaration and Constitution than the words on paper.”. The teller doesn’t know that I would know what borderless nations refers to... or even, government doesn’t matter.
Do you see? Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness are removed because double-bullet proof doors are inanimate objects of exclusion of your “Person” as earner, buyer, seller and activities for yourself and your posterity as well as those who are friends and neighbors... of “Love thy Neighbor as thyself.”.
“Corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public [and private] revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded.”
- History of the United States :: 1832 bu Noah Webster
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
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