The National Bank and Trust - National Banker’s Association, as integral to the unknown financial arrangement of currency via The Federal Reserve, shall not allow dollar amounts on paper checks to become recognized as currency payable upon demand, until 72 hour passes, or unless there is enough available wire or real currency in the recipient/owner/payee of that paper check. Declaring “Yes you are responsible for the money!” on the paper check.. And therefore the person who wrote you the check. Thus removing inherent Trust required of financial exchanges among mankind on this globe – but especially here in America of 1620 where God’s Law is over “object law”. Person is the polity of the Constitution. Person is comprised of both “body-temporal” and “soul-spiritual” with morality for those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver. Sharia Law is Object Law.
Wells Fargo and probably other banks are changing the entry to their physical building named bank. Now, even if elderly, husband or wife, or any “Person” accompanied by an other ‘Person’ shall enter and leave the premises, — One Person at a time, and Only with the clearance of the camera’s security system. There is a ‘person’ available to push the button which allows the passage of a Person to enter into the rhelm of controlled currency – bank; and to exit that same rhelm. Don’t forget — photos work inside the bullet proof, double-door compartment of restricted use! Ostensibly for protection and safety from old-fashioned thieves with guns and such paraphernalia.... Forgetting that thieves – especially of a government nature — often steal without the required use of weapons.... It’s called currency as the method of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit, loans for risk/benefit of proposed business or whatever, a “Person” chooses as happiness.
$6.17 received for recycling plastic and aluminum — But “Person” Shall have a photo, auto license number, driver’s license photocopied...or the $6.17 Shall Not Be Paid, and with difficulty because everyone complies,.... the aluminum and plastic bottles Shall Not be Returned should that ‘Person’ decide not to comply. Of course the “government warning right by legislative code” is posted, but not where someone new to this intrusion can leave in advance of the anti-law act.
Twenty-Six Professions and several Trades in the State of California, and in all government offices of closed-shop, tax-payer supported retirement and medical care, Shall be finger-printed with State and Federal Criminal Record checks [Section 6201 of Obama Socialist Health Act - Usurpation now makes it a Federal Law enforceable nationwide].
Thus, most of California and the United States of America working, earning “Persons”of California with Obama’s Executive Branch appointed Federal Regulation Code as Law - since life, liberty, and pursuits can be affected. Failure of “person” to comply results in 1) cannot enter the profession if a student; 2) cannot continue profession if compliance is refused; 3) Shall Not Be Hired - regardless of other qualifications based on resume’. These requirements + drug testing of fluids from body orifices are often requirements of the private, business sector. Accused criminals and totally righteous persons---- all persons fingerprinted, but not all criminal record check; for that requires not only a specific person; but also the code of the specific crime committed for the release of the “summary” or reason for the check..
Since Man’s Object* Law does not allow forgiveness, Only God with a few good “persons” who allow opportunity for Trust, shall help a convicted any person to get work; except the “object crime of child molestation. That ‘object crime’ is much worse than the ‘object of crimes’ of rape, murder, incest, physical and mental abuse of any person; robbery of the minds of children who are defenseless against the decisions of educational contents by adults designated as teachers, professors, Legislatures or the individuals comprising local - state -federal Boards and Departments of education – sexual deviations, biased-slanted history interpreted by individuals chosen by the objects as letters after their names bestowed by colleges and universities which really don’t require a difference anymore. Colleges are synonymous with universities in the absence of learning for Truth over ‘objects per subject’.
Newest for many States, soon to be here in California unless persons recognize God does rule over man — especially in Law: Identity Cards...for in general and in addition to the Driver’s License; and... to identify that you are who you say you are - in order to exercise your Amendment IX “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”: Vote. A citizen’s right, privilege, and duty to vote as “Consent of the Governed”;...And;
with Initiatives and Referendums - REMOVE “Consent of the Governed” from the State’s legislature of majority without “Oath of Office” in writing Laws and Governor(s) who support the majority without: “All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.”. “No majority, however great even all of the people But One Individual — may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small — even a minority of a Lone Individual.”
Most individuals know the first 10 Amendments have the name “Bill of Rights”, but only a small minority of “Persons” know that the First Eight Amendments are Government and Private Protection of “Person” — the component basis of Constitution in our Republican form of Representative Government. — That this Protection is from:“WE HOLD these TRUTHS to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR (God is Our Creator) with certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, that AMONG these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. — That to secure these RIGHTS, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the governed..” interconnected with “We the People in order to form a more Perfect Union, Establish Justice, ..” .
“We the People” know in this election with all primaries, that Object Law takes precedence over the Law of Man stated succinctly above as Declaration Is Law Connected To Constitution and Both are Intertwined with Scriptures. The Founding Documents are Sacred Law.
“Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law May Not Be Parties To An Action In Law [!!!]”.
Government - an object - cannot declare money - an object - subject to regulation — especially against the Natural Rights of Man from God as Life: air, land, water, animal, vegetable, mineral and any accruement required to One-Person’s Life, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor.
Right now, Person as One with accountability to God and One before Both our Founding Documents are making the choice to comply, conform, cooperate, and collapsing ‘each-one person’s life, liberty, and pursuits to “Objects Law” in preference to God’s Law.
Persons, all walks of life, choosing to obey ‘objects’ have also committed their Posterity to the objects.
. Americans, the OWS Age has no knowledge...and they regard the “others” as US(A) older types who just don’t understand groups without history or ability to critical think with spoon-feeding of selected parts of life, forget liberty, and happiness...forget pursuit because the group tells you what happiness is –
Well, Folks — especially those of you with head in sand - in some phase of Elisabeth Kubler Ross’ “Grief and Loss” — it is past time TO ACT and NOT BE ACTED UPON; to stop this insult by conceited, few men fools assisting evil;...and the cocoon of the sticky-web woven by that nasty, black widow spider with the red dot on her tummy.
Person doesn’t realize Truth and Trust of God’s Law is absent in man’s rule named object law – but demonstrated as above: currency control concomitant with financial exacerbated by “America’s Financial Security Act and extra-legal/absent Representative government of Federal Reserve - few men as private banks; guilt until person proves self innocent to the State..and now Federal Government; identity is properly secured.... Please see Victor Hugo’s “A Tale of Two Cities” - a village where no-one works, lives, interacts unless “papers” are available and Paris where long lines await entry with papers which allow the movement between village and Paris; then there is Jean Val Jean’s story with all the supporting characters interactions or absent thereof.
*OBJECT defined: Immanuel Kant’s “Philosophy of Law” - mine and thine right;
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