predicted in Orwell's "1984" called "Doublethink*" as follows:
---The (20 as employee and Ambassador and(21) as dues+other incidental) UN's Agenda 21-Human Habitation /Global Warming is embraced with love and affection by (1) Executive Order, then implemented by decree through (2)EPA to all cities(3) within all States(4) as "city plan - (5)Housing Development". The EPA enforces the EIR((6)Environmental Impact Report, (7)CO2 [think AB#@ traded on NY Stock Exchange] -smog impact report) via (8)"Fine" to the City.---The (9)State of California (16-Members of Article I, II, III), among the several nearly bankrupted States, uses (10) the 433 Cities within - to form the State Level AB32 Global Warming - City Planning Department Controlled by the (11)State as (12)Governor Salary and approximately (3 or 4 (13)pensions already in place. The governor (14)fines the several cities, always picking on the ones with balanced, carefully worked-out and fiscally responsible service to the city's residents -- "The Consent of the Governed (We don't get a (number)"---to "(15)fine each for some government defined, self-power-monger, wrong----? And
Any resemblance to the Declaration as " assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect..; and Constitution in our Republican form of Representative Government to PROTECT the SOVEREIGNTY of One Person, Each State, and the Nation with its boundaries, with God's Laws in Scripture as its origin, ---is a HUGE VIOLATION of "(17) Modern, supreme, secular Rule of Law", by the view of Open Society Socialist "Majority" of "right-wrong" determination, by social Anti-Law of power submission, subservience, or coercion when social power is circumvented by person working for Love of God and Love of Nation Under God, supported - rarely, if ever opposed by the Members of Article III Judiciary. ....
BTW, American Citizen (Numbers 1 to 20) are all supported by 'Pensions' which guarantee return on interest $$ placed -- and the indoctrination via (18)college edu. for the employees among the (Numbers 1 to 20); and don't forget the (19)substructure represented by gardens, water, electricity, food, cleanliness, safety, etc, is the reason you Don't Get A Number---- MR.MRS, MS, SINGLE, MARRIED TAXPAYER---
There's More, actually related to the opening question regarding "Orwell's Satire of the demise of Both Great Britain and our Nation: DOUBLETHINK ---- All fines between the branches and levels of government -- and remember we didn't address the County level at all --- are the movement of our taxpayer dollar's -- That's right the same city tax dollar pays the same county tax dollar of the same tax dollar to the State and to the Open Society Socialist Plunder -- Federal Dollar... and EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE AT EVERY SINGLE LEVEL OF A CLOSED SHOP UNION WHOSE ADMINISTRATION IS, ITSELF, FORCE -POWER-AND DICTATE!!
"The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness** which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty [or "equity]." Fisher Aims, speech at the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1/15/1788.
Among our American losses is "I rejoice in a belief that intellectual light will spring up in the dark corners of the earth; that freedom of enquiry will produce liberality of conduct; that mankind will reverse the absurd position that the many were made for the few; and that they will not continue slaves in one part of the globe, when they can become freemen in another." -- George Washington, Fragments of the Draft First Inaugural Address, April 1789
George Orwell's Predictions are updated and soon to be available at Amazon Books by David A. Goodman, The Leading Authority on "1984";
licentiousness means "1. Using license; indulging freedom to excess; unrestrained by law or morality; loose; dissolute; as a licentious man. 2. Exceeding the limits of law or propriety; wanton; unrestrained; as licentious desires. Licentious thoughts precede licentious conduct.
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