The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Senator McConnell has been instructed

Like the famous “golf picture” some months back with Representative Boehner. The one where The President places his 5-stiff-finger-salute on Speaker Boehner’s back, Sen. McConnell has been informed of the consequences of opposing The President’s attack on our Nation named “Patient Protection and Affordable Act”.

You see, the President, has built-into his destruction of “Rule of Law”, The Cost in Earthly, worldly terms - money unlawfully extracted from taxpayer resources.  Thus allowing continued veneration of this worldly, all important form of  “Majority Rule by Power and Force”, blackmail; which combined with “Majority Number”, or Majority - Time, over-rule “Religion and Morality” of Oath of Office and God’s Law.

 The God’s Law: “What use is earthly riches, if you lose your soul?”   Is the loss of Protection of Sovereignty of unique in the world “Person” as “Minority of One Protected, State or Nation’s - Soul” written as earthly Law named Declaration and Constitution worth this Homo Sapiens with cognitive attributes gone astray? What use is the money lost for medical care, if the Nation falls due to the denial of the laws relating to the tool called money?

Yes, there will be the losses of money required for the care of those “We the People” who suffer for this man’s plan to finish the accomplishment of Open Society Law of oppression, submission, and control of all means of “Religion and Morality” as “Do unto others..”.  It is the Consequence All Our nation, like ALL Nations on this Planet, Must and Shall suffer.

Our Nation made a terrible, soul-retching mistake in denying what our Founders tried, so hard, to protect US(A) from ever experiencing.  We forgot and did decide to experience denying absent and reduced righteousness.

We must take our punishment. We must “cut our loses”, or we doom ourselves and of course the ignorance of our Youth, to a very deep, dark pit we have already entered.  GB and many Nations have been yelling and warning US(A); but of course, with “Party Blind, Deaf, stiffnecked”, while perhaps heard by not enough to ‘move’ others off their seats of disaster. .; But

We Must Take The Punishment – not matter what the consequences of the money loss – and that does mean all the tool money loss required. Scarey Yes. Foolhardy – No; for the pit is dark and deep; and ignorance prevails in the youth -!  If this Open Society Socialist continues, the cost of exit will take scores of years...and that is assuming “The Minority of One Person Protected” can maintain their beliefs and precepts of God in Truth; for we have a lot of youth who do know The Supreme Law of teachings in Scripture and reality of Soul.

We Must Say, and take action to correct, we Have Made a Terrible, wrong turn in our Nation’s Soul of Governance in Truth and Righteousness.

Senator McConnell did not want to make the statement he did. He is lost in the earthly world of force, power, “Do As Your Are Tole To Do.” dictate....and it won’t be the last time, this man performs this act.  People would like to believe he is nice - and innocent of his actions. In March of 2009, he just needs to learn;  to the July 2012 – No, he means to accomplish, exactly what he Is Accomplishing the overturning of our Republic — not to a Democracy — to a full-blown Open Society socialism with borderless nations and jurisprudence.  This man knows exactly what he is doing; and has since the day he enacted - Open Society - by placing his Big Toe on private property.

Our Assets have been frozen — thaw and remove the chains of those assets – all of them. The chains are for government – not Person or Corporate Persons, which are comprised of Person!  Close down, voluntarily, all government’s force of mandatory  largesse of irresponsibility. There are avenues to mitigate the losses – not remove.  For an example, closing down Dept. Of Education means the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ budgeted are apportioned by student, whole numbered person, to each State and territory - no Block or any other Grant by any Name – truly a hidden tax.  By complete Repeal of PPAA, those bureaucrat’s services are not required and The College Loan program removes Grant checks to College, Trade, University Treasuries of abuse.

There is Not One “Elected We the People - Representative” Person, of Any Part of Congress, who will allow this Anti-Law President to continue his removal of Both Our “Rules of Law” under God.

This President and Each and Every Senator Must Be Flooded by “We the People”.  There Must Be No Doubt About The First Amendment’s Grievance.  Grievance can be recognized as The Constitutional Principle: “The judgement of the “CONSISTENCY [“..inconsistent with that supreme law and Not Derived from it..”] of an official act with the constitution is called CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW”. When this Duty is performed by a judge, it is called JUDICIAL REVIEW. It Is Not A Power of government but The Exercise of a Duty of Citizenship.”.

Those of you who invest their tool named money, know absolutely, that you cannot recover what is lost.  That is why “stop loss” was invented.  When that investment has been lost, the Actions to take are to minimize and stop, further loses.

It will remain tumultuous to say the least — The alterative is much worse!

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