Like Liz's BCC, this isn't for you --- it is for the 'Power of 10'!
BUT knowing the "Law of Nature of "homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes" , ---those Americans of the Democratic Party who have a hard time choosing Both Founding Documents of our Pledge of Allegiance to The Republic Under God, among: the +/-50% who voted, 3 times, to allow that our Lord God Should be Returned to the Platform and not agreeing with the President of Iran, that Israel should not exist or at least its Biblical history from Moses, Jerusalem shouldn't be part of Israel and requires "EXTERMINATION". Then there is "The TV Live Show of the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and 6 others, because their 'leader' could not make a decision to protect Service-Americans in the State Department.
Oh yah, Don't forget everyone who has a work permit but is here illegally can vote, drive-ins can vote, same-day register voters; Except WE SHALL NOT COUNT THE CITIZENS WHO ALSO HAPPEN TO BE PUTTING THEIR LIVES/FAMILIES, FORTUNES ON THE LINE IN COUNTRIES THE WORLD OVER!!!!
Also, you don't need to speak English -- the Language of business, politics -- but most important "We the People" and "Consent of the Governed", thus guaranteeing this violated Republican form Principle: "Information needed to make a proper determination [has been and is consistently] been withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence.
Then there are the Gerrymander Districts by CRC; By-Area Trustee Districts where, for example 1/5th of the 'consent of the governed' is given to a candidate who will represent 5/5 of the city council or school board --- and represent the special interests of Tiny, Naturalized citizen's country of origin - except the USA to which they have Pledged Their Allegiance. ......
on top of all this: Religion and Morality is repudiated and extinct from consideration in most levels and substructures of the Three Branches of government: Thou shalt not Bear False Witness against thy Neighbor; and many other of the Ten Commandments are regularly violated without even considering the Soul of Person and corporate persons involved.
Do you see that it is "Consent of the Governed" with all Laws and Lessons of the Declaration, AND all Laws and preventions of, by, and for the We the People /Person(s) against "Political Depravity" ARE WHAT IS REPUDIATED AND WORKING FOR EXTINCT?!!!
Anyway, I guess we shouldn't encourage the blind, deaf, stiffnecked Dems, Socialist-collective-Secular, and Charles Munger's ownership of some of the same kind of Republicans, huh!
Remember, regardless of the Election results -- all people and issues: unless We the People use Article 5 of the 1789 Constitution ---- NO MAJORITY OF FORCE DECIDING RIGHT AND WRONG --- CAN REMOVE OUR REPUBLIC UNDER GOD --- UNLESS WE THE PEOPLE LET THEM, BUT SUBMITTING TO NUMBER superior TO GOD; and the results of the "Number" cannot and shall not release this President and his minions from their Person of Responsibility: "The President, Vice-President, and ALL CIVIL OFFICERS of The United States, SHALL BE REMOVED from Office on Impeachment for, AND Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors [Religion and Morality = lie or deceit which results in death and destruction of any part of our Nation on any soil on this Planet!
Cathy one of the "Founding Father's Patriots" AND THE RULE OF LAW:RELIGION AND MORALITY of by and for Each-Person's Earthly-Soul, much more supreme to homo sapiens with man's essential cognitive attributes
Suggest: VOTE "NO" 30-38-39, 31, 33, 40. Here's a wrinkle regarding the Socialist-Secular Cruel absent Religion and Morality 'Three Strikes Law' ----SKIP IT, since Yes or No does nothing for Justice of a Person's Soul, a.k.a Law One Person at a time in God's Law supreme to man's law. The 'number' of incarcerated is not a measure of the law in regards to the circumstances of each-incarcerated-person of our Republic's Sovereignty of One Person
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Forthright Leadership - Carl v. Government-over-man - Bob
I'm among the many volunteers for Carl making phone calls. Here is one gentleman I would like to share with you -- and he asked me to share this:
I'll call him Sam just because I didn't get his first name. Sam is a member of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 569. He is also supporting Carl DeMaio for Mayor and says there are many others like him. Sam was on disability for one year "date to date" and when that ran out, the 'Time Period' for unemployment insurance had also ran out. He has had no income for approx. 22 months. ..
He said "I tell my debtors that if there is a change in this election [Obama leaves office], then I will be employed because the contractors who hire me, will begin to make contracts because the money will loosen to[ produce more opportunity for work]" ... If not, then .....
He further related an episode where the Contractor he was working for withheld -- 'cap' money from his check. When he asked why the money was withheld, the contractor said "Well you authorized it didn't you?"! Sam didn't! And not only that, he found out that the IBEW Local must have a signed document stating the withholding of the 'cap' money! He was pretty angry; took a 12 hour shift loss of pay to go to the Local and fill-out 'paperwork' refusing the union his wages as 'cap'.
He states he is well known for standing-up for the candidates and issues, but is often told to shut-up and sit-down. Supporting Carl and other candidates against this kind of 'vertical-top-down-shut-up and do as your are told' union concepts of boss-over-worker-management-by-control --- how dare you use initiative and hold opinion other than the union-collective-group-think, is a pleasure. Sam takes his risks by Standing and speaking in hopes others will wake-up to the tactic, rather than the submit, be subservient and remain under the thumb of the union bosses.
This occurs in the Teacher's Union also. There have been comments like [union administration] "Hasn't listened to us for years!.". There are Republicans or others who oppose the union administration, but "My job!" is at stake. These occurred at another meetings I attended. >>YES on Proposition 32<< will help Sam and the Teachers who must be silent for the "majority of force to declare right from wrong".
POINT IS: Carl has Not Been Working Alone, in our City, to change the City Council of some of those members who are owned by Unions -- as well as the Competitive Bidding and Pension Reform. He is also, the rare Candidate who actually has made AND IMPLEMENTED partially the Plan to get our City Back on track through good and proven, business strategic planning, including the Opportunities of Private business taking-on the risk and reward involved in our Convention Center Remodel. It will be union, but not city union. It will involved taxes; but those will be paid by the Hotels who are performing the remodel of the Convention Center --- and will profit from the remodel -------as will every business supplying every business which any of the hundreds of organizations who lover to come to San Diego for their conventions. No Resident Taxpaying! And Carl is proposing doing the same idea with Education partnerships (UR; 10/24; pg.1). The Mayor does Not have Anything to do with education ... and it does belong to the voter to tax themselves more with the interest and costs of Bonds. What Carl proposes is a partnership which, again does require education-government money - because it is between the private business and the intern or apprentice or entry-level, or even the H.S 6th period part-time worker - senior year in any business for graduation credit and job.
Filner -- 100% union-based. 100% union endorsed. 100% government-over-management is the only "leadership" possible. That is the 47 years of Filner's Government first -- which means forget jobs! Just like what is occurring now....Propositions which encourage business to leave the State. Young family's leaving the State. The State usurping 100% control of the "General Plans" of all 433 cities in 58 counties contracts old, new, and proposed;....and If It Passes, adding Proposition 31' s "Community Strategic Action Plans" straight-out of UN Agenda 21 via Obama's EPA and the ever-damaging to the businesses and people of California AB32 : ALL Global Warming -- bad CO2 --- false science as law expressly for government-over-man. Filner's Sports Arena is an extension of AB32 and UN Agenda 21. Not One bit of Global Warming has ever been passed by this Nation. This State has seceded from the Union in favor of the United Nations and of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government's EPA under the current President. Filner loves his-President's government-over-man-ObamaCareTaxPlan -- and supports anything Obama. The "Acorn" grew-up in his District. >>VOTE "NO" on Proposition 31!<<
Coincidentally, Obama-State-Filner-government-over-man is also Vertical-line obedience organization -- top down --- you do what the EPA-Executive Branch-HHS-State General Plan/AB32/ as you the people are told to do! We the People, with Sam and the teachers, to shut-up, sit-down, and do as you are told!
So with Filner, Bond Z gets to have taxpayer money - if it passes, our City goes backward into the depths of union-is-best-form of government; taxing without accountability will return; manipulation of competitive bidding will favor government-over-man as the force and control..... Business will not succeed .. and those candidates who like to talk about 'Tourism' --- dream-on, there isn't any money left for pleasures of San Diego. Yet another consequence, because tourism won't work --- the costs for Sea World and our most wonderful Zoological Society will decrease even more than they have already; and the animals --- well they are at the bottom of the pecking order.... along with you and I!!!
The Founders made governance from the bottom of the equilateral triangle upward, starting with Person/Family, because that Is The Only Way "to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them and the Natural Rights of the Declaration, will work for "The Whole of our Republic under God": The Whole is the sum of Each-One -Person doing what each-one person does at home, in City, in County, in State, and in Federal-tip of government.
Carl is a Leader; Has demonstrated with outcomes the success of the "road to recovery", though "This Mayor deserves praise for achieving solid progress on many issues. However, as this analysis shows, we have much more work to do." -- Carl. There are million of dollars in savings in "Roadmap to Recovery Plan" which can be found at .
I'm sorry we lose Home Trends. It was a fun store!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Oct. 26 Fallbrook Learn About Agenda 21 and Props. 31 and N
To every AMERICAN in SD County: PLEASE COME TO LEARN WHAT AGENDA 21 is all about!!!! Agenda 21 is located on your California Ballot as PROPOSITION 31 "State and Local Government: "Community Strategic Action Plans" And as PROPOSITION N - Escondido's General Plan. Agenda 21 is also known as: 'sustainable energy', Smart Growth, AB32 Carbon Chips and every aspect of California's support of Global Warming. Other common words include government as UN and USA roles as false premises: promote prosperous economy, quality environment; community equity, increasing employment, improving education, decreasing poverty, decreasing crime and improving health; as Mitt says: "Lower the Oceans and heal the Planet.."!
AGENDA 21 IS IMPLEMENTED IN EVERY STATE IN THIS UNION, without WE THE PEOPLE, CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, being informed, aware at the city council or city school board levels, of the effect, on each person's life, liberty, and pursuits , of the UN over the Sovereignty of our Nation; and
Government, especially at the State and Article I Congressional Levels, have totally frozen and ignored the entire aspects of the lie of GW, while acknowledging the lie!
Lies Never Win a Majority; unless man stands down and is silent!
In our Republic, We Have the Tools, Both Founding Documents, and We the People Are a Court of Competent jurisprudence.... or else there would never have been a Revolutionary War which produced those Documents of "Religion and Morality" as the basis of Law to Protect One Person! Of course, We the People - elected or not, can decide to continue to ignore those Founding Document Laws; but that wouldn't stand to reason....
Global Warming is a 4-part - United Nations[1], alone, commitment to its 'new' government of control, coercion, force of all aspects of Life, for every member Nation, which catches "We the People" and Consent of the Governed" without their either's participation or even asked opinion -- but with the 'Government-over-man, Executive Branch of Government which adds EPA swinging all the way down the Federated Organization Chart of Republican Government --- to the Cities of California State, and other States. [Not finished yet..]
because the State Legislature of California brings another organization line of government force, power, control into the cities via: " California law requires every city and county to prepare and adopt a comprehensive, long-range General Plan complete with text and a map, to serve as a guide for the physical development of that community. The law requires that, at a minimum, the general plan identify issues and provide policies for seven broad areas, called "elements": land use, mobility, housing, green space, conservation, noise and safety. The law permits other issues to be addressed, either within the required elements or as additional ones. State law requires that day-to-day decisions of a city follow logically from and be consistent with the General Plan.; and because..
of the content against the air over businesses via AB32: "How to Manage Refrigerant Gases As Required In The California Global Warming Sol... Source:; The purpose of this information is to communicate how an organization can stay ahead and address the early action requirements for Stationary Equipment Refrigerant Management Program to be included in updates to the California Air Resources Board (AB More » Assembly Bill 32 - California Global Warming Solutions Act ; California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board ... and Governor Schwarzenegger signed AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, ...; What is the role of AB 32 and the California Climate registry? Source:; and this doesn't begin to touch the heavy equipment, diesel companies with CA's own version of " government control by force, decree, coercion, "The American Rule" primarily, but also CA's Supreme Court support all aspects of life" via most of the 652 State Government Agencies.
PROPOSITION N - Escondido's, and many - many more cities already 'done-in' and about to be 'done-in' -- involve "wrong governmental roles mandated down to local levels thru "community strategic action plans"...a.k.a removal of the 10th Amendment by state-over-City-over-Person(s)/families.. or the removal of the equilateral triangle of the Federated form of government: largest base and foundation of the equilateral triangle is We the People and Consent of the Governed.
"General plans provide the overall framework for translating broad community values and expectations into specific strategies for managing growth and enhancing the quality of life. As community needs and values change, general plans are regularly reviewed and updated to remain realistic documents to achieve the community’s vision."
GW is United Nations devotion to the 'god of air' - CO2; with the Exclusive and sole laws of the Executive Branch, a.k.a. Obama Regime: government-over-man-Socialist-Collective, mass people-Secular laws via his Department named EPA with Dept. of Aggie, Drugs, Labor, and any other Dept. among his cabinet; and
CA State's AB32 which not only, seeks to control-air over the stratosphere above the State, but also, trade it on the stock exchange as a "fine" or "penalty" for making too much ....air! Yah, do picture a State of California with its Borders extending vertically upward in the sky to just below where gravity ceases! Only the State of sexual deviation for the entire posterity, from kindergarten through 14th Grade and plastic bag laws, would have the retardation to think-up the Air-Fraud, though the President did try to pass it back in 2009, WHEN HE HAD THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS and Could Not....
CA State's AB32 which not only, seeks to control-air over the stratosphere above the State, but also, trade it on the stock exchange as a "fine" or "penalty" for making too much ....air! Yah, do picture a State of California with its Borders extending vertically upward in the sky to just below where gravity ceases! Only the State of sexual deviation for the entire posterity, from kindergarten through 14th Grade and plastic bag laws, would have the retardation to think-up the Air-Fraud, though the President did try to pass it back in 2009, WHEN HE HAD THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS and Could Not....
DO YOU SEE!? DO YOU HEAR? CAN YOU REMOVE YOUR STIFFNECKED-NESS LONG ENOUGH to realize:... Every Nation On the Entire Planet has Been Forced to Follow ANTI-LAW in the interest of GW ---- THE LARGEST LIE EVER PERPETRATED ANYWHERE, except maybe the Spanish Inquisition, IN THE HISTORY OF MAN ON GOD'S PLANET!!!
Yes, President Bush did sign the "so-called, soft treaty" in 1989. I have emailed him and am asking him [I'm pretty sure of his answer], would he have signed that treaty, if his Crystal Ball would have told him, 20 years in the future - including a re-write at least 3 times of the UN Charter and Mission Statement-, that the SOVEREIGNTY OF OUR NATION'S BORDERS WOULD BE COMPROMISED - signing that "GW, so-called Soft Treaty"?
Global Warming is a Farce. It exists for the sole purpose of "government-over-man in Socialism - really communism - of the One World -- Borderless Nations and Jurisprudence. UN/GW is absent God's Laws as "President Washington's "Religion and Morality" or as "1066 Battle of Hastings - "Rights of Man"; or any period in history in which Person is the securer of the Natural Rights. Government is instituted among men....not the UN with One President as the First Dictator of our Nation with his minions, and possibly with the National Defense Act - signed and supported by some Republicans - formed for the Obama purpose of removing any American's: "The DUTY to defend the state and the Constitution/Declaration entails the RIGHT to acquire the means and the skills to exerciser that duty, including the skills of the soldier, the policeman, and the fire and rescue worker, to be organized to act alone or in concert with others to exercise those skills to meet any threat that may arise, and the POWER to exercise those skills and use those means, alone or in concert with others, with or without official direction or participation." --- "Declaration of Constitutional Principles".
THE MAJORITY IS NOT THE DETERMINER OF RIGHT AND WRONG. " Self-government's system of rule by majority vote is based on necessity. Rule by majority vote is a necessary mechanic of any government of the popular type, featuring rule by the people through free, periodic elections such as, for example, those held in the United States. Under this philosophy, rule by majority vote is always subject to the "sacred principle" defined in President Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, quoted below: "All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression." The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual. ..A Republic is a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. In a Republic, the whole system is designed primarily to protect The Individual's unalienable rights--therefore The Minority, all minorities--against any violation by government or by others. As the Declaration of Independence expresses this American goal of safeguarding these rights, the people form their governments "to secure these rights"--to make and keep them secure." (Herbert A. Long; "12. The Majority Limited for Liberty).
BEARING OF LIE, FALSE WITNESS IS NOT THE LAW IN OUR AMERICA. Definition of FALSE WITNESS: "1. Not true; not conformable to fact; expressing what is contrary to that which exists, is done, said or thought. A false report communicates what is not done or said. A false accusation imputes to a person what he has not done or said. A false witness testifies what is not true. A false opinion is not according to truth or fact. The word is applicable to any subject, physical or moral. Counterfeit; forged; not genuine; as false coin; a false bill or note. 6. Not solid or sound; deceiving expectations; as a false foundation False and slippery ground. 9. Not faithful or loyal; treacherous; perfidious; deceitful. The king's subjects may prove false to him. So we say, a false heart. 10. Unfaithful; inconstant; as a false friend; a false lover; false to promises and vows. The husband and wife proved false to each other. 11. Deceitful; treacherous; betraying secrets. 13. Hypocritical; feigned; made or assumed for the purpose of deception; as false tears; false modesty. The man appears in false colors. The advocate gave the subject a false coloring.".
1. Google "Agenda 21" among the hits will be the "Table of Contents". Just reading TC will demonstrate how far the UN has changed to managing ALL Aspects of Life -- inanimate and living objects.
I'm listening to "Opera Hour"..
.. which will become the Saturday Metropolitan Opera Season, on KUSC the largest, among the oldest -- dates all the way back to Thomas Cassidy and the "Southern California Gas Company's Regular Two Hour Program of
Classical Music" on KFAC. All of the Programs on KUSC with all of the Persons which give all Listener's love of Opera, Folk Music, and all of the great performers and performances. !!! IT FALL DONATION TIME!!!!!!
Everyone! I'm on SS -- so don't have money. You need to donate to take my place... and so many young folk who will never be exposed to this music --- just like the public school Posterity kindergarten to 14th year Community College - will never learn "President Washington's Religion and Morality" or the Laws in Both Founding Documents.
There wasn't FM way, way back when; and I don't count 'number' over gray-matter between the ears in 'time' of my soul running around in the body -- both of which my Parents, Aunts and Uncles with "Nanny" and Both My Brothers and Cousins...have given me with learning all I write about, standing for my tiny,one grain of sand, of, by, and for Love of God and of My Nation
As bad and as good as life, liberty and pursuits in and among humankind is I wouldn't trade one second for that Love and This Universe of our Creator, who gave Each-One-of Us a soul to learn all of that part of earthly existence occupied, me here now -- in my case and the same for each-one-of you. ONLY OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GIVES EACH OF US(A) the Finest Possible Gifts -- Our Soul in Law before Person of Body. When Person dies Body dies. Not Soul....
Everyone! I'm on SS -- so don't have money. You need to donate to take my place... and so many young folk who will never be exposed to this music --- just like the public school Posterity kindergarten to 14th year Community College - will never learn "President Washington's Religion and Morality" or the Laws in Both Founding Documents.
There wasn't FM way, way back when; and I don't count 'number' over gray-matter between the ears in 'time' of my soul running around in the body -- both of which my Parents, Aunts and Uncles with "Nanny" and Both My Brothers and Cousins...have given me with learning all I write about, standing for my tiny,one grain of sand, of, by, and for Love of God and of My Nation
As bad and as good as life, liberty and pursuits in and among humankind is I wouldn't trade one second for that Love and This Universe of our Creator, who gave Each-One-of Us a soul to learn all of that part of earthly existence occupied, me here now -- in my case and the same for each-one-of you. ONLY OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GIVES EACH OF US(A) the Finest Possible Gifts -- Our Soul in Law before Person of Body. When Person dies Body dies. Not Soul....
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
It is the Abdication of Sovereignty
..that is systematically being applied, as the Republic under God, the Torch of Truth, is extinguished in the comprehensive enactment of United Nations Global Warming combined with removal of “Information to make a proper determination [is] withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence.” from “Consent of the Governed, which includes Elected Persons as the Representatives”, The Protectors for the Security of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness: One Person and Corporate Persons, which are composed of individual persons.
The Republican Form of Representative Government, Laws of Both Declaration and Constitution, including Article II and Article VI which Binds – ALL Americans to “Oath of Office” and expressed in our Invocation and our Pledge of Allegiance of repeated with full, ongoing, every single word, The Word: “Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts.[1]”— President Washington
The 2009-2012 State of California with its Executive Branch of Governments is ‘other fork’ of Lucifer’s implementation of the overthrow of 1789 Article VI rule of law bound by Oath of Office which is God’s Laws with Promise to “We the People” that safety, security, and protection of Life, Liberty AND pursuit of Happiness Shall Be the Rule of Law; and
Article III Judiciary members of “We the People” in order to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, Shall remain “The Lady of Law” by adjudicating on the Republic’s basis of Law “The Bible”, Laws of the Soul of One Person, as an individual an as a member of corporate persons, or Temporal Law as second to God’s Law, Lady Law’s Blindfold and Balance - independence from Politics, devotion to knowledge, wisdom derived for Justice which can solely be achieved through God’s Law; AND
Article I’s Legislative members of “We the People” that their First Table of Law duty is to honor, respect and understand Shall not write Law as Bills which are not consistent with, nor derived from the Laws of Both Founding Documents - especially the 1789 supreme Law of the Land.[5] NOR
be parties to support any Treaty, from any time, which is not derived from “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God including unalienable Natural Rights: The ‘sitting tyranny-self-important President’ person plans to sign a Treaty— either as a ‘lame-duck’ or remaining in office — for the purpose of Taxing the American People to pay for the United Nation’s Agenda 21/Global Warming/borderless nations and jurisprudence.
His Mormon Minion, Reid, or Any Senator in Office, must understand each-one’s choice...must lead the Senate as an American in the Republican form of Government under His Personal “Oath of Office” and Reid’s Personal “immersion Baptism”. .
Sovereignty of a Person’s Soul, that part which does not die, shall face our Lord God, whether or not they believe in a supreme Lawgiver, upon the death of a person’s Body.
It is the Soul of a Person which the Laws of “Religion and Morality” with Temporal Law which form the Foundation of Law of the Land or “Rule of Law” of our Republican form of government.
The Republican Party of California’s Proposition Committee decided to vote ‘YES’ on Proposition 31. State Budget. State and Local Government. In addition, that party refuses any other input from Teaparty or Person registered as a Republican because it cannot admit or change an error.
That wouldn’t, in itself be so bad; but when you add the refusal of Q&A in meetings; produce a “doorknocker” which is in effect a ‘lie’, passed from volunteer party-member to the corporate persons residing in 58 Counties/433 Cities throughout the State; combined with ABSENT information from either broadcast or newspapers which refuse to allow the imparting of information as fact; the Action of the State party is Unconscionable bordering and fraudulent! There is correction in Robert’s Rule for Emergency Committee Meeting and with the Executive Board – correction; but that was refused. The State Party is the ONLY, Republican “YES” vote on Proposition 31 State Budget. State and Local government.
The “government-over-man rewrite of the complete Financial utilization of Persons earnings as Taxes into the State Constitution; Intertwined With....
..the UN-government-over-man Global Warming/Agenda 21, Executive Branch-EPA-EIR implementation of Agenda 21/GW-City General Plan; State of California’s GW-AB32/State Laws of City General Plan Content; and City of Escondido’s Proposition N: The General Plan in which tax-paying-citizens; who shall be sued by the State of California-taxpaying Citizens, that would be An Identical citizen, for disobedience to this State’s AB32/Departments of every aspect of the 10 Chapters of the General Plan/Prop. N and the Table of Contents of Agenda 21; OR
— why our City Council with Mayor has to ‘expect’ conformity, submission and subjugation to the United Nations borderless nations and jurisprudence/Agenda 21 all aspects of “lowering the oceans and healing the planet” supporting with Islamic the Leader of the Executive Branch of usurpation and tyranny — Obama with his remaining minions in the Senate.
In the world of Executive Branch (Federal level 472 x 50 = 23,600 which doesn’t count territories or closed-shop-union-employees people) and State Agencies (652 in California), the Departments utilize the “American Rule” when fining and punishing Person, corporate persons, other State, County or City taxpayers: The American Rule has become an open invitation, frequently accepted, to legal extortion: “Pay us $25,000 to go away or spend $250,000 to defend yourself successfully in court. [The other way for corporate persons, is too simply walk away, conform and submit...because of the belief that there isn’t enough money to fight in court; and in Modesto, $67,000,000.00 to fight CVRA contributed to its bankruptcy, initialed by a “non-profit attorney firm, very proud of its success record in 5 Central Ca Cities].”[6]
These are among the Agenda 21/EPA/AB32/City’s General Plan(s), ‘Red Flag’ words which identify the Removal of Sovereignty of Person as an individual in the corporate ‘city’ persons; of State, and of Nation; as well as the: “False premise on the role of government..”[3] : sustainable energy, smart growth [4], promote prosperous economy, quality environment, re-zoning /annexation, community equity, increasing employment, improving education, decreasing poverty, decreasing crime and improving health “.Wrong government roles mandated down to local levels thru “Community Strategic Action Plans.”[3]. ‘Corporate persons’ are under the 9th and 10th amendments.
These words, and more by the specific Executive and State Departments, are the ‘got-cha’ of the submission, subjugation, and conformity, in order for the City’s taxpayers to qualify for the State and Federal Taxpayer’s Block grant’s tax-money for the City’s General Plan, to implement the equity communities, multifamily rental, condo, attached single housing, office, light industrial, sidewalks (Maple Street, Ash Street), bicycle right of way over that “Noisy, dirty, traffic monster ‘cars’- so “the people live and work close to home” or over-the-right of private property to provide RV Storage on their property to be re-zoned as multifamily.
The General Plan of Escondido, is exactly the same as the General Plans of El Cajon, Carlsbad, San Marcos, cities in New Zealand, Great Britain, France, Hong Kong – countries which do not protect “Person as One” individual before their God and in Law of Both Founding Documents.
Gees, do you see the quagmire of why “Taxes should be continued by Annual or Biennial reeactments, because a constant hold, by the nation [State], of the strings of the public purse is a salutary restraint from which an Honest government ought not wish, nor a corrupt one to be permitted to be free.”— Thomas Jefferson??
And the complete removal of “We the People” and “Consent of the Governed” from this 2009-2012-government-over-man-collective mass-secular law; and there are numerous connections in California’s Proposition 40 – Citizens Redistricting Commission gerrymandering; California Voting rights act – removes 1620 to date At-Large-Voting system, for ‘By-Area Trustee voting system of Naturalized-citizen’s Tiny nations not connected to either of the Founding Documents; and “top-two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation” with its greater number of “DEM-DEM districts” rather than REP-REP districts. All of these are designed to remove Person as One in our Republican form of Representative Government – We the People and Consent of the Governed electing representatives from consent of the governed - we the people!!!
VOTE NO PROPOSITION 31. VOTE NO PROPOSITION 40. VOTE NO PROPOSITION N - ESCONDIDO’S GENERAL PLAN - maybe then we the people can go to court, tell the court that there is no money for a lawsuit against city taxpayers for State taxpayer coffers or for the attorneys of the American Rule, especially when the money is from the same taxpayers – and is about the State/Fed-EPA are enforcing a Law which has never even seen Article I of the 1789 Constitution!!!!!!!
References and Notes:
1. “Whereas, during the course of history usurpers have attempted to misconstrue certain principles of constitutional republican government for their own ends, and that the original language of the Constitution For The United States did not anticipate [that’s not really accurate - see Federalist #45, 46 and 78 not limited) all the ways it might be misinterpreted, we hereby set forth some of those principles with greater clarity, using more modern language.”; The Constitution Society; “Declaration of Constitutional Principles”; Jon Roland;
2. “The American Spelling Book”, blue-backed speller, “Over a period of one hundred years more than One Hundred Million cere worn out by Americans [self taught or in school] as they learned their letters, their morality, and their patriotism, from north to south, from east to west.”; Rosalie J. Slater, M.A.; “Noah Webster, Founding Father of American Scholarship and Education”; 1967, 1995; Preface Article to Facsimile of the “American Dictionary of the English Language”. Americans have always been able to ‘self’ teach, explore, learn, take risk and obtain reward..or even failure; and continue each-one’s quest of The Natural Rights. Using “The “ has been a singular, epitome of understanding God, Nation, Soul, and everything “The Unique Nature of our form of government and of our civil instructions which “requires an appropriate Language of the Definition of Words.” makes Noah the protector of “If the Foundation be destroyed, what can the Righteous do?” Psalm XI:3 – That is the statement of the above essay!
3. “Kacer’s Call”; 6 November 2012 California General Election; Frank Kacer; Christian Citizenship Council;
4. “As I research these new planning trends I have learned that what this force of change really means is a whole life plan. Sustainable development seeks to change the way we live, how we interact with nature, how we choose to use our land and our property (all property–even your own person!!), where we live and how we live! It is a massive propaganda piece to change our behavior and how we think.
We must educate ourselves about the truth behind the ‘green’ agenda, the urban consolidation agenda, the livability agenda, and any and all agendas having to do with sustainable development.
In order to recognize this whole life plan when you see it, you must understand the words they are using and the methods they are using to implement it. The planners, environmentalists, social activists, city, state and federal officials, media, and public relations firms are telling us what these plans are. We are not educated yet.”. Mary Baker; ; And
“UN Agenda 21 - Part II"Big Green Lies and Liberty's Demise"; Barbara Decker, Founder Americans for Protecting Property Rights;
5. When introducing a new Bill – Debate occurs on the Floor FIRST, to establish that Bill’s mission statement, where it occurs in actuality from Both Founding Documents, and Answers the Questions 5W’s and H – of its relationship to the Federal tip or State, next row down below Federal; in all aspects of Amendments, IX, X, XIV — BEFORE IT IS ALLOWED TO BE SCHEDULED FOR COMMITTEE(S) CONSIDERATION, and IF MORE THAN ONE COMMITTEE IS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION, THEN THE 5W’S AND H are REPEATED.. After debate, with rebuttals, the vote to continue the BILL to committee or not, occurs. This saves time, money, and allows for proper consideration for the Bill’s entire contents. This is also the way ‘Bills’ were handled in history;
6. “Economic Lessons from American History”; John Steele Gordon; p.6; Imprimis; July / August 2012;
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Jesus is talking to Peter:
..after He has risen: “Do you love me?”. The question is asked two more times with the same answer.
Now, change Peter to the “constitutional Person” of body and Soul- Each One as part of the Whole composing America. — The Question for Each American - Remains Completely Unchanged:
Three Times: Floor of the Democratic/Socialist Secular Convention. The Three Branches of Government: with Pres. Washington’s: “Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert The Oaths which are the Instruments of Investigation in courts of justice?
On November 6, We the People begin to answer ---- Both Questions; for if we don’t answer the First, the Second question Does Not Matter....does it!?
It is the second question which is being overthrown and confiscated from our 1620 to 2009 Federated form of Republican Representative government: “assume among the powers of the earth The Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them”, with Article II and VI Oath of Office (affirmation for those who do not believe in a Supreme Lawgiver) ---- The Constitution’s ONLY LAW, as There Is No Law Supreme To That One Law — unseen as it is for those who are deaf, blind, and so stiffnecked they cannot conceive of any of the earthly perfection, wonder; or of the Logic of Men-in-Christ. as these two Documents are intertwined with God’s Words and Lessons in The Bible.
The opposition, “Socialist-collective, mass people - Secular”, and current Anti-Law State and Executive Branch-Federal Government — has “strategic action plan” to destroy the Republic: stuffing ballot boxes by some Middle East and South of the Border countries who have become ‘Naturalized’ citizens for the support of ‘Socialist-Islamic-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence-collective-herds of people, Secular 2009-2012rule of law’; drawing districts of DEM-DEM which outnumber REP-REP and in which REP is Forced to skip that part of the ballot or vote DEM which their consent is abrogated.
Or in Escondido, The General Plan, Proposition N, Voting “Yes” in support of it === voting Yes to UN Agenda 21/ AB32/ EPA’s anti-law of ignoring Article I of the 1789 Constitution; or Voting ‘NO” against The General Plan because the contractors are going to steal your money and add to your taxes – services will be cut — no libraries, school programs, health care, quality living of environment will occur; with other socialist jargon of their perfection and business’ thievery.
Or in Proposition 31 – The Greatest Re-Write of the California Constitution given to government-over-man/Socialism, ever to occur in our State’s history: ---- how each-one-person or corporate persons (business and city) earnings-Property, as ‘state’ finances, shall be utilized; and how cities can remove boundaries by joining together in “community strategic action plans” of government-over-man’s force and control of life, and liberty, well beyond the scope any government can ever accomplish at anytime in the history of man on God’s Planet of stewardship under The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
This current anti-business, anti-individual, irresponsible tax-money spenders by the Socialist-Secular-Collective-mass people under submission, subservience, “cooperation”; is completely absent the Truth and Trust of One Person Under his God and Under the Laws of Both Founding Documents — repeated and amplified in our California State Constitution.
There is virtually no area of people-inanimate-and-living -objects left untouched by the ‘Socialist-Islamic-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence-collective-herds of people, Secular 2009-2012rule of law’ .Stuffing or any planned voting “bearing of false witness” shall not stop One Nation Under God or The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
The August 28, 2010, “Restore Honor”, Millions at home and On-the-mall have been patient — 31 days to go. We the People - Naturalized, not members of race/skin color,-culture/country-of-origin other than America-language except English - the language of business, of “Consent of the Governed” and “We the People”, and Natural Citizens, need to be prepared that the Election here in California is decided — regardless of “Religion and Morality” or Principles of governance taught in The Bible. Fraud is the ruler – along with everyone use mail-in ballots so they can be lost, never received, or altered.
One can hope, that among the herding-collective-mass-of subjugation, ‘Middle Easterners” and “south-of -the-borderers’ “ – there will still be Person(s) of Truth and Honor before their God.
It is important to know ------Number Does Not Determine Right and Wrong ----or--- Good or Bad; and Majority as the determiner of right and wrong is reestablishing the more specious word — Force as the measure of right.”(paraphrasing James Monroe). It is the 2009-2012-tyranny of the Majority – oppression – that has been allowed to rule over The Laws of Both Founding Documents. There is a probability that leaders are under the impression that unless they submit to Socialist-Secular, dire events will or could destroy our Nation, and others, anyway! Unless their answer to Question #1 is not Peter’s, the fear is greater than the fact; or there is more to the choice which Is Not The Leader’s Alone – to make. Slavery versus Liberty is Not a it!?
God’s Truth in “Religion and Morality” of One Person-One at a time- will Not Leave - Nor give-up “and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Truth is for All Time and In All Circumstances...
We the People do love God and Love our Nation. We Now Must Begin To Act.
Now, change Peter to the “constitutional Person” of body and Soul- Each One as part of the Whole composing America. — The Question for Each American - Remains Completely Unchanged:
Three Times: Floor of the Democratic/Socialist Secular Convention. The Three Branches of Government: with Pres. Washington’s: “Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert The Oaths which are the Instruments of Investigation in courts of justice?
On November 6, We the People begin to answer ---- Both Questions; for if we don’t answer the First, the Second question Does Not Matter....does it!?
It is the second question which is being overthrown and confiscated from our 1620 to 2009 Federated form of Republican Representative government: “assume among the powers of the earth The Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them”, with Article II and VI Oath of Office (affirmation for those who do not believe in a Supreme Lawgiver) ---- The Constitution’s ONLY LAW, as There Is No Law Supreme To That One Law — unseen as it is for those who are deaf, blind, and so stiffnecked they cannot conceive of any of the earthly perfection, wonder; or of the Logic of Men-in-Christ. as these two Documents are intertwined with God’s Words and Lessons in The Bible.
The opposition, “Socialist-collective, mass people - Secular”, and current Anti-Law State and Executive Branch-Federal Government — has “strategic action plan” to destroy the Republic: stuffing ballot boxes by some Middle East and South of the Border countries who have become ‘Naturalized’ citizens for the support of ‘Socialist-Islamic-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence-collective-herds of people, Secular 2009-2012rule of law’; drawing districts of DEM-DEM which outnumber REP-REP and in which REP is Forced to skip that part of the ballot or vote DEM which their consent is abrogated.
Or in Escondido, The General Plan, Proposition N, Voting “Yes” in support of it === voting Yes to UN Agenda 21/ AB32/ EPA’s anti-law of ignoring Article I of the 1789 Constitution; or Voting ‘NO” against The General Plan because the contractors are going to steal your money and add to your taxes – services will be cut — no libraries, school programs, health care, quality living of environment will occur; with other socialist jargon of their perfection and business’ thievery.
Or in Proposition 31 – The Greatest Re-Write of the California Constitution given to government-over-man/Socialism, ever to occur in our State’s history: ---- how each-one-person or corporate persons (business and city) earnings-Property, as ‘state’ finances, shall be utilized; and how cities can remove boundaries by joining together in “community strategic action plans” of government-over-man’s force and control of life, and liberty, well beyond the scope any government can ever accomplish at anytime in the history of man on God’s Planet of stewardship under The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
This current anti-business, anti-individual, irresponsible tax-money spenders by the Socialist-Secular-Collective-mass people under submission, subservience, “cooperation”; is completely absent the Truth and Trust of One Person Under his God and Under the Laws of Both Founding Documents — repeated and amplified in our California State Constitution.
There is virtually no area of people-inanimate-and-living -objects left untouched by the ‘Socialist-Islamic-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence-collective-herds of people, Secular 2009-2012rule of law’ .Stuffing or any planned voting “bearing of false witness” shall not stop One Nation Under God or The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
The August 28, 2010, “Restore Honor”, Millions at home and On-the-mall have been patient — 31 days to go. We the People - Naturalized, not members of race/skin color,-culture/country-of-origin other than America-language except English - the language of business, of “Consent of the Governed” and “We the People”, and Natural Citizens, need to be prepared that the Election here in California is decided — regardless of “Religion and Morality” or Principles of governance taught in The Bible. Fraud is the ruler – along with everyone use mail-in ballots so they can be lost, never received, or altered.
One can hope, that among the herding-collective-mass-of subjugation, ‘Middle Easterners” and “south-of -the-borderers’ “ – there will still be Person(s) of Truth and Honor before their God.
It is important to know ------Number Does Not Determine Right and Wrong ----or--- Good or Bad; and Majority as the determiner of right and wrong is reestablishing the more specious word — Force as the measure of right.”(paraphrasing James Monroe). It is the 2009-2012-tyranny of the Majority – oppression – that has been allowed to rule over The Laws of Both Founding Documents. There is a probability that leaders are under the impression that unless they submit to Socialist-Secular, dire events will or could destroy our Nation, and others, anyway! Unless their answer to Question #1 is not Peter’s, the fear is greater than the fact; or there is more to the choice which Is Not The Leader’s Alone – to make. Slavery versus Liberty is Not a it!?
God’s Truth in “Religion and Morality” of One Person-One at a time- will Not Leave - Nor give-up “and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Truth is for All Time and In All Circumstances...
We the People do love God and Love our Nation. We Now Must Begin To Act.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Voter"s ‘Doorknocker’
Information for Voter’s cards are out and will be delivered to your door starting Saturday. The Candidates are 100% supported by everyone. But Not So....
The PROPOSITIONS. Since Propositions are written by the current Government-over-man-2009-2012-Collective-secular-Party of control, power and force’ violating and disregarding our Nation’s Republican form of Government under 1789 Constitution of “One Person” protected from government and “Oath of Office” – duty, Honor, Service of That Elected-One-Person’s Article II and VI “Oath of Office”;
HERE ARE THE Many, if not most SD TEAPARTY with FRANK KACER’S “KACER’S CALL” from Christian Citizenship Council[1] – Next to the Republican Party:
“NO” TEAPARTIES; KACER’S CALL: Part I of II separate parts: State Budget.: Kacer: “If current budget cycle can’t address near term economic upheavals, how will 2 year budget account for uncertainty (James 4:13-14). Part II of II: False Premise on role of government: “promote prosperous economy, quality environment; “community equity” also “increasing employment, improving education, decreasing poverty, decreasing crime and improving health (Rom 13:1-6; 1 Peter 2:14; justice and order). Wrong government roles mandated down to levels thru “Community Strategic Action Plans.”.
“YES” CAGOP - The community strategic action plans are a good idea---- Richard Ryder; Ramona Tea’d; Saturday Sept. 29..
“NO” TEAPARTY: Creates a ‘Collective’ named those persons, who are included in “90 days for any reason”, do not have “equal protection under the law” from increased rates because they could fall outside of the 90 days and the reasons are varied as the individuals involved - there is no reason for this discrepancy to be written into law. Example: Illness or Post-op; out of country.....
Changes Republican form of government Protection of One Person, – to homo sapiens as a member of the collective with inanimate object: ‘time’ as “ Greater-than 90 days - not specified”.
“YES”: CAGOP doesn’t give explanations. KACER’S CALL does state the “Consider: Not all possible conditions can be accounted for (Eccl 9:11).
“NO” CAGOP, KACER’S CALL, TEAPARTY. READ Because THESE ARE IMPORT TO understand for our Republican form of government under the Laws of Both Founding Documents: “Religion and Morality”:
Frank Kacer states it the best: “34 Concerns: Very sensitive issue. Many practical problems (justified and unjustified costs; time delays) shouldn’t trump justice. Extreme limitations on capital punishment already inhibit justice for victim and families. Consider: Murder uniquely defiles our land (Gen 4:10; Num 35: 30-33). Justice is a foundational principle (Prov 21:15) and is to be proportional not vengeful (Deut 19: 15-21). Sanctity of own life forfeited by murder (Gen 9: 5-6; Ex 20:13). Executing murderers a legitimate government duty (Rom 13:4). Life sentence prolongs justice & creates more issues (Eccl 8:11). Life In fallen world not risk free (wars, car accidents, etc.)(Eccl 9:11). If innocent, life sentence also unjust (Prov 18:5).”
“36" Kacer’s Call: “Concern: Amends ‘94 Prop 184 3-Strikes law. Proposed revisions are very cumbersome and difficult to understand. Attorney General’s analysis and text of measure are difficult to reconcile (1Cor 14:33). Consider: When laws are unclear with complex exceptions, opportunities exist for abuse and inconsistency if lax judicial climate exists (1Cor 14:8). Attorney general states current courts may choose (in some instances) to ignore prior felonies (defeats 3-strike intent). Affect of this measure is very unclear, needs to be simpler with greater focus.”.
34 and 36: In our Republic, Law is based on One Person’s Soul. Not his body.[Person is composed of body and soul.] Three-strikes anything repudiates the Soul of a Person; and because law is collective, not One individual, there is no way that Justice in Truth can be served.
The Republican form of Government “Religion and Morality” Declaration and Constitution: 1) When convicted, the Person becomes a member of the collective “incarcerated people”. Along with this, the individual loses ALL Bill of Rights and becomes the ‘Pawn’ of the attorneys and authorities-over-the person. When the judiciary, government, and society as a collective, loses its relationship to “Religion and Morality”, there is No forgiveness – as reflected in the 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments.
That means once incarcerated, jobs are nearly impossible and ALL require abandonment of “witness against himself – the case being: “If you want to work here, or have a License or Permit to work, you shall disclose all your criminal history. Recidivism becomes the Rule of Law against the individual — he/she often have no choice, regarding the rest of their lives — other offenses have much higher probability.
2) The person is enslaved for life. That also means that government-over-man, shall provides all requirements for the basic life requirements plus the guarding and ‘special’ handling of ‘problem’ incarcerated felons’ ----- The Cost, including the closed-shop-union-pension-costs are prohibitive. Then add the costs of incarcerating Proposition 35 Human Trafficking. “Incarcerated” should become self-sustaining... and the prison is the bedroom, not the Activities of Daily Living room. There are individuals who have paid for their crimes, and would like another chance at doing right —they shall never have one under government-over-man; even in One Person-at-a-time law – it is difficult; but many have....and don’t forget the stories of those returned to court after umpteen years of righteous living, albeit, often in seclusion from public eye, but that is OK also. Each Person’s Soul is ONLY accountable to God — wherever on the continuum between Lucifer and Jesus they live; and totally absent any physical-bodily-worldly affects and effects! That is why “and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of nature and of Nature’s God ENTITLE THEM,”. [One prison guard reports “It is cheaper to make life in prison vs. the courts costs of the numerous appeals (of, by, and for the attorneys). As if the inanimate ‘dollar’ is much more important than the collective incarcerated homo sapien.]
While not excusing evil of a Felon, Three-Strikes, anything is probably the most cruel law ever conceived and written.
“YES” CAGOP, KACER’S CALL, TEAPARTY. Kacer’s Call does point out: “Unfortunately, no restitution to the Victims (Ex 22),. Fines ALL go to services and law enforcement ONLY.”
[Support for the government — not the victims?!!!!!]
Republican form of Government: Would not be dealing with this because the marketplace tends to self-correct, and at all junctures of advancements in living objects, there are naysayer -especially in courts. It is important for ‘consent of the governed’ to know:
Government-over-man via GW, EPA, AB32, skin colr/country-of-origin other than the USA, of City, water, and school Districts - California Voting Rights Act; and Attorney’s, — but especially the current Administration of Executive Department Czars as minions to Executive Order — use the “AMERICAN PLAN” against Person, corporate Persons, businesses and any and all aspect of ‘controlled life, liberty:
From “Economic Lessons from American History [2]”: “The American Rule was a relatively minor anomaly in our legal system until the mid-20th century. But since then, as lawyers’ ethics changed and they became much more active in seeking cases, the American Rule has proved an engine of litigation. For every malpractice case filed in 1960, for instance, 300 are filed today. In practice, the American Rule has become an open invitation, frequently accepted, to legal extortion: “Pay us $25,000 to go away or spend $250,000 to defend yourself successfully in court. Your choice.”
Trial lawyers defend the American Rule fiercely. They also make more political contributions, mostly to Democrats, than any other set of donors except labor unions. One of their main arguments for the status quo is that the vast number of lawsuits from which they profit so handsomely force doctors, manufacturers, and others to be more careful than they otherwise might be. Private lawsuits, these lawyers maintain, police the public marketplace by going after bad guys so the government doesn't have to-a curious assertion, given that policing the marketplace has long been considered a quintessential function of government.
There is not another country in the common-law world that uses it. Indeed, the only other country on the planet that has a version of the American Rule is Japan, where a very different legal system makes it extremely difficult to get into court at all. ....
The United States has more lawyers and more lawsuits, per capita, than any other country. But lawsuits don’t create wealth, they only transfer it from one party to another, with lawyers taking a big cut along the way. Few things would help the American economy more than ending the American Rule. ..”.
Thus, law becomes a matter of legal blackmail, coercion, facility and expediency — never justice or principles.
“NO” TEAPARTIERS. The maps at the back of your “Official Voter Information Guide” demonstrate the ‘Gerrymander’ of the Senate Districts. See pages: 132, Senate District #4; pg. 133, Senate District #8; pg. 135 - Senate District #15 and 16; pg. 143 #39 Sports Arena to Poway:
The little fingerlings, notches, and zigzags are flags of gerrymandering. There is no Opposition argument; but..
.. this Initiative - We the Residents in the Precincts affected by the Gerrymandered Districts, put this Initiative on the Ballot because the “Citizens Redistricting Commission(CRC)” is not and did not carry-out non-partisan drawing of the Senate Districts. “The “NO” vote allows the California Supreme Court to appoint “special masters” to establish new Senate District Boundaries. In the past , the court has appointed retired judges to serve as special masters.”.
“YES” CAGOP; Kacer’s Call: Both believe it is “virtually impossible to guarantee creation of equitable election district boundaries no matter what approach is used because of legislative bias of the past and of CRC bias affecting our “Consent of the Governed” today.
REBUTTAL to ‘Yes’: 1) The CRC was approached and requested to look into and replace...THE SAME 10+ YEAR OLD, BERKELEY SOFTWARE USED BY THE LEGISLATORS IN 2000. CRC categorically Refused.
2) There at least two other Software companies which perform and have performed equitable Districts with Precincts to provide 1Vote:1Person “..shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State,..”.
One is located in Virginia, Election Data Services; Kimbell Brace, and has drawn the Districts for most of the South East States. The Other is in Texas. It has two parts for it drawing of Districts.
3) In San Diego County, there is One Software Program which layers the 10 different kinds of Districts that comprise “consent of the governed”, it’s mathematics is unquestioned — if the human input is equitable... California Voting Rights Act, does not contain the FVRA’s if it is not a problem – don’t fix it Section. It demands a “by area trustee voting district” be created but can be avoided by utilizing the above mentioned “American Plan” which, after Modesto, most city and school boards do submit to the attorney’s law.
4) The reason ‘consent of the governed has 3 Tax increase bills on ballots is that the government-over-man Majority, of force as determiners of right and wrong, can be stopped by the minority party because the Representatives of ‘consent of the governed’ have exactly the correct number to Not Allow the two-thirds majority to pass a tax increase. [That is what is being removed in Proposition 31]
5) CRC’s, Communities of Interest (COI) were determined based on the Federal Voting Rights Act, but absent this fact, of FVRA: Sec. 3(a)..Provided, That the court need Not authorize the appointment of examiners if any incidents of denial or abridgement of the right to vote on account of race or color (1) have been few in number and have been promptly and effectively corrected by State and local action, (2) the continuing effect of such incidents has been eliminated, and (3) there is no reasonable probability of their recurrence in the future.”
This is important! Here’s why in CA Constitution, Article II”:5(a)(b) the “top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation” are DEM-DEM Districts. That means that Republicans either do not vote for that office; or they vote for the lesser of two evils....either way, It is Not the 1789 Constitution’s Article IV:4 “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government”; and “There is no maxim..which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong....In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a more specious form, Force as the measure of right..” —James Monroe .
So, as boring as the Propositions may seem, they are mandatory to pay attention to, simply because of the removal and omnipotent government-over-man of this State and of our Nation....absent Both Founding Documents! Please also understand, if you have a family member under 40, who went only to public school, though it is present in some of the Catholic Schools also, they have not One Clue – what a Republican Form of government is and why Their Unique, No-one will ever be just like them, Soul — This Is The Only Nation In The History Of Mankind to have One Person accountable to God both in Religion and Morality ... and in Law of Nature and of Nature’s God.
2. By John Steele Gordon; Imprimis; July/August 2012;; Imprimis archive.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Agenda 21 and Robert’s Rules of Order that Aren’t!
Americans, "Never Let a Fact Get In the Way of a Preconceived Conclusion", doublethink from “Orwell’s 1984", the ‘2009-2012-Open Society/UN/government-over-man (GOM)-secular-rule of law’ is using the “Delphi Technique” in all Arguments[1].
Most likely, unless you have been paying attention to Lord Monckton, Barbara Decker, Heather Gass, you have no idea the 5W’s and H of the ‘Delphi Technique (DT)[2]’. To put DT (ETOH association is appropriate) into a short form: Distortion, crimes of omission, positive transgression and neglect, with covet of mind-control over the Collective for the purpose of GOM as power and subservience, would pretty much cover the technique, a.k.a Preconceived design of man and his behavior: “Zeitgeist, the Movie” - see it on You Tube.
Many Americans, of otherwise ‘Religion and Morality’ - innocence as Trust, would no more lie or deceive, than they would break any of the Other 8 Commandments. But, because of ignorance and probably a bit of coercion, it is easier to following GOM with Delphi, than Stand for the Principles and Laws Contained in Both our Founding Documents and our Republican form of government with its Organizational Chart named “Federated form of government”.
Our Republic of the “Person” as governance of society as well as Soul with God, unique in mankind’s history, has to be vaporized and made extinct; else Delphi, Open Society, secular socialism / UN/EU/Islamic Brotherhood - cannot exist! Oops! Islamic Brotherhood believes in God — as long as it is free to over-rule by opinion without interference — His Commands.
This is not to pick-on, or single-out one city, “Person” as candidate or leader, or situation as one of many issues which fall under the Delphi Technique utilized by Lucifer Alinsky and therefore, Obama, also adhere to as ones of the “means” to remove “capitalism / person(s) Soul as conscience” from domination over their “government-over-man (GOM) / secular / Pharisee /Body.rule of law
Last Night, there was an Election Forum which argued “Pro” and “Con” of “GENERAL PLAN
PROPOSITION N: Shall the changes to the City of Escondido's General Plan, approved by the City Council in Resolution 2012-54®, be adopted?”.
In GOM, The Delphi Technique is used to replace Classical Logic, Truth for knowledge and wisdom, and “Roberts Rules of Order”– the sole Parliamentarian method of EACH-PERSON(S)-VIEW-IS -TO BE HEARD AND RESPECTED in conformity to “and assume among the powers of the earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them..”: “Them” is each-one-person; otherwise stated as we all put on our pants one leg at a time – we are all Unique Person in the Eyes of God and In The Laws of Our Republican form of Government..
When another, off-the-street, “The people should decide”, “Resident of the City” requested of the city, to write an “Argument Against”, 'N". In answer to that Constitutional Person’s Con request, the Escondido's city’s ‘preconceived conclusion was that “the Con” was already accepted; and no other “Cons” would be considered....just the One. That “Con”. The Citizen was also refused by The County Republican Party Central Committee–The Absolute connection between Person and persons with the philosophy and the Ethics of governance, reniging [They forget a lot about GOP as “The Party of Principle” – Goldwater, Reagan, The Bush’s, Eisenhower, etc...)! Both Escondido and The Party, forgot that "the Citizen was representing the Residents and Members of North County Conservatives....a Monday Night, Teaparty for Escondido - as well as other nearby areas.
The “accepted’, Election Forum - Methodist Church, Esc, Con argues against the General Plan is this: because “business” as contractors would dump costs onto the residents and make greater profits; population could increase without limit; quality of life standards weakened and therefore, city services and facilities would be reduced; and
Growth Management and Neighborhood Protection of 1998 “Hundreds of land use changes..” would be abolished, or lessened, “..approved in a single vote.”. Developers takeover of the City would become law if the General Plan Update is accepted.
Perhaps, reader or resident, you don’t recognize Socialism’s content in the above “Con”argument of GOM with “Opinion without Interference” - added to Delphi’s: “This is accomplished by manipulating those who are out of step to appear "ridiculous, unknowledgeable, inarticulate, or dogmatic." S/He wants certain members of the group to become angry, thereby forcing tensions to accelerate. The facilitator is well trained in psychological manipulation. S/He is able to predict the reactions of each group member. Individuals in opposition to the policy or program will be shut out of the group.
The method works. It is very effective with parents, teachers, school children, and any community group. The "targets" rarely, if ever, know that they are being manipulated. Or, if they suspect this is happening, do not know how to end the process.
The desired result is for group polarization, and for the facilitator to become accepted as a member of the group and group process. S/He will then throw the desired idea on the table and ask for opinions during discussion. Very soon his/her associates from the divided group begin to adopt the idea as if it were their own, and pressure the entire group to accept the proposition.”.
There is a slight modification in the Delphi Technique — ignoring in silence, any opposition! If you ignore the facts as “dogmatic, ridiculous, inarticulate, or sincere-but absent the ‘correct, acceptable dogma-chant’; then Everyone is in agreement....and distortion with lie of Lucifer Alinsky goes forward...
This Con argument — is nowhere near the “Con” argument the off-the-street, resident intended; and this resident of 20 years shall make, herein;....but first. ..
The Pro Argument: is the “The Table of Contents of the General Plan: - Agenda 21 and Escondido with State's AB/32-Seven Layer Requirements:
Chapter I – Vision and Purpose
Chapter II – Land Use and Community Form
Chapter III – Mobility and Infrastructure
Chapter IV – Housing
Chapter V – Community Health and Services
Chapter VI – Community Protection
Chapter VII – Resource Conservation
Chapter VIII – Growth Management
Chapter IX – Economic Prosperity
Chapter X – Implementation”;
and the 15 page Amended Plan itself. No adds or subtracts, just the words:
“WHEREAS, the General Plan states that amendments to specified policies and intensification of permitted land uses in the residential areas of the City shall require the voters to approve such changes; and
WHEREAS, the General Plan further states that amendments increasing residential density permitted by law; changing, altering, or increasing the General Plan residential land use categories; changing any residential to commercial or industrial designation on any property designated rural, estate, suburban, and/or urban; amending policies readopted and reaffirmed by the voters shall be approved by the voters; ..”.
Here is The Important Points with DT: PRO is supporting the anti-law of Agenda 21. It even contains many direct references to Agenda 21. California’s AB32 is Agenda 21 and is Also, the required submission and subservience of vertical State to City – dictate and decree of life, liberty and how it shall occur... In Proposition 31, the State is reflected in its determination and decree that City’s can spend their Tax-payer Dollars to make contracts with each other to implement Agenda 21/AB32 sustainability and carbon chips are lowering the oceans and healing the Planet. —CO2 with industry as business is the Culprit causing all the planet ills and Only these entities have the answer!!
CON is supporting Lucifer Alinsky’s people are downtrodden and capitalists are taking profits and advantage of them.... Community organizers must leap to their defense – so that power and control remain with the organizers and the vertical line of organizational decree.
The Delphi = there is virtually no Fact in the General Plan which makes it viable since, there Is No Opposing or Agreeing argument: Vote NOon N:. You agree to downtrodden; or Vote YES on N...You agree to Agenda 21 absent the Republican Form of Government and disrespect for the Honor and Conscience of the Individual....
What Fact might be available, had it been allowed—is removed from the information required to make a proper determination;.... People don’t have brains enough to decide – so herding is the best way to move — Majority Number determines good and bad; right and wrong!!!!!
WATCH FOR OTHER EPISODES WRITTEN IN THE PROPOSITIONS, in legislation all levels, and at your meetings – all kinds: - 30, 31 not budget - the next: “State and Local.” never mentioned; three-strikes - that is the most unforginving anti-soul law ever written in the history of this Nation; Organic foods and car insurance – collective-people who fit or not + the proverbial “big business” bad guy- Monsanto.
HOPEFULLY, Reader, you will make some more connections regarding “Religion and Morality”, Oath, Honor, Duty, Truth, Justice; with, “Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and Living objects Not Capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.”—1789 Rule of Law..... not 2009-2012socialist-secular-collective rule of law.
What remains of Democrats who still have some cognitive attributes of Person – is represented in the 50% Yes vote on the “Democratic convention Floor. Do you need reminding that simple returning a ‘vote’ of God and decree of judgement regarding another Nation’s rights and privileges is well beyond the jurisprudence and practice for the Party of GOM!? Belief and Faith in God of “Religion and Morality” does not work ... as words on air waves, paper, or the lips from ‘wind=of-mouth’.
Belief and Faith in “Religion and Morality of our Republic, is in The Acts Each-One-Person performs, during their, Individual-Soul-life, here on earth. The Founders and the colonists from 1620 through, even today, Know This Truth which is for Today, forever, in all Time and in all Circumstances. It wasn’t a question. It is and was irrefutable, axiomatic fact.
The other locations of Delphi include Propositions 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 with the same San Francisco Law firm writing or involved in writing Propositions 30, 31, 34, 35, 38. That Law Firm states its pride in being Constitutional. This is true, if you use the 2009-2012-Socialist-Secular-rule of law which has ‘overthrown’ the Laws of 1776 Declaration and 1789 Constitution which contains Article II and VI “Oath of Office”: Since there is no God, there is no Truth or justice and No unalienable rights of any One Person.
Only two Propositions: 32 and 40, still address “consent of the governed” to protect life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness One-Person-At-A-Time or the Base of the Equilateral Triangle of Person, City / corporate person the government is designed to serve and protect the Soul of each of those individuals.
By logical extension, since the “Politics of General Plans, Issues in Propositions, and the Laws deriving from Bills (many of which have not One Republican Party Assemblyman or Senator’s Signature present)”; and listening to Dianne Harkey’s testimony against “High-Speed Rail” available on You Tube; Delphi Technique with “Majority as Inanimate Object Number – Shall Determine All Right and Wrong and All Good and Evil - results in “sexual deviation to the entire Posterity of the State of California attending public schools and to the extent possible the Charter and Private Homes of corporate persons and Person(s).”.
“Delphi Technique” was explained at one of the “Property Rights” meetings taking place last year. Barbara Decker, Mary Baker, Lynn Miller and many, others have been speaking to Teapartiers... writing blogs and emails; and Meeting with City Officials to help them recognize the egregious anti-law of UN’s Agenda 21 via Obama’s Czars of EPA/Agriculture/labor/communications/health; CA’s AB32, Seven Elements of General Plans: ALL Life Living and Inanimate Objects!
The “Selection” of the “proper” resident to be allowed to make a Pro or a con statement combined with the Delphi Technique of continued control, censoring, and managing allowed “information needed to make a proper determination [is] withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence.”.
Here is “the information needed to make a proper decision” Against Proposition N: The General Plan: 1) The United Nations 100% devotion to the false god: Global Warming to be perpetrated onto all member Nations; connected to: the 2009-2012-Government-over-man-Secular/Collective homo sapiens’ body-rule of law- absent Pres. Washington’s Religion and Morality including Truth or justice – support of the UN including the Pres. Of Iran’s eradication of Israel from the face-of-God’s Planet, and Obama’s Czars of EPA;
— which connects to EPA/EIR - State of California AB32 and the “Seven Elements of the State’s General Plan as anti-law (GW is not law in the United States) ruler over 1789 Rule of Law–10th Amendment Not in Federal or in State; belongs to the people ---- and city is the residence of life and liberty for Person/family within “Corporate Persons” city, plus the IX Amendment how we choose to live and pursue the risk/reward of happiness, as a person or corporate persons is not up to the State, the EPA, or the United Nations.
— United Nation’s definition of their secular-body/absent soul politics of GW and the implementation of the false witness to virtually every aspect of “Lowering the Oceans and Healing the Planet including all living and inanimate objects upon it” is not derived from – nor is it consistent with the 1789 Constitution of the United States of America. There is no such thing as a “soft” Treaty – which violates the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
— Government by Consent of the Governed is Not a vertical, organizational line of Federal to State to County to City. The Government of , for, and by the People - must inform and respect each-one-person’s unalienable, natural right.
As demonstrated between Chrysler overthrow and confiscation of private property with redistribution in 02/2009 to the Floor of Obama’s Political Party removing God and decreeing judgement upon another Nation; and the floor of the General Assembly of the United Nations of Communism, there is no intention of obeying 1620-1776-1789 Rule of Law; of loving and respecting our Nation enough to listen to Pres. Washington: “..where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in court of justice?”
It is impossible for government – at any level above “We the People” as One Person or Corporate Persons/City, to determine the growth and development of a Person(s) choice to take the risk/reward of business as one...or as the employment of Any-number of Person(s). It therefore, cannot determine or control the outcomes of the formations, or not, of the lives, fortunes, or sacred honor of Person(s) — or build in advance — the housing, office, small industrial, use of manufacturing, or not.
Business, not government, creates jobs which determine the land use, water, sanitation, roads, zoning around the life of individuals in their places of residence; not collective people as ‘preconceived conclusions’ of their human habitation/ Changing consumption patterns; Demographic dynamics and sustainability;
Protecting and promoting human health conditions; Promoting sustainable human settlement development; Integrating environment and development in decision-making to name just 4 of 40 Chapters from Agenda 21 are modeled and duplicated in “Proposition N: The General Plan” “sustainability or “Smart Growth”.
— City government has no business to engage, nor does it have the revenue to engage in the areas of Person(s) choices for life, liberty, and pursuits of our Republic.
— Our City of Escondido is among the very few cities that actually have the opportunity to vote against Obama’s EPA usurpation of unrepresentative-law, GW is absent Congress and Carbon chips are CO2. Many Cities, and many Person(s) within cities, have the decision made to follow UN/Obama-EPA /CA AB32 - 7 Elements of General Plan, perpetrated upon them ---- not One Word; completely absent any information
Vote “No” on Proposition N – The General Plan”: AND, in addition: vote “NO” on 31 for exactly the Same Reasons as Prop. N:
1. ‘Argument’ means “1. A reason offered for or against a proposition, opinion, or measure; a reason offered in proof, to induce belief, or convince the mind; followed by for or against. 2. In logic, an inference drawn from premises, which are indisputable, or at least of probable truth. 3. The subject of a discourse or writing.”.
2. The Delphi Technique: ;
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