The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"We the People" in order to form a more perfect union, ...have been

wondering at our leaders at all levels of government, especially CA State, and the Second and Third Articles of the Constitution in Washington, DC.  We also, look and listen, in shock and disbelief, at the absolute refusal, of our Republic-elected Representatives of Congress, Who Know the Acts, Bills, regulations are unConstitutional, to identify the Article(s) and Amendment(s) breeched, stated out loud on the floor of Congress. It matters not - the numbers in any party, nor in the physical outcome of the specific Act or Bill with its following never- accountable-union,closed shop-member in forming the regulations that spurt-out from the Act or Bill.   What Does Matter, Is That The "Inner Power of the Table of Law" be recognized which Is Represented In Both Articles and Amendments. Be Sure It is read into the "Congressional Record" as it becomes evidence. Congress-member, what you Shall Have Accomplished, Is the Basis of "Betrayal of One's Nation" (Article I:6:1) 

The question is why 'silence'?  Not much is said by any Congressmember, and even when Pelosi was confronted by a Congressmember regarding Constitutionality of then "HR1309 healthy Americans"; when she answered "Of Course!";  the Congress-individual was again silenced. This sort of; lack of confidence in the words of the founders, as well as ignorance about how to apply human nature's "Table of First and Second Laws" to the Constitution, continues to be a basic reason for: no sound-words or action to support-protect-defend. One lesson  easily completed: For every Article and Amendment (without the "modern group of Amendments"), there is a corresponding Article and Amendment to answer. Do the matching - for yourself and be self-rewarded by all you discover! Also, as you make the matches, Notice how many of the 29 complaints against George III - with few noun and verb changes - are the Same Today with this Administration.  The punishment for disobedience, to our supreme Law of the Land, will not to be found in law books or in sentence structure. It is found in the "First and Second Table of Laws*"; and a bit more concretely, in [ANSWER #1] Article I:6:1. But again, "the gods of the Greater Number" and Fear; over-rides and prevents the ethics of  "betrayal of one's nation(Oxford Dic.)", or Felony*, or "the non-performance of a moral duty; non-performance of duty being a breach of obligation, as well as a positive transgression or violation.(1828 American Dic.)"  [and the reader shall read this Section 6 to fill-in the blanks for these definitions - except felony, which is a large expression of the social word use, difference of  meaning from1828 where ethics violations could and did result in punishment; to 2010's Oxford Dic. definition]. 

The millions of Americans demonstrated their anger about the course this President repeatedly takes including after 11/2/10 results. Mr. Obama has not and Shall not change his life-long views of Socialism and Islam.   The goal, of this Administration is to force America into Treaty with the UN and Global Socialism -- WithOut regard to sovereignty of individual, state, or our Nation [Evidence: read S. 510, the last Section named Miscellaneous - a very, very RED-LETTER word]. Neither the legislature, nor Obama read the Acts, Bills; but to anyone in grassroots land, reading the Acts and Bills becomes apparent that there is one format and one, designated person who is responsible for the words on paper for : "PPAA", "Financial Stability", Green-CO2 chips; and this latest usurpation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness deceptively named "Food Modernization Act"; and because it is attached and makes changes to the old "FDCA", Drugs and Cosmetics are included. Drugs have been already acted upon by the Czars- Before This Act Leaves Congress (Eye Wash with pH adjusted and sterile for first aide and eye irritations, is removed from the shelves. It was manufactured by Bausch and Lomb - one of America's oldest name in eye pharmaceuticals as well as equipment. There are children's medications removed; and then the Motrin for those with arthritis)! Probably the czars acted, without any 'probable cause', 'due process', or any other recognition of personal rights as a business - because these State and Federal Constitutional Terms are ABSENT from ALL THE ABOVE ACTS WRITTEN THUS FAR.  

Since January 20, 2009, this President, with premeditation,  ignores "preserve, protect, and support" the Constitution (Article II:1:8), so his "best.. ability" must lend itself to Global Socialism which is certainly exemplified by the  the House Speaker (watch utube video, The Senate Leader with many lemmings close-by; commissioners; WH leaders; Cabinet Czars with influence from the UN, Islam with Arab world, leaders of Global Socialism.

----The Constitution is not law. There is no punishment for ignoring Articles XIV:2,4; V, VI and the privacy of the individual as a person and as a "business" via multiple Amendments. "Global Socialism" must destroy: assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature (science) and of Nature's God (Scripture) entitle them... are equal because they are "endowed by their Creator" and that to secure (fasten, close, or confine securely;Oxford Dic.) the unalienable, endowed by God statement of individual life, liberty, and happiness; "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their JUST POWERS from the CONSENT of the GOVERNED." 

Opposition the Constitution and also, to the Republic, is demonstrated by this

Acting Speaker Won't Recognize Ranking Republican Member

  • Wed, December, 01, 2010
  • ABC News
  • Dateline:Washington, D.C.,on U-Tube.  

  • This UTube video
  • represents Pelosi's continued disobedience to the Constitution, and to the Republic form of government adding weight; along with never putting party affiliation on Sponsors or Cosponsors of Acts, Bills because California's new election law is the blueprint for our Nation:
    "Article II:2:5(a):  "(a) A voter-nomination primary election shall be conducted
    to select the candidates for congressional and state elective offices
    in California. All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary
    election for any candidate for congressional and state elective
    office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by
    the candidate or the voter, provided that the voter is otherwise
    qualified to vote for candidates for the office in question. The    ["the gods of
    candidates who are the top two vote-getters at a voter-nominated  bigger numbers"]                                            
    primary election for a congressional or state elective office shall,
    regardless of party preference, compete in the ensuing general
    election. .." AND "b) Except as otherwise provided by Section 6, a candidate for a
    congressional or state elective office may have his or her political
    party preference, or lack of political party preference, indicated [more importand 
    upon the ballot for the office in the manner provided by statute. A  that candid-
    political party or party central committee shall not nominate a       ates, have 
    candidate for any congressional or state elective office at the      correct num-
    voter-nominated primary. This subdivision shall not be interpreted to  bers,rather
    prohibit a political party or party central committee from           than ideas of  
    endorsing, supporting, or opposing any candidate for a congressional     brain!]
    or state elective office. A political party or party central
    committee shall not have the right to have its preferred candidate
    participate in the general election for a voter-nominated office..."

     Also know that the seizures of private property, intellectual and concrete, by the Executive Branch with its commissions, executive orders, non-elected-totally unaccountable to anyone-union-based-czars-working "to assist the President in learning his position".

    Most of all, standing silent, never ever referring in spoken voice to the  specific Articles and Amendments violated, yesterday by the "Dream Act" and apparently today, by S. 501/ H. 1332 FOOD SAFETY MODERIZATIOON by Charles Dubin socialist from the State of Illnois.  The summary of this flat-out removal of Legislative in favor of Executive Branch is below.*  "Constitution, every individual who is directly elected, and who works behind Legislation by writing the Regulations that make the Bills and Acts function, takes the Oath to support the Constitution - with each Armed Service Member swearing and fully aware of his/her life on the line, to Defend the Constitution against All Enemies foreign and domestic.

    Do All Who Read This, finally realize that, The flagrant disobedience to both the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States, means that "Socialism" Shall Prevail as long as any member of the opposition party is located in any part of the Federal Government, its Unions, and therefore, many of the States..

    ANSWER  IS TWO: 1) Be Sure the article, amendment section which is violated is read into the "Congressional Record" as it becomes evidence. Congress-member, what you Shall Have Accomplished, Is the Basis of "Betrayal of One's Nation" (Article I:6:1)   see above 2nd paragraph.
    2) Never let 2 or more Republicans sign onto any Socialist-generated Act, Bill, or Amended document. Much Better if  -0- or -NO-Republicans Sign! I know you don't like the 1828 Definition of Congress and harmony; but the Founders did - trust them; and State the Act or Bill May Not Go to the President for Signature because there is "NO Congress of mutual concern, PRESENT. Only 1 of the Party's has sign for passage of the Act or Bill."" State the Parts of the Constitution disobeyed, place the parts in the Congressional Record; and then bring-on the 'charge of treason, breech of peace, felony for removal from office. Remember while both Republican and Republic have the same-sounding base; it is the principle of "Religion and Morality" with "Inner Power" which has say over any "god of the greater number". Further, the Socialist's have to play-out their hand in the open-air. We've had our elections and Every American - elected or not - is fully aware of the answer.  It is still the game of chicken with the two roadsters speeding and getting closer now....yep it could be a head-on or they chicken. Don't you give-up our Nation's 'roadster' to Socialist's who have caused what we are all observing in Nations around-the-world!

    Use The Tool Called "Inner Power" to Protect the United States of America from Usurpation by the very group the founder's knew so well and was represented then by George III; and now by Barack Obama with Andy Stern, and George Soros and company!

    (Sec. 102) Authorizes the Secretary to suspend the registration of a food facility if the food manufactured, processed, packed, or held by a facility has a reasonable probability of causing serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals.
    >>It won't be discussed, and because it is hoped that no-one will notice; but by logical extension, the entire Act also includes "Drugs and Cosmetic".
    >>Nor, will the fact that the "suspend of registration" will occur in 2 days! The old Act has 10 days. And "The Secretary has 100% authority to define and determine what constitutes recallable (hopefully, this continuing repeat of "Secretary of Authority to Define" will ring some bells from Financial Stability with Risk; PPAA with cost of diag statistician decided.  

    (Sec. 404) Declares that nothing in this Act shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.

    The above are two of the standout paragraphs among the Entire Document of Standout Sections

    *1828 American Dic. "Pursuance -  following; prosecution, process or continued exertion to reach or accomplish something -- in this case to reach the "Religious and Morality" for the individual and Protection from "How prone all human institutions have been to decay; how subject the best-formed and most wisely organized governments have been to lose their check and totally dissolve; how difficult it has been for mankind, in all ages and countries, to preserve their dearest rights and best privileges, impelled as it were by an irresistible fate of despotism. (James Monroe, speech at Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 10, 1788)"*.

    *1828 American Dic. "Felony In common law, any crime which incurs the forfeiture of lands or goods. Treason was formerly comprised under the name of felony, but is now distinguished from crimes thus denominated, although it is really a felony. All offenses punishable with death are felonies; and so are some crimes not thus punished, as suicide, homicide by chance-medley, or in self-defense, and petty larceny. Capital punishment therefore does not necessarily enter into the true idea or definition of felony; the true criterion of felony being forfeiture of lands or goods. But the idea of felony has been so generally connected with that of capital punishment, that law and usage now confirm that connection. Thus if a statute makes any new offense a felony, it is understood to mean a crime punishable with death."
       BUT in Oxford Dic. "Felony is "serious, often violent crime".  Moral: use 1828 Dictionary when learning the Constitution; with much respect to Jon Roland of the Constitution Society "Not everything in the Constitution can be explained by the "American Dictionary" "

    Saturday, November 20, 2010

    "Pledge to America", the Constitution, and some Ground Rules...

    especially in view of what is now occurring in Congress; plus what the Socialists are going to do - change in Congress or not!

    IF Any Article, Section, Subsection, or component of Any Act, Bill or other regulation, rule or governmental directive, Executive Order of force and demand by definition of government; THEN 100% of the ENTIRE CONTENT is UNACCEPTABLE and SHALL Not  Pass. That Means 100% of Republicans, in whatever seat occupied, stand as ONE OPPOSING VOICE With 'We the People'; each elected Senator or Representative representing the United States of America, its Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution of "Internal Power" meaning "Religion and Morality" of the Individual Protected against the tyrannical, force called "External Power" of government by repeat use of the Executive Branch; repeat increase in powers to regulate and control around the legislative Branch via Executive Order or by declaring a 'New Commission'; repeat powers to control the cash flow and private businesses; of individual Americans as decision makers of personal-family health care and Consumers; loans; banks; manufacturers of medical equipment, devices, and supplies including supplies made from petroleum-based products; foods from raw material, as well as prepared foods (includes drugs and cosmetic control by default as part of the existing FFDCA). All these occur always with the absence of the following Constitutional Article and Amendments: Article IV:2, 4; Article V and therefore Article VI; and Amendments IV, V, VI-Political, Federal Crime of "Greater Number" of 'No probable Cause' Americans versus "actual fact of crime intent, specifically a presence of device known to cause harm or damage, physically, against the United States of America" as demonstrated by the following: "Patient Protection and Affordable Act(PPAA)"; "America's Financial Stability Act"; "FDA Food Safety Modernization Act"; "The Dream Act"(tomorrow, 11/29, am); "The Patriot Act amended and updated including body scans and pat-downs".

    Each member must have faith and believe that the founders are the Truth of their words in Both our Twin Documents; and that the
    definition of the word 'Congress': "A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, and particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.*" , is an important part of their very deliberate, and much more skillful use of English; of understanding history because they were 234 yrs. closer to the actual events than we are; and because they were and lived "Religion and Morality" as 'We the people' were until fading approximately 60 years ago. Fading...Not, by any means gone nor forgotten. Undergoing a re-birth, but in a time where learning or relearning information is very difficult both because of so many choices as well as to few - in the Classical Learning Method of Inductive Logic with Research-Reflect-Relate-Record. For example: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and per persons or thing to be seized." Specific action(s) against a citizen is defined by a general law of 'Religion and Morality' - a person cannot be forced to take either a body scan or touching by any other person without signed permission. Permission is Not implied by the purchasing of the property called an airline ticket; especially when the same requirements for body scans and pat-downs Do Not Occur at trains, buses, or automobiles crossing international borders into the United States.  No government at any level in the USA, including the Executive Branch of the Federal Government "shall make or enforce any law which abridges the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law (Amendment 6); nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."  Further, the HSA inspectors or any governmental entity, may not fine or punish a citizen upon the citizen's Act of Refusing any inspection of self or family; or by stating or physically seizing  the citizen's airline ticket property to fly at the now time and place the owner of the plane ticket purchased with his property.

    Relate: IF pleural words in defining 'Congress' mean more than one; concert means more than two (or it isn't much of a concert), THEN there Must be two (2) or more from the opposing party to result in a "meeting" or "assembly" which concert measures for the common good, to match the definition of Congress. To bring out the definition of 'Congress' from Article I:1" ALL Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in Congress.." helps to show the close parallel to the 'filibuster', where just one member can hold off a vote of 'Only Greater Number counts And Nothing Else' socialist thinking. "NO Republicans" and 'filibuster' have, both, been very effective in stopping the "tyranny of the majority" who believe 'Only the greater number of votes' are important to usurp and claim ownership of American individual's privileges and immunities, or the rights of States over the Federal Government -- especially as the Executive Branch which has laid claim to a lot more than the 6% of GNP of PPAA, when dollars, food, with more new government bureaus, departments, commissions, are factored in -- as a part of every single Act passed by this one-sided, lemming Legislative Branch of our Federal Government.

      The answer to stop usurpation, now and until the 2012 election, is the use of the weapon of the Minority: No Republican Signs Unto Any Bill, Act, Amendment, funding of any existing Act; especially an Act which is not among the enumerated powers or removes from individuals or States their precedence in life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. The majority, socialist group of lemmings Must Have 2 signed, legislators of the opposition in order for the definition of Congress -- "to concert measures for the common good."  If Only the Socialists + what's left of Democrats sign an Act or Bill, then it shall Not Proceed for signature of law from the President of the USA (Article I:7:2).  In taking this action, Please Note: It doesn't say agree; nor even reference win or lose; simply demonstrate that there were only 2 or less members of the opposition Party (Republican) who agreed to write their Signatures to the Act or Bill or Amendment to same. Proof of Founder's intent is found in the wording of  Article I:7:2 "..Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be..". If the founder's intended that unanimous decision of one party was adequate for a Bill's passage, they could have used the word 'Congress' because it is synonymous with both houses define the Legislative part of government. While after the fact for PPAA - doesn't matter here;  it is important that All Members of Congress including the 17 Republicans who joined in S510/H.1332 FDA FOOD SAFETY MODERNIZATION ACT, to recognize the "internal power" of the protection of individuals from the whiles of: S.510/1332; PPAA; Financial Stability by the same administration who thought-up PPAA!!??; and tomorrow's (it's only 8:15 pm here)"Dream Act of Mr. Reid: removal of protection of the individual's earnings by adding a tax for illegal aliens with so many if, and, and buts; that the cost of policing - especially with retirement benefits of union-members in a closed shop - will far out-strip any benefit the illegals might attain to attend college. Another part of the whole illegal alien issue is the difference between legal aliens who become naturalized American Citizens - often more involved in the Duty of service to America; than any illegal who enters, primarily for the what is it (ouch!) 1 Peso equals $0.08 US dollar!!! No wonder crossing-the-border is very, very, very worth the risk -- isn't it? I bet a lot of Americans, where the table turned around, would do the same thing as the illegals. That is a sad statement for the Nation of Mexico - a land of wonderful people. Sen. DeMint, Representative Boehner this fact of the Peso should be in the news(Fox is only outlet besides internet FB, etc. which I will do. Not because of any change at the border; but because it is graphic beyond words, of the desperation of a Nation for some kind of light at the end of the tunnel!

    "To concert measures... to concerns" Shall Not be construed to mean Only the number of individuals comprising 'One Interest Group's Position' can 'EXCLUDE' the Position of the Opposing group. The idea that 'number' is the sole determiner of direction for human kind affairs is as absurd, as it is a common, daily act to short circuit, critical thinking and decision-making! Like Frederick Bastiat's "Legal Plunder" as it becomes "Social Justice" defined by its creators! It is the reason: "Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. (John Adams, April 15, 1814)". As in 'Patient Protection and Affordable Act(PPAA)', 'concert measures' or 'adjust mutual concerns' did not and has not occurred. The Party supporting Socialist takeover of healthcare, did not have at least two votes from the Party opposed to the takeover of healthcare by the Socialists.
    The Act should not have gone to this President for signature!

    Until each elected member, of any governing body, uses the 4R's; and believes in the integrity and religion of duty and service our founders represent, the Constitution will continue to be misunderstood and misused. The Constitution is genuinely clear and concise English "everyone can understand"; but since many individuals never received logic, philosophy, for the no supreme deity, or a religious teaching regarding 1:1 relationship with God and His Son for others, it takes time to have that become a part of an individual's sense of birthright-duty-and love of country - after God.

    This little essay is Pay Attention! If you are going to support the TWINS, then do it!! No Compromise and No Maneuvering! ... Yes because of  'number', Socialist can add ownership (against what Articles? You need to know the answer - reader)to agriculture to medicine, college loans, automobiles, shipping and manufacturing, if carbon chips, or the science of evidence, defined and designed by politicians, have their way. Socialists, blocking petroleum-nuclear-mining; and killing our already troubled dollar are adding to their increase of  'waste and exhaust'.

    recognize the socialist tactic of putting a tantalizing tidbit, into any bill, results in the events of passing what should not be passed. Why? Re-read what supporting the Constitution means; and remember all that has happened 12 weeks before this man, who is a citizen and therefore just like all citizens - except for his own definition and actions; ends his First Year!!!!

    Yes...they are a majority, but you can see what is accomplished by paying attention to the Constitution, and by understanding that the Constitution is a Written Instruction of Internal Power. That is why no-one need make an Amendment to Balance the Budget; or worse, codify this most valuable statement of how to defend and maintain individuality and "Internal Power", defined by its description in the Declaration's first and top of second paragraphs! That is also why every, single issue addressed in the Declaration is in the Constitution with it instruction of both directions: government to do! government Not to do! With Leave it Alone... and  to the "citizen"!

    Elected Republicans, Grassroot Republicans, internet or person to person; our nation is in grave danger by ignorance, by choice, by power, and by money. Our Creator is well aware of the adversity Americans and Citizens of Nation's World Wide are facing. He is Helping each and every one of us....We have only to Listen, Learn or relearn, believe because God and His Son are The Way - The Truth - The Light. They Are "Religion and Morality" our Nation stands fast and firm in belief.
    Thank you, Catherine West, San Marcos, California

    PSS: Be careful to Look at 100% of the Bill. Know that "We the People" - teapartiers are not going to disappear. Republicans who maintain superstition or fear of Constitutional Conservatives or simply Conservatives, really need to review US and World History to understand, our group of Republicans have no intention of returning to the past. We do have every intention of recognition that God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, With The Declaration and Constitution, are real parts of who we are now, tomorrow, and in the posterity of every generation in the future of our globe and in the Universe of God's Creation Who will be there, waiting with all He Is; until we catch up with Him!!!

    *Noah Webster's "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language" at; an indispensable aid, with Oxford Dictionary to using given words to the extent of their meaning.

    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    Our Nation's need for Tax Cuts...

    Obama’s Answer to Recession: Tax Hikes | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP

    There are new comments at gop; but this was the one I found to add a comment:  The comment also includes the Declaration and Constitutional violations:

    Obama’s Answer to Recession:  Tax Hikes

    August 2010
    Posted by: Jan Larimer
    When it comes to getting our economy moving again and creating jobs for American families, the difference between the two parties has never been more clear.  President Obama and his liberal allies in Congress want to raise taxes by letting the Bush tax cuts expire.  Republicans want to reduce taxes to put more money in the hands of individuals and small businesses to spend or invest as they see fit.
    If Congress does nothing, as Nancy Pelosi has indicated they will do, the Bush tax cuts will expire at the end of this year and taxes will go up for millions of Americans.  According to the Detroit News, “For people who make about $28,000 before taxes, losing the cuts adds nearly $600 to their average annual tax tabs. But as incomes get larger, so would the pain: Someone making $1.1 million would pony up more than $39,000, and the lucky few making $8.4 million or more -- one-tenth of 1 percent of all taxpayers -- would fork over an extra $371,760 to Uncle Sam than they would if the tax cuts continue.”
    According to the U.S. Treasury, if all the tax cuts expire, taxes will go up by $3.8 trillion.  Adding that much to an already enormous tax burden will weigh our economy down, slow job creation, and make it more difficult for working families to make ends meet. 
    Republicans have laid out a better way forward.  Instead of raising taxes, a new Republican majority in Congress would work to extend the tax relief to keep more money in the economy.  Republicans will fight against job-killing proposals from the Obama Administration such as cap-and-tax that threaten the jobs of thousands of American workers. And Republicans will cut government spending to head off a possible interest rate hike that would cripple job creation in our country. 
    Time after time, President Obama and Democrats in Congress have delivered the wrong answers.  Their answer to health care was more government control.  Their answer to the economy was bailouts and government spending using borrowed money.  Republicans have better answers, and are ready to put them to work for the American people. 

    Our Nation's need for Tax Cuts... 
    'We the People' Do Not Give Consent to raise taxes on any segment or 'defined, Progressive group named "wealthy"! 


    2 Please recognize a consistent, repeating theme of Progressive Socialist thinking: Groups are necessary to identify problems; make decisions; uniform-conformity to the group without regard for 'Religion and Morality' or for the individual. Progressive-Socialist (you like to call them Democrats; but We the People aren't as polite; and anyway, there is about a 10 individual group who is working to renew the old Democratic Party. They get no media attention either. Other examples: the group of deep water oil drillers; of state gov. who refuse to recognize this Administration's "Constitutional" responsibilities - now don't laugh: This denigrating group of so-called leaders are an example of the decision-making group where knowledge is not a requirement in medicine, in law, in enemies of war, in religious denomination unless it is Islamic ( which makes another 'special group'; as Unions are "The Protected Class" (this by Gov. Schwarzenegger). So you see, Socialism cannot function with individual, critical thinking Americans who Shall Tell the Progressives to join their lemming friends and jump into the ocean of death to their tyrannical beliefs (have to add that last part because if I left the sentence at 'death'; you know the internet czars would have a tiny, brain infarct!!!:-( to bad!
    Examples of groups: Defining class by specific $$$. Defining 'Illegal Alien as of college age' so they can receive taxpayer funds; forget any Naturalized American's desire and requirement that they understand and Pledge Allegiance to America. That illegals will never have to take personal responsibility to The Twin Documents; nor do they have to be informed of this current chasm between the Obama-Soros Global Socialization versus Declaration-Constitutional Americans who do know their responsibilities to their God, their Nation, their family and supporting the teachings and directions of God the Father, His Son Jesus.

    Monday, November 15, 2010

    Today's Power Play: Steele Still Alive in Empty Field, But Challengers May Soon Emerge -

    Today's Power Play: Steele Still Alive in Empty Field, But Challengers May Soon Emerge -

    Above article was from 11/12/10 and of course there are always Republicans to come forward to join a controversy- real, contrived, or a wonderful goal for the Socialist Administration, Obama's "NO" Party, and the Union's power utilizing  member dues without member vote or another way to put in is "The Special Class of American Ruled by Their Leaders who have no respect or even knowledge of  'We the People' -the Constitution where they appear as the first word in the Preamble; and the second principle, after ".. to assume among the powers of the earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires...".   

    A lot of Americans,  having decided that if the word 'politics' is required for something, then that word also is associated with "backroom decisions", lies, deception, maneuvering, speaking one principle but ignoring it when the time comes to take action and prevent, define and defend - exactly the issue at hand.  Ch. Steele does not do that anymore than any other principled leader joins in. Ch. Steele is exactly what he is: "Be Honest and Dependable; Take Responsibility" and "How you think if everything: Always be positive. Think success, not failure. Beware of a negative environment. Take Action: Goals are nothing without action. .;
    Be Persistent and Work Hard..; Focus your time and money: this is the trip to US Territories; the Fire Pelosi Bus; and the great job of creating so that any American can have their say and blog answer and take action with innovation for our party; plus a lot of decisions with other of the 50 State Chairman. Our Party is active, dynamic; But Most of All Open to Controversy from any side with Any American's opinion and thoughts welcome. There was a change, this year in California; it didn't work, and our State will pay the price although many Republicans hope that Brown actually has grown-up with his senior years as most of humankind  do!

     Too many, side of the road, Republicans stand in criticism of the Leader present regardless of  situation, year, person. They are not active in their State, County, or Local Party;or Party activities for fundraising like Celebrations of State and Congressional Legislators who will continue the fight to represent 'We the People' as they returned to office for the last 8 weeks of the year versus same-ole, same-ole, Socialist, arm-twisting, Pro the "politics" word, and Anti speaking the "Constitution" word out loud. The December Christmas Parties at local, county level with the Republican Federated Women will also celebrate the new candidates that were added; and will follow The Only Party which Understands and Represents the Preamble to the Constitution; that current Administration cannot maintain representation of 'We the people' and continue to create bureaus, commissions, departments; take over private business (success could not be More Beside the Issue contained in the "Instructions to prevent to large government intrusion - aka The Constitution" over "we the people's' business! addressed to Fox's liberal, democrat on Shawn's show).

     The realization that the biggest change in our Party isn't from any One Thing, i.e. donations. Why would Mr. Stuart complain of anemic donations during an economic downturn combined with competition for the non-deductible contribution resulting from the huge growth in teaparty related, good ole-fashioned, American enterprise of non-profit organizations expressing their need for donation support for any single issue you would like to pick from Declaration-Constitutional to Legislative - taxes, jobs, economy? Just look at FB! These two factors alone; never mind the Teaparty effect, contributed to the drop in RNC and many State Parties. If fact, it would be an interesting question for the January meeting for the next Chairperson of our Party, to see how many of the State's actually received more in donations for the Nov. 2 election, than June primaries, 2008, or 2006 when the Liberal Dems took over Congress.

    California's continued, Union Effect is clearly demonstrated by Urban, Coastal, Northern, more union; versus Southern California except for Ventura, Santa Barbara Counties and LA (with 205.000 still unprocessed votes as of 11/10.). Inland the election map is a virtual duplication of each county results/candidate for: Governor, Lieu. Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General except that one or two counties were added to the Republican side for AG.

    Both RNC and State Parties feel the affect of anemic donations because of the well known; but never spoken out-loud, use of union-member dues to pour dollars into a select list of target states; as more important than races; with the exceptions of Reid and Pelosi. Meaning: no-one party, regardless of Tea-Green-Campaign for Liberty-Independent,  can outspend Unions with buried 'Soros-type' support!  With Pelosi, California has a very interesting maps showing election-proposition results. The maps are colored yellow for 'yes' and gray for 'no'. Pelosi initiated Proposition 27 to eliminate the Citizen's Redistricting Commission. Proposition 20 would continue the "Citizens Redistricting Commission" And add Congressional Districts to the Commission. The election map for Mrs. Pelosi's written Proposition 27, to eliminate the Redistricting Commission - "Yes" is the tiny, tip -San FranciscoCity on California Map of Counties. - The One(1) SF County, all 47 sq. miles of it with Only 'The City' comprising it, to Support Mrs. Pelosi's Proposition 27. Likewise, Proposition 20 to continue the Redistricting Commission and Add the Congressional Districts: All Counties in the State voted 'Yes' -except Mrs. Pelosi's tiny, grey, tip representing the City of San Francisco. Such is the opinion in California of Mrs. Pelosi; and the fear of her losing the legislative gerrymandering that 47 sq. miles of the City dominated to represent - a single, socialist view!!

    Point being the NRP reflects the nation and its states including the effects of economy, union, increased demand for donations from other anti-administration organizations, teaparties and simply ignorance of how the six parts = the whole of our party - which can also trip over each other as they travel to support their special bend on the anti-Socialist, Constitution Administration!

    PS: Roughly here is how we look structurally: Republican National Committee with Chairs from each State in the Union including territories (which Ch. Steele has been actively assisting for the first time in NRC History) + 26 Committee Members(? not sure if these are also state or from central committees or?); Then State with each state's counties (or other designations burroughs, etc.); then local chapters with Republican Federated Women and the closest to 'grassroots'.
    Alongside, with or without interaction, Congressional Republican Committee, Senate Republicans, House Republicans; CPAC; State Senate Republicans, Assembly Republicans.
    OK, Ch. Stuart; you know your State's structure down to and including your local. Do you see now, why donations were anemic!!?? No level is failing to ask for donations, having events with donations, having Conventions with seminars for donations; having town halls and a donation would be nice; home parties, campaingn kickoffs, private and corporate support...It can be mind-boogling; and there Is Still The Importance of Our Party's PRINCIPLES based on BOTH THE DECLARATION AND CONSTITUTION which is what the Teapartier's (aka, conservative Republicans).

    PSS: It is also about time that Alaska, California, Nevada; and many more States start recognizing that the majority of losing candidates Are The Republicans and the Conservatives Among our Party; Because We Are and Represent the Namesis to the Unions which have far more power than the President of the United States of American and financially most of the 50 States in the Union. Remember, all by itself, union's Unsustainable and Silent-Non-Discussed, Retirement account's on top of the demanding 'Closed Shop' and including the 'plastic, card vote to form a union which Obama and Sternn have much amore for---naturally: numbers - votes and it doesn't matter the individual the vote represents; especially if you can cause disarray, disinformation, newspeak, censorship, coercion and pay-off to keep the members in order!
     Very American:-(    Very Constitutional:-(    Very, Very Sickening:-(!!

    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Taliban Seek to Sway Congress with additional reminder from 1/31/08 Pres. Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan...

    Taliban Seek to Sway Congress -
    KABUL—Add another group to the list of people with a message for the newly elected U.S. Congress: the Taliban.
    In a rambling "open letter" to Congress, the Taliban's spokesman said he wanted to present American lawmakers with "a true picture of the ground realities" of the war in Afghanistan, which he insisted the U.S. can't win.
    The spokesman, Qari Mohammad Yousaf Ahmadi, called on Congress to send a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan, apparently ignorant of the fact that representatives and senators visit Afghanistan all the time. But American lawmakers rarely leave heavily guarded U.S. facilities, moving only in armored convoys, ..."
    I don't have a subscript. to WSJ; but do have then President Bush's Speech to Emerald at Queensridge; Las Vegas, NV 1/31/08: "President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror in Las Vegas" on Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan; plus "..advocacy of open markets, ownership -homes, medical care accounts, pension plans; with "government ought to trust people and empower them to make their own decisions about their future".
    President George W.Bush: "The world in which we live is a dangerous world, but a world full of great opportunity. We're involved in an ideological struggle -- the likes of which we have seen before in our history. It's an ideological struggle between those of [US(A)] who love freedom and human rights and human dignity, and those who want to impose their dark vision on how people should live their lives. This is a --not a plitical conflict -- I mean, a religious conflict. and I'll tell you why: because one of the tactics, and the main tactic of these enemies of freedom, is to murder the innocent to achieve their objectives. Religious people do not murder the innocent. ...
    ... the freedom movement is on the march. I'm not surprised, and you shouldn't be either. I believe there is an Almighty. I believe the gift of that Almighty to every man, woman and child is freedom. I believe that people, if given a chance, will always go to freedom -- and that's what you're beginning to see. ...
    And yet every time freedom tries to advance, these ideologues murder innocent people -- in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Israel, in Palestine. People who can't stand the thought of free societies unleash their hatred by killing innocent people. and the great challenge facing America and the world is, one, will we recognize the challenge? Do we understand the consequences of success and failure? and will the United States be bold and stay in the lead?...
    .... We will prevail in this ideological struggle because liberty is powerful. Liberty is hopeful. The enemy we face can only convince people to join their cause is when they find hopelessness. And so our strategy is threefold: one, protect the homeland; two, stay on the offense against these folks; and three, provide an alternative -- a hopeful alternative to despair and doubt and hopelessness. The first -- our most important job -- ....whether it be the federal government, state government, or local government -- is to protect you. ... and remember the lessons of September the 11th: that oceans cannot protect us, that we face cold-blooded killers who, in our case, resorted to mass murder to send a message (a mosque in Ground Zero!!! -- Americans say and mean 'NO"!). ....hasn't been an attack on our homeland since then. That's not for the lack of effort by these evil people.
    I hope you take heart in knowing there are a lot of really fine people working long, long hours to get the best information possible to protect the homeland. ...unbelievably dedicated folks. ...we owe these folks a debt of gratitude. And we owe them more -- we owe them the tools necessary to protect the American people.
    And one such tool in this different kind of war is to fully understand the intentions, the motives, the plans of people who use suicide and bombs to kill the innocent. If these terrorists and extremists are making phone calls into our country, we need to know why they're calling, what they're thinking, and what they're planning......And one such tool is a surveillance program that guarantees the rights of our citizens, but doesn't extend those same guarantees to those who would do US harm (think AZ & cartels - as well) to those who would do [US(A)} harm. [ At this speech, Pres. Bush signed a 15 day extension as an Executive Order the "Protect America Act"] -- expecting the Democratic Majority & with Republicans to get this work done so our professionals can protect the American people.
    The second part is to stay on the offense against these folks -- I mean every day stay on the offense; an unrelenting effort to find them and bring them to justice. It's hard to plot, plan and attack America if you're running and hiding. It's hard to recruit if you're cutting off money. It is hard to spread your poison if other reasonable people join the cause. And so we spend a lot of time doing everything we can to keep the pressure on these folks. And we got some good people working it.
    I repeat to you, I know there's some good folks who think this is just simply a law enforcement matter. It is not. This is an effort that requires all assets of the United States, and requires coalitions working together.....America must not relent. If our most important job is to protect the American people, we have got to stay on the offense, and defeat the enemy overseas so we do not have to face them here at home.
    The third part of our strategy is to spread liberty. [tells of then Prime Minister Koizumi] ..Even more remarkable was the fact that the United States had no stronger ally in defeating terror, no stronger ally than understanding the power of freedom to be transformative. I say "no stronger ally" -- Tony Blair was strong; there was a lot. [hatred between japan after Pearl Harbor.] ..
    and yet 60 years later, the son of a Navy fighter pilot was sitting at the table with the Prime Minister of the former enemy, strategising on how to win this ideological war. I find it ironic. The summary I've come away with is that liberty is transformative. People want to be free and, if given the chance, will be free, do the hard work necessary to be free. And liberty has got the capacity to transform an enemy to an ally.
    and therefore we ought to have confidence in liberty's power to bring the peace we want, and not shy away from helping people realize the great blessings of freedom. We've got to be confident in the transformative powers of liberty, recognizing that deep in everybody's soul is the desire to be free. I recognize...there are some in the world who dismiss the capacity of liberty to take hold in parts of the world. There used to be a foreign policy that advocated stability as the cornerstone of our policy. But stability just masks the hopelessness that seethed beneath the surface. If you believe this is an ideological struggle like I do, then is's paramount to help people realize a different ideology than that of the enemy. And that's what you're seeing unfold.
    and the two most evident places that that's happening right now is in Afghanistan and Iraq. ... these aren't separate, you know,wars; they're part of the same war; different theaters, certainly different circumstances, but the outcome is essential for our security. ...
    In Afghanistan -- the interesting lesson on Afghanistan for the world to see is that how the vision of the enemy would be implemented -- in other words, these poor folks had the Taliban as their oppressors. The Taliban also, as you might remember, provided safe haven to those who came and attacked us. But if you lived in Afghanistan in those days and were a mom of a child -- particularly a female child -- you had no hope. These thugs didn't believe in freedoms, they didn't believe in women having equal status, they didn't believe young girls should be educated. And if you dared express your opinion that didn't mesh with theirs, you'd be whipped in the public square or killed. These are brutal people. That's the vision that these folks have for the world. ["the absurd notion that a few men govern the many people. G. Washington"]
    I think the United States needs to take that vision seriously. I think it's in our best interest to liberate people. I think it's in our interest that when we find human suffering we help deal with it. In Afghanistan I am proud to report that the United States of america thanks to a brave military, liberated 25 million people and gave them a chance to realize the blessings of liberty. Since liberation from the Taliban and since al Qaeda was routed out of that country, where they no longer had a safe havens t plot and plan an attack, the people of Afghanistan voted for a President; the voted for a parliament; girls now go to school; highways are being built; health clinics are being constructed around the country.
    Is it a perfect government? No, but then neither were we. ...Afghanistan is working on their -- democracy. And it's hard work. It's not easy. It doesn't happen overnight. But it's in our interest to help them. It's in our interest to help them because we believe liberty is transformative. And a part of the world that was once a safe haven for an enemy that attacked us will be a more hopeful place when freedom takes hold.
    ....And the reason why is because this enemy is relentless in trying to overthrow this democracy, and it's in our interest to stop them. See, we've got to do the hard work now to make sure that a future generation of Americans can grow up in peace.
    ...Iraq.... I had to make a tough decision. And the decision I made was based on the considered judgment of military people, considered judgment of a lot of folks who were following Iraq. It was not based upon any Gallup poll or focus group. It was based upon what was right for the future of the United States, and that is, as opposed to pulling troops out, send mre in. ...
    Our surge, by the way, was more than just military. We surged diplomats and public service officials, provincial reconstruction teams to make sure that in neighborhoods where an enemy had been routed -- and we have folks there, along with the Iraqis, to provide the security.... -- that there was also a opportunity to improve life for the average citizen. ...and I don't know whether a lot of our citizens understand this, 80,000 local citizens stepped up and said, we want to help patrol our own neighborhoods; we're sick and tired of violence and extremists.
    [more on Iraq economics future security government...and why watching growth from a tyrannical government that left the nation without infrastructure or leadership, which had fallen apart; to a country starting to rebuild itself. with its citizens having a say for the first time ..]
    Back home... And by the way, I'm going to do something about earmarks. I signed an executive order the other day, basically saying if you slip these -- slip this spending into bills that don't get debated or voted on, we're not going to spend your money. And this executive order will -- Let me rephrase that: The money will be spent, but just not on those projects necessarily. Not on those projects necessarily. And this executive order goes beyond my presidency.
    ..Iraq... What I'm telling you is you're watching a democracy evolve. You're watching people become more confident in their ability to self-govern. and it's important we help them. ...and it's important that we help them as a part of this freedom movement. People have said, freedom can't take hold in the Middle East. I strongly disagree. I believe freedom will take hold in the Middle East, and Iraq is an essential part of this strategy......Success in Iraq will mean that we'll have an ally in this struggle against extremists in the Middle East. Failure will embolden Iran.
    .....It is vital for this generation to assume the responsibilities of peace and take the lead, so that when we look back 30 or 40 years from now people will say, thank goodness America didn't lose faith in liberty. Thank goodness they didn't abandon a value system that they believe is universal. ..."

    Thank goodness that we have had a leader who recognizes "He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself. (Thomas Paine, Dissertation on First -Principles of Government, December 23, 1791)".
    It is always an amazing and delightful experience to find in not so far back history to ancient history and The Bible, a never ending reinforcement of the principles of "religion and morality" with the nature of mankind.