The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Congressman Brian P. Bilbray, Serving California's 50th District

Congressman Brian P. Bilbray, Serving California's 50th District

Constitution versus "Tyranny of the Majority" and how to use 'The Republic Form of government - representation for the supreme Law of the Land ("Inner Power"). From The Words of the Founders who wrote the Constitution.

1) Involves Article I:1 and Article I:7:1,2 --
Article I: defines the location Legislative Powers as well as the identity of the location wherein the Powers Shall be enacted.
The key word is 'Congress'. The definition of 'Congress' is important to a Republic form of government. The definition which the founders used is not located in a modern dictionary. It is located in Noah Webster's "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language"[there are 2 of 5 definitions relevant]: "1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. AND 5. A meeting of two or more persons in a contest; an encounter; a conflict." Rep. Bilbray, please look carefully -- especially #5 -- that is how Republic will work against the "tyranny of the majority".

Your Oct. video, with your nicely, controlled, very, correct anger, on passing the "PPAA" is a great illustration.
Both #1 and #5, Together Work to Prevent Article I:7:1,2 FROM GOING the President to sign into Law. #1 says to concert measures of mutual concern and common good. #5 says 2 or more.

Here is the action for the Republic, from the founders who knew and experienced exactly what your video demonstrates: The minority Party must maintain unity with "We the People in order to form a more perfect union,...; therefore Republicans, including any opposition party member so choosing, Stand Together with No Votes or Signatures-Zero (0) for flagrant disobedience to the Law of the Land; to 2 two or preferably, less votes, signatures, for any opposition party action which changes Article 4:2,4 - "The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican Form of Government.." No Votes or signatures on any Act, Bill, Regulation, Amendment, or in which any Rule of Each House is violated. When the Rules of the House or Senate are violated; the Bill May Not Leave Congressional houses because there is No "concert of common good or mutual concern"! There is also, this is a little trickier, but [? your input, Rep. Bilbray] doable: - any Act or Bill which is without opposition party representation as co-sponsors cannot go forward, for the same reasons; and party membership Must be Delineated in the list attached to the Act or Bill! Any part of any Act, Bill, Amendment which contains a written violation of any part of, The Constitution of the United States Shall not Leave the House of Representatives, Nor The Senate of The United States.

While 'Congress' does not prevent the majority from passing, nor even the minority in expressing support, the definition prevents 'go forward' of every action, especially, this Socialist Administration desires, that disobeys, ignores, denigrates our Supreme Law of the Land. As in the 2 videos both from the floor of the House on S510/H1332, which by the way -- also makes room for treaties with the United Nations(!!!!) - see Miscellaneous!

Further, because Legislator's special, not related to the Act or Bill, spending of US taxpayer money for State or District issues(pork barrels), can be prevented by the same definition of Congress, and Articles I:8,IV:4,with Amendment 10 where contradiction between State's rights and 'other "..reserved for ... or to the people" taxpayer-earner's money are in conflict. CA should not be Using GA's or any States money from taxpayer's to do State, County, Local, Individual grants, loans, substructure, building arts, music, PBS or health or anything else not enumerated in Section 8! Founder's were (and are) aware, because it came-up as field hands, manufacturing, shipping, designing, trading,exchanging value, even Davie Crockett, that going outside the enumerated powers; would result in producing a group of men called "this Administration's" human nature of power-control-$$$-"tyranny of Democracy which the greater number" over "Religion and Morality".

If the majority, who shall vehemently disagree with the above because it burst's the Socialist's Bubble, still manages to demand and send one-party only voted Bills and Acts to the President for signature -- as the "PPAA" did do --;
here is the Founders answer: it is contained in Article I:6:1 -- "..They Shall in all Cases, Except Treason, Felony, and Breech of the Peace,....".
And Here again, is the importance of the words used...: from 1828 Dic.
-- "Treason is the highest crime of a civil nature of which a man can be guilty. Its signification is different in different countries. In general, it is the offense of Attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the Offender[s]owes [and gives Oath of Office to] allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power. .." Including: "In the United States, treason is confined to the actual levying of war against the United States, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Though this is an aside to the
"...versus Republic form of Gov. and Supreme Law of the land", because of 'giving comfort' it is germane: The treason is that part of this Administration's treating a Radical Islamic murderer of not just 3000 individuals in 9/11/01-also the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of thousands more as the receivers of their, individual losses; and Attorney General with the President, in agreement with the Islamic religion of sparing the life via 'life in prison' - for the murderer, in United States District Justice Court, because US Justice Courts -- do not relate, nor understand 'Death' is the enemy for that Radical Islamic person standing in a US Court of Justice; life in prison is a martyr and hero in any Islamic religion country -- especially borderless, lawless jihad.

--Felony: "In common law, any crime which incurs the forfeiture of lands or goods. Treason was formerly comprised under the name of felony, but is now distinguished from crimes thus denominated, although it is really a felony. All offenses punishable with death are felonies; and so are some crimes not thus..."

--Breach of the peace: Breach "1. The act of breaking; or state of being broken; a rupture; a break; a gap; the space between the severed parts of a solid body parted by violence; as a breach in a garment, or in a wall [border].
2. The violation of a law; the violation or non-fulfillment of a contract; the non-performance of a moral duty; non-performance of duty being a breach of obligation, as well as a positive transgression or violation.
[sentence example often used by Dic.]Every breach of the public engagements is hurtful to public credit.
Peace 1. In a general sense, a state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; applicable to society, to individuals, or to the temper of the mind. .. " 5. Freedom from agitation or disturbance by the passions, as from fear, terror, anger, anxiety or the like; quietness of mind; tranquillity; calmness; quiet of conscience."

Article I:6:1 "Except Treason, Felony and Breach of Peace.." are all present when "Congress" definition is ignored - especially with this Socialist Government - demonstrated by the absence of Pelosi from S510 yesterday; and by the other abridgments you stated in the Oct. video..and before that...!

But from this day forward, another Reason for the "Congressional Record" is the Planting in black and white ink - or hard copies (one can hope still happen), the documentation of the delineated actions against the supreme Law of the Land, noted above. This Becomes Irrefutable bring forth, regardless of number of people, the "Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolidation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. (Thomas Paine, who lived what he says while living in Britain; "American Crisis, No.1; 12/19/1776).

There maybe is a failing of ability to stand for Article I:6:1 because of aforementioned ignorance and possible disbelief; or fear of 'the greater number' with its encroachments. Learn: The Number is Not Important. It is an object. It is a Misused Tool. The Content of the Constitution far outweighs, the object 'number'. The Concepts Are Not For Competition! The Importance of One Person within the Concepts the Both The Twins Represent are not answerable or defeatable. They Stand on their own Truth of the Creator!
Those who have the belief in "Religion and Morality" by definition and with the irrefutable evidence of the "Congressional Record" shall prevail. We are intelligent enough to fix our government in the practical matters that may result.

Again, this is not from this writer, it is from the words, texts, lessons, of the founders and of God, Jesus they daily revered - along with living the "Ordinances and obedience to God's Law with the morals of those who do not believe in a divine lawgiver - aka "Religion and Morality".

Today, the ignorance of how to apply the protections through law of our individuality; the beauty and hard work of pouring hours into the wording to be complete and exacting as defining "Congress", combined with the expression of understanding of the fallibilities of human nature, performed by our founders is simply magnificent. To ignore, these two [Declaration of Independence] greatest accomplishments of mankind.

The below 'Lucifer world of Socialism'...can only be successful by USING Each individual legislator who puts politics before this Nation of all Nations in the World - except perhaps Great Britain. A nation that will continue to evolve its King form With the Rights of Man under God. Our two Nations, among all the Nations or 'try to be nations', on the globe; with each other -- can support and lead -- away from the Globalization with Socialism -- to the prosperity, future richness of mankind through the efforts of the individuals as citizens where-ever they reside! That is the "..more glorious the triumph."

Please consider the words, work, and goals of our forefathers and stop bowing to the larger number of Socialism..
Catherine West, one American Patriot

PS The answer is the Constitution. While I am a Constitutional Conservative; like all Conservatives, moving back to what is past Except as the Lessons of The Bible, Common Law, and history of mankind under rulers; is as ridiculous as, moving forward to the disaster Socialism is wreaking here and abroad.