The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

FaceboPledge of Renewal - fraud of Obama

Facebook (27)

Want to know the worse, unstated fact? In 1961, when this President was born, Hawaii recorded births according to Japanese Tradition: Birth is not recorded until the child has passed his First birthday. At that time, this did mean that the child had survived 365 days of birth to 1 year old; but the birth date of the child was, as if the first 365 days never occurred.

Obama's grandparents, and older individuals, remember when Japan was Always winning "The Little League Series". The birth tradition was the reason. American kids were playing against kids i year-older than they were!

The Kenyan Birth Certificate (photo available on UTube or downloaded too many computers for Obama's Internet czars to find) has the footprint on it! Not hard to go to original, because Kenya loves that Obama was born there!

Besides any and all of the above, This man who believes that he is singly, [and with his groupy cohorts shall answer directly to God like the rest of humankind, or whoever is in charge, after death, when there is no supreme Lawgiver]; has presented enough behaviors and demonstrations:
-of his Lack of Respect to the Honor embedded in the Oath of Office;
-to his disregard of "We the People's" security of person, houses, papers and effects (Chrysler for the Unions, pat-downs,scanners, spending other people's money irresponsibly - then asking for more[!!!];
-to edu-ing the young in 'Socialist world of groups' with concomitant lies;
-to be accountable for "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" as well as much of the Judicial 'sitters of justice for men' - not for justice in law. So the Supreme Court of "We the People (they're included in this group, but so lofty -they forget)", can declare: "President's birth not legitimate, ridiculous, we won't waste time..";
-as Petroleum in 3/3 areas of US Water territory are -stopped - from production because of 'this man.'
- and this doesn't even come close to the derisive-paper-power of non-elected-opinionated-regulation for political, environmental cabinet and 'outside' of any government;
-or to justify any and all actions requiring this man to produce his Proof! With respect to "Innocent, until proven guilty"; the above and more do make necessary for the personal integrity of 'Truth' of word - demand accountability; especially when this man, uses the tool Constitution when it suites his, Alinsky definition of 'ethics of means'!

And because "Timothy" doesn't exist in the Socialist brain. You know: Chapter I: Verse 8 "We know the law is good, if A man use it lawfully; Verse 9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners...". The "a man" can be substituted very nicely for "a Congress"(Article I:1)", as well as, State-County-City levels of governing!

Another watch-out: the speech addressed two separate groups: 1) older, veteran, American Patriot, country before party & the opposition party-including centrists who are older and closer to death or non-participation in government; AND 2) Those under 40 years of age, with only public school background, without God or "First Table of Law" and without knowledge or understanding of The Twins named Constitution and Declaration . The #2 Group is the future; and the members are absent basic, classical logic of the founders; but have lots of I'll do whatever you, the group, wants me to do. I glad I don't have to think, or decide. "Telling me" is all I want to know; and person as unique individual is lost in the maze of transformers, mysticism, today - whatever is right is so; but tomorrow whatever is right is so; nevermind the content of 'right'! This #2 audience loves to think of Obama as their be-all-end-all Leader. Removing him from office will succeed in martyrdom for Obama". He is Expendable for Global-World Socialism of Soros - the original, 'Goldfinger'.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

from PJTV's idea to interview, an American who believes we should just do away with it all.....sans reason as logic and as cause for opinion...

An example of the other end of the left-Socialist to right-Constitutional teaparty members, continuum of America - not party! This is the right end extremism...of lemming thinking; and it well could be a "Rhino". It derives from Article II of California's voter's Act for the State Legislature and Attorney General's Benefit to control state politics. It is the application of 'Democracy-Socialist-Progressive-tiny brain cell of only NUMBER Counts'*non-thinking, few persons!  This man wanting his $100 and don't worry, we will fix it for you, America.....has Forgotten, if he ever knew: "Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual -- or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his Country. (Samuel Adams, 4/16/1781)".  And......the same is true of how a Candidate represents him-her individual self.  

Party affiliation is not involved; But having said that, if it were not for the Republican Party - this man and his idea would like to disempower - to destroy; our Nation would be much further down the Socialist, Soros, Global world.  The centrist Democrats have watched their party become socialist in the name of one man as a President - Obama; but also in the Lucifer based techniques of Saul Alinsky, Cloward-Piven. This same man has fooled - everyone except the informed in history and in the knowledge that "You Must Know Who Your Enemy Is" in order to "defend it[Constitution] against all enemies". So far, this group -- ostensibly redefining what individuals think of America -- via "NONPARTISAN" conversations to determine the candidates for  House Representation!!??  What island was he born on? Though, the view does have one, inherent, indisputable fact: "It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth -- and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is the the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty?  Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. (Patrick Henry, 3/23/1775)"

The single, way this Nation can survive for another 233 years, preferably a lot more; is for "We the People" to come back to "..That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ..".  "And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?  In deed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that His justice cannot sleep for ever. (Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of virginia, Query XVIII, 1781)"> 

This man, is a wolf, staggering about as "Little Red Riding Hood", hoping to absorb into his power of $100/throw; a very, very, very poor idea!!! The simple logic he holds is that: since all House members are wrong; lets remove them all -- this in the interest of the Social Group named 'House'. He hasn't gotten to the Senate, because the socialists have not lost power there -- yet!! It is important to cause disorder, to freeze, to tear apart the established*: "Nothing is more essential to the establishment of manners in a State than ALL PERSONS employed in places of power and TRUST Must be Men (collective 'he' for those who can only believe what they see) of unexceptionable characters. The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men. (Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 11/4/1775)"!   

So while it may be difficult to prove; this man is directly from the Obama-Alinsky school of destroy the United States of America by treating "We the People" as ignorant little girls who visit gramdma, not recognizing the growth and hairy nose of the wolf or horn of the Rhino; by insulting the "unexceptionable characters" of elected members in Our House of Representatives, and the 'Effectiveness they have unleashed, against Obama's government'; and by "An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent... He must create a mechanism that can drain off the underlying guilt for having accepted the previous situation for so long a time. Out of this mechanism, a new community organization arises....   "The job then is getting the people to move, to act, to participate; in short, to develop and harness the necessary power to effectively conflict with the prevailing patterns and change them. When those prominent in the status quo turn and label you an 'agitator' they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function—to agitate to the point of conflict." p.117 from S. Alinsky / Lucifer's "Handbook for Liberals".  

But, It is only a matter of elected, Senatorial individual's to remember they are elected as members of "We the People in order to from a more perfect Union, establish justice, ...and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (each elected member's children, and their children...for the rest of time), Do Ordain and....this Constitution FOR The United States of America." as well as the constituents of their States -- That God and Country are considerably higher in importance than any Party; and that the Party owns a responsibility To Be Among each on Individual of "We the People" supporting each with information, opportunity to learn each one's essential, individual membership in "Nature and Nature's God", "Creator" who gives "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness": not group or state defined, but each unique in the world, sovereign individual's definition! 

There is one more area to down, this wrong-wrong-wrong idea: contained in the above link. Ideally, 'We the People's 11/2/10 election results should be adequate to our republican form of government, but because much of Congress has forgotten; and the WH of this Administration has never acknowledge, That 'We the People's" power is from well as the Duty-Honor-Service-Country of our 58 founders. Notwithstanding, those who do not believe in a supreme Lawgiver, the Truth of His Magnificent s stands before anyone who cares to look, listen, feel, and see-the-unseen expressed as protection of the sanctity of each individual in Son Jesus living among all people.  
And while beside-the-point, against the 9th Circuit Judge who is absent the eyes, ears, seeing the unseen, represented in the Sanctity of Service Memorial at (probably some of his family's relatives) Mount Soledad - which, in this Nation's love of God, Service against the Lucifer's of mankind all parts of the world; and simply the history of this beautiful spot on Our Earth with Jesus - located on a very high hill, overlooking everything for our defense, our respect for our land, its beauty - enhanced by the expressions of patriotism at a rally to stop the attack on our God, His Son, Our Land and its families alive and in God's hand with eternal life, this Cross and so many like it, the world over; really allows for the moments of silence in feeling The Grace of God -- even with our "You Vote"!  So, let's get to it....OK!  Our nation Needs "US"(A); more important, we Need Our Nation and so do the children this day in January, all the tomorrows, for ever and ever, where-ever God or We the People - explore to locate.. We do have a lot of repair work ahead - starting 'right here in River city' with the children in "Pool Halls"...I say to you...Learning for its intrinsic journey to enhancement of the person...not education; getting the State Article II, out of people's business of their vote...we may need to regrow our volunteer precinct workers and voter's booths..certainly electronic voting in the hands of a few, unknown-not any responsibility, software writers is not a good location for our Votes Mr. Adams says "We should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous(ballot tabs) should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections!  Glenn's 4 e's work fine; Joseph Andrew's Classical learning methods are working fine in home and charter schooling; but we all have some lessons about our Twin Documents - still to be learned because government is not size - but control into areas it does not belong and must not remain. Cost isn't - but regulations, executive orders, and the use of fear of incorrect actions against a sitting President...not that actions by the sitting president are unlawful...that is what must continue to change.  The United Nations has no place in the Bureaus of the states composing the USA; and must leave.  No treaties, affecting any part of this nation's ecology based on the science of politicians -  or the vote of number - not fact-not history- and not the rewrite of history or definition of words.
Majority Leader Cantor, has "You Cut" above.  Go there. There is a place for your ideas as well as the expressed ideas of members and others. This Patriot for one, plans to write to encourage our Majority Leader to continue to force the Senate Majority Leader to act for We the People's petition to Repeal "PPAA" - The Socialist Flagship of self-defined, permission, to use whatever "Obama-Alinsky Ends and Means" necessary to continue to perpetrate against the' sovereignty of our Nation', to the global disarray of most of the rest of the UN with Nations of the world of Socialism; while using Executive powers to close-off to our Nation the assets contained in petroleum and nuclear energy - including mining. 

We can lend our voices, as the sovereign individuals each one of 'US"(A) represent - to force the vote.  Remember, number outcome of the vote to repeal "PPAA"  is an expression of truth and therefore stands alone...demanding of each Senator, to act for the nation..not his chair..nor his party...but only the truth of his conscience..of his-her integrity before God and country.  It is right that this should be accomplished.

Most Important of all: each one of 'US'(A) as members of "We the People", learning to realize the power of the authority of God - written by 58 men, with Jesus alongside, and given to "We the People" by the words of principle expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enshrined in "It is the excellency of this Constitution that it is expressed with brevity, and in the plain common language of mankind. (Oliver Ellsworth, Constitutional Convention Delegate, 1787)".  

Heavenly Father, We pray to you, that each American Patriot can recapture, the exquisite, work and language which our founder's used to form, for each one person; the perfection of law by justice, with obedience to God's word and to an individual's responsibility to God's word, to protect, defend the only Document of Its Kind, Present in God the Father's Globe and Universe - The Constitution of the United States of America; in Jesus' name, Amen.

* here is the CA new voter's law.... [italics] to delineat how one-sided, stiffnecked, blind and deaf this so-called law, begging for repeal is!:  CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION
SECTION 1.  [All political power is inherent in the people.]
Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit,
and [they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good
may require.: = either = rotten grammar, or rotten reference of government's duties - though not in the elected mind-set]
SEC. 3.  The Legislature shall define residence and provide for
registration and free elections. NOT, repeat not - the duty of any state; local and county only!!! The vote is We the People, not people via Government censor-ship, definition, and performance!! 
SEC. 5. ... All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary
election for any candidate for congressional and state elective
office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by
the candidate or the voter [So much for Samuel Adam's words!], provided that the voter is otherwise qualified to vote for candidates for the office in question.
top two vote-getters at a voter-nominated primary election for a congressional or state elective office shall,regardless of party preference, compete in the ensuing general election. ["The Numbers Game" is all 'We the People' need to know about our candidates + perhaps, how much money sits it their pockets; ---- but never, never where the money came from, especially,if the Socialist-Progressive-Democracy-Liberal-maybe, old fashioned Dem. candidate is involved with Union $$$$! For the civility "That we are created equal is a reason for...": by Michael Gerson..who forgot the first paragraph of Nature and Nature's God; and the fact that, no founder expected fact disagreement was the 'watch-word' for Article I:1 "a Congress", that is not a location; but a gathering.    
(b) ..a candidate for a congressional or state elective office may have his or her political party preference, or lack of political party preference, indicated
upon the ballot for the office in the manner provided by statute.[OK if the candidate misrepresents his "religion and morality"; as they did in the 11/2/10 CA election! Now, you not only have to know a name, but recognize sheep-skins covering liars visiting, usually & interestingly, the Republican side of the coin. Not to many impersonators of Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Democracy, old-fashioned Dems -- need to disguise and they are honest, straightforward Americans just like all of US(A) - except the non-civil, wolves running around misrepresenting power and $$$'s to everyone they can fool!]  
A political party or party central committee shall not nominate a candidate for any congressional or state elective office at the voter-nominated primary.[This violation of Article I:7(b) of the California Constitution is a popular one to violate...especially in the 'never-to-see-the-light-of-day-world- of Dept. /Bureau-Commission, statute or Regulation. It is not possible to read a Department or Bureau's Regulations without seeing Article I:7(b)violated. Its counterpart at the U.S. level is called "equal rights under the privileges and immunities law" of the 14th Amendment.] 
This subdivision shall not be interpreted to prohibit a political party or party central committee from endorsing, supporting, or opposing any candidate for a congressional or state elective office. A political party or party central committee shall not have the right to have its preferred candidate participate in the general election for a voter-nominated office other than a candidate who is one of the two highest vote-getters at the primary election, as provided in subdivision (a)."

As always, using words from the "...spirit manifested.. and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. (Jefferson on Construction)". 

Definitions, because of changes and sometimes because there is no change in 233 years (He is still God; and His Son is Jesus, and the Founders, as well as the vast majority of 'We the People' did, indeed make The Bible" the center of Education (without any help, at all from either the State or Federal Levels of government....imagine such a concept!)!  
Definitions by utilizing Noah Webster's "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language" sits in its own tab, waiting...  to be rediscovered by each one of "We the People".          
 Law being and originating as addressed from "Common", from the Bible, or from any system of morality, practical piety, which does not recognize a supreme Lawgiver

Friday, January 21, 2011

Congresman Paul Brown...

Yea, everyone in the clip and commenting above! The right side doesn't have to join the left! 

The left owes every, single, American an apology for the disrespect of person; and must begin to recognize and refuse to join the Socialist President, as he continues to violate Constitution and Declaration. Remember, the ACTIONS taken against The Twin Documents; by this Socialist and his cohorts, against "Nature and Nature's God" , ; Government by "We the People in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice........and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves AND OUR POSTERITY (your Children and their Children), ..", will live forever in infamy! While Obama and cohorts shall die, as all humankind inevitability do; but the legacy of choice between "group social form of thinking" vs God and the Founder's - individual choice, will remain! 

"WE THE PEOPLE": It is Our Government. No matter how many "Numbers" to prevent law as justice; or the favorite excuse of the right-side of our Congress statement of 'socialist is OK because we can't get enough votes to support law of justice you cannot see'! So, rather than oppose law as Social Order by human being's of only the Socialist power-figureheads-tiny brains; The Elected Representative of, by, and for (themselves as well) as We the People, in Congress, will just let them have their way!!!!! 

Thus both defeating the "..shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican Form of Government,..", and their own ability to understand how The Form Of Government of Constitutional Law, American Character, Declaration of Independence function. This by not believing the words written for the people and not for Attorneys in the Twin Documents Legacy of 58 founders with Jesus working right-alongside. 233 years later, George III, ruler wins; and includes confiscation by this tyrannical, usurpative, one-man rule using the words " President of the United States"; but only with Complete violation of every Truth the history of this Nation represents!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lieberman v. Huffington on Breitbart...opportunity to add teaching of ...

Constitutional content and misused by

Sen. Lieberman is a really neat guy...who will be much missed by a lot of US(A) because of just this kind of insightful humor.

You from the above comments and the many, Breitbart articles to the right column, do not realize or recognize that today's and tomorrows, until it doesn't work anymore, tactics  from Saul and our infamous President  are from the rules:
#1) "An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations...." pp.10-1;
#5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

For Alinsky-Obama and friends, a list is available from a Breitbart commentor at the "Seating Order" article, this is "the most fun" has been used against BP; California Agriculture in the name of fishies; stopping any positive, United States of America, Asset  from continued energy from Petroleum (don't think of it that way -- do you!? Do think of it...), nuclear, mining via Executive Order because the Legislative Branch won't allow the action; since the very necessary action against this President of, DO NOT ALLOW A RAISE IN THE DEBT CEILING, is being heard from the "WE THE PEOPLE" who are the enemies of the "people of Obama-Alinsky-and the general opposition whatever it wants to name itself"; and includes that "giant land of few men rule against millions of those, two-legged mammals, named Homo Sapiens, China":  #9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."!  #1 of 4

in Arizona, #10: "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign."  Have you noticed, the Obama with his friends have let go of:  13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.  It doesn't work well against Governor Jan Brewer; but here at Breibart, it has a home.  You see, Breitbart reporters or writers, do not appear to understand the tactic, from psychology 101, called "Distraction" or "displacement".  The Alinsky-Obama-Clinton new members (clean as a whistle)- know that if they can maintain name-calling;  place an unconstitutional act in District Court, or  better, in Congress where no-one ever agrees [A well known human nature characteristic - the founders used Article I:1 "a Congress" and I:7(1,2) specifying The House and The Senate Before going to ..; as a protection of 'We the People" from enemies of Representative government].  PPAA doesn't need any court to pronounce it unconstitutional, the Declaration of Independence with its Twin, The Constitution of the U.S. is written for "We the People" and Not for attorneys. It quite nicely by simply using ", carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. (T. Jefferson)".  

"The Right Side - Line of Continuum, with Breibart, does not recognize the displacement of name-calling or shouting at each other; so that Alinsky-Obama-and cohorts, are able to continue to pass, unconstitutional items - especially using Executive Order, incorrectly, to re-write and enhance, the already unconstitutional Regulations of the Executive Branch Cabinets. From "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" (Jon Roland;  "-Congress does not have the power to delegate its legislative powers to elements of other branches, nor do agencies of the executive branch have the power to adopt "regulations" or "executive orders" that deviate from constitutional legislation adopted by Congress and signed by the President in any way whatsoever.  Any such "regulation" or "executive orders" must be adopted as ordinary legislation Before they can Become Effective.  The only exceptions are restrictions on legislation to that part of it which is constitutional and executive orders that implement legislation for specific cases."
Here are two more:
-In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it is unconstitutional and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION.
- AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL STATUTE IS NOT A LAW, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement DOES NOT MAKE what is enforced the law.  What is enforced is a REGIME. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime SHOULD COINCIDE.  if they do not, the regime is not law but ANTI-LAW."
Each Citizen of the United States of America, the owner, operator and responsible party for this Nation - bar none, Go to - ideally read the entire site; donate, and barring this, read "Rights, Powers, and Duties" -- they are yours and each one of US(A)....including the members of any elected body, and any person named "corporate", anywhere in this nation.  It is the application of "Religion and Morality" - character of each one of US(A) -- even the bad guys - who choose "1. The Purpose
In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace.... "Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.' This means revolution." p.3  6. In the Beginning: The Process of Power [Notice the compromise needed to build the power base. Yet, since pragmatism has eroded all values, it's simply a matter of ends justifying means. It's not unlike churches that attract members through the world's entertainment -- then continue to soften or hide Truth in order to keep them happy and lure more. ]"Alinsky's second chapter, called Of Means and Ends, craftily poses many difficult moral dilemmas, and his 'tenth rule of the ethics of means and ends' is: 'you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.'  He doesn't ignore traditional moral standards or dismiss them as unnecessary. He is much more devious; he teaches his followers that 'Moral rationalization is indispensable at all times of action whether to justify the selection or the use of ends or means.'...(from Rules for Radicals)".  This with Obama's "No universal truth" .  Clarifys who the people REALLY ARE, Doesn't it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Fool's names, like fool's faces, always appear in public places!

This Democrat also took The Article VI:3 Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution. No names, faces, opinions, persons from especially the President to anyone in this Nation, is required to obey the "Patient Protection and Affordable Act - PPAA" because: 1) violates Article I:1,7: The Republican Party did not vote or sign this Act. It should not have been sent to the President for signature; and it is not a law as justice. 2) Majority number is not "a Congress" or an integral part of representative government; the minority party must participate by signing on. The minority party prevents passage of any Act or Bill whenever there are 2 or less votes from the minority party on the Act or Bill. 3) Article IV:2, 4; V because it changes the Declaration of Independence along with the supreme Law of the land - without consent of 2/3rds of of both houses when proposed as an Amendment. PPAA was not proposed and is Not An Amendment to the Constitution. In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the Supreme Law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any Statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is Inconsistent with that supreme law and Not Derived from it is Unconstitutional and Null And Void From Inception. 

Here are some of the several ways in which statutes or other official acts may be unconstitutional: 1) It may be contrary to a right guaranteed under the Constitution - Amendment XIV - equal protection under the law: Congress-members and the employees of government do belong to PPAA. Congress-members and employees are citizens of the US and of the State in which they reside. In government, persons (from 'We the People') to whom certain powers held by the citizens in common are delegated, to Act As Agents For Those citizens, Exercising only such powers as are delegated to them, and according to their instructions. That delegation and those instruction constitute an extension of the basic social contract called the 'constitution', which may be written or unwritten. Therefore, permission is not granted, in fact specifically denied to Congress-members to exempt themselves from PPAA. That is an unconstitutional action of the representatives of Congress. -- Or the Citizens of the United States of America are Also Exempt From Joining the man named Obama - Executive Order - yes EO because it is a Dictate -- not Representative government ---to join his Act(only his party supported); against the medical care and medical resources required to provide that care in any State within the United States of America. 

It centralizes and shifts the balance of power into one branch of government - Executive - of only power,dollars, and dictates. The cost and protections are absent of reason, justice or representative of 'We the People'; and PPAA's purpose has was never designed to be a source of medical care; simply a "Flagship for Socialism" by definition of a few persons within 3 cabinets of the Executive Branch - cost. PPAA remains "the largest shift of power to one branch of government - Executive - in the history of the United States of America. (Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney, Instructor) ". 

Any Senator, and all House members who voted against "Repeal of this Unconstitutional Act against American Medical Care" will or have broken their conscious responsibility to the United States via the Constitution and their each, individual, State Constituent0 via supporting statutes, laws, bureaus, actions against the ill based on numbers - statistics - not individual; at a cost prohibitive to the safety and economy of this nation.

Fast Fix: State of the seating chart with Comment

Posted at 11:09 AM ET, 01/19/2011

VIDEO) without a link

By Chris Cillizza
Colorado Sen. Mark Udall's (D) proposal to have Democrats and Republicans sit together during next week's State of the Union address has drawn some high profile endorsements from unlikely sources -- most notably former Vice President Dick Cheney.
But, will the proposal have any real-world impact on lessening the heat of political dialogue in Washington? Or is it just symbolism for symbolism's sake?
We answer those questions in today's episode of the "Fast Fix". And, don't forget to check out all of our "Fast Fix" daily videos here. And, if you have a topic you want to see us break down in "Fast Fix" just email with it.

Mr. Cillizza is showing his few number of years of indoctrinated, revisionist history, sans "Religion and Morality", by public school edu. He has never seen a Parliament debate though it occurs every Sunday, on CSpan! It would be good for him to watch! Because this is the heritage of the founders also: "In government affairs - regardless  of form, no-one agrees! What you, as Representatives, are working as an individual is your duty and service to this Nation and to the State you represent.

Arranging  seating by party distribution is meaningful and powerful. Ya, right! Just Like raising your right hand, with Bible present or absent, of President, Congress-member, Judiciary, or union-based, working for government, to take an Oath of Office, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America!

Obama and company believe that putting Clinton's government back in place; changes everything. Some, deaf, blind, stiffnecked Representatives of both houses of "We the People" actually believe this idea!  How did it change "PPAA", 'spending beyond world-wide belief', lawlessness in regards to private ownership as individual and as business, Executive order, Regulations, czars, and every, single action of destruction this man calling himself President can perform against this Nation..  Yes, Bowing does make statement demonstration of this man's disregard for "Religion and Morality" as well as "Nature and Nature's God"!

This is a Problem: Representatives, You Are Still Sleeping; while the wolves barely bothering to put-on the Sheepskin, are robbing US(A) of the Twins named Declaration,  source of our individual and sovereign rights, with the Constitution, the Republic Form of government that applies these rights for you, Representatives, as well as the rest of "We the People" here and in the world! Some Shepherds!  You don't even know that lamb stew is the meal of the day for Socialists who are allowing China #1 spot - singly because of a Number of Dollars - thus aiding George Soros and world company of few men leaders named 'power/dollar number', subjugation of "We the People-World Wide" into the World According to Soros, $$$.

So  this form of useless to humankind leadership, is regarded as the decision point to rally around because China owns too much of our debt and plans to exercise the power of becoming #1 in the world!  As long as it can maintain it gigantic requirements for its own existence; by stealing ours!  So much for this President's  interest in Cloward-Piven destruction of Capitalism -- so successfully maintained against CA's agricultural belt; and in All The Coastal Waters of the United States of America!

Sitting together is neither meaningful, nor powerful; unless you allow it to be, through the ignorance you alone bear! While deeply respecting these two men, Sen. McCain, Mr. Cheney, or any other individual you care to name, are included!  Who, makes No Difference whatsoever!  What and Why is the heart of the matter.  You, we elected,  Must Quit Ignoring or stopping teapartier's and Americans from speaking, and if needs be - because of actions of China!

If China honestly believes it can take over our resources; and not make an act of war -- then Representatives of the human-kind, You Have Sold All Of US(A) to China -- and You have become George III!  "We the People" cannot and will not remain on the sidelines.  

This is What you are Selling -- not to Obama; to the world order of Soros and company via China:  The Line in the Sand is about Our Nation's Sovereignty and "..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,.." with "..endowed by their Creator..".   That is what you are Giving Away, because That is What you genuinely Do Not Believe! Or hopefully, what you haven't yet realized; or don't yet understand about God and Country......There Is Always A Choice!

Representatives, the Problem is that for 233 years, to many do believe and will continue   "..with a firm reliance on the protection  of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor." Because, this will be a Declaration of War, should China make any move against the ownership of anything American!  It is war -- even if there are no bombs, people killed, or catastrophe's occurring to every American, naturalized or natural! Because this is a Temporal War --- not a Physical War ----------Yet!!!!!!  And the effects - temporal -  are as devastating as the largest, atomic bomb or computer in the world!

 Everyone, this is the "Bill of Goods" we are being Presented as signed, sealed, enjoined by this President who is the Problem; and reflected by Glenn Beck, who is working hard to help us conform and accept the a atomic bomb won't happen....! ..A temporal bomb isn't as loud but considerably more damaging...a concept impossible for "No Universal Truth" and "Law is only what you can see".  Constitutions and the like aren't enforceable because you can't see them!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Letter to Speaker John Boehner re: bipartisan seating

Speaker Boehner, Please do not compromise with 'group compromise in Congress' because Obama has allowed the Clinton Administration to join-in.......wrong!  Please be reminded: 1) Has this President or his party, any member of any color on the party membership continuum, acknowledge and or offered Accountability for violations against 'We the People's Supreme law of the Land ..the violations of Legislative Procedures; the ignoring of "We the People" of which you and all members of Congress are members of andin service for because government is...with the Consent of the governed who remains Accountable No Matter What; and each, single, individual, elected - not Yet removed from office - refuse the integrity of "Oath of Office to support and defend??   2) Are not all Republicans, who did not sign...did not agree to "a Congress*, in addressing "Patient Protection and Affordable Act (PPAA)"; planning to give-up 'Repeal' because of anumber of available individuals in Congress to allow the word of "We the People" on 11/2/10, to be heard and voted upon? "We the People" are not asking - we are demanding - the recognition that PPAQA is Not a Republican form of Government: no Congress - it should not have been sent for the President's party is absent from " concert measure for the common good...". That members of Congress continue to desire to follow a President with a known track record of disrespect to the laws of this nation v. 58 men of demonstrated duty-honor-country with God....who do you think should be supported?  What do you think you and all Republicans need to continue...It Does Not Matter, One Wit, the number via Democracy  (in your speech re: the lunatic, who happened to live in Arizona at this particular time in the history-making skills of Obama's Alinsky-Cloward-Piven-Stern-'Soros via NP,Inc's') or Progressive Republicans; have anywhere near the votes.....the Issue is the Constitution of the United States of America - 6% of GNP in One Branch of Government - thus changing the checks and balances between the Branches of 'We the People's government; and all of which change The Constitution of the United States of America without one word - from any American - except as the denial of agreement to content....not substance by Republicans!

Another way to look at it, not lost on many of US(A) Teapartiers of 'We the People' origin; is the election of the RNC Chairman and the return to the old, old, old ---part of the problem-- litany of the Republican Party; with 'spend money in the Mariana's; that's a waste of money. There  are not enough people there to make any difference! Hope you recognize "The Number's Game" .  

"The Numbers Game" of Democracy, aka Progressive, left of center Republicans who do not trust Conservatives, especially those who speak of Constitution -Declaration. They do not recognize, or think Americans don't recognize, the sheeps -in-skins herding as wolves; in order not to be numbered into the Socialist for Globalized Socialist ideals. Obama with Lucifer, continue to dance in the street, because our Party continues the attitude of ignoring violations to the Constitution. This attitude cannot continue to prevail!  Whitman and Maldonado where not able to fool Californians who chose between very bad and very, very bad; because that was available. 

Please realize, if this attitude continues on the part of our Party; then our party will die - but America with "Religion and Morality" will allow the Teaparty to take its place.  Please realize, also, that what the letter below is 100% correct; and is the demonstration by the opposition, of their lack of respect to 'We the People' as well as Both of our Founding Documents.  Pleas follow our Founders....Ignore; never to support; nor mix the clarity of who we are as Americans with who the opposition - in daily fact and demonstration! Changing to Clinton Does Not Change anything!!!

*1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.(from "!828 American dic.)
I copied and pasted the Consiglio letter and sent it to Mr. Boehner.   Please share this letter with your like minded conservatives.
Jeanne Bunch 
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: MaryRose Consiglio
To: MaryRose Consiglio
Sent: Tue, January 18, 2011 12:31:39 PM
Subject: Letter to Speaker John Boehner re: bipartisan seating

I just sent this to Speaker Boehner. It seems like a small thing but is is a
big deal politically. Feel free to share. You can send him a note too at:


Dear Mr. Speaker,

Please do NOT go along with the idea of "bi-partisan" seating for the State
of the Union Speech. This is not as innocent an idea as it appears.

First of all, the democrats do not want a visual on television of how large
a majority we won. You have nothing to prove by caving on this.

Secondly, this will send a very bad signal to all who have re-entrusted our
Party once again by giving you the majority.  This will be perceived as a
very symbolic cave-in at a time when you are being tested.

It also serves to legitimize the latest ranting of the other side that we
are uncivil and in some way responsible for what occurred in AZ. simply
because we have legitimate disagreements. You don't have to say "how high"
when they say " jump".

Many are skeptical that our side is strong enough to stand up to the other
side and this act will be perceived as weakness.

Their goal is to weaken and censor us because they are not in power. You've
got the power - now use it!  This is a powerful first step. If they had
their way, they would lock you out of the room. have you forgotten already?

Dr. MaryRose Consiglio
Dr. Tom Sherman