Want to know the worse, unstated fact? In 1961, when this President was born, Hawaii recorded births according to Japanese Tradition: Birth is not recorded until the child has passed his First birthday. At that time, this did mean that the child had survived 365 days of birth to 1 year old; but the birth date of the child was, as if the first 365 days never occurred.
Obama's grandparents, and older individuals, remember when Japan was Always winning "The Little League Series". The birth tradition was the reason. American kids were playing against kids i year-older than they were!
The Kenyan Birth Certificate (photo available on UTube or downloaded too many computers for Obama's Internet czars to find) has the footprint on it! Not hard to go to original, because Kenya loves that Obama was born there!
Besides any and all of the above, This man who believes that he is singly, [and with his groupy cohorts shall answer directly to God like the rest of humankind, or whoever is in charge, after death, when there is no supreme Lawgiver]; has presented enough behaviors and demonstrations:
-of his Lack of Respect to the Honor embedded in the Oath of Office;
-to his disregard of "We the People's" security of person, houses, papers and effects (Chrysler for the Unions, pat-downs,scanners, spending other people's money irresponsibly - then asking for more[!!!];
-to edu-ing the young in 'Socialist world of groups' with concomitant lies;
-to be accountable for "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" as well as much of the Judicial 'sitters of justice for men' - not for justice in law. So the Supreme Court of "We the People (they're included in this group, but so lofty -they forget)", can declare: "President's birth not legitimate, ridiculous, we won't waste time..";
-as Petroleum in 3/3 areas of US Water territory are -stopped - from production because of 'this man.'
- and this doesn't even come close to the derisive-paper-power of non-elected-opinionated-regulation for political, environmental cabinet and 'outside' of any government;
-or to justify any and all actions requiring this man to produce his Proof! With respect to "Innocent, until proven guilty"; the above and more do make necessary for the personal integrity of 'Truth' of word - demand accountability; especially when this man, uses the tool Constitution when it suites his, Alinsky definition of 'ethics of means'!
And because "Timothy" doesn't exist in the Socialist brain. You know: Chapter I: Verse 8 "We know the law is good, if A man use it lawfully; Verse 9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners...". The "a man" can be substituted very nicely for "a Congress"(Article I:1)", as well as, State-County-City levels of governing!
Another watch-out: the speech addressed two separate groups: 1) older, veteran, American Patriot, country before party & the opposition party-including centrists who are older and closer to death or non-participation in government; AND 2) Those under 40 years of age, with only public school background, without God or "First Table of Law" and without knowledge or understanding of The Twins named Constitution and Declaration . The #2 Group is the future; and the members are absent basic, classical logic of the founders; but have lots of I'll do whatever you, the group, wants me to do. I glad I don't have to think, or decide. "Telling me" is all I want to know; and person as unique individual is lost in the maze of transformers, mysticism, today - whatever is right is so; but tomorrow whatever is right is so; nevermind the content of 'right'! This #2 audience loves to think of Obama as their be-all-end-all Leader. Removing him from office will succeed in martyrdom for Obama". He is Expendable for Global-World Socialism of Soros - the original, 'Goldfinger'.