The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Obama has no comprehension of cost of debt - seen and unseen comment to "AAA Rating"

You see? The importance to this President, and his minions, is the 'object' "$$$as payment of bills". It demonstrates temporal - man's definition of a 'balance budget' law and justice which defines the Soros-Obama-Alinsky-Zeitgeist-Socialism.  

It's important: Do you see the intrinsic absent principle? Do you understand that if this principle continues to be disobeyed, the consequences, of the object 'debt', move on from the continuing tragedies to family-person, to local, to county, to state, to nation and internationally, since this man entered office 02/2009 and before as a misbegotten Senator; to the catastrophe attached as family-person life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness including the sovereignty of state and nation. ----Because "We the People - elected, natural, naturalized With Our Posterity" foot the punishment of consequences?  -- Never the governments and their invisible, regulation-impeding life-liberty-happiness, union-led minions of 2600 Agencies at the Federal  - less  at State levels. 

What is(are) the missing principle(s) for spiritual balance in all parts of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness --including the 'objects' which represent the 'tools' to live -- from God's gift of "person" in His image as "All men are created equal" and with "..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION to which the LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD entitle them.."?  There are several million from several religions each one person of which, can easily take you to the parts of The Bible, The Book of Mormon, Christian Science, or whatever,  to answer this question.  It includes those of you who do not like Prophets or Disciples arriving after God's presence; the idea of a Creator of Supreme Law (well recognized in 1776 and before with Adam and Eve), the ethics are not religion(1828 American Dictionary), and are present.  The answers are "The Ten Commandments" with the "Sermon on the Mount" plus every, single story-Psalm-Proverb-Law-Person in The Bible -  That why it is "THE BIBLE" and should continue to be 'the Textbook of Learning from plain reading throughout life's journey' (translation to make it easier, is not the Truth of Learning).

The two primary Commandments: Love thy neighbor as thyself; Do unto others as you would have others do unto you (opposite in behavior terms is "judge not that ye be judged"). The most important is the basis of God: Trust.  It begins in "Thou shalt not bear false witness".   Debt or misuse of money is Bearing False Witness, right now, in Global Proportions because our Nation is God's nation and the support for His Laws on this Globe.  If you don't think each person, regardless of location on this Globe, isn't important enough for Truth in Spending; look to God's leadership in exploring the next dimension...the Universe.  It is ours - the people of this Globe - for the: 'seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be opened unto you'; but there are Laws of obedience. It isn't man's word 'but' is God's expression of what I need from you for 'All men' to go your trust in self, others, and My words-deeds as Prophets, Disciples including the Kingdoms of Plant and Animal

Obama, his minions in Congress, unions and Agencies with friends like G. Soros, Reverend Wright (a little like Mr. Phelps, the violator of 3/10 Commandments, Baptist Minister, of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder fame), Cloward-Piven (the dominating tactic to get $$$$ from taxpaying earners, at whatever the cost required; mixed with Lucifer Alinsky's famous tactic called "freeze" against the persons of Speaker Boehner - Senator Paul Rand), cannot and shall not 'speak with sound using voice box' about the distortion, lie, and re-definition without principle that debt amounting to $176,172 PER CITIZEN as of the US Debt Clock today.  

Obama, his mentor and minions, cannot comprehend the concept that 'Debt destroys Nations' including our Nation. that the 'wrong-doing' is to continue a AAA rating for money 'that does not exist because of $14,000,000,000,000 + debt. It is a lie on International scale.  

It will continue our Nation to catastrophe.  And Obama with Soros and minions, who are the pinnacle of cause for this pending catastrophe in Republicans and "Responsible to God and Nation before Party' other "Elected We the People" do not Stop This Man...and Freeze him with every member of every 2600 Agencies which act irresponsibly to Both our Laws of the Land: Declaration under God and Constitution the Application of God's Laws.   

Know what else is left out of the Soros-Obama-Alinsky-Zeitgeist socialism, verboten to speak of by any member of that group-mind?  Our Nation's assets: Petroleum, nuclear energy, exploration of God's Universe, mining, agriculture, development of science with R&D...all are tied to government's definitions and control of education, regulation, permits of permission, rules of exclusion, definition of groups which fit into little-round circles, and all that the Zeitgeist of 13 men decided to educate our young people.  Letting Obama have more money borrowed on "We the People's Back" purchases continuation of all this!  Though all Congress has not realized the extent of control 2600 Agencies have without answering to Both Our Laws from our Founders.

You see, when God's word returns to: "Every man has a right to an opinion" of man's laws with applications which ignore "You can't have Beethoven's 5th without the drummer"; then you have the absent law and principle which states "We have a AAA rating to pay our bills" absent the $176,172 cost to every citizen in and out of government and to future generation yet to be thought of.  We have to pay consequences now.

"If we do not come to an agreement, we could lose our country's AAA credit rating. Not because we do not have the capacity to pay our bills. We do. But because we did not have a AAA political system to match our AAA credit rating. "

Monday, July 25, 2011

from Breitbart TV: Obama "it is tempting to bypass Congress".. comment

Note: "not how our Democracy functions" ...  Since we are a Republic, this comment does lead to why It was Obama who left Congress in regards to Debt Ceilings and Bankruptcy disguised as "[America] can easily pay the INTEREST on the debt." by one of Obama's minions of ignorance and disrespect of "We the People". Granted this was LaRaza, a favorite "department of greater NUMBER of MINION votes", for Obama, but that doesn't change his apathy against correcting his huge-Executive Branch-Power-control government from demanding and instituting  "change" as Socialism of Group-think to continue.

Everyone, Be Very Clear:  The Value of our Earnings as Taxes SHALL DECREASE or  DEVALUED  whether it is by Congress disobeying its own law by allowing this man - nominally a President - to continue spending via the Arterial bleed of  increasing the 'debt ceiling' ; or by the slow-persistent-venous bleed by absent clotting factors(responsible and accountable spending of other people's money).  As of today, the PER CITIZEN TOTAL DEBT STANDS AT $163,960! There is no end in sight....unless the Republican Plan goes into effect...without 'political' stand....only "Religion and Integrity"....  

The Decision regarding "..and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and OUR POSTERITY.." versus the Socialism - of - group thinking - distortion with absent fact throughout government and State/Federal lead education - Is the "Religion and Integrity" of the Choice for Our Nation's future!   There is no politics,  because politics functions without respect to "..and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS OF THOSE RIGHTS... ".   Refers to 'Natural Rights' of Life, Liberty and Happiness defined by the 'homo sapiens with cognitive attributes' own choice.... not the government of force and control.

George Washington: "No pecuniary consideration is more urgent than the regular redemption and discharge of the public debt; on none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable. [5th Annual Address to Congress]".  "Nothing can more promote the permanent welfare of the nation, and nothing would be more grateful to our constituents. Indeed, whatsoever is unfinished of our system of public credit cannot be benefited by procrastination; and as far as may be practicable, we ought to place that credit on grounds which cannot be disturbed, and to prevent that progressive accumulation of debt which must ultimately endanger all governments.[6th annual Address to Congress]."

Saturday, July 23, 2011

To our "Elected We the People"...

regarding the deficit:
1) Whether we 'DEVALUE OUR DOLLAR" by allowing: - yet another INCREASE by 'changing OUR LAWS' because of political expediency to support a President with all his very visible, valueless of  "Usurpative, Regulation creating strongest Executive Branch of Government - aka 'Center of Open-Society decisions of distortion, lie; disaster with tragedy';  to all "members of the species homo sapiens" with "cognitive attributes" (not groups - individuals)-- representing:   Yes to increasing the Debt Ceiling ........

OR   by allowing the cost to our "tax-payer earnings" to continue to bleed, at $46,142.09 per  the "Person" of Our Constitution" (remember it is your "Person(s) of Posterity - too directly and indirectly!), via any compromise with this man who is the 'nominal' leader of this Nation...not the Leader; is the difference between the choices of continued now acute-hemorrhage; with slow vascular bleed due to the absence of  2 or more of the coagulation factors  - so bleeding cannot and SHALL NOT STOP.

The President governs with the consent of "We the People". We do not give our consent to this President to continue his so-called "open society" defined by the self-aggrandizement with demand for absolute power.

2) "Elected We the People" you are not members of your "Political Party"; you are this day, in this week, in this year...and forever the years of God's Universe, "founders" of the future of The United States of America. Including all the assets of continued sovereignty of person before God and before Both of Our Sacred, Unique Documents from God through the Original Founders who did perform and demonstrate: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes (Liberty of choice), and our sacred Honor." 

You should not be caucusing...Yes I know that would be about 600+ representatives, their staff leaders, TV with that number in the Convention Center - but is important, and "We the People" love and care about our Nation.  "We the People" are saying meet as a whole..speak as individuals who represent America of Mayflower Compact - Declaration - Constitution and Do Not Give these Documents Lip-Service (each you Need a copy Mr. N. Webster's "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language either 'book-mark on your bar visibly' or physically in the "Convention Hall"  with TV either as C-span which by honors - should be the default "Information to the citizen". You need to vote as a whole, because "You can't have Beethoven's 5th without the Drummer" - you cannot have "a Congress", unless everyone is there. But more important, you cannot have a "Nation of Person", unless the government conforms itself to the will of "We the People".

As Always with "The Way, The Truth, and The Light", Adversity is the Opportunity to follow God's word. Debt is not His Word... because Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness for each-person-one-at-a-time are His words and The Words for This Nation He Has Lead and Human-kind Spirit with Flesh, which is also created in God's Image.  The opportunity is in your hands and you are not alone.....

Having said all that, What Speaker Boehner said in his conference is 98% true:  The Values and Principles of the Party to which your are aligned (not dedicated to) is a representation of every word spoken above. Party is Important.

Republicans do support the 'person of sovereignty' with the 'person of business' because NONE of the above can grow or prosper Unless Life, Liberty, and Happiness through the Principles of Both The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America first VII Articles with Bill of Rights with XIV amendment are "Defended Against All Enemies". Right now, what use to be called 'Democratic Party' got lost among the Soros-Obama requirement of 'lemming-group-behavior'.  It is not the 'Democratic Party' anymore; at least until its members recognize the above problems with all that has occurred under this "Obama Administration".   and NO, we do not need a survey - poll - or other number-definition-of-group-who fit-if they answer the loaded question correctly-groupcalledopinion-without need of fact to determine the truth of anything!

One more very important point relating to the missing 2% above:  There was a conflict in Speaker Boehner's news conference. He may have noticed it...I'm not it is:  earlier in the speech he said "We must examine and cut entitlements." Then towards the end "We have to protect the entitlements". 'Entitlements' are the basis of the Federal Government leaving "enumerated powers". They must be reviewed-deleted-privatized-or placed under a very hot, bright light of legislation - never Regulation -! Entitlements are part of the reason for 2600 Agencies of the US Federal level of government.  And
this leads to...

3) There is no-such-concept-as-"bipartisan". That word is diametrically opposed to "a Congress" because the reason "a Congress" was chosen as the definition of "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested contained in the constitutional principle: "..The competitive part of homo sapiens will intrude upon " avoid depriving others of those rights..". And the principle means every "person" among the "cognitive attributes" of "homo sapiens" knows -- agreement or compromise or bipartisan -- is probably not a reality in terms of governing.  And that is why "Concert measures" for "common good" and "mutual concerns" is in the definition of Congress.

Reducing the size, scope, and cost of government is not a concern of Socialism of Soros-Obama, except as it is allowed to diffuse itself throughout the continuum of 'individual' with 'individual as business' life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is removed, for the group-think of Social plunder. Reducing cost is not in the works.  Reducing the "entitlements" which socialist's believe gets them "votes of numbers" is not a direction for the use of government for government's 'ownership of earnings'-taxpayer dollars; with the usurpation of those dollars as either the increase in a debt ceiling, or the cost of interest and principle via interest as cost of debt! Both devalue our dollar!  This is the decision Soros-Obama have 'Forced and Dictated' by each's actions in the arena of governing and of "non-profit, re-education - indoctrination - and redefinition"; is presented to "We the People" the actual "persons" who hold responsibility for outcome,  as a consequence of Obama's government of Executive Power.

 - Right Now - Congressmember - you are the LEADERS - WITH FULL RESPONSIBILITY VERY SYNONYMOUS WITH EACH FOUNDER AT THE "1776 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION". For much of the reason for the writing had to do with money----didn't it? But, and this is the important principle:  Not Money for a "Executive Branch usurpting power, and because of the nature of power when allowed to run rampant, because 'solely and exclusively - Only the Greater Number of anything Counts' or the Mass concept of Democracy with the Group-government defined-collective of Socialism.

"We the People with every citizen affected by $46+,000; AND more important, each of you are Our Republic Form of Government represented by Obedience to God's Laws as well as Integrity of our 391 year old  " Nation under God.." with "Trust in God" with the 'full intent and purpose of the last sentence from "The Declaration of Independence.

391years of America, 235 years of "United States" attached to "America" is the 'perfect' time to Again Declare the 5W's and H of We the People:  "..equal station to which the Laws of "Nature and Nature's God"... with "We hold these Truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..".

Thursday, July 21, 2011

MSNBC with C. MATTHEWS EDITING President Ronald Reagan, but....

Edit means the process of correcting or revising  text, images, or sound. In the hands of absent Journalistic Ethics or 'Integrity of Person in obedience to God's Laws' - the correct Title of this article is "MSNBE and CHRIS MATTHEWS CENSOR President Ronald Reagan's Position ON ANYTHING" for the purpose of continued ""An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations...." pp.10-11 from "Rules for Radicals" by S. Lucfier Alinsky; a.k.a Lie and Distortion are PERFECTLY accomplished with  "The means-and-ends moralists, constantly obsessed with the ethics of the means used by the Have-Nots against the Haves, should search themselves as to their real political position. In fact, they are passive — but real — allies of the Haves…. The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means... The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be...." pp.25-26
"The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means...." p.29
"The seventh rule... is that generally success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics...." p.34

Respect for any Founder, Leader of the Stature like Ronald Reagan, or any American of "Religion and Integrity", is absolutely against the 'Laws and Ethics of socialism" with "Anti-Law" the only acceptable road to these attached quotes...and the rest of the so-called ethics and tactics readily available at .

This does include lying to 4 through 8th Graders and all students in Public Schools, public and some private colleges and universities,  regarding "The Mayflower Compact", The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution of the United States of America.  Though the action arises from the School Boards local - county -State - and Federal [evidence abounds as does ignorance]; and does address God's Laws in "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness".  Lying isn't in the Constitution as a Law; but when 'man as lawmaker, judge' acts against "Relgion and Morality" --- the result is the same as "MSNBC and CHRIS MATTHEWS CENSOR President Ronald Reagan's Position on anything".   Wake-Up Americans - sovereignty and unique-one-person-one-at-a-time with your belief in God and with the Founder's Writing of Both Founding Documents for "person" - one-unique-at-a-time-  forming "We may, with a kind of pious and grateful exultation, trace the fingers of Providence through those dark and mysterious events which first induced the states to appoint a general convention, and then led them one after another...into an adoption of the system recommended by that general convention, thereby, in all human probabliilty, laying a lasting foundation for tranquility and happiness, when we had but too much reason to fear that confusion and misery were coming rapidly upon us. That the same good Providence may still continue to protect us, and prevent us from dashing the cup of national felicity just as it has been lifed to our lips, is [my] ernest prayer. [George Washington on Ratification 1788].  Pages505-06 of "The Real George Washington from "National Center for Constitutional Studies" Glenn Beck instructed US(A) about; before Fox-Folded thinking they could compromise their staying in business, by dealing with the czars of media reflected in "MSNBC and CHRIS MATTHEWS.."!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Coup d etat to Collective-democracy is..

nearly complete  -  pending implementation June 2012. The Socialist accomplished this in rewriting: "Voting, Initiative and Referendum, and Recall" Article II of California's otherwise, fairly intact, unknown, unread, unsupported as  law, Constitution [we are an "open-state" in terms of right to work] .  The defining statement of 'collective democracy' occurs in Article II:Section 5:  "..All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary election for any candidate for congressional and state elective
office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by
the candidate or the voter,.."...."..The candidates who are the top two vote-getters at a voter-nominated primary election for a congressional or state elective office shall, regardless of party preference, compete in the ensuing general election. ..".
Notice "person*" of the Constitution with its Preamble "We the People", is no longer responsible for principles of "Religion and Integrity" as represented, or not, by the Party's principles, goals of implementation of law, Platform, or choice of governance based on at least the Supreme Law..if not the other reasons for the existence of Law to assist in mankind's inability to adhere to the "Iron-rod" or "straight and narrow" roads to obedience to God's Law and His Lessons, instructions, warnings, and consequences of choice so beautifully expressed in The King James - or other not translated to make it easier to read - Bible.
The "person" of candidate or voter, can guess, surmise, "opinion-ate" whatever he or she would like about the 5W's and H with the 4R's of Learning, either the candidate or voter would like to think,..or not! Doesn't matter what the 5W's and H or the 4R's of Learning, represent...only "the top two vote-getters" number as 'collective, mass Democracy' matters to this form of government by distortion, ignorance, absent information, absent constitutional law; but quite good at dictate, force, coercion as the worst of government(this from founders - not this writer...alone). There is no need to utilize or understand the duty, service, or importance of the word "governance" meaning from Mr. Webster's 1828 Dictionary: " E,n. Government; exercise of authority; direction; control; management, either of a public officer, or of a private guardian or tutor.".
It would be nice if Article II stopped at this invasion of force demonstrated by "Anti-Law"; but no, it outdoes itself: "SECTION 1.  All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good
may require.".  Now, a "person" might not have trouble reading this, especially if they have learned The Declaration and The Constitution(s) from some U.S. History writers after 1987 who learned "opinion" before fact with absent or distorted explanations of Mayflower Compact (it is not about rules for joining a social group or staying within the defined nature of Pilgrim government); Revolutionary issues leading to war; or forming and framing the changes from Articles of Confederation to The Constitution with the addition of "United States" to the 150 year old "America" of 13 Colonies each with their own Constitutions contributing to The Supreme Law. 

Notice in Article II:1 some key misused, misunderstood, and flat-out poor English Grammar or flat-out wrong concept; "political power" is a new method to describe "We the People in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility...". 

"Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, [watch this next:] and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require. ..". Isn't that a sentence!? Both in grammar and in concept: "their" refers to government because that is the last noun. So, "..instituted for government's protection, security, and benefit.." is for the government; and so it is!:-)! They did an 'oops' that is totally correct: Greater number of 'vote-getters' does, indeed, provide protection, security, and benefit to the non-entity and absent of responsibility government.  Now, we all probably know they should have repeated "political"-"power"-"people" (sorry, I couldn't resist). Whoever wrote Article I started this play on grammar and words!  He/She might have been the same person who wrote the first draft of "America's Health Act{1309 - #1 of 14 versions}", if you ever have the opportunity to read, or attempt to read that grammatical and historical trash of a law which still exists as PPAA!  Who better to determine the public good than the trusty, plastic bag, homo sexual history, tax-fine-fee-bill anything and everything within reach. And while it is working 'its', California State to destruction, add in agriculture and water in the Delta; in petroleum off our coast since it was discovered more than 70 years ago and drilled into with only 1 or 2 major spills; in R&D many fields, mining and timber; and don't forget including the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the people who happen to arrived in time to be called "vote getters"; but not illegals, or persons of other cultures, or communities of interest!

Here's another Section: "..SEC. 4.  The Legislature shall prohibit improper practices that affect elections....". Well, this writer invites you to speak with voters who reported problems at precincts on both sides of the table - voter and precinct worker, long lines in last 60 min which overwhelmed precincts, and much -much with the threat of "drive-in voting" added to the broken - service-persons who shall not have their vote counted - just because it doesn't arrive by 8 pm the night of the election - so what if it comes from Afghanistan or any corner of this globe! That's no excuse! Want to see an outcome or accounting after the election? Good Luck!  Here it is 7 months later (June), and not one word anywhere at the Secretary of State regarding the well-known 'bussed-in' late voters in Imperial County! So much for protection, security, and benefit of "political power of people"; but what a help for the "vote-getter" numbers!

So, "We the citizen-consumers(that's a favorite word of the state  along with "safety")" watch and protect your vote --- learn the issues --- if you don't know the rules of voting - learn them and recognize when someone is misusing them (either side of the table) --- vote at your precinct and remember, you cannot be docked for taking time to vote.  Most of all, this terrible Article II requires rescinded as Null and Void violation of Article IV:4 and Article V of Supreme Law with - anti-law in fact. But "person" of We the People: - know and ask your candidates - all offices; - what they know about the Supreme and State Constitutions applied to issues appropriate to their service and duty as Americans. They should be informed.

Those of you who are New-Naturalized-Citizens, realize that memorizing America's Founding Documents doesn't support or defend them; nor does it protect you or your family's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness (a.k.a. Freedom) ---especially, if you don't learn English and/or give away your vote and voice, to be used by any group for any purpose..including number of vote-getters!

From the Man who is the Reason The United States of America exists: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness--these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections a with private and public felicity." George Washington's Farewell Address read all over the world at that time, by more people than the Bible!
"person" is in quotes because this word is being used in the "Declaration of Constitutional Principle" meaning "Individual is the polity of "person" who is defined as a member of the species homo sapien with cognitive abilities...": ABSENT any defining characteristic of size, shape, color, degree of accoutrements, location, culture, body parts or behavior (other than unlawful or not citizen), or any other descriptive form that homo sapiens can acquire or have attached. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

man-kind acting like government, writing law can make you a little sick...

'Governor Conformist Brown' signing into LAW, a bill to dictate by one party, what is to be taught in history. That the Bill was happened to be aimed at homosexuality, a choice of the individual, is simply is a demonstration of the thin, narrow, sharpness of ignorance and re-definition that the "Party of Collectivism" likes to jab into the Republic of the United States.    

That this collective-group-minded-absent knowledge [forget wisdom - verbotten] works on plastic bag tax; content of history, searching with sharp diligence for ways to increase fees, taxes, fines; controlling education opportunity and continuation of work in 27 professions by declaring "no fingerprints, criminal record "searches" for non-existent criminal records = no right to work" (Paragraph 144 B&PCode); controlling religion by interfering with " exercise thereof.." in education of founding documents without using "Creator" Divine Providence" Nature and nature's God, The Pledge of Allegiance, or any other recognition of "In God We Trust"; and of course there is that deficit in the Budgets of State, County, City, governments...and union usurpation of citizen money as taxes for 'contracts'.  ALL ARE UNCONSITUTIONAL!

fROM MR. WEBSTER 1828 - but actually before 1828, when you consider the size and nature of the undertaking and accomplishment the American Dictionary represents --- especially 235 years later!:
DEMOCRACY   [Gr. People, and to possess, to govern.] Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens.   Definition 'collectively': "adv. In a mass, or body, in a collected state; in the aggregate; unitedly, in a state of combination; as the citizens of a state collectively considered.".

1. A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people. In modern usage, it differs from a democracy or democratic state, in which the people exercise the powers of sovereignty in person. Yet the democracies of Greece are often called republics.2. Common interest; the public. [Not in use.]
            #2 is left in because in 1828 and in 1776 with the Constitution Article I:1 definition of "a Congress" [Not the common 'opinion-based' "the Congress"....article use does change meaning..especially then, but even now].

Just for review, because WE have been learning this right along, and more important, because of the "Relate" and "Reflect" of the 4R's of Classical Learning Methods of the Founders:
CONGRESS:  1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.

"Declaration of Constitutional Principle":  An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.".

Here is the Logic of 'relating':  If Congress (Patient Protection and Affordable Act=No Republican Signatures) and State Legislature with history (No Republican Signatures) use exclusively number of votes to determine the passage of LAW;  and if this same single-opinion-group-minded-continue to pass a Bill or Law to President or Governor - absent 100% of minority party involvement - then 
1) the majority party is changing the government of the United States of America to a  "Democracy of the collective" violating Article V because No member of We the People -  elected or not - voted to change via constitutional instructions..the change from the promise of Article IV:4 "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of government."  This majority party is working a 'coup d'etat if allowed to continue passing no common good or adjustment of mutual concerns via the participation of the elected minority representatives of government!
2) Bills and Laws are allowed to pass and exist...totally absent Representation of "We the People" who elected the members of the minority party.  All that a Bill or Law requires is the recognition of the minority view by having Two or More Signatures on the bottom line of approval..for the Bill or Law to go forward. Two members, each house, signature! Doesn't that make a huge statement when a Bill or Law has Zero -0- participation from the minority party? It does! And that is why Article I:1 states "a Congress"  on purpose and with much decision and debate during the writing.
             Please understand...the greater number does win if winning where the only issue. Winning is not the only issue. Not one founder thought they won anything in having slavery order for The United States to be born..exist! Believe it or not, that does includes many slave owners. 
             Number is not the decision-point of "common good" or "adjust mutual concerns"; principle is with derivation from "Religion and Integrity" and the application of the Constitution as the point of decision per instructions from Thomas Jefferson's "On every question of construction, carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed."  You have to be a Bible reader to recognize "spirit" [as opposed to temporal]; and Mr. Jefferson probably wasn't thinking about obedience to God's Law...especially when learning about "Jefferson's Bible"; but all the living-daily-Integrity of the vast majority of Americans is included in this simple, but terribly hard to obey by the power-force of a non-entity named 'government'...especially if that government is 'allowed the'blank-one-sided free-throw of law by number only' and absent principle the Supreme Law represents. 
                Government by its nature in all mankind history, not just now, is never accountable - nor obedient to anything except its own existence at whatever cost to the "person" or individual of our polity in the Constitution; -- or the person living in history of Nations from Before The Bible through this day on this Globe.  Maybe now, reader, you can understand why Democracy, alone, was extremely disliked by the founders. 

What do "We the People - elected or not" do with "Anti-Law"? There are a number of other principles involved; but simply utilizing "Thou shalt not bear false witness (Bills and Laws passed by number without recognizing the role of the Zero to two elected - both houses)" with "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".  Both work, but required the use of our Creator's name: God and His Son Jesus Christ; and you know how terrible that is:-( for government or public-tax money organizations! 

 Best would be for the minority to stand together and simply state: "The addition of homosexuality or any topic of history determined by this "one-group of persons" in this Legislature is unconstitutional via the 10th Amendment and via the Definition of Bill or Law with Representative Government.  The Minority Party did not come to "common good"' and "mutual concerns" were neither identified, nor agreed. It is therefore Null and void from inception because (the Bill or Law) is inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States. Our "Elected We the People" could also perform that service to citizens who support the existence of government and save 1 or 2 Trillion dollars at the same time - declaring "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" Null and Void from Inception because it is also inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States of America.  

I know it is hard to have faith in the law and in the "Religion and Integrity" of our founders. They Did Create an Unique in the World of Mankind's History...these two magnificent documents for you -me - "..persons consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens...".  Not Justices-Judges-Attorneys(except as they act in accord with "Religion and Integrity" of this Nation)-courts-or groups of numbers who also happen to be members of what has become "the Socialist Party of Power-Usurpation" working for global control through the UN and enemies of this Nation; a.k.a Soros-Obama-Alinsky(for ethics and tactic enhancement of take-over).