You see? The importance to this President, and his minions, is the 'object' "$$$as payment of bills". It demonstrates temporal - man's definition of a 'balance budget' law and justice which defines the Soros-Obama-Alinsky-Zeitgeist-Socialism.
It's important: Do you see the intrinsic absent principle? Do you understand that if this principle continues to be disobeyed, the consequences, of the object 'debt', move on from the continuing tragedies to family-person, to local, to county, to state, to nation and internationally, since this man entered office 02/2009 and before as a misbegotten Senator; to the catastrophe attached as family-person life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness including the sovereignty of state and nation. ----Because "We the People - elected, natural, naturalized With Our Posterity" foot the punishment of consequences? -- Never the governments and their invisible, regulation-impeding life-liberty-happiness, union-led minions of 2600 Agencies at the Federal - less at State levels.
What is(are) the missing principle(s) for spiritual balance in all parts of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness --including the 'objects' which represent the 'tools' to live -- from God's gift of "person" in His image as "All men are created equal" and with "..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION to which the LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD entitle them.."? There are several million from several religions each one person of which, can easily take you to the parts of The Bible, The Book of Mormon, Christian Science, or whatever, to answer this question. It includes those of you who do not like Prophets or Disciples arriving after God's presence; the idea of a Creator of Supreme Law (well recognized in 1776 and before with Adam and Eve), the ethics are not religion(1828 American Dictionary), and are present. The answers are "The Ten Commandments" with the "Sermon on the Mount" plus every, single story-Psalm-Proverb-Law-Person in The Bible - That why it is "THE BIBLE" and should continue to be 'the Textbook of Learning from plain reading throughout life's journey' (translation to make it easier, is not the Truth of Learning).
The two primary Commandments: Love thy neighbor as thyself; Do unto others as you would have others do unto you (opposite in behavior terms is "judge not that ye be judged"). The most important is the basis of God: Trust. It begins in "Thou shalt not bear false witness". Debt or misuse of money is Bearing False Witness, right now, in Global Proportions because our Nation is God's nation and the support for His Laws on this Globe. If you don't think each person, regardless of location on this Globe, isn't important enough for Truth in Spending; look to God's leadership in exploring the next dimension...the Universe. It is ours - the people of this Globe - for the: 'seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be opened unto you'; but there are Laws of obedience. It isn't man's word 'but' is God's expression of what I need from you for 'All men' to go your trust in self, others, and My words-deeds as Prophets, Disciples including the Kingdoms of Plant and Animal
Obama, his minions in Congress, unions and Agencies with friends like G. Soros, Reverend Wright (a little like Mr. Phelps, the violator of 3/10 Commandments, Baptist Minister, of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder fame), Cloward-Piven (the dominating tactic to get $$$$ from taxpaying earners, at whatever the cost required; mixed with Lucifer Alinsky's famous tactic called "freeze" against the persons of Speaker Boehner - Senator Paul Rand), cannot and shall not 'speak with sound using voice box' about the distortion, lie, and re-definition without principle that debt amounting to $176,172 PER CITIZEN as of the US Debt Clock today.
Obama, his mentor and minions, cannot comprehend the concept that 'Debt destroys Nations' including our Nation. that the 'wrong-doing' is to continue a AAA rating for money 'that does not exist because of $14,000,000,000,000 + debt. It is a lie on International scale.
It will continue our Nation to catastrophe. And Obama with Soros and minions, who are the pinnacle of cause for this pending catastrophe in Republicans and "Responsible to God and Nation before Party' other "Elected We the People" do not Stop This Man...and Freeze him with every member of every 2600 Agencies which act irresponsibly to Both our Laws of the Land: Declaration under God and Constitution the Application of God's Laws.
Know what else is left out of the Soros-Obama-Alinsky-Zeitgeist socialism, verboten to speak of by any member of that group-mind? Our Nation's assets: Petroleum, nuclear energy, exploration of God's Universe, mining, agriculture, development of science with R&D...all are tied to government's definitions and control of education, regulation, permits of permission, rules of exclusion, definition of groups which fit into little-round circles, and all that the Zeitgeist of 13 men decided to educate our young people. Letting Obama have more money borrowed on "We the People's Back" purchases continuation of all this! Though all Congress has not realized the extent of control 2600 Agencies have without answering to Both Our Laws from our Founders.
You see, when God's word returns to: "Every man has a right to an opinion" of man's laws with applications which ignore "You can't have Beethoven's 5th without the drummer"; then you have the absent law and principle which states "We have a AAA rating to pay our bills" absent the $176,172 cost to every citizen in and out of government and to future generation yet to be thought of. We have to pay consequences now.
"If we do not come to an agreement, we could lose our country's AAA credit rating. Not because we do not have the capacity to pay our bills. We do. But because we did not have a AAA political system to match our AAA credit rating. " |