The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Poor Obama :-( When all else fails --

- change your beliefs!!!!  

Means those of US(A) who genuinely know The Bible to The Declaration to The Constitution to Oath of Office to Pledge of Allegiance to the Republic of Representative Government under God and Constitution --- ARE FINALLY GETTING NOTICED.  Heaven help Soros-Obama find their way to "do unto others" or to put the principle in Constitutional terms:  "The individual component of the polity is the PERSON, which is defined as ANY being consisting of or having the essential COGNITIVE ATTRIBUTES of a member of the SPECIES HOMO SAPIENS, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the NATURAL RIGHTS of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to REGULATE ITS COMPETITIVE ACTIONS TO AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS OF THOSE RIGHTS..";   AND

"The traditional american philosophy teaches that The Majority must be strictly limited in power, AND IN THE OPERATION OF GOVERNMENT,  for the PROTECTION of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and , therefore, of the rights of The Minority----of ALL minorities. 3. The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--- may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small---even a minority of a lone Individual; AND

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will TO BE RIGHTFUL MUST BE REASONABLE; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and TO VIOLATE WOULD BE OPPRESSION."  

Obama has trouble with the Truth he expressed and with the intertwining of the Truths above with his insistence that  He alone will cure all evil of business and medicine, class differences,  weight - nutritional status - degree of contamination of environment of animal, vegetable, and mineral....   His "Christian" part of religion, written and supported by his minions, helps his miss the Lessons of The Lord ----- because Obama chooses not only the size of the bite of the apple; but also the location on the apple of where the bite MUST OCCUR or people will hurt and suffer.     

This isn't to compare Mitt Romney to Obama in any way...  There is only One Man - unique unto himself...named Barak Obama ---   But the CLASSES OF RICH - POOR  - MIDDLE -- HAVE OR HAVE NOT - ABILITY TO COMPETE IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO HOW MUCH LIBERTY another "person" or "Person as corporation"  shall be "deprived of" in the interest of the "Special Interest of Executive-Federal level of governmental power sans Constitution".   It is the concept of social classes used by government to create groups which must and shall be determined, by government how much life, liberty, and pursuit of anything....shall be allowed!  It is George Soros. It is Mitt Romney and only Mitt Romney among Republicans who is expressing this viewpoint of the Obama, United Nations, European Union top - down; "opinion without interference" for the respective governments --- and small number of controlling leaders.... 

Haven't you noticed how Turner, Mitt, some commentators, talk down to you!  As if you required spoon-feeding of concepts they let fall-off their lips of distort and lie!

Don't get confused, Republicans of the entire continuum of principles........  YOU ARE, One, unique Person before God and before our Constitution with the Declaration.  IT IS your  Accountability to God... by "Oath of Office" or "Pledge of Allegiance" to which YOU shall answer too;  and to which you are leaving to the Children, and their Children, and their children....not even thought of yet!!!    Obama - Romney class of external world sans any need for "protections of our Constitution that is this Election of 2012.

Mitt Romney is not a winner --  nor a loser.  He is simply One Person who is stating that Class of degree of wealth, or union/nonunion administration, is much more important than Republican, representative government of ONE person protection under God and Constitution.  I think he needs the Hillsdale Course.  I know Santorum does -- he's the one who want to add a "Person" amendment to the Constitution.   

Obama's complete misunderstanding of  "to much who is given..." is not about his Socialism!  

"It is about "Assembly of  particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. with 4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic;  AND POLITICS: The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance."

The United States of America, as Mark Levine says, is what this election of about.   Not money, physical characteristics or possessions, any worldly thing - object - even 'job'  .......THERE IS NO MONEY - NO JOB - NO ANYTHING OF VALUE - unless "We the People" can secure the blessings of Liberty - Life - and Pursuit with the equal station of Nature and Nature's God... That our Creator Gave to Mankind.  

Newt Gingrich does express "We the People" of "Religion and Morality" with Ronald Reagan's expression and actions.... are the Way to our "unique-in-the-world-of-mankind ---- applied God's Law --- for Governance".  "We the People" have a lot of consequences to experience; and the way back requires much learning and teaching not only to our person as self; but also to the OWS and younger brigaid WHO HAVE NEVER BEEN TAUGHT by the State and Federally -run and controlled - public and private - schools of the US(A)!   Roll-up your Sleeves take "Hillsdale college's :  Constitution 101 - 2/20/12 course list:  Introduction: The American Mind, Larry P. Arnn --Monday, February 20;  The Declaration of Independence, Thomas G. West ---Monday, February 27; The Problem of Majority TyrannyDavid Bobb, ---Monday, March 5;  Separation of Powers: Preventing Tyranny, Kevin Portteus ----Monday, March 12;Separation of Powers: Ensuring Good Government, Will Morrisey ---Wednesday, March 19; Religion, Morality, and Property, David Bobb ---Monday, March 26; Crisis of Constitutional Government, Will Morrisey ----Monday, April 2;Abraham Lincoln and the Constitution, Kevin Portteus ---Monday, April 9; The Progressive Rejection of the Founding,Ronald J. Pestritto ---Monday, April 16; The Recovery of the Constitution, Larry P. Arnn -- Monday, April 23. REGISTER AT www.hillsdale.eud --- ITS FREE and you can take it at your own speed!!!  

If you are a candidate, assisting a candidate, an intern, a State employee who represents a elected official, any person in government at any level; any person --- 8 years and older.  But is "We the People" are going to return to Noah Webster's Research, Relate, Reflect, Record and take action for "words which tell the truth of Republican Form of government" ---- Then Hillsdale is a good start.... It will take a little time to understand the Bible, Declaration, constitution - Oath of Office - Pledge of Alligiance - "Religion and Morlaity" with "Law is good if A MAN use it wisely; Knowing this the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the ungodly and sinner, disobedient and wrongdoer, liar, and ANY OTHER THING WHICH IS NOT OF SOUND DOCTRINE.   "Religion Is Obedicnec to God's Laws".  The founding documents are a jouney of One Person One at a time-----just like learning about God, The Journey is beyond, blief  it own reward.... 

Obama has no understanding of any of this.  Mitt does, but emphsizes the part "..and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity" by the common mistake in the word "Whole" versus "Group" as community or society.  See Noah Webster for the difference. You will also have to look up the word "Congress"....   Make some discoveries for yourself; You Shall be rewarded and very Happy.......and ready to look to Newt Gingrich or to Ron Paul  because they are the ONLY TWO PERSON'S STANDING after the character assinations and maniupulations of man without "God's Law" or Body Law absent Soul Law.   That comes from the definition of "Person".   and that will lead you on another journey through Noah Webster's "american Dictionary of the English Language" 1828 [the 1913 is there, but 1828 is best] at . 

1 comment:

  1. Cathy West CONSTITUTION 101: The meaning and History of the Constitution; Hillsdale / Imprimus College; Starts FEBRUARY 20, 2012 FREE AND ONLINE!!!! JUST DO IT, please! :-)
