"Noah Webster, the Father of American Christian education, wrote the first American dictionary and established a system of rules to govern spelling, grammar, and reading. This master linguist understood the power of words, their definitions, and the need for precise word usage in communication to maintain independence. Webster used the Bible as the foundation for his definitions.
This standard reference tool will greatly assist students of all ages in their studies.
No other dictionary compares with the Webster's 1828 dictionary. The English language has changed again and again and in many instances has become corrupt. The American Dictionary of the English Language is based upon God's written word, for Noah Webster used the Bible as the foundation for his definitions. This standard reference tool will greatly assist students of all ages in their studies. From American History to literature, from science to the Word of God, this dictionary is a necessity. For homeschoolers as well as avid Bible students it is easy, fast, and sophisticated.
Word of the Day Comparison
1828 Webster
1913 Webster
Webster considered "education useless without the Bible." And as a result he utilized God's written word as a key to the meaning of words. This is the reason, the Webster 1828 is one of the most important reprint of the twentieth century, the essential tool of education for Christians. Compare definitions of such words as education, marriage, truth, and many more. Compare a few of these definitions in the chart below, you will be amazed to discover the secularization of our modern English language. Two Dictionaries. Two Definitions. Which Dictionary is on Your Shelf?
Search, Browse, and Study this dictionary to learn the language of the early American, Christian language.
monte* "
"Just do it".... You won't be sorry! And you shall "Learn" v. educated
REGARDING "THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION", Each One Person, in Each One City, in Each One 'county', in Each One Colony...... had been working and achieving all aspects of animal, vegetable, and mineral --- at each level ---- including between Colonial Bounderries from 1620 to the Revolution. When it came time for Each-One-Colony to add the level called a Constitution, it was incredibly difficult to accept the notion. The Colonies didn't and couldn't for much of the 8 years of war. Couldn't because they hadn't, in advance of the war, decided how to use "God's Laws" for "The Sum is the total of Each one of Its Parts". The Articles represent how the Constitution evolved in God's Law.
Noah** knew this -- also: "That the Principles of Republican Government have their origin in the Scriptures."
Because of what "monte" wrote above; because of the attacks against religion, person, politics, party, Congress (note #4 def), democracy with mass and collective --- ALL OF WHICH ARE NECESSARY TO "PERSON of both DECLARATION AND CONSTITUTION,Every-One-Person, 8 years (parents you know your children - the 8 is not written in cement) to 105, must look these words up at www.1828-dictionary.com
*monte: created the www.1828.mshaffer.com - now www.1828-dictionary.com.
Purchase Noah's Dictinary from "Foundation for American Christian Education" at www.face.net. There isn't a desk of any American which should not have the facsimile of Noah's work. They have all of Noah's "Father of American Education" work. It should be "The Religious Education" along with Scripture of the "....primitive Christianity in its simplicity as taught by Christ and His apostles...." which is law for every school in this Nation...except California is devoted to "separation of church and state" - therefore children shall not learn "Primitive Christiantity".
**I call Mr. Webster 'Noah' out of deep gratitude and affection. Get to Know him, you will be glad you did!
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
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"I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to Love it, to Support its Constitution, to obey its Laws, to respect its Flag, and to DEFEND IT AGAINST ALL ENEMIES. THE AMERICAN'S CREED by William Tyler Page.
ReplyDeleteObama, his lemmings and minions as czars; and by using 'civility' as conformity -- every candidate running for office who denys the Socialism from unions, to education, to animal - vegetable - mineral aspect of 'persons' Life, Liberty and Pursuit --- of anything.
Please realize there is NO FUTURE - On This Planet - with socialism-communism of group-think control via absolute power.