The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Physicians to FDCourt for ind. patients on 5th

Thank you AAPS members for taking the individual American's rights to Federal District Court.

My purpose is to increase awareness of the severe degradation of both our Declaration of Independence (Location of American Principles) and Constitution (Location of Rules) which are designed to protect each individual from a too large Federal government the Founders knew -full well- would occur as the watch-dog of overlap between three Branches of gov. are removed because the actual effect of the 'Patient Protection and Affordable Act (PPAA) is to allow OneBranch of Gov. - the Executive- MONEY, as 6% of GNP with excessive taxing-fines; and POWER - ability through unelected bureucrats HHS, cabinet members Treasury/IRS, Homeland Security TO DETERMINE BOTH THE COST AND THE REIMBURSEMENT FOR 100% of the entire Field of Medicine with resources of any company having any relationship to medicine. Now, in your letter, Executive B. will take, in taxes back to the Exec.B., then reimburse to the private insurance companies as long as they obey the regulation regarding pre-existing conditions, health coverage for employees, taxes (don't forget the subsidies hosp. drug, ins. have given to Obama way back in 5-6/09!). The Exec.B. has a major role in 'conflict of interest' were they a private company doing business! Also, there is one comment-supporter of
Obamahealth who probably counts among millions of Americans, who do not know that the Exec. B. "high risk patients" = "pre-existing cond." that instead of ins. co. protecting each member of the pvt. ins. co., protected against the high-cost patient care needs - the Execu.B. will use taxpayer, robbing Peter to Pay Paul, borrowing from biggest loaners China and Japan, and down-right manipulation of who gets what care, when and how much of what treatment---The old "He who owns the money, owns the power of decision" regarding dollars use...or not, to fund this Horrendous Act. Remember, this "gp. of irresponsible utilizers of other people's money-Administration" does believe that earning money with hard work and all the risk - ARE NOT ENTITLED TO THE REWARDS OF >$250,000 OF THE WORK REWARDS and 5% IS REDISTRIBUTED TO THOSE WHO DON'T EARN OR DON'T HAVE ADEQUATE MONEY DEFINED BY THIS SOCIALIST ADMINISTRATION! Never the intent of any Founder involved in the purpose of either of the 2 Unique in Human History Documents.

There are two other invasions of Executive Branch (le
gislative) are 1) Failure to recognize that Corporations, Businesses (including Physician groups & insurance companies) are Individuals in Law. Therefore, the same rights of indivdual patients are Business-Corp. rights. No insurance company has been 'charged with any crime'; but their rights to safety of person, propterty, home, effects is the same and the Vth Amendment also takes hold.

2) No-where in either of the Two Docs. are the size, power, regulation rights of non-elected individuals allowed - including the original Medicare Legislation which was designed for Only The Group of Individuals Who Would Not Otherwise be eligible for assistance. George III was not, per se, a Socialist, but he was an excellent example of the 29 reasons to separate from Eng. Obama can claim at least of of the prohibitions: including property removed as 'fines' without appeal and unreasonable since the only reason for the fine is to redistribute money from healthy individuals to the more chronically ill!

This PPAA is the most insulting and worstr denegration of both the Declaration and Constitution in the history of the United States. The Money and Power is not allowed in any Branch of Federal level of government - much less the Executive B who knows exactly what he has perpatrated against the Republic of the United States and makes no apology let alone responsibility. He believes his election allows changing the Constitution! He is wrong! How the Federal District Court behaves in your suite on individuals and your own behalf will be watched by We the People of the United States --- never the party! Republicans are singled out because they do know the violations!

Doctors Sue to Overturn the Health Care Bill

March 29th, 2010 The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) became the first medical society to sue to overturn the newly enacted health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). AAPS sued Friday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (AAPS v. Sebelius et al.).

“If the PPACA goes unchallenged, then it spells the end of freedom in medicine as we know it,” observed Jane Orient, M.D., the Executive Director of AAPS. “Courts should not allow this massive intrusion into the practice of medicine and the rights of patients.”

“There will be a dire shortage of physicians if the PPACA becomes effective and is not overturned by the courts.”

The PPACA requires most Americans to buy government-approved insurance starting in 2014, or face stiff penalties. Insurance company executives will be enriched by this requirement, but it violates the Fifth Amendment protection against the government forcing one person to pay cash to another. AAPS is the first to assert this important constitutional claim.

The PPACA also violates the Tenth Amendment, the Commerce Clause, and the provisions authorizing taxation. The Taxing and Spending power cannot be invoked, as the premiums go to private insurance companies. The traditional sovereignty of the States over the practice of medicine is destroyed by the PPACA.

AAPS notes that in scoring the proposal the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) was bound by assumptions imposed by Congress, including the ability to “save” $500 billion in Medicare, and to redirect $50 billion from Social Security. HHS Secretary Sebelius stated that PPACA would reduce the federal deficit, knowing the opposite to be true if these assumptions are unrealistic.

AAPS asks the Court to enjoin the government from promulgating or enforcing insurance mandates and require HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue to provide the Court with an accounting of Medicare and Social Security solvency.

Congress recognized that PPACA cannot be funded without the insurance mandates, and will become unenforceable without them.

Court action is necessary “to preserve individual liberty” and “to prevent PPACA from bankrupting the United States generally and Medicare and Social Security specifically,” AAPS stated.

AAPS is a voice for patient and physician independence since 1943. The complaint and more information about the suit are posted at

This entry was posted on Monday, March 29th, 2010 at 11:54 am and is filed under AAPS v Sebelius. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own issue to overturn the newly enacted health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). AAPS sued Friday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (AAPS v. Sebelius et al.).

“If the PPACA goes unchallenged, then it spells the end of freedom in medicine as we know it,” observed Jane Orient, M.D., the Executive Director of AAPS. “Courts should not allow this massive intrusion into the practice of medicine and the rights of patients.”

“There will be a dire shortage of physicians if the PPACA becomes effective and is not overturned by the courts.”

The PPACA requires most Americans to buy government-approved insurance starting in 2014, or face stiff penalties. Insurance company executives will be enriched by this requirement, but it violates the Fifth Amendment protection against the government forcing one person to pay cash to another. AAPS is the first to assert this important constitutional claim.

The PPACA also violates the Tenth Amendment, the Commerce Clause, and the provisions authorizing taxation. The Taxing and Spending power cannot be invoked, as the premiums go to private insurance companies. The traditional sovereignty of the States over the practice of medicine is destroyed by the PPACA.

AAPS notes that in scoring the proposal the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) was bound by assumptions imposed by Congress, including the ability to “save” $500 billion in Medicare, and to redirect $50 billion from Social Security. HHS Secretary Sebelius stated that PPACA would reduce the federal deficit, knowing the opposite to be true if these assumptions are unrealistic.

AAPS asks the Court to enjoin the government from promulgating or enforcing insurance mandates and require HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue to provide the Court with an accounting of Medicare and Social Security solvency.

Congress recognized that PPACA cannot be funded without the insurance mandates, and will become unenforceable without them.

Court action is necessary “to preserve individual liberty” and “to prevent PPACA from bankrupting the United States generally and Medicare and Social Security specifically,” AAPS stated.

AAPS is a voice for patient and physician independence since 1943. The complaint and more information about the suit are posted at

This entry was posted on Monday, March 29th, 2010 at 11:54 am and is filed under AAPS v Sebelius. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jobs lost to ObamaCare with economic principle: a law gives birth to a series of effects, both seen and not seen

(comment here; article below)
Like Tom DeLay holding up the US Constitution said Sunday after the shenaniganS of health act passing: "It makes me sickened! (the Fox interviewer said: "Aren't you sad?" Mr. DeLay answered: "The smell is the Constitution burning."

It makes this writer and probably everyone else sickened!



WE HAVE NEVER STATED THE ROLE OF THE DECLARATION SINCE IT WAS WRITTEN, because at the Time IT was written, EVERY PRINCIPLE IT EXPRESSED WAS PART OF FOUNDER'S AND MOST OF AMERICAN COLONIST'S DAILY LIVES. IT WAS THE EXCEPTION WHEN A COLONIST DIDN'T HAVE A BIBLE OR ATTEND CHURCH. IT WAS AN EXCEPTION WHEN A HANDSHAKE WAS NOT SYNONOMOUS WITH PERSONAL INTEGRITY. LIKE WEAPONS OF ATTACK OR DEFENSE, THE DECLARATION'S PRINCIPLES WERE INTEGRATED WITH COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, HUSBANDRY, EVEN INCLUDING SLAVES (remember, slaves were not only in the South). Many Colonists were well read and newspapers flourished in even smaller towns. The Declaration described was integral in America all the way to President Bush. In "The Federalist Papers #2, John Jay said: "This country and this people seem to be made for each other."  Part of what 'We the people' are agast at is the degree of outright denigration of fact in all aspects of person, dissemination of information, and the degree and nature of actions taken by this current administration; and includes the liberal attacks of the eight years (and more) of the Bush Administration, which we often put off as politics as usual -- which it wasn't. It isn't politics as "ugly" and usual now - today and last Sunday - another Day of Infamy, but without the shooting of bullets of any sort. By the way, just because Second Amendment Americans chose to wear weapons to meetings and public places does not mean these sovereign individuals plan to start a shooting war against this this man calling himself the President of 'Change' for which he shall be fully "vindicated given time."    

AGAIN, THE HEALTH ACT IS NOT ABOUT HEALTH. It is about Power and Money! Why? Because the Act doesn't stand to logic, reason,including reading the Section elements and content within the Act itself, poor governance due to known in most of the world as a very bad idea; but in view of these facts -- this administration with its known personnel persist in declaring it a god-send to all of America! IN THE SOCIALIST WORLD: "Hence if follows that the bad economist pursues a small present good, which will be followed by a great evil to come. ....In fact, in the science of health, arts, and in that of morals. ...It often happens, that the sweeter the first fruit of a habit is, the more bitter the consequences. ...It makes us acquainted with all the effects of an action, by causing us to feel them; and we cannot fail to finish by knowing that fire burns, if we have burned ourselves.(F. Bastiat, "That Which Is Seen, and That Which Is Not Seen")

SHALL WE ALLOW, WITH REVEREND WRIGHT'S PERMISSION TURN THIS NATION INTO 50 SLAVE STATES AND 308+ MILLION SOURCES OF TAX REVENUE!? Greater than $500,000,000,000 will go directly to the Executive Branch of government through HHS, Treasury Dept. with IRS to be sure we taxpayers pay our fines for Not joining Mr. Obama's horrendous Health Act.  By the way, a little noticed incident adds great knowledge about Socialism's thinking of money: THEY ACTUALLY HOPE YOU WON'T JOIN AND WILL PAY THE FINE - IT IS CLEANER MONEY NOT RECIRCULATED GOVERNMENT MONEY! Like this Socialist administration with support from a small portion of Congress 'jobs bill' those Republicans, again, refused to join because you can't reduce unemployment numbers with government jobs! Why? It's taxpayer dollars not government!!! Government doesn't produce anything -- but trouble and certainly not revenue! It does an excellent job of demand, force and demeaning an individual or bankrupting a State!


 ObamaCare: Massive Job Losses Started
Written by CA Political News on March 28, 2010, 12:03 PM

Obamacare Already Hurting Businesses

Let Freedom Ring blog, 3/25/10   
Based on this article, its painfully obvious that Obamacare is inflicting pain into the economy but it isnt helping the American people:

    Deere & Co (DE.N) and Caterpillar Inc (CAT.N) said they are expecting a combined $250 million in charges this year as a result of changes to the $2.5 trillion U.S. healthcare system that President Barack Obama signed into law this week.

Naturally, the Obama administration is trying to spin this to avoid taking a hit politically:

    But Commerce Secretary Gary Locke criticized those estimates as premature. The final law is still being tweaked, with the Senate expected to send a revised version of the landmark legislation back to the House of Representatives later on Thursday after eliminating two minor provisions.

    A lot of the regulations on how this will affect big business havent even published yet; so for them to come out, I think is premature and irresponsible, Locke said in an interview on CNBC business television.

Secretary Locke can tweak the bill all he wants but that wont erase the major tax penalties that the bill will inflict on corporations. A little tweake here or there wont shrink the employer or individual mandates. Tweaking the bill wont eliminate the tax increase on medical device manufacturers.

    It didnt take 48 hours before the tax increases in this health care bill started to hit manufacturers and other employers, said Representative Dave Camp, the top Republican on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. With over one-half trillion dollars in new taxes, the health care bill is the single largest tax increase in American history. It is a government takeover of health care that families cannot afford and our economy cannot afford.

    At issue in Deeres and Caterpillars forecasts is a provision of the health care reform package that makes a subsidy paid to companies to provide prescription drug coverage to their employees taxable; previously this benefit had not been taxed.

Rep. Camp is exactly right. The Democrats health care legislation strips out subsidies that help companies provide prescription drug coverage to their employees. This was a predictable result of the tax increases on evil big business. This didnt surprise anyone who paid attention.

According to this WSJ article, Obamacare will hurt other businesses, too:

    Even before President Obama signed the bill on Tuesday, Caterpillar said it would cost the company at least $100 million more in the first year alone. Medical device maker Medtronic warned that new taxes on its products could force it to lay off a thousand workers.

Lets hear this administration attempt to defend Obamacare against the backdrop of Obamacares tax increases causing 1,000 layoffs at Medtronics. If the administration plans on making that pitch in person, Id recommend their representative wearing a flack jacket to the presentation.

Medtronic isnt the only medical device manufacturer considering layoffs:

    This bill is a jobs killer, said Ernie Whiton, chief financial officer of Chelmsfords Zoll Medical Corp., which employs about 650 people in Massachusetts. Many of those employees work in Zolls local manufacturing facility making heart defibrillators. We could be forced to (move) manufacturing overseas if we cant pass along these costs to our customers, said Whiton.

Theres plentiful proof that there is a tax increase on medical device manufacturers. Within 48 hours of signing the bill, Medtronic and Zoll Medical have said that laying off 1,650 people combined is possible. Thats before talking about another little tax increase that the Obama administration doesnt want us to know about:

    Mr. Reed specifically cited a change in the tax treatment of retiree health benefits. When Congress created the Medicare prescription drug benefit in 2003, it included a modest tax subsidy to encourage employers to keep drug plans for retirees, rather than dumping them on the government. The Employee Benefit Research Institute says this exclusionequal to 28% of the cost of a drug planwill run taxpayers $665 per person next year, while the same Medicare coverage would cost $1,209.

The direct result of this tax increase is a shift of retired employees from their companies plans onto Medicares persciption drug plan.

QUESTION: Did the CBO factor this into their scoring of the Democrats health care legislation? Im betting that they didnt.

Then theres the dilemma facing companies that hire seasonal workers:

    The bill signed into law on Tuesday by President Barack Obama fines businesses that do not provide health insurance to full-time employees who work more than 120 days a year. The assessment is $2,000 per employee, which, according to SkiNH lobbyist Bruce Berke and group president Alice Pearce, could mean as much as $1 million in fines to the big ski resorts, some of which hire as many as 500 seasonal workers.

    Also affected would be any business that hires on a seasonal basis, and, like most nationally, do not offer health insurance.

    Pearce said the original Senate health care bill contained only a $750-per-employee fine, which kicked in after a worker was employed 150 days. That exempted most ski areas, she said. But the House tightened it to $2,000 and 120 days.

I talked about the possibility of the Democrats health care legislation triggering the next round of layoffs. Now that prediction appears significantly closer to being reality.

Speaker Pelosi talked about the Democrats health care legislation as being a jobs bill. Thats insulting. Its nothing of the sort. In fact, the articles listed above indicate that the pain inflicted by the Democrats health care legislation will be deep, sustained and widespread. Despite all that, President Obama dared Republicans to repeal the Democrats health care legislation:

    In his speech, he mocked Republicans for suggesting that passage of the bill means Armageddon and dared them to run on a platform of repealing the bill, as many have vowed to do.

    Now that we passed it, theyre already promising to repeal it, he said. Theyre actually going to run on a platform of repeal in November. And my attitude is, go for it.

    If these Congressmen in Washington want to come here in Iowa and tell small business owners that they plan to take away their tax credits and essentially raise their taxes, be my guest, he added.

    The president said cable news talking heads are still shouting about the end of the world and said that Republicans are offering disingenuous suggestions that the bill means the end of freedom as we know it.

    So after I signed the bill I looked around to see if there were any asteroids falling or cracks opening around the earth, he joked. Turns out it was a nice day. Birds were chirping. Folks were strolling down the Mall. People still had their doctors.

Id dare President Obama or HHS Secretary Sebelius to tell the people working for Zoll Medical or Medtronic whose jobs might soon disappear that its a sunny day with birds chirping. Im betting that Medtronics employees wont have the sunny disposition that President Obama has because theyre dealing with the harsh realities of the bill. They cant afford to be oblivious to the affects of the Democrats health care legislation.

Id dare President Obama or HHS Secretary Sebelius to tell the John Deere or Caterpillar employees who might lose their job as a result of the Democrats health care legislation that the sun is shining and the birds are chirping.
If they decide to do that, Id just recommend that they wear a flack jacket when they’re making that speech.

Friday, March 26, 2010

More about Declaration-Constitution versus Obama's Socialist Health Act

 "..That's the result of elections".
Problem: Possible poor understanding of Declaration of Independence and US Constitution & probably the Indiana State Constitution! You are not alone and this is not a criticism! It is a reflection of the low or absent knowledge level throughout much of the United States for Our Heritage and for What it Means to be American!

It is unique in world history! It is unique to the American character which was recognized as such by our founders! Our founders were a group of special, unique men who were 233 yrs closer to ancient history, knew the European history, and lived in England and France while it was happening. Their words have more meaning because it was usual and customary for daily reading of the 211 year old King James version of the Bible. They read and so did all of the Colonists! They did know what an individual was and why it was and is mandatory that the individual continue and return to the understanding of each person as sovereign.

The other 14 States are working for the 10th Amendment - States rights; 2 are working on Article 1:8,clause 3,18 which address 'commerce' and "elastic" - commerce in 1776 does not mean what 'commerce' means today - further Health Act is inter-state,not intra; and elastic is so stretched in use over the yrs. since FDR, that Feds can do pretty much whatever they want---include changing the Constitution and the Republic we Pledge our Allegiance to which violates Article V.

Even FDR's adding of Social Security and Medicare/caid was a mistake. Like the mistake of electing Obama with his czars,cabinet members with Sen. Reid and Speaker Pelosi.

I hear you saying we have to take our lumps as Americans good or bad!  You are right!

The huge BUT - is that we do not have to accept his declaration of wealth at $250,000; his changing of the Constitutions (including State's Constitutions which are often modeled off the Supreme Law of the Land) and his violation of Article IV:4 which guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of government.

No American has to sit quietly by as the
Administration disregards We the people; lies, makes backroom deals, lacks any ethics; and states in his autobiography that there is no 'Universal Truth' which is what the Bible represents to the Declaration of Independence or the Statement of Man's 3 Unalienable Rights from God along with Nature(science) and Nature's God(scripture).  Mr Obama and all of his Administration in and out of elected office, cannot dictate to the Sovereign States and Sovereign Individuals his judgments of what we need to 'change' about anything. Especially working from the antithesis of "..That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed.." not the other way around. Reverend Wright has given 'We the Opposition' to Mr. Obama's imposition to call his government by name: Socialist-- because "the rich and wealthy still hate the poor and blacks!(today on O'Reilly).

The Socialist effect on the Health Act results in the reason 10% of the wealthy and any business earning more than $250,000 (that's not $249,999) shall be taxed a special rate (violating Article 1:8 clause 1) and any individual refusing to join the health act will be fined $2500 or 2% of gross income on their income taxes - with seizure of person, property, affects without 'due process' - let alone a warrant for what the Fed. is looking for. There is also 'No Appeal'- (violation of Amendment IV & while I don't know the location - I bet it is part of your State's Constitution)! Further the main reason for this horrendous overhaul of Medical field to Benefit the Executive Branch of the Federal Government is the terrible, profit-mongering, preventing health care to those with pre-existing conditons and those with a terrible, end of life disease that may require expensive treatment -- all the fault of private insurance corporations who also take advantage of the Medicare programs! Private Insurance is 4% of the Cost of Health Care in the USA according to American Health Plans. Private insurance corporations, for that matter, any business is an individual in law -- so private insurance Has Never Been Formally Charged - Has never had a day in court - has never been heard by any judge for why people appear to lose their insurance when they need it most. And just for a FYI, Pre-existing conditions do Not Disappear in Obama's Health Plan ---it is a name 'change'-- "High Risk Care". Back to a day in court which apparently will not occur (violates Amendments IV,
V,and XIV). That Medicare recipients have absolutely no choice(violates life, liberty, and general welfare) but to conform to the demands and force of Mr Obama's Health Care by Statistic and Bureau - at No Savings simply because of its size, its power to regulate, and it power to determine reimbursement for services rendered. This when the Old Medicare/caid has never worked with 100 cent dollars. The Medicare/caid programs work with 80cent dollars - even with 80/20 and 100% coverage.  In long--the Health Act shall not redo medicine in the United States of America:It shall destroy patient-centered care and any semblance of individual choice with physician decisions regarding which treatment, when, how much or what duration, where and includes which medication!

What is the worst aspect of the Obama medical overhaul? That it is not about medical care for 308+million Americans; but it is about 6% of GNP with 100% control over all resources for medicine. This includes making regulations and cost controls for private insurance with extra taxes such that private insurance will disappear in the 5th year of this program. Obama did remove the so-called public option -- had it stayed it would have been an excellent example of breaking business law outside of American business of any sort: 'conflict of interest' in that government makes the regs and controls the cost for both the cafeteria Public option and the private insurance.  

Greta got you talking when you were more concerned how Indiana did in basketball which is ok--- because when you began, it became apparent that you are well aware that basically the Health Plan is an unfunded extension of Medicaid by adding several million people to the program fairly rapidly. With a don't worry, you can defer the States responsibility back to the Executive Branch of Government to handle for your State and its citizens! Probably, you feel a little sick like Tom DeLay and many of us Patriots! We are awake now Gov. Daniels and very, very angry.

So you see, Governor Daniels, we teapartiers, a.k.a American Defenders of our 233 3/4 yr.old history, really do have something we are terribly worried about!  While the above Socialism has nothing to do with party at all. It is about America and our founders with our two documents: the Declaration and the Constitution and it includes instruction about these documents from original texts from and from which has most if not all the important cases heard before the Supreme Court with emphasis on the relation of the Principles of Government expressed in the Declaration with the corresponding location for the rules to protect the sovereign individual and sovereign state from a Federal government which has grown too large.

Franklin Roosevelt identified 4 freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Noah Webster's 1828 "American Dictionary of the English Language" definition of Freedom: "A state of exemption from the power or control of another; liberty; exemption from slavery, servitude or confinement. Freedom is personal, civil, political, and religious." You can see his last 2: want and fear - are not something that is in the control of mankind! With Obama's health plan: the state of exemption from power or control of another or personal freedom is absent, confinement occurs because of the force of you must.. or be fined... and in Insurance's case named called into submission without any regard for the facts which affect private insurance.
I have written this and more for the purpose of continuing to utilize the good lessons that Obama has made sleeping Americans realize that, like Pres. Reagan and our founders repeatedly have told us: Patriotism, learning about God, Our Country will forever be as important as any issue ever confronted.. and remember because of the number of years involved (approx. 1964; although some will say that it relates to Goldwater running for President), many- not adults are running business and teaching young without any of the above knowledge of the America and its history. That is why I write and the 2 websites I used above are so active in teaching America and American. Interestingly, many naturalized Americans are very aware of what we have forgotten, but hold to the beliefs as we natural Americans continue to wake-up!
Thank you, Catherine West
      San Marcos, CA

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Add-on Effect of Socialism's Changing the American Constitution.....

disguised as health care for 18 to 69 million Americans depending on where and what you want your statistics to say ("The Number's Game" as politics). The fact that belongs to the political statistics is that Private Insurance accounts for 4% of the total cost of Health Care according to American Health Plans!! The Socialists have also added another right. This right has no relation to the 3 rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness given by our Creator; nor does it have a place in the Bill of Rights. It is simply the Socialist need to have a seemingly just manner to give everyone, without relation to happiness or choice, the health care connection unique to the Socialist-Progressive mind; and to the requirement to justify the shift in money and power to the Executive Branch of Federal Government which upsets the checks and balance of the 3 branches! This also demonstrates the accuracy of James Madison's concern that if any One Branch has more power than the other two, then tyranny can occur (Federalist Papers #47-51).

After 5 years, 308, 930,426 Americans will have Universal Health(HH for this article) Care by force, from the Executive Branch and only the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.  As you know, the Only Elected person at the Executive Branch level of Federal Government is the President. So, since 6% of GNP will be regulated by unelected persons as HHS, IRS, Homeland Security (for the government - not for We the people), Treasury.  The IRS is hiring 16000 co- Americans to track if We the People join Mr. Obama's HH plan and to be sure fines 'without appeal and unreasonable(Amendment IV)' and without 'due process'(Amendments V & XIV) are paid by We the People. So, good-bye United States Constitution!   As you know, the current President has knowledge of only one form of government - Socialism.  It is variously paraded around as Progressive or Democracy, so party politics can come into play - not accurately; but fact and accuracy with transparency is not necessary to this President or The President of AFL-CIO Mr Stern, the rich man shame on you - George Soros, the first lieutenant, sorry for the use of a military word - Ron Immanuel; multiple pawns called czars without which the first of those two above Presidents could not function. Then there are the 'Subjects' to the Prince, otherwise known as the President's Cabinet who make usurpation and tyranny possible.

Just to be clear, I use Noah Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language for definition of tyranny, usurpation; and Frederic Bastiat's "The Law" for the definitions and demonstrations of  Socialism or rule by the few using high - sounding words benefiting society at the expense of the creation of work with jobs from innovation, invention, investment, risk, reward of the vast majority of the working age population, many of whom work a lot more than 40 hrs./week to obtain the success or make the money Mr. Obama requires for his horrendous health(HH) help to those who don't choose to have insurance; those that fall through the cracks, those who don't work for anything--- at the expense of every, single individual and family's debt  which now stands at .....oops! The government debt clock isn't working... surprise, surprise! Anyway on Saturday, 3/19/10 it stood at $40,000 per family. From a not broken debt clock (, our National Debt is $126,650,704,876,015.00.  To review, here is where we stand on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 before HH:  The interest on this debt is estimated at $170,000,000,000.00 for 2009. 21% each of the debt is owed to China and Japan. If we just take the enemies of the USA: China 21%, Hong Kong as part of China 4%, group of oil exporters 5% divided between Iran, Gabon, Libya, Nigeria; Russia 3% which equals 33% of our National Debt, before the HH, owed to flat-out enemies or semi-soft enemies of the USA.  The U.S Deficit, or the difference between income and expense, is at $1,600,000,000,000.00 not counting the HH bill. It is important to write out the zeros because it assists in realizing the seriousness of a Socialist government which can only function off taxpayer (includes business) money; and that when taxpayer (business) money is gone because the taxpayer jobs bill is simply returning tax dollars back to the working Americans to return, again, to the Federal government April 15, 2010!  If you, reader, haven't caught on: where media and newspapers use government dollars or Federal Government - substitute taxpayer for the gov.dollar and Executive Branch for Federal Government.  The Executive Branch only because it is well demonstrated that whatever coercion, deals, compromises are made to what use to be called the Democratic Party previous to the current Mr. Obama's administration. The Democrats now buy into what-ever the Prince via his subjects Pelosi and Reid say -- regardless of reason!  So hurray for Party Politics! The United States of American with its Declaration of Independence from King George III and the founder's work to write the Constitution of United States of America under one tiny tip of the pyramid called Federated form of Government which has long-since slipped its "intended to lace them up straightly within the enumerated powers, and those without which, as means, these powers could not be carried into effect. Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 2/15/1791."

The government's broken debt clock leads to discussion regarding the other 'Add-on effects of Socialism' the HH act has now made possible for President Prince of...nevermind... to have, probably through the minons or subjects; The United States Navy - U.S.S. Makin Island (you remember that Pacific WWII Battle) cleaning up the San Dieguito River Park at US taxpayer expense, perhaps one or more of its crew actually knew Chelsea King, that isn't addressed, for the silent moment "in the memory of Chelsea King".  Nor is the picture addressed why the US Navy can afford to have its well trained crew clean-up San Dieguito (that has its own large volunteer group who maintains the area and with donations, plans to extend the area east to Julian and West to the ocean) in the first place?   Maybe the significance of the picture on the front page of NC Times escapes you, most certainly will the Liberal Socialists among you; but it doesn't escape the Veterans of 5 wars who reside here in San Diego County which for many reasons is a bastion of Patriotism in the Name of the United States of America and its 233 3/4 year history until Sunday, March 20, 2010 when President Prince Obama signed his change to the United States Constitution through the same force and power moves that all usurpers  and tyrants use: lies, never transparency because that requires fact and the Pres.Prince cannot deal with fact unless presented like Senator, Subject Reid's ownership of Neveda's Yucca Mountain - 10+ year American Engineered planned and built for $63 bil(Science and Engineering, planning, grading, constructing to protect from uranium for $63,000,000,000.00!!!- that's 6.3Bil/year) What a bargain: Among the Worlds finest engineers a 10+ year project brought to fruit production at - because it isn't safe for the nuclear waste from the cleanest cheapest source of energy, God has given the world - who is using it! Except in the United States of Reid, Pelosi, Obama, and the head of the 'subject' Energy cabinet! They are excellent authorities on the subject of trashing American Capitalism by slowing, stopping the building of Nuclear Energy including in South Carolina, the one nuclear energy source Obama signed-onto!  By the way, Reid has introduced a bill to have Yucca Mountain's nuclear storage torn apart!!!!!  Another surprise --- surprise! We have two add-ons but we are not finished --- not by a long shot (sorry, the shot doesn't mean bullet from a gun - so socialist calm down)!

Lets go to page 3, same newspaper, same day:  "House takes up jobs measure" -  I think "takes up" is a good working word for this article because 'taking' with or without the 'up'(could be down) is a core concept of Socialism which is what Reverend Wright said the American voters agreed to in the word 'Change' in 2008;  and those of us who always read everyone's websites, were well aware that 'Socialism' was the truth in terms of the only thing Obama and company were after in that election. By planning the events of oil, gas, real estate bubble on top of each other in America and its business world at the time, the panic which did occur because no-one could see fact -- that Was the Real fear that decided voters in 2008! Add-on,  more than the last 2 years of Bush's Presidency, intensive, nearly daily, Bush Bashing with any expression of fact as purly coincidental; and  every single Democratic Candidate was either Liberal or Liberal coated in Socialism with one who unabsheadly quoted from "Mein Kampf" to much applause - the location doesn't matter, but is an example of how confident the Socialist planners were of their work which really began to take hold in or around 1964; although many of the adult generation of the 50 through 60's were well informed about what was going to happen with appropriate name-calling by the socialist-Alinski tactic committee of that generation.  The jobs measure uses $13,200,000,000.00 in interest subsidies for local construction bonds plus $3,600,000,000.00 in tax cuts for small businesses to provide $16,800,000,000 for States to provide temporary welfare to needy families through 9/2011 or $356,000,000/State for 17 months = $20,941,176.47/month, although the article states the amount to be $2,500,000,000.00 for the States which doesn't add up with numbers in the article(pg 3;NATION #3 from top of left column).

Republicans, as the Party of Principle continue to protect against growing debt and against a Federal Government giving funds to a State government----remember to change the government to taxpayer----(repeat)' and against one level of taxpayer to give to another level of taxpayer $20mil/mo for sovereign individual temporary needy care which the State (Taxpayer) should initiate without Any Federal (taxpayer) government at all since care of the needy is not one of the 20 powers of the Federal Level of government (Article I:8-1-18)!  See how the 'taxpayer' word substituted demonstrates the double digit taxpayer spending which contributes to a debt already beyond most American Individual Family's ability?   $40k/yr. is annual income for many working families - and HH has not be added yet? Also, remember we [the US(A)] have purchased redo of 100% of medical field and anything connected to it, for $1,600,000,000,000.00 over 5 years and have nothing to show for it; and won't have until 2011-12 barring bricks in the road which should continue granting the realization of need for Republicans to return to our Nation's helm June 8, 2010. Another way to look at HH is a new, super-house with any and all new inventions for $320,000,000.00/year, only it hasn't been built yet and you can't move in until 2015!  Plus, no-one knows how the inventions will work, but there are several new bureaus staffed with friendly, helpful union workers to check each and every invention for each and every family member, for each and every plumbing, electrical, entertainment, environment each for heat, cold, too much smoke from the fireplace and too little with the composition of the smoke examined completely  by another of the brand new bureaus that measure quantity, quality, time, distance, and interference, plus the bureau relating to age and activity!  The (government) taxpayer  has taken total care of your, brand, new home with brand new inventions -- no-one knows if they will work; but that is OK because the taxpayer (government) guarantees not only that your property taxes won't hurt you, but also any maintenance charges will be met by the (government) taxpayer!!  Gee, we get to purchase our own house for our own use, with our own money and without liability because our own money will protect us!!!  Is that a deal....or what!?

I realize that many American Patriots insulted by the above assumptions and suspicious of all politicians as a result of perceived wrongs of Pres. Bush, the 2008 election and the 'Change' that is taking place since 02/01/09 to date with the HH passed Sunday 03/20/10!  I am an American Patriot and I love our Founders work which among numerous other ideas resulted in our Declaration with Constitution which acknowledges the intervention of God and Jesus. That God and Jesus continue to be part of this Nation through our Founder's Documents for this day  and all days in the future of this wonderful Nation and its unique value of a sovereign individual, in a sovereign State, and even a Federal level of government way out of line with the Supreme Law of the Land and We the people who give the "just power" from the consent of the governed. I am a very Proud Republican because of our 2008 Platform which gave everyone from every Party a Right to offer their view and input to the Republican Platform - 10,000 did. I am a Proud Republican Patriot because our elected Representatives at both our State and Federal levels have protected us from tax increases successfully here in CA; but just holding off the huge difference of Democratic (Tradition) Progressive-Socialists. I am a Proud Republican because I work with volunteers who understand all of the above and wish more Americans regardless of Party would wake up to the glory of God written by our Founders in both the related to each other documents called the Declaration and Constitution.  We have all kinds of Republicans with all kinds of directions regarding their particular opinions, issues, concerns; but the vast majority put our Nation and its documents well before the party membership.

Now, in spite of the loud yelling of Democrats including Reid - Obama - Immanuel - other Senators, it happens that it is Republicans that are holding our Flag and our Nation with its two Documents against the onslaught of Progressive-Socialist-Democracy members who are very angry because 'We the People's Opposition' happens to be Republican! And that is true only because traditional Democrats continue to refuse to believe in the Founders and the Documents written with The Divine Intervention No founder found hard to believe in. If our Republicans were not supporting the voices of 'We the People', think of the difference in action we might be forced to take - although Progressive-Socialists would love to have 'We the people'  patriots taking it! They keep wishing we would; but our sword of truth is considerably stronger than their truth is relative to wind direction of politics of power and money without regard for government of, by, and for the people!

Our Tea Partiers aren't giving up for any Socialist name calling or accusations! So Socialist's against the Constitution---beware!!  Just for the record and perhaps to help out Juan Williams on Fox, we don't care what your skin color is --- you can be pink with purple poka-dots; it you do not believe in the words and actions of our Declaration and Constitution; if you decide to disobey your word of honor to uphold and support the Constitution; and you take action -- not once but several times to over-run justice in interest of the yelling and screaming AIG- Bank Executives without appeal or due process; as a President walk into a private company -- any other American would be arrested for trespassing and any other President would not have even considered crossing private property; and now the 'Prince's' HH with its blatant multiple violations of the Constitutions and rights of individuals well beyond its 20 enumerated powers -- you had better believe that there will not be silence -- not be forgotten after the primaries --- not be forgotten -- period any time! And, opposite of  the Socialist goal of vindication-- held up for an example for all future generations to understand that our unique individuality belongs in this Nation and is open for all homo-sapiens on the globe; and the enemy - Socialism/Progressive - are the enemies and must always be guarded against!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mr. O'Reilly, you tend to excuse this wrong Administration too much. While you appear to have awareness of the contents of the Constitution, it is very easy to see why you would see no connection between a Progressive - Socialist's word of honor or lack of it and; why the young lady you were talking too correctly continued to disagree with you. Treating the addition of Socialism as just another political activity - although larger than most- goes to the popularity and pressing requirement of this Administration to depend on Party for Politics in "It's ugly! Always has been! Always will be!"(Obama in Bret's interview). The other side is reflected by Tom Delay's answer to Geraldo!

For the record, the Declaration and the Constitution are connected. You cannot have one without the other. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."(John Adams) "...I am committed against every thing which, in my judgment, may weaken, endanger, or destroy [The Constitution]...and especially against all extension of Executive power; and I am committed against any attempt to rule the free people of this country by the power and the patronage of the Government itself..."(Daniel Webster)

Here is our Nation's Declaration excerpts with the appropriate part of the Constitution are in parenthesis, "...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed (the Preamble; Article I entirety, Article VI: clauses 2;3),... ...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism... He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. For imposing Taxes without our Consent.(Article VI: clause #2;3, Amendments IV and V especially relating to medical insurance corporations* who have been accused of everything including murder without ever receiving an indictment) ... For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury. ....establishing therein an Arbitrary government, (Article V, Amendments IV and V) and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies(Article V): ... altering fundamentally the forms of our Governments(Article V including encroachment between Branches).... We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury... They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.(Amendment I)

The recurring Myth that only Constitutional Attorneys can argue the Constitution continues wrong. "It is the excellency of this Constitution that it is expressed with brevity, and in the plain common language of mankind.(Oliver Ellsworth, Constitutional delegate 1787)" The Constitution was written for every individual from 7 yrs through adulthood and like the Bible everyone owned, was expected to be read and studied by everyone throughout life. Including as you may be aware, laws for education which include the study of the two Documents including the Federalist Papers. Up until approximately FDR, bills were not considered unless compared to the Constitution (although that sometimes didn't work). And while extremely rare, it is not unknown for one of the Justices to listen and find for one individual because it is the unique, sovereign nature of the individual which gives this Nation its strength. It is interesting to note among the Socialist-Progressive: The only time an individual is recognized is when the individual has enough words to convince a following against the political wind of the Progressive-socialist leadership; and when the individual commits a crime. The Progressive-Socialist Group (Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Stern, Soros) or Group Leader, like the czars or Cabinet members are never, never wrong because "The end Always justifies the means" which is so amply displayed in the passing of all 15 versions (some didn't make it to a number, but were acted upon) of this horrendous health Act which will contribute to the destruction of Capitalism if it makes it to the 5th year.

Only Democratic Party Followers would continue to support an Act that cannot stand the light of day on most of the provisions (I have read 3590). Only the Democrats would pursue small parts of the whole -- without the whole and without any knowledge of what the whole is comprised of. Only uninformed Democrats would buy and pay for a new car that doesn't exist and have no information on the whole parts that make the car run at a cost of $600Billion/Medi -car-e or greater than $40K/family in the Nation's debt! A little like the Progressive-Socialist group, only a Democrat cannot see or understand the Declaration and Constitution, and read the words of our Founders as extraneous, old and not worth their time! Both, Progressives and Democrats, choose to ignore Article VI: 3-their Oath of Office or Article II: clause 8 in original Constitution issue for our President. Mr. Obama as you know graduated from Yale as a Constitutional Attorney. Problem: He studied the Constitution with a Socialist's eyes because that was the single governmental idea he had with his spread-out family.

Both the Declaration and Constitution are written with the King James Version of the Bible as well as Montesque, T. Paine, English Common Law (also from Bible), John Locke, Adam Smith and many others including world history from a closer, nearer viewpoint than Modern hx. Each of the Founders was well informed regarding all decisions they made, as were the colonial Americans. "..And for the support of this Declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of devine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." - When a Congress-person cannot see or recognize facts which do not support the premise of 100% coverage for all Americans mandatory in 2014; at 6% of GNP (doesn't matter if spread over the 5 yrs) because it is the Money and the Power -of Regulation -of reimbursement -of what quality consists of -of what treatments will be allowed with what diagnoses because of cost by new bureaus and bureaucrats duplicating already working and well used evidence based outcomes with risk management that remains the terrible part of this Act. Reimbursement costs have Never in the History of Medicare/Caid been met at 100% of real money cost plus the annual many government-based accusations of fraud and ....whatever... but Never, Never with the Federal Government taking responsibility for its own contribution to increase of medical care cost. How? When an item, doesn't matter what, which, where, or when, costs $10.00 and is reimbursed to either the private insurance company or the physician or the hospital at $8.00, The remaining $2.00 has to be accounted for in real money -- not government taxpayer resource money. It can sometimes be met with cash from the individual, but for more than the last 20 years is a bartered or contracted amount between every party involved: patient (no say unless a copay), physician, equip. company, insurance, and any other type of equipment like stomach tube feeding. Along with the disparities, is the other never discussed fact that in the same years of the increase in cost, there has been exponential developments in every single area of medicine: labs, xray, scans, medications, treatments, equipment, surgeries, control of complications, transplantations to name a few! Last is the American Insurance plans pie-chart of medical costs with private insurance paying 4% of the pie, hospitals 31%, and physicians 21%, the rest of the pie has other divisions! Naturally, information like this is absent! It doesn't make the end justify the means.

Now you see why we are angry! It Shall Not Leave until the truth is told with the Health Act repealed.

You might be interested to know that this Administrations idea of Progressive - Democracy - Socialist does not believe in a Universal Truth. While Obama does acknowledge God, He isn't considered very reliable or useful in the decisions and judgements about what people need to have in today's world. Relativism is the name of the game for Obama and Company with Saul Alinski, Cloward and Pevin's plans to destroy Capitalism much more useful and used: Fishes in Central CA; how the health-act was put together with Obama's its ugly; how private insurance and medicine is regarded - useless mess. Never said at Obama's level, that medicine on 3/19/10 is the Finest on this Globe and every individual considers it a privilege to have care here.  On 3/20/10, Americans must be pleased to have the intellectual, we shall be vindicated, you have to go down - why not support anyway, the horrendous combination of Executive Branch (no voters or We the people) with H.R 3590 and H.R 4872 no-one but the writers know what the complete triplit bears, but 100% of use with Medicare/caid recipients at the mercy of how these two HR's with Obama's and company judgements.

I am an American Patriot, unemployed, not retired RN without a RN pocket license - not of my choice (another story), who considers learning and teaching the above, mandatory service in this time for our Nation and our Americans who, temporarily went to sleep. We are not and will not be sleeping - now!

Please increase your willingness to understand why a young lady you interviewed would continue to disagree with excusing the Congress-members who also decided to abandon their Oath of Office along with their integrity in signing onto an Act which is aimed at every American regardless of income, in the United States of America sans Obama and Company!

*The actions against the medical insurance companies are probably Article I: 9 - #3 "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

Catherine West, San Marcos, CA

PS: Much of what is in the above about the Constitution is also contained in Representative and Senator's State Constitutions. It most definitely is in CA's!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Obama's name change for Health Care changing Dems Votes

Rep. Boehner Thank you so much for the fine leadership you provide for Americans throughout our Nation. This Patriot is looking forward to you becoming Speaker of the House. The THANK YOU is EXTENDED to ALL Our Republican Representatives that have called "The Patient Protection and Affordable Act" by the correct huge cost name and misuse of legislative rules, which has been present, to a unprecedented degree, since Obama came to office 1 yr. and 2 months ago.  Don't forget the: 'don't read the bill---just pass it' because it is imperative we do this now because if too much information to the contrary occurs,  Obama, Soros, Alinski, Cloward-Piven might become recognized for the fools and cowards they are!

Mr. Obama's 'H.R.4872 Reconciliation Act of 2010' is turning votes by utilizing 'distraction' which in this case is pounding, pounding the pre-existing conditions, and cut-off of private insurance support along with Reconciliation won't change that much of medicine -idea. This is an Alinski technique of partial information and excluding any information which might result in losing the "System".  I hope you continue to notice that the 'Constitution' word Shall not ever enter the ear of either party! That is the reason for 'distraction'.

Obama/Alinski's 'act-react' occurs within the very narrow confines of definition, rule, informing only by the Obama, Soros, Alinski, Cloward-Piven, Pelosi, Reid confines! The confines include the backroom deals, lies, and calling the opposition liars, "ugly" constitution-based process; with Never-Never mention content of H.R.4872, and ignore constitutional legislative 'process' because every Republican has done it before and therefore it is partisan politics as usual.

Teapartiers have been staying away from party because the Declaration tied to the Constitution is what loses if this 16 Version, Bastard with name changed to "Reconciliation Act of 2010" of Obama Progressive-Socialist thinking succeeds. The name change Is Important! Now the 100% change in the entire field of medicine for the problems of approximately 40 million Americans (18million if you use another statistic source not Obama's) with 6%GNP all medicine in One Branch-Executive- of the Federal Government.

This Act Remains A Change In Our Constitution and Therefore Our Declaration: Article V is the Section which is ignored. Obama has no intention of following a 'bunch of old men who didn't believe in what they were writing(Obama's Autobio)' Constitution; and 'Obama the 1' taking the role of George III or government by the few men and the resulting tyranny of disregard for the legislative process of Article I:7-2 and individual, sovereign, 3 basic unalienable rights by our Creator, as a substitute for what the Executive Branch of government can do for you With Your Money!

Many of the Democrats may also be swayed by Obama's Progressive - Democracy in the practice of 'change by imperative'-- sounding very good: private insurance won't be allowed to increase premiums; pre-existing conditions won't exist; and all Americans Shall join a 'huge pool of money that helps everyone who is ill'. Sounds great! I have been presented with "What is wrong with helping everyone!?".

Also, the Dems may be influenced because Obama emphasize in the Bret B. interview that the Only Question involved is: Are you for "Reform what-ever form it takes versus Status Quo?" and "Do you want to fix a broken system?" (never mind 100% inaccuracy of broken medicine patient-centered care. That's the left out part!).

I repeat "distraction". Obama must answer his own contradictions of the interview; he must answer the obviously visible massive cost because it is not reconcilable with the future generations of teenagers and children along with newborns and yet unthought of births over the next 10 years.

Cost is important  because this with the Soros,Alinski,Cloward-Piven are all designed to destroy Capitalism along the the USA because then Israel falls along with much of the rest of the world. Although, I don't think Obama wants to go that far; but he probably doesn't know any better because he doesn't know the connection between the Declaration and the Constitution with religion and morals.

Most important of all, because Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Soros, all know full well exactly what they are doing: -- It is the Constitution that must fail so that Socialism can continue. This regardless of June primary or November elections because these are the few rulers without the 3 unalienable rights from God and no morals. One rule remains "The End always justify's the means" along with cause as much disarray, disorganization and disharmony as possible! Keep Legislature on its heels with its mouth open in shock over the actions of  Pelosi, Reid, and Obama.  This President has not and will not support or defend the Constitution of the United States of America. And he needs to lead his Democrats down the same terrible path of tyranny in order to make Socialism successful. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.(John Adams)"  Progressive-Democracy-Socialism is the dangerous, take the earnings from working people to give to non-earners of any money. The non-earners come to believe they have a right to the non-earned money; the Progressive-Socialist-Democracy support the idea with the result that justice does not include the rights of a sovereign individual who earns a living--regardless of the amount of money in rewards for risk and work!

Those who say the Supreme Court can't do anything are afraid Americans Shall take it to the Supreme Court. There is more than one attack on the Constitution involved. It would be nice if we would quit playing along with the President's problem of using the 'C' word; even though it might be much more effective should "reconciliation" pass, to quietly and immediately enter the Supreme Court-- even if they are hearing another case!  No appointment or calendar. This  is about Individuals who govern the government; this is about everything we are; and the Supreme Court must drop everything and deal with We the People, Our Elected Representatives, and Our grievance against the current Obama Administration's blind action against Our two Founding Documents!

If I had the money, I would be in Washington DC tomorrow. As it is I can only be there in spirit. But here at home, we have a one-day class on the Constitution through .

Thank you, Catherine West, San Marcos, CA

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why is Obama so intent on Passing his Health Act?

To Everyone Concerned about our Nation:

Representative Darrell Issa is not allowed to have H.R.3438 come to the floor of the House.
This bill simply allows all American Citizens access to the Congressional Cafeteria of hundreds of health insurance plans with all levels of income - already without pre-existing conditions, AID’s exclusions, and with between jobs coverage.

Major Change to the US Constitution: By continually ignoring the Articles and Amendments, to his legal mind - and G. Soros and company, including Unions, the “Change” will cause a precedent which will continue to result in more “Progressive / Democracy / Socialism” bills, acts, and regulations, especially by the cabinet, easier to get pass Congress; and if it doesn’t, Obama has 3 more years of ‘Executive Privilege’ to bring whatever issue he decides into the Executive Branch and bypass Congress. This will allow continued Progressive / Democracy - majority rules / Socialism to become like tentacles throughout the Federal level, as well as several of the States most notably California. Remember, after this act, any law, bill goes to the bureau or department where the regulations, furthest away from the “consent of the governed”, without question-oversight-review are made - almost exclusively by SEIU members who, I can guarantee you have no knowledge of either the Declaration or the Constitution which supports both the Declaration and the rights of individuals.

Progressive’s talk to people and let them talk; but decisions are already made. The meeting with the Republicans regarding the Health Act is an excellent example. To the Progressive, the people cannot make decisions about their government, which goes back before the Revolutionary War, and probably most of world history, which is another reason why ‘We the people’ is unique to America and Americans.

Why do you think, in 1962, Congress with Pres. Johnson kept Medicare / Medicaid with MediCal in California, in the Social Security Act rather than in the Executive Branch - Health and Human Services? (This had been a question of mine ever since started home health care in 1980). Because, it kept an important part of medical care in Congress and because it is closely allied with the elderly and disabled care needs along with a bit of States Rights in allowing CA to keep the MediCal name - CA developed MediCal in the first place, before Medicaid started.

Can you think of a reason why moving Medicare / caid (no more Cal) into the Executive Branch of government matters? Beyond the health act?

The move to have the entire field of medicine come to the Executive Branch of government has nothing to do with medical care. It has everything to do with power in the hands of a few. It has everything to do with a Single Federal branch of powerful, demanding, invasive, 6% of GNP in size; but remember, the ‘Financial Security Act’ is under the Dept. Of Treasury; the carbon and energy bill is under the Dept. Of Energy with new regulations already out affecting US register of ships with most of those between China and Japan; and even though control of the internet is forbidden, you know who is a regular visitor from the FCC (remember the White House Lists? Do you really think they have disappeared from the candidate with at least 3 known websites - not related to DNC?)!

Do you see 1) more power, more taxpayer resource control(government money). 2) Furthest away from “consent of the governed”. No-one in the President’s cabinet is ‘elected’ right down to the Union SEIU staff in the bureaus. 3) Congress is bypassed. Progressives are successful in Centralizing government to the exclusion of States rights. An example is in the health act, where the States can choose to let the Executive Branch handle some of the insurance and costs of Medicaid. That the 10th Amendment does intend that the Federal Government have nothing to do with “citizens” at this level; that the State is closer to the people and the people have the right to life, liberty to make their own choices about healthcare - even the most incentive to prevent their own set of health problems. The huge myriad of complex history, chronic, acute, race, age, part of the United States each individual lives in alone makes a Federal program not only impossible, but also very costly and arrogant of this President and his administration. Think of the $40,674 odd dollars per family which would be reduced by at least 4-5% if the Federal government gave-up its stronghold on healthcare, returned the money to Medicaid and let medicaid absorb Medicare. Never mind, This progressive administration could not even contemplate giving up the power it is so hungry for, it will compromise integrity, honor, and get caught in their own lies!

Do you recognize that of all the Americans involved in the health act, only Medicare/caid members are singled-out as Americans who Shall not have any choice in the source of their Medical Care as long as this act exists? That health act may have altered or removed: Section 1555 regarding the individual, business, corporation, insurers are not required to join the Health Act? If they decide not to join, there will be no fines, taxes, or other penalties. But, the fines, taxes, and penalties for not joining or conforming to the government demands are Not Removed from the Health Act.

This alone is a violation of the 9th “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”; and the 14th Amendments “..shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws...”.

Do you recognize that winning an election, does not make changing Our Nation’s Constitution legal? Or ignoring our Constitution to pass a health act that violates the entire document by having a government decide for the people what, where, when, why, and how, the people shall receive their healthcare whether they need healthcare or not (“..because someday they will”(Obama) and forget that business’ are Individuals in law. Business’ which provide or involve themselves with medical care at any level will have extra taxes to support this health act. That hospital and pharmaceutical subsidies have been required twice, once at startup and once more around November by Obama himself and in addition will be taxed?

Article V in the Constitution addresses how Congress can initiate and the States ratify changes in the Constitution. The Health Act changes the Constitution. The health act changes 3 Branches of Government with small areas of overlapping responsibilities for ‘checks and balances’ as follows:

Partial mixture between Executive and Legislative: Article I: 7:2;

Partial mixture between Executive and Judicial: Article II:2:3, Article I:3:6;

Partial mixture between Judicial and Legislative: Article I:8:9, Article III:2.

The 3 powers must be kept separate otherwise tyranny* results. The three powers are distributed on a horizontal plane with Congress the main interface between the people and the Federal Level of government because the people elect Congress members to give “consent of the governed”.

The health act moves the Executive Branch further away from the people and forces or demands more from the people without their consent because members of the cabinet are not elected by the people. You may argue that Congress approves the members of the cabinet; to which the open door to politics over the rights of individuals under God are well demonstrated by this current administration not only in the health act, but also Financial Stability, Energy, a.k.a the science of political thinking for money, Communication (or lack of it), environmental.

This health act provides “legal plunder (F. Bastiat in “THE LAW”)” in taxing the wealthy or top 10%. Legal Plunder means taking something a person has earned through their own risk and management and giving ‘the something’ to someone who has not earned or taken risk for anything. Thereby, setting up the ‘you owe it to me’ thinking that many government entitlements allow people.

*Noah Webster’s American Dictionary-1828 defines tyranny: “Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government...”.

The “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” may have changed its name, but it has not changed its violations of the Constitution of the United States of America which will be continued, if this act assists in setting the precedent for further passage of acts, bills, laws, and regulations at the Bureau, Department, Cabinet levels and /or by czars to the President who still has two years and nine months to go. It makes a giant out of One Branch of Government, Executive, to the ability to ignore Congress by the tyranny of democracy, or the tyranny of majority rules, without regard to integrity or the principles of Our Nation. This administration ignores the Republic when it ignores the integrity and principles of our founders. It ignores and judges American Citizens about life and liberty, therefore happiness, thus denying the Three Basic Rights Under God. It also denies “..equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind...”.

And now, because of one-sided, preconceived notions of the administrations judgement and back door negotiations this President, with his Senate Leader and Speaker of the House, plan a 51% majority count of a reconciliation act used for money or budget purposes only, to pass an Act affecting 308,000,000 Americans Legal and naturalized.

Representative Darrell Issa’s H.R. 3438 does everything needed for insurance problems for the same 308,000,000 Americans; but is refused by the Speaker of the House. It doesn’t pretend to address court cases, nor does it interfere with the privacy of Americans through utilizing standardized computer data of each individual to be used by IRS, Homeland Security, and any other deemed appropriate part of the Federal-Executive Branch of government. Another example of disregard, disrespect & despotic behavior consistent with the Progressive / Democracy / Socialist plan to bring down capitalist America.

H..R. 3438 doesn’t pretend to cure all of medical care’s problems; but then it doesn’t spend time and money punishing medical care for in-hospital-outpatient-homes of patients for complications of care; while ignoring the many successful complications of illness which American Physicians and professionals handle with excellence often to save an individual’s life while holding onto his/her quality of life. It isn’t easy and won’t be made easier having the Executive Branch double-tracking who gets what care, for how much, for how long, where and when!

Rep. Issa’s H.R.3438 is simple to implement. It takes care of the most pressing problems Americans complain they could use some help. It protects privacy of insurance business as well as the individual.