..attorneys, judges, and justices give “elected-We the People-citizens, of stand and support our Nation’s Rule of Supreme Law, ” Permission: – the Judgement(s). “We are a nation of law.”.
While these Mantra’s are correct, there is only one way, these Americans, shall have the Truth in Justice as written, lived, and applied from the U.S.God’s Laws and Both Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the U.S. :
The “Rule of Law” is this: “Constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and null and void from inception. Another source is:
“The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it...No One is bound to obey an unconstitutional law, and no courts are bound to enforce it. [16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256]”.
Since January 20, 2009, Social Justice is the supreme law of the land defined, implemented, and punished with or without a court of law, by Obama and his minions in Congress, in Obama’s Czar Regime, including several State’s Legislatures. Absent “just powers derived from the consent of the governed” requested or required! Because in law, silence is agreement, those legislators who are not in agreement, remain silent thus aiding the unlawful, disobedient, and insubordinate as they change the Basis of United States and International Law of “Religion and Morality”.
Though the “Tyranny of the Majority (inanimate object-number)” is important to allow the legitimacy of ‘these few homo sapiens with cognitive attributes’; “Soul” as God’s Law declares: “..that will to be rightful must be reasonable, that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to [continue to] violate [is] would be oppression. (T. Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address)”.
Constitutional Principle: “Only individual “persons” or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual person may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.
“PERSON is comprised of “Body” and “Soul”. When the “Body” dies, the Person dies.”
Each-One-Unique-Person’s Soul is not physiologically attached to “Body”. When the worst stages of Alzheimer’s Disease occur.....that Person’s Soul is trapped in his “Body”; but very much alive and well – though completely unable to express his unique-person in an neurologically, earthly manner.
Social Justice is based on “Body Law” in which the sole determiner of “right” behaviors and interpersonal affairs is defined, determined, inspected and adjudicated by inanimate and living objects. Each of these objects are capable in social justice of punishing, removing natural rights of life and liberty, and are centers of performing as parties to actions at law....each one represents a form of restriction with fines, removal, dictate, and control... Even God’s air - land - water - and therefore agriculture, fishing, farming....and all life, liberty and pursuit.
Inanimate Objects: money, vegetable, mineral-petroleum, air, land, water, atoms as electronic wave-length and as nuclear energy; identification cards of any kind, medicine with goods manufactured. Animate Objects: animals vertebrates and invertebrates, visible or invisible to the eye, homo sapiens, body parts as fingers, organs of sex, body fluids internally or excreted.
Social Justice declares that when man competes all manner of evil occurs, because invariably some ‘group of life as living objects - absent “soul”’ are left out of the successes represented by the inanimate objects. That in order to control man’s competitive nature, the group named “ “leader” must determine the 5W’s and H of life, liberty and the pursuits of whatever the leader’s decide is worth pursing ( watch “Zeitgeist: The Movie” on You Tube).
To exist, Body Law must have ‘groups’ or ‘compartments’ for the Animal - Mammal - Homo Sapiens part of life. God is not necessary, unless it is “the god of revenge, murder of body; and they believe “Soul” as integral attachment to “Body”.. — That’s why ‘beheading’ is the best part of murder; the “soul” cannot find its way to wherever it goes. It is also why kamikaze-style instruction to the Posterity of their nations, allows body, as one mammal, a great and happy life in their hereafter.
Or why the knife in the hands of a ‘male of the species, homo sapiens with cognitive attributes’ has much more importance as “..or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”; over the individual’s person as ‘soul’ who received the attacked by the ‘male homo sapiens’ — yet another demonstration that God’s Laws - The Ten Commandments - are absent from adjudication. Practicing revenge with the inanimate object - knife - is more important NewSpeak of ‘social justice’ than God’s Law.... Justice has just removed the ‘blindfold’ from its face, hasn’t it!?
More pointedly in our March 2012 Supreme Court, state of law by body, the inanimate object ‘medicine’ is applied to the ‘living object’s body parts’ as “commerce-money” before any homo sapiens receives any care... or what looks like care...except
for “souls” as the physician; health care professional; with all person-care providers; the developer and provider of the all the physical, inanimate objects required to apply the medical care; which
are essential to defining the usage statistics as costs with so-called ‘quality outcomes’, and new 122+ commissions and bureaus, to allow the inanimate and living object - body parts for the state determined, degree of care; ...because
in order to have this care every, single constitutional “soul” shall participate, otherwise there won’t be adequate inanimate object – Money;
And the infamous denigration of Jefferson on constitutional construction: “..carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates [and Noah Webster’s definition of all words deriving acts and principles of Republican form of government with “Religion and Morality completely integrated and entwined], and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”; shall continue as “Body Law” supreme to “Rule of Law” from God’s Law expressed in Declaration, Constitution, Oath of Office, Pledge of Allegiance, and Sacred Honor of accountability OnePerson-to-his-God.
Further, failure to comply with any part of ‘The Executive Branch of Government’s Body Law of Medicine’ results in fines and other manifestation of dictate and control: .. body as living objects dominate regulations which affect the reimbursements to EACH AND EVERY ‘compartment’ of medicine which encompass ‘time’ as earnings all level of constitutional person; overhead of providing care - provider and payer as insurance; or withheld because of government-deemed iatrogenic” and therefore not the responsibility of the ‘body of the group name HH&S- Executive Branch of the government owned and operated by the now-in-office President with minions’.
From inanimate and living object protection and affordable, there isn’t any medical care given to The Person as “Soul” which has live within the limitations of “the “Body” comprised of government declared, diagnosis and treatment regime establish”, for the group of persons by age with chronic or acute illness or any of the fields of medical care;..... And......
- because when the reimbursement is withheld or deemed incorrect code so no reimbursement will be given or reimbursement already collected - shall be returned to the Executive Branch of dictate and control H&HS via the inspector/employee/self-interest, with the man named President’s definition of affordable and ‘protection’; And
since reimbursement has never in the history of any government medical care - USA or any Nation - ever met the actual costs of provider and implementer of care for any person of any age or condition, combined with removal via regulation of inanimate and living objects use in reimbursement for treatment of the individual as a "Soul" --- government is 100% in control of distribution, selection of 'soul's' diagnosis -(es), tests, treatment, medication, time involved and all compartments comprising medical care here in the United States of Obama-care! Among the greatest lies perpetrated by government is “saving money” while protecting patient care– never!
Therefore, because of socialist-government’s insatiable appetite for other people’s earnings as money requirements, a trip to the District Courts; though this is Article III:2, clause 2: “..and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme court shall have original Jurisdiction. ..”, not its baby brother.
All this shenanigans allows the unconstitutional law to go ahead as Law of the Land – without the law or land part — while inanimate and living object allowed to be parties at law,— tidally-winks continue as the source of “permission” to declare and unconstitutional law unconstitutional officially because the other group of “appointed-We the People” get ‘dibbs’ by default of our Congressional belief that they have lost the ability to recognize God’s Law for right and wrong; or worse, agree with the Obama open-society of abuse, oppression by majority absent Oath of Office or any “Rule of Law”!
Think about it – 2, simple steps by ‘Elected or Regulating compartments of governance’, could stop destroying our Republican form of Protection of Person against government delineated by both Declaration and Constitution: (1) Whenever a bill is presented, FIRST IS CONSTITUTIONALITY of the WHOLE bill; then if that is OK, EACH - SINGLE SUBTITLE, SECTION, SUB-NUMBER OR EACH PART of the contents... shall also be “Rule of Law”; and (2) if by some chance, any Statute, Bill, Regulation, Executive Order, or Court Ruling which is inconsistent, not derived from the Constitution shall not proceed to enactment under any circumstance, until offending areas are removed, or the ‘law’ under legal consideration is nullified and removed..
Wake-up America!! We the People are “a court of competent jurisdiction” for our Republican form of Representative government under “Religion and Morality” is built upon the Declaration of Independence’s God’s Laws. We the People, including the attorneys, judges, justices, minions of this man Obama, and even Obama, are able to read and comprehend God’s Laws; and ‘free agency allows lawlessness, absent ethics, as well as complete obedience to God...including the consequences of both ends of the “behavior continuum” of mankind..
We Are Our Government---- no matter what Obama’s Acts and Words may declare though his person or through the persons of inanimate departments, legislatures of tyranny of majority, legislators – sitting on their hands, or any segment of the ‘popular’, number, of people.
In the Republican form of Government, Law is for One Person - “The Minority of One Protected”. That is God’s Law. That is “Free Agency”. That is where the enumerated powers become so important... not money, not size of program, ... nothing but The Soul residing in the Body of One Person... Only Individual Persons or Corporate Persons...may be the subject of legal process. Only Soul...may be subject to legal process per God.....not “homo sapiens with cognitive attributes” in leadership roles as government.
We the People are God-Fearing, Honorable, and forthright determiners of each-one’s own life as well as the needs of our Posterity. Right now, We the People of 08/28/10, Washington Mall, “Restore Honor” and this moment in time are very, very aware of the lawlessness; and the incapability of decision of our “Elected Representatives-We the People-members”, to recognize - out loud on the floor of Congress... lawlessness with disobedience to God’s Laws as both Declaration and Constitution.
As Americans, we can and do make mistakes. ...But then we share that with this Mr. Obama with his minions of disobedience and insubordination on the grandest scale in our nation’s history – for first place in lawlessness. Of course we share that because “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” Body allows individuals to cast the stones, and though coercion is such that they would not be likely to refuse, both the victim and the stone throwers suffer...especially the stone-throwers refusing to bow-low to the Mullahs over Jesus Christ, Son of God’s Teachings. Social Justice is also declare of life, therefore liberty, inspector, judge, and 'punisher'...just like Mullahs!
The removal of the Declaration as Law from God took place back in 1947's Justice Clark of Iverson v. PTA and repeated in 1991. Our Constitution has been repeatedly been disobeyed; and now “I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation, Under God, ....” is also removed.
BUT NOT QUITE...We the People know what many Leaders with purveyors of lie, distortion, spoon-fed, bias politics of Body because Soul isn’t relevant..
Many Legislative, attorneys and judges including Justice Kagan declare that there is no law in the Declaration. This declaration by 'Social Justice’s temporal-body law' ignores the following statements: "and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.. ; "We hold these truths to be self-evident..; endowed by Creator... unalienable Rights,..that AMONG these are... ; secure these rights governments are instituted among Men; deriving their JUST* powers from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED; THAT WHENEVER ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE OF THESE ENDS IT IS THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT, AND ..; but WHEN A LONG TRAIN of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government...
The Current Obama regime shares the original Declaration George III Abuses including:
----"He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.": Patient Protection and Affordable Act with its removal of the right to work - unless fingers as prints with criminal record checks occur for all employees (Section 6201 of PPAA) combined in and including Department of Education take over of 100% of all public and private education in the United States of America. The Idaho couple of Ownership of Private Property "Granted" permission by The Supreme Court to go ahead and challenge EPA's continuing 4th Amendment violations of "Unreasonable search and seizure" - no warrant required of EPA inspectors of property -- like the Florida home owner of 50 years on the edge of the Everglades -- seized property.
----"He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation.": Executive Order Number 13,600 Establishing the President's Global Development Council with this sentence: "(I) innovative, scalable approaches to development with proven demonstrable impact, particularly on sustainable economic growth and good governance; (ii) areas for enhanced collaboration between the Federal Government and public and private sectors to advance development policy - otherwise known as United Nation's "Ecosystem Management" a.k.a. Agenda 21 Global Warming.
“(ii) areas for enhanced collaboration between the Federal Government and public and private sectors” is not included in any part of either Declaration or Constitution for government is expressly NOT to involve itself in Persons or Persons of corporations for any reason — especially using earnings of the people.
----"For depriving us in many cases of the benefits of Trial by jury:" : the Property owners of Idaho and Florida; Gibson guitar’s Ebony; removal of coal as a source of electricity in the NW States; FCC attacks as Flagging or censorship by coercion of "certain class of commentators" who are herded into one location on radio and removed. .. except for the politically correct, social justice acceptable to Borderless Nations and Jurisprudence of Obama and minions of ‘opinion without interference’, from television utilizing “Orwell’s 1984: NewSpeak” of “fair”.
The constitutional principle that only ‘persons’ and ‘persons as corporations’ may be parties to law; here is the connecting Scripture: “..that the Law is admirable--- provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that NO LAW IS EVER MADE FOR HONEST PEOPLE but for the lawless and the insubordinate, for the impious and the sinful, for the irreverent and the profane, murderers (with all synonyms), immoral persons, liars, perjurers, AND WHATEVER ELSE IS CONTRARY TO SOUND DOCTRINE as laid down by that glorious gospel of the blessed God...".
“Body Law demands righteous people be bound by law and that depriving the natural rights of “Persons” is mandatory for social justice’s existence. "Body Law" is supreme over "Rule of Law" form both Declaration and constitution with "Religion and morality; and our Republican form of government has been "changed" without any attention to Article V. In addition, this "change" to 'body law-social justice' is 100% supported by several States...including the leader of anti-law California.
In 1776 Cloward-Piven was unknown per se; but the behaviors of profane with liars, ... well known. They are included here because the number of statutes, regulations, executive order, court rulings (including Supreme sometimes) is so increased that the Judicial System of Article III is completely overwhelmed, and "persons - elected or private" are also overwhelmed, to the extent... our Constitution is violated nearly daily with 2600 Fed. agencies..and some State's Legislatures and Departments mirroring Obama’s Body Law over God’s Law.
At the same time, lawless US Federal Government v. State of Arizona re Illegal Aliens with Project Gunwalker; closure by Executive order of all drilling in any water within US Borders; and removal of a private company CEO by Mr. Obama’s big-toe/on private property / as an announcement of the beginning of change to Socialism. ..Forget Democracy those Republicans of Progressive mentality who believe this dishonest man. The leaders of both Democratic and Republican Centrist to Left of Center belief that a Democracy will result from Obama are continuing their ignorance of Declaration, Constitution, AND Democracy!
----“He has refused his Assent to Laws,..”: The rest of this Abuse states “the most wholesome and necessary for the public good!”. Obama’s Social Justice is the definer of law-regulation-statute-court ruling-sole determiner; evidence of fact not required; prosecutor with or without court as necessary;...just the regulations of Czars who report directly to the President and act under his Direction. Social Justice is all about “public good’‘ except for the definition and application of the words: “public” and “good”.... :
----“He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.”: This reference the 02/2012 National Defense Act which has Congressional and Socialist Obama approval based on the NewSpeak words “Threat” and “Protection”; absent any Constitutional Principle of Protection from Government “for” the People as Consent of the Governed: “A militiaman is ANY CITIZEN or would-be citizen in his or her capacity as a defender of the state and the constitution. A militia is one or more persons acting in concert in that capacity. The general militia is the totality of all such persons, which, because even simple obedience to law is a defense of the state and the constitution at a low level, comprises all law-abiding citizens and would-be citizens. ..”.
Our Legislative “body” absent “soul” has set-up retaliation by Socialism’s Open-Society against “Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to disobey that act, to report it as a crime, and to arrest the offender and deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution.”
In our Constitutional Republic, “The individual component of the polity is the PERSON, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species Homo Sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the NATURAL RIGHTS [Freedom] of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions TO AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS OF THOSE RIGHTS and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a WHOLE or for their common posterity.
WHOLE means ‘The sum of each-one-of it parts’ – “1. The entire thing; the entire or total assemblage of parts. The whole of religion is contained in the short precept, Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.”.
It is necessary to establish this Statement of Person because it is One-Person-One at a time which Both Founding Documents establish as Law in Principle, in application, and In The Name of God, His Son Jesus Christ and the teaching by the Apostles. Scripture is instruction to the “soul(s)” within “person(s)”. The unique, sovereignty of person whose journey encompasses life, liberty, and pursuits of happiness.... as Internal government of conscience - separate and distinct from External government, but still responsible to the polity as one-person in its members.
“Soul” is “Religion and Morality” as each-one-person-accountable to God / or the righteous behavior for those who address their person as some degree of atheist. The Oath of Office, The Pledge of Allegiance, performing the ethics of behavior as One Person...are all demonstration to obedience to God’s Laws. In Republican representative form of government orchestra, one member of the horn section is playing the Clarinet and “Handel’s Messiah” with the choir — conducted by “God’s Law” is the resulting music.
But even if not heard or adjudicated upon, the lawless content remains and is applied as if it were acceptable law! So the myriad of statute, regulations, executive orders, and court rulings continue unfettered by any opposing principle of Constitutional Law; and because of Legislators belief that solely attorneys, judges, justices are allowed to give consent to name lawlessness....lawlessness, our Nation will be defeated to Social Justice.
Examples: ---Just because Legislators write an inanimate, body law stating “educating sexual deviation to kindergarten through 14th grade public school, with teacher’s shall not opt out of teaching the materials, SB48 in California”; does not change it lawlessness both civil and violation of “Thou shalt not bear false witness” and “Thou shalt not steal” as in steal the minds of children with lie and distort information - God is not allowed, anymore than ethics - in teaching 6 year olds through 22+ ages; or even, as noted above, "..though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law..". But legislators and people act as if it were!!
There is "Rule of Law" which is no longer supreme...because there is law which is lawless, but allowed to go into effect.... and no "Person" recognizes the dichotomy?!!! Not likely! More to the point, having never been challenged on God's righteousness in life, liberty since Adam and Eve, 1066 Battle of Hastings, and all the men who were burned at stake or lost their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor...in wars... are dead in vain!!!
Nope, it is just some Legislators "cannot see the light shining in their eyes" of disbelief that this could really happen to US(A)! It can and has happened...so quit hiding and sitting on your hands America.
In college and university’s education is defined, delineated and incorporated by dictate, decree, and coercion of GPA by the “professor” and therefore any Credentials appearing after their or any ‘graduate’s’ name is absent Truth. — learning is absent in the social justice goal of “No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders. (Samuel Adams letter to James Warren, 11/4/1775)”.
Social Justice is absent “Religion and Morality” because neither God, nor righteous behavior - ethics - is required for “Social Justice rights”. Society as the ‘group’ determines society’s morals and attitudes....Truth is not required, nor wanted because that would be the “interference” of “Opinion without interference”.
Social Justice as “Body-inanimate and living object law”, is pervasive as the basis of law here in our Nation, as well as United Nations, European Union, and World Bank which encompasses our Nation’s Federal Reserve. Body Law is absent “Soul of God’s Law” and the ethics of righteousness - morality-----it is inanimate which is why the control with usurpation is so easy for social justice. If you ignore righteousness of christian teaching, it leaves people’s mind and attention. The absence has occurred, repeatedly throughout man in Scripture, as well as history which includes the abysmal legacy of Obama’s Anti-Law Declaration and Constitution..
Body Law of Temporal man with inanimate and living objects as its basis is complete opposition with denial of “Soul” of Person.
Powers of the earth, separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God Entitle them..Each-One-Unique-Sovereign Person’s Life, Liberty, and Pursuit(s) with “A wise and frugal government... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government. [italic added] (Thomas Jefferson - also in his first Inaugural Address)”.
For our Lord God has established this Nation to be His Words in Action in this Universe established by the Souls of our Colonist’s with America’s Indians in 1620, through our Founding Fathers, as The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States, and Including the Philosophers and Leaders of European World with the histories of mankind from Adam and Eve,
The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Candidate Emken, Republican Party, Top-two vote getters regardless..
of political party affiliation stated by candidate or by voter --- acts, bias, "unintended consequences"
I have just removed one endorsement from Candidate Emken.
Not because of any "Philosophy" of politics; but because the Other 2 or 3 Candidates for Senate have been "banned from participation" in Republican Party of San Diego County Events -- This because of "Top Two Vote-Getters regardless of political affiliation" of the new, unconstitutional Article II changes to the California Constitution which has the effect of eliminating any "PRIMARY: meaning first-candidate-selection round of Consent of the Governed".
It is now substituted by "The June 5, 2012 ELECTION of Senator, State and Federal level Representation from the Republican Centrist Party of absent "Teaparty" Republicans; a.k.a Constitutional Republicans of 08/28/2010 Restore Honor. The runoff "representative", anti-Republican form of government", will occur on 11/6/2012.
Those Teapartiers Voters who are not registered Republicans will not receive a "Special" Presidential Nomination" Ballot on June 5, 2012;
The San Diego County Recorder also is "requesting" that Republican Central Committee candidates run EVERY 4 YEARS, because it "saves ink and trouble for the County Recorded...who prints this as a "convenience" for Both Democrats and Republicans... thus determining that the Central Committee Member involved SHALL REMAIN LOCATED AND LIVING IN THE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT each represents. Why? Because like Representatives to both State and Federal Offices, per Bylaws of the County, Central Committee members Must Live in the District they represent; BUT
because to be a member of the Republican Party is only "Voter Registration", a Central Committee Candidate can be just a member who represents the "Consent of the Governed", One-at-a-time as liaison of 6 "Constitutional Persons" living within the precincts; solely "Principe in Ethics" without regard to descriptors like amount of donation, who you know, or other politically-enforced bias; AND
the Two Year Limit serves the same function as it does in both Assembly and House representatives: - turnover. Preventing one, dominating, - opinion without interference - bias of one part of the Party.
The "opinion without interference" is demonstrated by Party endorsement without Teaparty representation; by "forbidden" to continue to campaign in SD County; and reinforced by the "convenience of ink-saving" for the County Recorded on the lives of Registered Republicans not tied to the internal politics of bias as "opinion without interferance". The "ink-saving" County Regisrar also doesn't realize that "consent of the governed" is reflected in the 9th Amendment... and "convenience" question should be regarded in light of: "..enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people....the role of candidate recruitment and selection, informing and communicating with citizen voters, securing ballot integrity, are Rights.
More Important, the consequence of allowing Article II of California Constitution as unconstitutional law to prevail, occurs because of the myth that "We the People" must have a court hearing with attorney's and judges to make official, those members of "We the People" who also have professions in the legal world ... their "approval" of "unconstitutional"...; while
Constitutional Principle "Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST (as in halt) the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent jurisdiction for PROSECUTION...is nullified simply because too many "We the People" do not recognize their own abilities to determine right from wrong, evil from good, and socialism of 'collective mass' - inanimate and living law - temporal law' from Republican form of Constitutional government under Oath of Office and Pledge of Allegiance --- Under "Religion and Morality" that our Founders wrote into Both Declaration and Constitution.
THE COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION IS "WE THE PEOPLE" as each-one-person-unique-sovereignty and accountability to the "Laws of God.".
All this to aid and support Obama's open-society because of its affect to leave in power, unconstitutional representatives of centralized, Executive Branch Power, without regard to Republican form of Government under constitution and under God's Laws.
Please note writers: 'vote-getters' is not part of the English language... and is always a misspelled word!
I have just removed one endorsement from Candidate Emken.
Not because of any "Philosophy" of politics; but because the Other 2 or 3 Candidates for Senate have been "banned from participation" in Republican Party of San Diego County Events -- This because of "Top Two Vote-Getters regardless of political affiliation" of the new, unconstitutional Article II changes to the California Constitution which has the effect of eliminating any "PRIMARY: meaning first-candidate-selection round of Consent of the Governed".
It is now substituted by "The June 5, 2012 ELECTION of Senator, State and Federal level Representation from the Republican Centrist Party of absent "Teaparty" Republicans; a.k.a Constitutional Republicans of 08/28/2010 Restore Honor. The runoff "representative", anti-Republican form of government", will occur on 11/6/2012.
Those Teapartiers Voters who are not registered Republicans will not receive a "Special" Presidential Nomination" Ballot on June 5, 2012;
The San Diego County Recorder also is "requesting" that Republican Central Committee candidates run EVERY 4 YEARS, because it "saves ink and trouble for the County Recorded...who prints this as a "convenience" for Both Democrats and Republicans... thus determining that the Central Committee Member involved SHALL REMAIN LOCATED AND LIVING IN THE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT each represents. Why? Because like Representatives to both State and Federal Offices, per Bylaws of the County, Central Committee members Must Live in the District they represent; BUT
because to be a member of the Republican Party is only "Voter Registration", a Central Committee Candidate can be just a member who represents the "Consent of the Governed", One-at-a-time as liaison of 6 "Constitutional Persons" living within the precincts; solely "Principe in Ethics" without regard to descriptors like amount of donation, who you know, or other politically-enforced bias; AND
the Two Year Limit serves the same function as it does in both Assembly and House representatives: - turnover. Preventing one, dominating, - opinion without interference - bias of one part of the Party.
The "opinion without interference" is demonstrated by Party endorsement without Teaparty representation; by "forbidden" to continue to campaign in SD County; and reinforced by the "convenience of ink-saving" for the County Recorded on the lives of Registered Republicans not tied to the internal politics of bias as "opinion without interferance". The "ink-saving" County Regisrar also doesn't realize that "consent of the governed" is reflected in the 9th Amendment... and "convenience" question should be regarded in light of: "..enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people....the role of candidate recruitment and selection, informing and communicating with citizen voters, securing ballot integrity, are Rights.
More Important, the consequence of allowing Article II of California Constitution as unconstitutional law to prevail, occurs because of the myth that "We the People" must have a court hearing with attorney's and judges to make official, those members of "We the People" who also have professions in the legal world ... their "approval" of "unconstitutional"...; while
Constitutional Principle "Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST (as in halt) the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent jurisdiction for PROSECUTION...is nullified simply because too many "We the People" do not recognize their own abilities to determine right from wrong, evil from good, and socialism of 'collective mass' - inanimate and living law - temporal law' from Republican form of Constitutional government under Oath of Office and Pledge of Allegiance --- Under "Religion and Morality" that our Founders wrote into Both Declaration and Constitution.
THE COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION IS "WE THE PEOPLE" as each-one-person-unique-sovereignty and accountability to the "Laws of God.".
All this to aid and support Obama's open-society because of its affect to leave in power, unconstitutional representatives of centralized, Executive Branch Power, without regard to Republican form of Government under constitution and under God's Laws.
Please note writers: 'vote-getters' is not part of the English language... and is always a misspelled word!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
"Only individual persons or..
..corporate "perrsons" which are composed of indivual person may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law."
Assemblyman Garrick, with mis-informed centrist's, "Identity Card / voter fraud preventor" is an inanimate object.
The "Identity Card / Voter Fraud Preventor" is also a violation of "Trust" and "Presumption of Innocence" as Declaration's Natural Right named Liberty with Constitution's Due Process of the 5th Amendment.
This is what "mis-informed" means among the more Centrist of the Republicans through the falling off the ledge into the pit of blackness that Socialism's supporters represent: Absence of knowledge of principles of Declaration and Constitution; or ..more precisely because 'governance as 'state' is totally incapable of regulating itself to "avoid depriving others of those Natural Rights": Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of... . Inability of 'governance as state' to regulate its non-entity, non-accountable conglomeration of cacophony is demonstrated throughout the land by body scanners, fingerprinting before right to enter or work in a profession or trade, urine testing..etc etc.
While presumption of innocence doesn't appear involved, it is... because of "Thou Shalt not bear False Witness" with I Timothy's: "..the law is admirable provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people but for the lawless and the insubordinate, for the impious and the sinful, for the irreverent and the profane,..and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine as laid down by that glorious gospel of the blessed God..."; AND
this corresponds to "Person" does not have to prove, nor be a witness against himself -; or provide fingers, urine, or cards of any sort to allow 'the state of governance' determine righteousness.
Each-One-Person on this entire planet...is accountable to God; including the lawless, insubordinate, profane, conceited, arrogant lovers of the "abominable mother earth".
This is the basis of Law which each-one-Founder knew as Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom and as an Absolute...
Identity Card is an object attached to a righteous person who would not mis-represent his person to anyone. The Trust that this Statement is true - is in the motto of our Nation "In God We Trust" and it is God's Laws which are the Conductor of the Orchestra comprised of each-one-Person's unique use of his God-Given Life, Liberty and Pursuits.. which is being removed.... from The Minority of One Protected.
Assemblyman Garrick, with mis-informed centrist's, "Identity Card / voter fraud preventor" is an inanimate object.
The "Identity Card / Voter Fraud Preventor" is also a violation of "Trust" and "Presumption of Innocence" as Declaration's Natural Right named Liberty with Constitution's Due Process of the 5th Amendment.
This is what "mis-informed" means among the more Centrist of the Republicans through the falling off the ledge into the pit of blackness that Socialism's supporters represent: Absence of knowledge of principles of Declaration and Constitution; or ..more precisely because 'governance as 'state' is totally incapable of regulating itself to "avoid depriving others of those Natural Rights": Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of... . Inability of 'governance as state' to regulate its non-entity, non-accountable conglomeration of cacophony is demonstrated throughout the land by body scanners, fingerprinting before right to enter or work in a profession or trade, urine testing..etc etc.
While presumption of innocence doesn't appear involved, it is... because of "Thou Shalt not bear False Witness" with I Timothy's: "..the law is admirable provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people but for the lawless and the insubordinate, for the impious and the sinful, for the irreverent and the profane,..and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine as laid down by that glorious gospel of the blessed God..."; AND
this corresponds to "Person" does not have to prove, nor be a witness against himself -; or provide fingers, urine, or cards of any sort to allow 'the state of governance' determine righteousness.
Each-One-Person on this entire planet...is accountable to God; including the lawless, insubordinate, profane, conceited, arrogant lovers of the "abominable mother earth".
This is the basis of Law which each-one-Founder knew as Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom and as an Absolute...
Identity Card is an object attached to a righteous person who would not mis-represent his person to anyone. The Trust that this Statement is true - is in the motto of our Nation "In God We Trust" and it is God's Laws which are the Conductor of the Orchestra comprised of each-one-Person's unique use of his God-Given Life, Liberty and Pursuits.. which is being removed.... from The Minority of One Protected.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wells Fargo, third among Banking companies, Founding Documents and therefore the Federal Reserve...
..consider themselves not required to participate “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. ANY statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and null and void from inception.”.
Here’s how:
“Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action in law.”
Currency and financial forms of exchanging money - for whatever purpose are inanimate objects.
1) When Wells Fargo, other banks and credit unions, receive an individual’s revenue as a check, or wire transfer, from whatever resources, including government, part of the amount of the check is withheld so that the stated value is less than what is received from the payer source. When the individual shops utilizing the wire transfer named ‘Debit Card’, many times the debit card deny’s the purchase because of insufficient funds. The funds are not insufficient because the individual just made a deposit; but the Banks do not recognize the total deposit because the wire transfer of funds from the payer to the individual is not completed until after ‘x’ hour the next day after the deposit occurred.
When asked why the full value of the check is not deposited, but held by the bank, informed the requirement is a federal regulation. When asking the bank which part of the Federal Government [has the power to intercede between the business of two private “Person” or “corporate persons”]; there was no answer among the staff in the little grocery store bank-office. In one case, the bank held more than 1/3rd of $3k over a four-day-holiday weekend — Friday through Tuesday.
2) Entry and Exit from free-standing bank offices, is now a double-door, gun proof, sealable portal. Unless a person requires a physical assist, all entry and exit is “Single” one, person at a time, and so states on a sign at one location...absolutely nothing at another. This ‘other location’ not only had no sign, but also, while plainly open for business, did not unlock the outside entry door or the second inside entry door, until after several tries at pulling open the door while wondering what the heck was going on!
When inquiry to teller was made regarding the why of the double door, she answered the obvious prevention of gun-toting thievery and shooting. Commented that [gun-toting] thievery had been occurring since the beginnings of mankind with currency.; but what is really stated by the doubled-door entry - is this: 99.8% of individuals utilizing the bank office have no intention of robbing anything.
The inanimate object “money” is protected from threat; while the “Soul” of an individual’s honor with Trust Is - erased...
Since God’s Law of our Declaration AND Constitution as well as ‘ethics’ are not required in any aspect of ‘inanimate object or living object law’; AND
Since “The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights.” Person is comprised of “Body” and “Soul”.
In law, “body” is temporal, living object; and “Soul” is God’s Laws a.k.a. ethics for those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver. If you want to use the word “spiritual”, then the 1828 word did mean ecclesiastical, substance of man which included soul; but the 2012 meaning includes “relating to supernatural beings or phenomena”. This additional meaning allows wizards, superman, transformation between inanimate objects with or without any relation to person’s “Soul” of Scripture or Ethics, to become synonymous with “No Universal Truth”.
The effect of supernatural beings or phenomena is to subject God’s Laws to inanimate objects entry restriction - to protect money.
Remember Law is God’s Law as stated in the Mayflower Compact as the reason to arrive in America. Religious and societal intolerance contributed to people leaving all of Europe, in order to practice God’s word as the teachings of Jesus Christ with the Apostles: “I am in my Father. My Father is in me. I am in you. You are in Me. Obey my laws.”; with “Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.”.
To clear the sort of synonymous meanings of “ethic” and “morality” from our Founding Father’s “Religion and Morality” relating to Declaration and Constitution: ‘Ethics’ are lessons of duty and the reasons for morality and social manners. “Morality: ”The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed. The system of morality to be gathered from the writings of ancient sages,.”.
When money requires more protection than “person” of morality and righteousness, then object rules supreme over “Rule of Law”.... money as a regulator of entry - exit of a bank by the trust of “Person” under our Constitution; then the Principles of “Rule of Law” become debased allowing all animal, land, air, water, money, time greater value than “soul” of an individual’s ability to control his life, liberty, and pursuits...the essence of person.
The principle(s) behind the “Only person and “persons” of corporation which is comprised of person may be parties in law. ..”, is what is removed.
You might answer “Isn’t that a bit of over-kill. The double doors aren’t important; protection from the threat or even prevention of robbery... is the better choice of outcome.”. ..But is it?
Take the prevention of robbery. Bet you pictured guns, masks, sirens, and all manner of helter-skelter, right!? What about the other kinds of robbery: – regulation which withholds the ‘trust of 100% of the deposit you made of your earnings or receipts’ at the hour that teller receives your properly endorsed check?
Is the bank taking responsibility? Nope! You are. Do you have a choice? Well, yes some of you do. You could quit using the bank. Problem is that wire transfers and business in general over states and nations, make this very cumbersome to say the least. It is a good idea to perform business with cash, but that’s difficult also. Common sense says that using credit cards is unsafe for personal and family security.
Some individuals have no choice and must use a bank, because the Social Security 1/2600 government agencies has declared they are not going to print checks and mail them to the citizens who worked and had money removed from their pay checks for 40 years or more. Another form of robbery.
Government’s spending which has exceeded not only revenues, but also interest to pay for the loans from enemy Nations, contributes to the dilution of currency value. Now the proper 1 agency of 2600 is threatening to remove, again, Gold form ownership of the private property of persons... because all over-spending Shall Be With consequences. Do you really think government is going to surrender or stop stripping person and persons as corporation - the 1% of growth versus the 15% of government growth....
Truth and Trust are removed. Truth and Trust are Person.. As well as Person in corporation. Destruction of these two Axioms, alone, will destroy our America. Destruction of Truth and Trust allow “Thou Shalt not bear False Witness” to become “Thou shalt lie, distort, misinform, ignore and deny the conscience as “soul” of persons who join to become the ‘horn’ in the Socialist orchestra of inanimate objects without any regard to the sound of cacophony resulting from the mass, collective of horns...bearing in mind that the ‘sound’ must derive from the “soul” of the individual who happens to hold onto the horn for the conductor of the cacophony.
Unaccountable, power, disregard for anything other than power with what appears control, but is really chaos! That’s the reason the bank placed the single, file, bullet proof, double-doors...That and it prevents people from running into the bank to withdraw what’s left of their earnings after the bank fails... forget FDIC because it’s a government also...no accountability, honor religion or morality — just inanimate object.
Gets scarey doesn’t it! Don’t be!
The Declaration and Constitution were written by our Founding Father’s who knew full-well the nature of both government and mankind, the actions which did and will occur. The worse enemy of “We the People” is We the People in our ignorance of : 1) our strength In God We Trust - simply returning to the values of God’s Law; 2) Speaking out with demand for “Acts” to be taken to stop - unconstitutional violations – We the People do comprise “a court of competent jurisdiction” – We do have Authority with Power because of our “Religion and Morality” contained in the logic and intertwining of The Three Documents: Declaration, Constitution, and Word of God.
Notice we just went full circle right back to inanimate object: Declare to banks that money is not over person — that their regulation is not tolerable. Since the Banks are the Federal Reserve - The Quasi-Government of our money... then the Federal Reserve is abolished or “provided new guards for their security”...Ron Paul’s long fight is the correct fight — many others agree with Rep. Paul!
Americans in banking since after 1800 have been doing business with Banks ever since. In fact, Banks had to persuade people to put their earnings into the bank...Americans didn’t just do it – Banks Had To Give The Trust of the Payer of a written check to the recipient depositor....And We - as Americans are Honest with Integrity. Many of us to this day and date, make arrangements with valuables of all sorts by handshake or even just mutual agreement with the integrity inherent in the verbal agreement.
There is also the robbery of deficit spending expressed as $76,000.00 per tax-paying citizen on our now 15Trillion dollar debt. It takes more paper, and the Federal Reserve with the Treasury is happy to print the paper. Too Soon, the paper will not be big enough. Will the government suffer - nope! Government is not tangible and not accountable in any manner ---- except the “Religion and Morality” of the integrity of each and every elected person in Congress. Remember while the 2600 agencies which have grown 15% in the Obama Regime, continue to roll-out unlimited regulations as “Codes” with the effect of Law ---- Never, under any circumstance interfered with by any member of Congress ... So this man as a President continues to plant his despotic schemes against The United States of America....and Each-One-Person protected under its Declaration and Constitution
Last, the young, Naturalized, OWS-age teller said “Government. What does it matter? Borderless nations will take over.”. Then near the end of the interchange of remarks, with happy, smiling face: “Oh I can do that! Ask me anything you want from the Declaration or Constitution. Test me. I can quote any part you want.” Answered with “There is a lot more to the Declaration and Constitution than the words on paper.”. The teller doesn’t know that I would know what borderless nations refers to... or even, government doesn’t matter.
Do you see? Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness are removed because double-bullet proof doors are inanimate objects of exclusion of your “Person” as earner, buyer, seller and activities for yourself and your posterity as well as those who are friends and neighbors... of “Love thy Neighbor as thyself.”.
“Corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public [and private] revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded.”
- History of the United States :: 1832 bu Noah Webster
Here’s how:
“Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action in law.”
Currency and financial forms of exchanging money - for whatever purpose are inanimate objects.
1) When Wells Fargo, other banks and credit unions, receive an individual’s revenue as a check, or wire transfer, from whatever resources, including government, part of the amount of the check is withheld so that the stated value is less than what is received from the payer source. When the individual shops utilizing the wire transfer named ‘Debit Card’, many times the debit card deny’s the purchase because of insufficient funds. The funds are not insufficient because the individual just made a deposit; but the Banks do not recognize the total deposit because the wire transfer of funds from the payer to the individual is not completed until after ‘x’ hour the next day after the deposit occurred.
When asked why the full value of the check is not deposited, but held by the bank, informed the requirement is a federal regulation. When asking the bank which part of the Federal Government [has the power to intercede between the business of two private “Person” or “corporate persons”]; there was no answer among the staff in the little grocery store bank-office. In one case, the bank held more than 1/3rd of $3k over a four-day-holiday weekend — Friday through Tuesday.
2) Entry and Exit from free-standing bank offices, is now a double-door, gun proof, sealable portal. Unless a person requires a physical assist, all entry and exit is “Single” one, person at a time, and so states on a sign at one location...absolutely nothing at another. This ‘other location’ not only had no sign, but also, while plainly open for business, did not unlock the outside entry door or the second inside entry door, until after several tries at pulling open the door while wondering what the heck was going on!
When inquiry to teller was made regarding the why of the double door, she answered the obvious prevention of gun-toting thievery and shooting. Commented that [gun-toting] thievery had been occurring since the beginnings of mankind with currency.; but what is really stated by the doubled-door entry - is this: 99.8% of individuals utilizing the bank office have no intention of robbing anything.
The inanimate object “money” is protected from threat; while the “Soul” of an individual’s honor with Trust Is - erased...
Since God’s Law of our Declaration AND Constitution as well as ‘ethics’ are not required in any aspect of ‘inanimate object or living object law’; AND
Since “The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights.” Person is comprised of “Body” and “Soul”.
In law, “body” is temporal, living object; and “Soul” is God’s Laws a.k.a. ethics for those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver. If you want to use the word “spiritual”, then the 1828 word did mean ecclesiastical, substance of man which included soul; but the 2012 meaning includes “relating to supernatural beings or phenomena”. This additional meaning allows wizards, superman, transformation between inanimate objects with or without any relation to person’s “Soul” of Scripture or Ethics, to become synonymous with “No Universal Truth”.
The effect of supernatural beings or phenomena is to subject God’s Laws to inanimate objects entry restriction - to protect money.
Remember Law is God’s Law as stated in the Mayflower Compact as the reason to arrive in America. Religious and societal intolerance contributed to people leaving all of Europe, in order to practice God’s word as the teachings of Jesus Christ with the Apostles: “I am in my Father. My Father is in me. I am in you. You are in Me. Obey my laws.”; with “Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.”.
To clear the sort of synonymous meanings of “ethic” and “morality” from our Founding Father’s “Religion and Morality” relating to Declaration and Constitution: ‘Ethics’ are lessons of duty and the reasons for morality and social manners. “Morality: ”The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed. The system of morality to be gathered from the writings of ancient sages,.”.
When money requires more protection than “person” of morality and righteousness, then object rules supreme over “Rule of Law”.... money as a regulator of entry - exit of a bank by the trust of “Person” under our Constitution; then the Principles of “Rule of Law” become debased allowing all animal, land, air, water, money, time greater value than “soul” of an individual’s ability to control his life, liberty, and pursuits...the essence of person.
The principle(s) behind the “Only person and “persons” of corporation which is comprised of person may be parties in law. ..”, is what is removed.
You might answer “Isn’t that a bit of over-kill. The double doors aren’t important; protection from the threat or even prevention of robbery... is the better choice of outcome.”. ..But is it?
Take the prevention of robbery. Bet you pictured guns, masks, sirens, and all manner of helter-skelter, right!? What about the other kinds of robbery: – regulation which withholds the ‘trust of 100% of the deposit you made of your earnings or receipts’ at the hour that teller receives your properly endorsed check?
Is the bank taking responsibility? Nope! You are. Do you have a choice? Well, yes some of you do. You could quit using the bank. Problem is that wire transfers and business in general over states and nations, make this very cumbersome to say the least. It is a good idea to perform business with cash, but that’s difficult also. Common sense says that using credit cards is unsafe for personal and family security.
Some individuals have no choice and must use a bank, because the Social Security 1/2600 government agencies has declared they are not going to print checks and mail them to the citizens who worked and had money removed from their pay checks for 40 years or more. Another form of robbery.
Government’s spending which has exceeded not only revenues, but also interest to pay for the loans from enemy Nations, contributes to the dilution of currency value. Now the proper 1 agency of 2600 is threatening to remove, again, Gold form ownership of the private property of persons... because all over-spending Shall Be With consequences. Do you really think government is going to surrender or stop stripping person and persons as corporation - the 1% of growth versus the 15% of government growth....
Truth and Trust are removed. Truth and Trust are Person.. As well as Person in corporation. Destruction of these two Axioms, alone, will destroy our America. Destruction of Truth and Trust allow “Thou Shalt not bear False Witness” to become “Thou shalt lie, distort, misinform, ignore and deny the conscience as “soul” of persons who join to become the ‘horn’ in the Socialist orchestra of inanimate objects without any regard to the sound of cacophony resulting from the mass, collective of horns...bearing in mind that the ‘sound’ must derive from the “soul” of the individual who happens to hold onto the horn for the conductor of the cacophony.
Unaccountable, power, disregard for anything other than power with what appears control, but is really chaos! That’s the reason the bank placed the single, file, bullet proof, double-doors...That and it prevents people from running into the bank to withdraw what’s left of their earnings after the bank fails... forget FDIC because it’s a government also...no accountability, honor religion or morality — just inanimate object.
Gets scarey doesn’t it! Don’t be!
The Declaration and Constitution were written by our Founding Father’s who knew full-well the nature of both government and mankind, the actions which did and will occur. The worse enemy of “We the People” is We the People in our ignorance of : 1) our strength In God We Trust - simply returning to the values of God’s Law; 2) Speaking out with demand for “Acts” to be taken to stop - unconstitutional violations – We the People do comprise “a court of competent jurisdiction” – We do have Authority with Power because of our “Religion and Morality” contained in the logic and intertwining of The Three Documents: Declaration, Constitution, and Word of God.
Notice we just went full circle right back to inanimate object: Declare to banks that money is not over person — that their regulation is not tolerable. Since the Banks are the Federal Reserve - The Quasi-Government of our money... then the Federal Reserve is abolished or “provided new guards for their security”...Ron Paul’s long fight is the correct fight — many others agree with Rep. Paul!
Americans in banking since after 1800 have been doing business with Banks ever since. In fact, Banks had to persuade people to put their earnings into the bank...Americans didn’t just do it – Banks Had To Give The Trust of the Payer of a written check to the recipient depositor....And We - as Americans are Honest with Integrity. Many of us to this day and date, make arrangements with valuables of all sorts by handshake or even just mutual agreement with the integrity inherent in the verbal agreement.
There is also the robbery of deficit spending expressed as $76,000.00 per tax-paying citizen on our now 15Trillion dollar debt. It takes more paper, and the Federal Reserve with the Treasury is happy to print the paper. Too Soon, the paper will not be big enough. Will the government suffer - nope! Government is not tangible and not accountable in any manner ---- except the “Religion and Morality” of the integrity of each and every elected person in Congress. Remember while the 2600 agencies which have grown 15% in the Obama Regime, continue to roll-out unlimited regulations as “Codes” with the effect of Law ---- Never, under any circumstance interfered with by any member of Congress ... So this man as a President continues to plant his despotic schemes against The United States of America....and Each-One-Person protected under its Declaration and Constitution
Last, the young, Naturalized, OWS-age teller said “Government. What does it matter? Borderless nations will take over.”. Then near the end of the interchange of remarks, with happy, smiling face: “Oh I can do that! Ask me anything you want from the Declaration or Constitution. Test me. I can quote any part you want.” Answered with “There is a lot more to the Declaration and Constitution than the words on paper.”. The teller doesn’t know that I would know what borderless nations refers to... or even, government doesn’t matter.
Do you see? Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness are removed because double-bullet proof doors are inanimate objects of exclusion of your “Person” as earner, buyer, seller and activities for yourself and your posterity as well as those who are friends and neighbors... of “Love thy Neighbor as thyself.”.
“Corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public [and private] revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded.”
- History of the United States :: 1832 bu Noah Webster
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Currency as ‘coin of the rhelm’ ...
..is not required of this Obama Socialist Regime. The Social Security Administration has declared that the written checks sent in the U.S. Mail shall cease. Only Wire Transfers of Social Security Checks Shall be allowed.
The National Bank and Trust - National Banker’s Association, as integral to the unknown financial arrangement of currency via The Federal Reserve, shall not allow dollar amounts on paper checks to become recognized as currency payable upon demand, until 72 hour passes, or unless there is enough available wire or real currency in the recipient/owner/payee of that paper check. Declaring “Yes you are responsible for the money!” on the paper check.. And therefore the person who wrote you the check. Thus removing inherent Trust required of financial exchanges among mankind on this globe – but especially here in America of 1620 where God’s Law is over “object law”. Person is the polity of the Constitution. Person is comprised of both “body-temporal” and “soul-spiritual” with morality for those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver. Sharia Law is Object Law.
Wells Fargo and probably other banks are changing the entry to their physical building named bank. Now, even if elderly, husband or wife, or any “Person” accompanied by an other ‘Person’ shall enter and leave the premises, — One Person at a time, and Only with the clearance of the camera’s security system. There is a ‘person’ available to push the button which allows the passage of a Person to enter into the rhelm of controlled currency – bank; and to exit that same rhelm. Don’t forget — photos work inside the bullet proof, double-door compartment of restricted use! Ostensibly for protection and safety from old-fashioned thieves with guns and such paraphernalia.... Forgetting that thieves – especially of a government nature — often steal without the required use of weapons.... It’s called currency as the method of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit, loans for risk/benefit of proposed business or whatever, a “Person” chooses as happiness.
$6.17 received for recycling plastic and aluminum — But “Person” Shall have a photo, auto license number, driver’s license photocopied...or the $6.17 Shall Not Be Paid, and with difficulty because everyone complies,.... the aluminum and plastic bottles Shall Not be Returned should that ‘Person’ decide not to comply. Of course the “government warning right by legislative code” is posted, but not where someone new to this intrusion can leave in advance of the anti-law act.
Twenty-Six Professions and several Trades in the State of California, and in all government offices of closed-shop, tax-payer supported retirement and medical care, Shall be finger-printed with State and Federal Criminal Record checks [Section 6201 of Obama Socialist Health Act - Usurpation now makes it a Federal Law enforceable nationwide].
Thus, most of California and the United States of America working, earning “Persons”of California with Obama’s Executive Branch appointed Federal Regulation Code as Law - since life, liberty, and pursuits can be affected. Failure of “person” to comply results in 1) cannot enter the profession if a student; 2) cannot continue profession if compliance is refused; 3) Shall Not Be Hired - regardless of other qualifications based on resume’. These requirements + drug testing of fluids from body orifices are often requirements of the private, business sector. Accused criminals and totally righteous persons---- all persons fingerprinted, but not all criminal record check; for that requires not only a specific person; but also the code of the specific crime committed for the release of the “summary” or reason for the check..
Since Man’s Object* Law does not allow forgiveness, Only God with a few good “persons” who allow opportunity for Trust, shall help a convicted any person to get work; except the “object crime of child molestation. That ‘object crime’ is much worse than the ‘object of crimes’ of rape, murder, incest, physical and mental abuse of any person; robbery of the minds of children who are defenseless against the decisions of educational contents by adults designated as teachers, professors, Legislatures or the individuals comprising local - state -federal Boards and Departments of education – sexual deviations, biased-slanted history interpreted by individuals chosen by the objects as letters after their names bestowed by colleges and universities which really don’t require a difference anymore. Colleges are synonymous with universities in the absence of learning for Truth over ‘objects per subject’.
Newest for many States, soon to be here in California unless persons recognize God does rule over man — especially in Law: Identity Cards...for in general and in addition to the Driver’s License; and... to identify that you are who you say you are - in order to exercise your Amendment IX “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”: Vote. A citizen’s right, privilege, and duty to vote as “Consent of the Governed”;...And;
with Initiatives and Referendums - REMOVE “Consent of the Governed” from the State’s legislature of majority without “Oath of Office” in writing Laws and Governor(s) who support the majority without: “All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.”. “No majority, however great even all of the people But One Individual — may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small — even a minority of a Lone Individual.”
Most individuals know the first 10 Amendments have the name “Bill of Rights”, but only a small minority of “Persons” know that the First Eight Amendments are Government and Private Protection of “Person” — the component basis of Constitution in our Republican form of Representative Government. — That this Protection is from:“WE HOLD these TRUTHS to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR (God is Our Creator) with certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, that AMONG these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. — That to secure these RIGHTS, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the governed..” interconnected with “We the People in order to form a more Perfect Union, Establish Justice, ..” .
“We the People” know in this election with all primaries, that Object Law takes precedence over the Law of Man stated succinctly above as Declaration Is Law Connected To Constitution and Both are Intertwined with Scriptures. The Founding Documents are Sacred Law.
“Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law May Not Be Parties To An Action In Law [!!!]”.
Government - an object - cannot declare money - an object - subject to regulation — especially against the Natural Rights of Man from God as Life: air, land, water, animal, vegetable, mineral and any accruement required to One-Person’s Life, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor.
Right now, Person as One with accountability to God and One before Both our Founding Documents are making the choice to comply, conform, cooperate, and collapsing ‘each-one person’s life, liberty, and pursuits to “Objects Law” in preference to God’s Law.
Persons, all walks of life, choosing to obey ‘objects’ have also committed their Posterity to the objects.
. Americans, the OWS Age has no knowledge...and they regard the “others” as US(A) older types who just don’t understand groups without history or ability to critical think with spoon-feeding of selected parts of life, forget liberty, and happiness...forget pursuit because the group tells you what happiness is –
Well, Folks — especially those of you with head in sand - in some phase of Elisabeth Kubler Ross’ “Grief and Loss” — it is past time TO ACT and NOT BE ACTED UPON; to stop this insult by conceited, few men fools assisting evil;...and the cocoon of the sticky-web woven by that nasty, black widow spider with the red dot on her tummy.
Person doesn’t realize Truth and Trust of God’s Law is absent in man’s rule named object law – but demonstrated as above: currency control concomitant with financial exacerbated by “America’s Financial Security Act and extra-legal/absent Representative government of Federal Reserve - few men as private banks; guilt until person proves self innocent to the State..and now Federal Government; identity is properly secured.... Please see Victor Hugo’s “A Tale of Two Cities” - a village where no-one works, lives, interacts unless “papers” are available and Paris where long lines await entry with papers which allow the movement between village and Paris; then there is Jean Val Jean’s story with all the supporting characters interactions or absent thereof.
*OBJECT defined: http://books.google.com/books?id=_tjsapYzAgAC&lpg=PA66&ots=vP9JnMB2n2&dq=object%20defined%20law&pg=PA68#v=onepage&q=object%20defined%20law&f=true Immanuel Kant’s “Philosophy of Law” - mine and thine right;
The National Bank and Trust - National Banker’s Association, as integral to the unknown financial arrangement of currency via The Federal Reserve, shall not allow dollar amounts on paper checks to become recognized as currency payable upon demand, until 72 hour passes, or unless there is enough available wire or real currency in the recipient/owner/payee of that paper check. Declaring “Yes you are responsible for the money!” on the paper check.. And therefore the person who wrote you the check. Thus removing inherent Trust required of financial exchanges among mankind on this globe – but especially here in America of 1620 where God’s Law is over “object law”. Person is the polity of the Constitution. Person is comprised of both “body-temporal” and “soul-spiritual” with morality for those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver. Sharia Law is Object Law.
Wells Fargo and probably other banks are changing the entry to their physical building named bank. Now, even if elderly, husband or wife, or any “Person” accompanied by an other ‘Person’ shall enter and leave the premises, — One Person at a time, and Only with the clearance of the camera’s security system. There is a ‘person’ available to push the button which allows the passage of a Person to enter into the rhelm of controlled currency – bank; and to exit that same rhelm. Don’t forget — photos work inside the bullet proof, double-door compartment of restricted use! Ostensibly for protection and safety from old-fashioned thieves with guns and such paraphernalia.... Forgetting that thieves – especially of a government nature — often steal without the required use of weapons.... It’s called currency as the method of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit, loans for risk/benefit of proposed business or whatever, a “Person” chooses as happiness.
$6.17 received for recycling plastic and aluminum — But “Person” Shall have a photo, auto license number, driver’s license photocopied...or the $6.17 Shall Not Be Paid, and with difficulty because everyone complies,.... the aluminum and plastic bottles Shall Not be Returned should that ‘Person’ decide not to comply. Of course the “government warning right by legislative code” is posted, but not where someone new to this intrusion can leave in advance of the anti-law act.
Twenty-Six Professions and several Trades in the State of California, and in all government offices of closed-shop, tax-payer supported retirement and medical care, Shall be finger-printed with State and Federal Criminal Record checks [Section 6201 of Obama Socialist Health Act - Usurpation now makes it a Federal Law enforceable nationwide].
Thus, most of California and the United States of America working, earning “Persons”of California with Obama’s Executive Branch appointed Federal Regulation Code as Law - since life, liberty, and pursuits can be affected. Failure of “person” to comply results in 1) cannot enter the profession if a student; 2) cannot continue profession if compliance is refused; 3) Shall Not Be Hired - regardless of other qualifications based on resume’. These requirements + drug testing of fluids from body orifices are often requirements of the private, business sector. Accused criminals and totally righteous persons---- all persons fingerprinted, but not all criminal record check; for that requires not only a specific person; but also the code of the specific crime committed for the release of the “summary” or reason for the check..
Since Man’s Object* Law does not allow forgiveness, Only God with a few good “persons” who allow opportunity for Trust, shall help a convicted any person to get work; except the “object crime of child molestation. That ‘object crime’ is much worse than the ‘object of crimes’ of rape, murder, incest, physical and mental abuse of any person; robbery of the minds of children who are defenseless against the decisions of educational contents by adults designated as teachers, professors, Legislatures or the individuals comprising local - state -federal Boards and Departments of education – sexual deviations, biased-slanted history interpreted by individuals chosen by the objects as letters after their names bestowed by colleges and universities which really don’t require a difference anymore. Colleges are synonymous with universities in the absence of learning for Truth over ‘objects per subject’.
Newest for many States, soon to be here in California unless persons recognize God does rule over man — especially in Law: Identity Cards...for in general and in addition to the Driver’s License; and... to identify that you are who you say you are - in order to exercise your Amendment IX “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”: Vote. A citizen’s right, privilege, and duty to vote as “Consent of the Governed”;...And;
with Initiatives and Referendums - REMOVE “Consent of the Governed” from the State’s legislature of majority without “Oath of Office” in writing Laws and Governor(s) who support the majority without: “All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.”. “No majority, however great even all of the people But One Individual — may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small — even a minority of a Lone Individual.”
Most individuals know the first 10 Amendments have the name “Bill of Rights”, but only a small minority of “Persons” know that the First Eight Amendments are Government and Private Protection of “Person” — the component basis of Constitution in our Republican form of Representative Government. — That this Protection is from:“WE HOLD these TRUTHS to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR (God is Our Creator) with certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, that AMONG these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. — That to secure these RIGHTS, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the governed..” interconnected with “We the People in order to form a more Perfect Union, Establish Justice, ..” .
“We the People” know in this election with all primaries, that Object Law takes precedence over the Law of Man stated succinctly above as Declaration Is Law Connected To Constitution and Both are Intertwined with Scriptures. The Founding Documents are Sacred Law.
“Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law May Not Be Parties To An Action In Law [!!!]”.
Government - an object - cannot declare money - an object - subject to regulation — especially against the Natural Rights of Man from God as Life: air, land, water, animal, vegetable, mineral and any accruement required to One-Person’s Life, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor.
Right now, Person as One with accountability to God and One before Both our Founding Documents are making the choice to comply, conform, cooperate, and collapsing ‘each-one person’s life, liberty, and pursuits to “Objects Law” in preference to God’s Law.
Persons, all walks of life, choosing to obey ‘objects’ have also committed their Posterity to the objects.
. Americans, the OWS Age has no knowledge...and they regard the “others” as US(A) older types who just don’t understand groups without history or ability to critical think with spoon-feeding of selected parts of life, forget liberty, and happiness...forget pursuit because the group tells you what happiness is –
Well, Folks — especially those of you with head in sand - in some phase of Elisabeth Kubler Ross’ “Grief and Loss” — it is past time TO ACT and NOT BE ACTED UPON; to stop this insult by conceited, few men fools assisting evil;...and the cocoon of the sticky-web woven by that nasty, black widow spider with the red dot on her tummy.
Person doesn’t realize Truth and Trust of God’s Law is absent in man’s rule named object law – but demonstrated as above: currency control concomitant with financial exacerbated by “America’s Financial Security Act and extra-legal/absent Representative government of Federal Reserve - few men as private banks; guilt until person proves self innocent to the State..and now Federal Government; identity is properly secured.... Please see Victor Hugo’s “A Tale of Two Cities” - a village where no-one works, lives, interacts unless “papers” are available and Paris where long lines await entry with papers which allow the movement between village and Paris; then there is Jean Val Jean’s story with all the supporting characters interactions or absent thereof.
*OBJECT defined: http://books.google.com/books?id=_tjsapYzAgAC&lpg=PA66&ots=vP9JnMB2n2&dq=object%20defined%20law&pg=PA68#v=onepage&q=object%20defined%20law&f=true Immanuel Kant’s “Philosophy of Law” - mine and thine right;
Monday, March 5, 2012
Continuing my comment: Because Bylaws of Political Parties have the same purpose.. Continuing my comment: Because Bylaws of Political Parties have the same purpose..
..as "Mission Statements" with "Strategic Planning" in business, I checked out the Democratic and Republican websites for their Bylaws. California's GOP has Section 1.01 states the founding principles in the Constitution and [interestingly] Bill of Rights. Yep, it's redundant and an apparent requirement to make THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ABSENT from any "constitutional person"; and therefore reinforce the absence of both Founding Documents with God from our Posterity. This day, ask the vast majority of OWS age and any person 16 or older, why is mandatory participation in Obama Care wrong? How many will identify the parts of the Constitution involved - let along how the unconstitutional Obama care is intertwined with Declaration [though very few can answer that of any age!].
Mission Statements and Bylaws reflect the governing Principles applied to "Religion and Morality" as well as both Declaration and Constitution of George, Tom, Ben, and all other founders.
The Democratic and Republican Parties, do have Bylaws - somewhere in their achieves; but not published anywhere. I also checked just 2 of the NW - Central States ---- there are no published Bylaws in any of the above locations. So What?
That means not only are the Axioms of the 1st, 2nd, with complaints to George III, and the closing statements of all signers regarding God and the Natural Rights of all mankind -- not acceptable for law; but also, that there are States which place their "political" actions above the requirements of Principles. [Noah’s 1828 dictionary offers insight which affects the word Politics as history moves forward to the 1913 “update” and the 2011 Merriam Webster Dictionaries in the word “ethics”].
It could be argued that the States assume compliance with the State's and U.S Constitution; but that is absurd because unconstitutional actions would be prevented rather than ignored. And while, "Robert's Rules of Order prevail --- not if 'contested Republicans are never allowed the floor to speak by use of "compulsion of conscience" and political 'expediency which includes the objects named 'no time' 'not on the floor - in committee' -- rule of order; the use of silence with ignore; and other such shenanigans.
At the congressional Level, Obama has forbidden and his cohort in unconstitutional activity Reid (goodbye Mrs. San Francisco County - smallest in State and most gerrymander Pelosi) supports - end of "filibuster" a.k.a., an Elected We the People with strong enough righteous feeling to stop procedures on the floor of either House of Congress. "The Minority of One Protected" removed.
"Silence is Agreement in Law."
In our Constitutional Republic, "Only individual persons or corporate "persons" which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. INANIMATE OBJECTS and LIVING OBJECTS not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law MAY NOT BE PARTIES TO AN ACTION AT LAW." . Inanimate objects include air, water, land, vegetable, mineral with petroleum, nuclear, chemical named carbon dioxide and therefore oxygen. Living inanimate objects include fingers, orifices for obtaining bodily fluids - urine testing, animals as nutrition and food sources.
So you see, This Election IS ABOUT Declaration and Constitution versus conceit, blind, deaf, stiffnecked evil of dictate by few men of "body" absent totally absent "soul" God's law.
Mission Statements and Bylaws reflect the governing Principles applied to "Religion and Morality" as well as both Declaration and Constitution of George, Tom, Ben, and all other founders.
The Democratic and Republican Parties, do have Bylaws - somewhere in their achieves; but not published anywhere. I also checked just 2 of the NW - Central States ---- there are no published Bylaws in any of the above locations. So What?
That means not only are the Axioms of the 1st, 2nd, with complaints to George III, and the closing statements of all signers regarding God and the Natural Rights of all mankind -- not acceptable for law; but also, that there are States which place their "political" actions above the requirements of Principles. [Noah’s 1828 dictionary offers insight which affects the word Politics as history moves forward to the 1913 “update” and the 2011 Merriam Webster Dictionaries in the word “ethics”].
It could be argued that the States assume compliance with the State's and U.S Constitution; but that is absurd because unconstitutional actions would be prevented rather than ignored. And while, "Robert's Rules of Order prevail --- not if 'contested Republicans are never allowed the floor to speak by use of "compulsion of conscience" and political 'expediency which includes the objects named 'no time' 'not on the floor - in committee' -- rule of order; the use of silence with ignore; and other such shenanigans.
At the congressional Level, Obama has forbidden and his cohort in unconstitutional activity Reid (goodbye Mrs. San Francisco County - smallest in State and most gerrymander Pelosi) supports - end of "filibuster" a.k.a., an Elected We the People with strong enough righteous feeling to stop procedures on the floor of either House of Congress. "The Minority of One Protected" removed.
"Silence is Agreement in Law."
In our Constitutional Republic, "Only individual persons or corporate "persons" which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. INANIMATE OBJECTS and LIVING OBJECTS not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law MAY NOT BE PARTIES TO AN ACTION AT LAW." . Inanimate objects include air, water, land, vegetable, mineral with petroleum, nuclear, chemical named carbon dioxide and therefore oxygen. Living inanimate objects include fingers, orifices for obtaining bodily fluids - urine testing, animals as nutrition and food sources.
So you see, This Election IS ABOUT Declaration and Constitution versus conceit, blind, deaf, stiffnecked evil of dictate by few men of "body" absent totally absent "soul" God's law.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Our Declaration and Constitution are The Issues of the Primaries..
and November 6, 2012...:
Results for U.S. Republican Presidential Primaries
State Gingrich Paul Romney Santorum reporting
02/28 AZ 16.2% 8.4% 47.3% 26.6% 100%
02/28 MI 6.5% 11.6% 41.1% 37.9% >99%
02/11 ME 6.7% 34.9% 39.0% 18.1% 87%
02/07 CO 12.8% 11.8% 34.9% 40.3% 100%
02/07 MN 10.8% 27.1% 16.9% 44.9% 100%
02/07 MO(1) 12.2% 25.3% 55.2% 100%
02/04 NV 21.1% 18.8% 50.1% 10.0% 100%
01/31 FL 31.9% 7.0% 46.4% 13.3% 100%
01/21 SC 40.4% 13.0% 27.8% 17.0% 100%
01/10 NH 9.4% 22.9% 39.3% 9.4% 100%
01/03 IA 13.3% 21.4% 24.5% 24.6% >99%
Source: AP
There are only two (2) Candidates running to “Support and Defend” The Constitution of the United States: Ron Paul and Newt Gringrich.
It is apparent that without Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich’s assistance, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum could not have rewritten their websites; evidenced by
SANTORUM’s “Executive Branch Actions” have removed his “add a Personhood Amendment” thus removing the multiple stands which demonstrate his ignorance of both Declaration and Constitution intertwined with God’s Law. Most important is his support of Congress’ ignorance of “Rule of Law” regarding “economic burden over $100 million dollars, on Day One”, including “repeal of the EPA rule on CO2 emissions”....; “..review of all regulations, making sure these regulations use sound science and common-sense cost benefit analysis [not constitutionality]”. .”.I'll propose spending cuts of..[not government size 1% growth private sector / 15% growth government with inherent costs of closed-shop unions] ... pro-growth and pro-family tax policies to strengthen opportunity in our country, with lower rates of 10 percent and 28 percent [not reducing government to enumerated powers which recognize the 16th Amendment’s blank check requiring some chains of control - Jefferson address] .
He, as well as Romney consider Social Security an “Entitlement”.... It Is Not An Entitlement!
It Is the entity named federal “Government” absence of “Religion and morality” of Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.... While not a Trust Fund.. SS was a Giving of Government’s action in Honor to place the SS money so that “We the People” would have a source of income upon the ‘end of working earnings’. We the People PAID our Earnings into SS Fund by money removed from our EARNINGS! ----- This is the Truth, Isn’t it!....Those of you >45 years old. Younger, you are ignorant of this information, along with a lot more!
ROMNEY’s Medicare: “..to choose what their coverage under Medicare should look like. Instead of paying providers directly for medical services, the government's role will be to help future seniors pay for an insurance option that provides coverage at least as good as today's Medicare, and to offer traditional Medicare as one of the insurance options that seniors can choose..[absent removing federal level complete inability to produce any form of cost-saving - unless it continues to think of government’s largesse or ownership of the tax-payer resources without either accountability or law.]”
Romney’s 2nd Amendment: “Mitt strongly support the right of all law-abiding Americans to exercise their constitutionally protected right to own firearms and to use them for lawful purposes, including hunting, recreational shooting, self-defense, and the protection of family and property....[Romney, in agreement with that segment of social politics, remains the judge and jury of how a person may be able, if meeting government’s sorting or righteous person’s gun ownership]. Demonstrates his IGNORANCE of the Content and Reason for the 2nd Amendment: From “Declaration of Constitutional Principles3”: “- - The duty to defend the state and the constitution entails the right to acquire the means and the skills to exercise that duty, including the skills of the soldier, the policeman, and the fire and rescue worker, to be organized to act alone or in concert with others to exercise those skills to meet any threat that may arise, and the power to exercise those skills and use those means, alone or in concert with others, with or without official direction or participation. AND “-- A militiaman is any citizen or would-be citizen in his or her capacity as a defender of the state and the constitution. A militia is one or more persons acting in concert in that capacity. The general militia is the totality of all such persons, which, because even simple obedience to law is a defense of the state and the constitution at a low level, comprises all law-abiding citizens and would-be citizens. The obligatory militia is the subset of the general militia who may be required to keep and bear arms and to respond to militia call-ups. .. The voluntary militia are those not in the obligatory militia who voluntarily respond to a militia call-up. The ready militia is comprised of ...”; AND “- - No level or branch of government has the power to tax or regulate any instrument suitable for militia duty, including any firearm or ammunition therefor, except to maintain quality and reliability for their intended functions, or to disable the right of any person to keep and bear such instruments, or to assemble and train as independent militias, except by due process of law upon petition to a court of competent jurisdiction, in which each side shall have the right to argue its case and present its evidence, and the burden of proof shall be on the petitioner seeking the disablement.”
Romney on “Constitution and Courts”: “The job of the judge is to enforce the Constitution's restraints on government and, where the Constitution does not speak, to leave the governance of the nation to elected representatives.” At no point in his “Issues” is the Declaration of Independence’s intertwined role addressed.
The problem Romney ignores is the Obama Regime’s unconstitutional dictates in the areas of marriage and family; all use of land, air, water with animal, vegetable, and mineral assets and home ownership with control of capitalization, research and development. It is doubtful, that individuals who love large, controlling governance can conceive that ‘persons’ and ‘persons as corporations’ can actually provide for both “We the People” and the legitimate requirement for taxation within enumerated powers. It is the lack of respect for the reason constitutional enumerated powers exist that adds to the problem, evidenced by the 2600 Agencies and departments. Romney proposes to allow these mindless sharks continued feeding by allowing the shark to determine if it can justify the costs of the need for the department’s shark. Department of Education may continue 100% control of all public and private education in the USA; all that is required is for Romney to say yes to what it requires to continue defining, judging, controlling and subjugating any education form to its will.
Santorum is absent any information regarding the Founder’s and God’s Gift to One Person as “The Minority of One Protected” by control of the Majority which refuses any of the Axiom Principles which completely empowered by Both Declaration and Constitution -One Person - alone - or with others, to act...to support and defend Both Documents.
IF NECESSARY, “WE THE PEOPLE” ARE “A COURT or A CONGRESS”, of “Competent Jurisprudence” as evidenced by the complete disregard of “Rule of Law demonstrated by this Obama Regime with its Czars, supporters by silence members of Congress...regardless of nomenclature of republican or democrat parties... . “We the People” do Stand For the Sovereignty of Person before each-person’s God — or support of Truth in morality - for those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver
Mitt Romney describes himself as a “Social Conservative”. There is no such individual as a “Social” Conservative, because by definition Conservative is “The Rule of Law” — to One-Elected-Person stating to God each person’s “Oath of Office” contained therein — to the Declaration of : “..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,..”— to “Republican representative government.
Because Neither Mr. Romney, nor Mr. Santorum, have any no intention of recognizing the lawless actions as Statutes, Regulations, Executive Orders, and Court Rulings ENACTED and ENFORCED at both State and Federal levels of Government, these lawless, ‘social’ definers and judges of life, liberty, and pursuits (a.k.a. public-private coalitions) of happiness, the Socialist Obama Regime Shall continue...perhaps slowed, but never, never destroyed.
Remember those less than +/-45 and public school educated, have been taught conformity - refused prayer or any acknowledgment of The Lord’s Word - but allowed full-access to social defined information; bias which is distortion of Person-history; and much more. ..
While many have learned about “the lies and distortions” – unless they use their own initiative (which is also discouraged by membership ‘the group’ shall provide) or have the fortune to become aligned with “Persons” such as Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Andrew Breitbart, Mike Spence, Anne Coulter, Phyllis Schlafly and every single Colonial Person, with our history throughout time; these <45 year olds won’t understand or know how to address the lawless actions against Declaration and Constitution. Until this Socialist — and those who support - through ignorance and through agreement – all form of “inanimate object and living object law” over “God’s Law”, our Nation will never be free to experience life, liberty and pursuit of their person as happiness.
ALL, including candidates for City, County, State or Federal office, OF THE ABOVE CANDIDATES HAVE ‘ADJUSTED’ to ‘never, never use the “Constitution” word,; and completely avoiding any reference to Obama’s tyranny against our Nation’s right to Life’s resources: animal, vegetable, and mineral, Liberty - “person” or “person as corporation” to pursue happiness which becomes the life, liberty, and pursuits as “The Whole is the sum of Each-one-person comprising its parts - under God’s Laws”.
Obama’s “Body” law shall continue to prevail over Constitutional Prinicple: “–Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capale of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.”.
Newt Gingrich may have made mistakes, but at least two of the mistakes were: “One Person” versus “The Government’s actions at particular levels of its definitions of control and judgement as noted above in all aspects of life, liberty, pursuits, animal, vegetable, mineral. Newt may or may not have consciously known that the arguments presented in the court rulings were arguments of Natural Rights under God versus Social beliefs of government is much better judge and jury about safety and providing...life, liberty, and happiness - forget pursuit. Newt has owned what he is required to own....not one wit more.... for that belongs to him and his God.
Ron Paul may have a way-at-the-right-end of Constitutional interpretation, but he has to because the fusing of Socialism to destroy the Democratic Party. And Obama’s next successful re-election to office by:...to undermine the Republican because of the difference in the word “social” meaning Control and Dictate by Soros-Obama-UN-EU-World Bank-Islam as “Organization of Islamic Cooperation” and radical Jihad of Dr. Kissinger; versus the “social” of Progressive Republicans - now controlling many State Party’s Politics. Progressive have a persuasion to use the “opinion without interference” argument recognizable by the “Balance Budget Amendment” which denies the Principles of Governance and accountability to Oath of Office including the overburdened, excessive taxation of earnings as prosperity of person; and “Fair Tax” which is absent a recognizable process to reduce the scope, size, and ingraining into all aspects stated herein this essay. There is nothing fair about continued taxation without reduction in the scope, size, closed-shop expenses, and duplications that Government is at State and at Federal Levels....beyond “Whereas, during the course of history usurpers have attempted to misconstrue certain principle of constitutional republican government for their own ends, and that the original language of the Constitution FOR the United States did not anticipate all the ways it might be misinterpreted, we hereby set forth some of those principles with greater clarity, using more modern language.”.
Ron Paul, non-the-less is a Constitutional, “Rule of Law” proponent. For whatever reason, he is refusing to become involved with our Radio Commentators: Shawn Hannity, Mark Levine, Roger Hedgecock, Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, Glenn Beck and more...including the Internet’s “Constitutional Brigade defending and loving both Nation and Law”.
This results in the media’s OK to declare that because of numbers, as noted in the above chart or results, that the Republican nominee will be either Romney or Santorum.
Both of which abandon the Declaration and therefore the Constitution with Person which is comprised of “Body” and “Soul”. “Body” law is inanimate object and living object law with origins dating back to the Pharisees and very much inculcated into Sharia Law. “Body” law allows man to write religious, ceremony, rites, statutes, regulations, and now Executive Order with Court Rulings - including Supreme Court - in which the “object” is superior to God’s Law of “Soul”.
Examples abound from person to person, to every activity: One pointed example might help: Interview with Shawn H. Regarding a Representative who is publishing ‘the book on the lawless-science’ implemented as “Global Warming”, - “carbon-footprint”; Land use definition and controls of air with water of UN, EPA, cities - stacked villages - etc. The Representative never once addressed the lawless, lies, distortion; but emphsized the billions of dollars spent. Sure, all will be in the book...but why a book?:
The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality not law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment, and not merely from the decision so branding it... NO ONE IS BOUND TO OBEY an unconstitutional law, and not courts are bound to enforce it. [16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256].
“Any person who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent jurisdiction for PROSECURTION.”
What is it in individual and government group ‘s mind set, that absolutely refuses to state, in writing, implementing or interpreting law: “..is in reality not law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any purpose...”? Is “the right to Opinion without Interference” of the deaf, blind, stiffnecked more important than fact... or righteous acts in obedience to God’s Law...?
Or even Glenn Beck’s “More law has been written against righteous man [in Obama’s Administration] than at any other time in the history of this Nation.”.
Soul Law is the Oath of Office, The Pledge of Alliagence, obedience to God’s word including the love and respect to another - anyone
Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich, at least on their Honor, have, and are the ONLY 2 “Persons” who have stated they will close and repeal all unconstitutional acts of this Obama Administration.
“We the People’s continued ability to “secure these rights...deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..” continue this Tuesday, March 6 and all primaries, with November 6; to eradicate the evil of ‘body’ law and social justice. Eradication of this State and Federal form of segregation of law by inanimate and living object is the ONLY issue; for there is no United States of America without God’s Law as integral to both the Declaration and Constitution.
Very Few Americans remain who will argue the Intertwining of God-to Founders-to Declaration-to Constitution. The magnificence of God - well known to Each-Person-Of God; shall never be denied or lost; because once the faith, obedience, and love His Words and Actions Teach – are
"You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.” Heaven means Universe as in exploration.
As it stands now, our Nation appears to be allowed to choose between two men, both of whom have little or no understanding of any Declaration or Constitutional principles so stated (not completely there is much more at #3).
The purpose of the above election results is to call the reader’s attention to: the numbers media, pollsters, and too many commentators prefer to ignore: adding Paul’s and Gringrich’s results together + the Libertarian and Constitutional Parties which are not included here - except partially by Ron’s results:
Realize that Romney and Santorum have both stated they will ask their votes go to the nominee, but then the race is between individuals.....not Socialism of Obama’s continued lawlessness with Republican Candidates who choose to ignore our Law of the Land - which is BOTH Declaration and Constitution INCLUDING God’s Law.
This Election is about our Nation’s Law from Mayflower Compact through 1789, and all events to this date in the ‘time’ number measure; but not the “soul” measure of God’s Law. We are not talking perfection of mankind here...don’t go there; for if you want to measure the evil of man’s nature Obama’s Socialism with current Islam influence in our Courts, tracing its history back in time.... is considerably a greater evil, than the evil of mankind as our Nation has grown-up and continues to learn from the adversity caused by the ‘socialism’ of mankind’s body absent soul.
“Whenever a citizen or other person becomes aware of a threat to the state and the constitution, he or she HAS THE DUTY TO ISSUE a CALL-UP to the militia, even if he or she is the ONLY PERSON PRESENT, and ALL PERSONS who receive that call-up have a duty to respond and act as a militia to meet the threat. In the context of the ‘social contract’, an act of “self-defense” is more properly described as a call-up of the militia, consisting of oneself, to defend the state and the constitution, also represented by oneself.”
Please be careful about the candidates. Be aware that many are sincere, but simply have no idea how, what, why, and the exactness of word choice contained in both Declaration and Constitution. With the Founder’s complete knowledge of Scripture, contrary to the expression of Constitution’s absence of issue, there is No Issue These Documents cannot answer, because of intertwined with Bible.... How many times has any reader of the Bible left his reading.. Unsatisfied? Maybe lip service of that’s nice for then, but not if Faith in Love of God is each person as one before God. Trust the Founders and God.
Do not vote for Object judges and juries as candidates!
1. Newt Gingrich didn’t file to run in MO. 13.6 % represents “other” and 7.3 % were of vote was divided between Libertarian and Constitution with Constitution not support any Republican or Democratic Candidate.
2. Militia has its own set of Constitutional Principles contained in attachment if this is an e-mail; or available at www.constitution.org - Menu: ‘Rights, Powers, Duties’ - a wonderful source for “support its Constitution, obey its Laws, respect its Flag, and Defend it against All Enemies”
3. “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland at www.constitution.org menu item: “Rights, Powers, and Duties”
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