The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What President Obama doesn't know he doesn't know!: Updated 11/8/10 from 3/10/09

3/10/09 -  Updated 11/08/10

I'm changing the format of this essay because Our President has many pyrrhic changes that he has already completed; and because of a new repeated, state and federal level word:'Ideology' that has to be entered into the Liberal Dictionary of Political Language. Ideology means that which we don't have time for; impractical; old idea of 18th century rights not well understood by Americans; and expressed, but not often followed by our founding fathers(1).
Ideology has synonyms which is why I'm changing the format of this essay: First - where I found this information; Second - Some highlights of how 'ideology' is used by our new Administration; Third -- pulling together the very clear and present danger our Nation faces because of Liberal's need to use 'ideology' to convince themselves they are right in changes they are making to "help" Our Nation out of a quagmire every person who calls them self an American helped create. Fourth --In this quagmire, there is no political party involved -- it doesn't matter who won or lost. Blame isn't useful in preventing or slowing pyrrhic change. It is Our America -- the America of you, I and all who live and believe in who and what we are -- most especially that We Are Our Government! We have made mistakes.

FIRST: Where this information came from with numbers for references:
1) "The Audacity of Barack Obama" Essay by Charles R. Kesler; Claremont Review of Books; Fall 2008; pp 10-15. Review of Barack Obama's two autobiographies: "Dreams from My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope".
2) "Obama opens up stem cell work" Seth Borenstein & Ben Feller (AP); front page, North County Times (NCT); Tuesday, March 10, 2009.
3) "Obama's era of realism" Richard Cohen; NCT Opinion; March 10, 2009; p.A6.
4) "Taliban cement rule, hard-line law in Pakistan's Swat Valley (AP)"; NCT; Saturday, March 7, 2009; p. A11.
5) "Chu: No nuclear waste at Yucca" H. Josef Hebert(AP); NCT; Friday, March 6, 2009
p. A7.
6) "Senate leader proposes 'green' power grid"; H. Josef Hebert (AP); NCT, March 6, 2009, p. A7.
Also, a few Letters to Editor in NCT individually noted.
11/8/10:  7) CA Constitution; 8) George Orwell "1984" 9) Election Results Propositions and Races 10) Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger "The Cost of the Protected Class of Citizen"; Wall Street Journal; 8/28/10 Opinions; 11) Noah Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language" for Religion & morality.
SECOND: recognizing 'Ideology' and its use - effect--
"...We can't know or share truth, postmodernist assert, but we can share stories, and thus construct a community of shared meaning"(1). This statement is a corollary to no universal truth and because truth varies with time and generation, always thought infallable and should not lock "..future generations into a single, unalterable course.." (1)

Democrat representative during California's tax sleep-in: "This is not the time for ideology. It is time to help the state out of debt (NCT, front page, February 21, 2009".

"Our government has forced what I believe is a false choice between sound science and moral values." and "It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda -- and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.(2)"

"Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Thursday the proposed Yucca Mountain site (22 yrs. and $13.5 million = $613,636.36/yr.!)in Nevada No Longer Is An Option For Storing Highly Reactive Nuclear Waste (caps are intentional." This decision "threatens (Completely Cancels)the expansion of nuclear energy because the ("ensuring scientific data is never distorted...") new administration (of Our Government) can give no assurance on waste disposal.(5)"
"Senator Reid proposed new legislation which "would give the President authority to declare 'green power grid' -- renewable energy zones'; over-ride State's Rights; and "direct where the lines would go and who wold pay for them". It would allow the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to take the lead under eminent domain "if stalled or killed by state action.(6)"

"Obama's apparent willingness to divide the Taliban into awful and less awful is just the latest sign that sterile but necessary realism has settled over American Foreign Policy (the old "Stability Foreign Policy")[11/8/10 see :Taliban Seek to Sway Congress with reminder from Pres. Bush 1/28/08]. The President is going ahead with "hold its tongue" regarding "voluminous human rights abuses in China"; has Secretary Clinton informing Israel's insistence on expanding West Bank as "unhelpful"; plans talking to Syrians, Iranians, and North Koreans without 'War on Terrorism" or 'spreading democracy" language. "The liberal New York Review of Books recently published an open letter from literary notables asking or President to negotiate with the Taliban - withdraw from Afghanistan." "Obama is right to be realistic and to abjure bombastic rhetoric. Moralism is expensive --costly in blood and treasure. This is the new reality. The danger we will turn inward... -- but financially exhausted and callously indifferent to the rest of the world." "the compelling idea that there's serious evil in the world, and hardship and pain...we should be humble and modest in our belief we can eliminate those things. But we shouldn't See that as an excuse for cynicism and inaction (Reinhold Niebuhr, Theologian who Obama likes)(3)".

THIRD: Hopefully, you see that ideology does have other names 'new reality'; possibly misuse of authority of congress and president. It is spread throughout federal government like a covering, light syrup... to be continued. ...
1/08/10  Actually, a covering of light syrup was very polite! Obama: because it is better to plead a kind of hard-headed, blindness -- rather than face being wrong and shamed;  Emmanuel: because he had better get out of here before anyone notices who is always behind the closed doors with Reid.  Stern is happy! He is probably the only happy man in the White House. Why? Just look at election results in my "Sovereign State" in the Sovereign Nation of United States of America: California; and Obama isn't going to look at Unions as violators by the creation, over years, of the  "Protected Class" of Union Administrators and by the way, they have 'indentured-servant members'.  It did scare the the CA union members to death, when the cost of their retirement was published by our current Governor Schwarzenegger in the Wall Street Journal! Fear without Information is a wonderful form of Propaganda the Union Member is easily susceptible to! Did they really think anyone would take there entire Retirement!!?? How ridiculous? And how terrible that Congress-members and Legislator's "Silence is Agreement" assist the Union Administrators against the members - some of whom remain Republican -- even when any promotion or upward mobility is denied by the local leadership, to some of its members because of their party membership.  Here in California, many of our Tea partier and Teapartier-Republicans actually say OUT LOUD with WORD SOUNDS that "The Citizens of each State Shall Be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. (Article IV:2) and in California's Constitution: "Article I:7(b) A citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens. Privileges or immunities granted by the Legislature may be altered or revoked

But the Fact Remains, and not only in California: The Red, debit ink of 47/50 States and the Federal Government;SHALL BE THE COMPOUNDING REASON ECONOMIC PROGRESS Cannot and Will Not Occur! The nature of the Union Employee in both AFL-CIO and SEIU with their Administrations Prevent Progress at any level of government and manufacturing-construction because of the Cost of The Retirement Programs. Often calculated at the last month of employment with accumulated sick pay added on; and often more than one retirement benefit when working in several branches or areas of government at all levels. The level of Retirement Benefits Will Successfully bankrupt US(A) all by itself. Add 'Competitive Bidding' and 'open-shop' work would stop the Unions cold. In Sand Diego, Unions have obtained agreement to "inspecting" the competing companies for skill and other standards while also having a one-sided look at the bid! The unions will bid lower; then in the middle of the job tell the city they haven't enough money (and they don't -- wait) so the unions get more which stops the competitive bid and costs the private company more money and risk than the job at hand may be worth! The WAIT: Unions do not compete with the cost of Administrative and Member Retirement benefits, especially when the benefits are taxpayer covered if the stock or bond markets go down and or the cost of the policies increase in value. The members who are new to city government will pay a share -- not the more expensive, growing older members with more than one policy! While some of us don't believe Cloward-Piven is directly responsible for this Silent, Creeping, Snail with Geometric Shell big enough to fill Yankee Stadium; the crushing of capitalism remains. Along with a return to hopelessness for many countries of the World who depend for their person and family humanity on our Nation; as well as Great Britain, Japan, France, Italy, & Spain before its return to Socialism. Did you notice that Tony Blair and the non-Socialist, Spanish Leader both left office near the same time? 

Congress, the CA State Legislature with their, newly passed 51% vote to raise taxes in budgeting; and the New Governor, Shall Not Deal Against the Union Who Arranged Their security of legislative Seats. There is also the New, Numbers Only Article II voting, initiative, referendum, recall(June 2010 Prop.): "SECTION 1.  All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require. - Candidates are not responsible for their "religion and morality" because they are able to represent themselves as anything they want to (Section (c)). 

This new, not republican form of government, is to 'get back' and 'rid' the USA of the other "NO" Party: Republicans. Section (c) was demonstrated in Propositions and candidates (CA Secretary of State, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, prop. 23's defeat allowing untruthful science to rein over the needs of 'We the People' - much like the Delta; 24's confusion with 21's partial information leaving most important information absent)in this November 2, 2010 Election. 

Mr. Ehlers (apparently) has retired; and his wife,is head of one of Obama's Department's continuing damage. Saul Alkins with his tribute to Lucifer, has both his 'ethics of means' and his 13 tactics (Freeze and isolate, use confusion and fear, word's meaning depends on who you are talking to, forget history, etc)are healthy and well; and continue to cause lots of trouble where no trouble existed.  Continued newspeak, censorship, Emu's ignorance and blindness because it only has to see the seed...not when, where, how or why it exists. This is especially helpful with the majority party where thought with logic or reason is very, very difficult; i.e. plastic bags are much more important than water in the Delta; than illegal aliens with the cartels using these poor people; and with the damage to California's World Famous Agriculture as an independent,family, co-op, specialty farmer -- not corporate-union run!  

This is an aside; but thinking about 'newspeak' and George Orwell's very accurate "1984" which just took a little longer than he anticipated, although many elements were present in that year.  One of his book's most dramatic parts is the cameras all over everywhere along with individuals 'telling' on other individual's - even in close relationships. It's the cameras and 'breaking and entering', here, that I want everyone to notice: "CSI -Las Vegas " and "CSI-NEW YORK" has in several episodes - one very dramatic save of a diabetic girl (the diabetes misrepresented - no medical consult); - often says "maybe with [the suspect's picture] we can overlap and find him!?"! That's what Mr. Orwell was addressing: Desensitizing by familiarity or "What! Isn't that good!?". The desensitizing is a prime technique for the 50 min. hour of attention span for a non-reader, computer individual of 39 or less years of age.  Cameras are not viewed as an invasion of an individual's privacy of person, property, effects; as a matter of fact-- those concepts are 'verbotten' and probably never taught in public school! Referring back to the snail in Yankee Stadium, one of the shell ridges represents the generations- probably from about 40 downward in age; that don't recognize this very frequent, denegrated Bill of Right called the 4th Amendment. "CSI-NewYork" abandons the 5th Amendment with their "The Greater Good"! That there is a terrible act against a young girl - is not -- that it isn't terrible; but so is stoning; mind-bending acts of torture; stretching on the Cross that Christ went through. The more 'religion and morality' are made singular events; the more distortion toward bigger government occurs...even though "terrible" has existed since the beginning of man. Other TV eipsodes which exploit the terrible of the single incident include: "House" where a physican opens a hospitalized patient's door with those special entry keys while saying "There's the history they tell us. Then there is the history contained in their home" as they break and enter.  "CSI-Las Vegas" the best written of the CSI group unless they are changing; also uses "breaking and entering" because..!?!? These are among TV's most watched programs; and unless you pay attention, you are being desensitized to the OK to lose the United States of America Bill of Rights, because, after all -- we did get the bad guy (on tv's-real life) where rights once given away are hard to win back; precisly for the reason stated: too many generations haven't learned. We can fix that as we fix the absent information by building-in prevention as a family role In Understanding Birth-Right and Personal Responsibility To Individual Rights of the governing Citizen. It does matter that we catch them up. The Unique Country in the World - which says Citizens govern the Government; that citizens require learning as intrinsic to governing which should start as grammar school and continue throughout the entire adult years; Simply Because " assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind..."; and that these men where so impassioned that all mankind has the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America with The Constitutions of each of the Sovereign States (often dying from neglect and poor information).  This writer has a priveledge:  To share this little, torn frail, yellowed, block printed but reproduced fac-simle in 1876: "THE BOSTON GAZETTE, AND COUNTRY JOURNAL. Containing the Freshest Advices, Foreign and Domestic. Monday, March 12, 1770! If you wonder at where my love of country derives from; alongside magnificence of God and His Son Jesus - these expressions of 'religion and morality' along with daily business representing a 7 day period:  thanks for justice given; what George III is doing..or not; and where you could purchase your goods, designs, sail with "The sloop SPEEDWELL, S(F)aschal Nelson Smith, Master now lying at Long Wharff.."; for the week; including high and low tides and much much more... :-)    

You cannot legislate 'religion and morality' simply because there is no correct, one case which covers all the Lucifer acts that mankind can inflict on himself; or for as many reasons as there are people,in Nations, small estates, any size -- any location -- any period of time.  That is why the Beginning, Middle, and posterity of mankind Is "religion and morality"; or the First and Second Tables of Religion as different branches of the same law: 1st: performance of duties toward God and obedience to His Will, with 2nd: morality. Only an individual's accountability to himself (collective)and God for most if not all Christians matters for one person's journey through life and life everlasting..   

In California, expect much more of the same, terrible judgments and opinions as legislation sans any Constitution or any limit on either the state or federal governments to tax. There will be no further talk of Union Retirement least before 2012; unless the Republicans keep a running tab!  Tax for the federal should not be close to as high as it is; and our Nation's debt would look a lot different with the relocation of Health and Education 100% out of the Fed. and Back to the States where $1.00 could = 100 cents! Though, as one Senator pointed out on Fox, last night; Federal was meant to be the Agent for All of the States; and States were free to perform what duties its Citizens wanted it to perform; or were "..reserved to the States respectively, or TO THE PEOPLE. Plus, don't forget the 9th Amendment! This is the Amendment government at any level loves to forget! Obama doesn't have any idea what to do with it...and forget the White House; but not the Cabinet Czars!!!