The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Impeachable Offenses Update

by Michael Connelly, You can email Michael Connelly at
Posted April 11, 2012
I have repeatedly been asked by a number of different people if I think that the President of the United States, Barack Obama, has committed any offenses that subject him to being impeached by the Congress of the United States. The answer is without a doubt, yes because he has repeatedly breached his oath of office. The oath of office of the President of the United States is simple and concise. It reads:
       "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
       Instead of living up to that oath, President Obama has actively attempted to subvert, ignore, and completely destroy large parts of the Constitution. I believe the President of the United States is well aware of what he is doing, and it is completely intentional. Listed below are what I believe are impeachable offenses and the list continues to grow.
       1. President Obama has appointed numerous people to cabinet level positions without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, as is required by the Constitution. These individuals are given extraordinary power and independent funding, and are not under the scrutiny of Congress. The fact that Obama calls them Czars does not make them legal. He has also made illegal recess appointments of other members of his cabinet that required Senate approval. He simply declared that the U.S. Senate was in recess despite the fact that no such declaration had been made by the Senate. The President has no Constitutional authority to do this.
      2. The push by Pres. Obama to pass healthcare legislation in the Congress of the United States that he was fully aware was unconstitutional. He has continued to use his powers and executive branch of government to implement this legislation despite the fact that a federal judge had declared the entire law unconstitutional, and ordered that it not be implemented. In addition, Obama has directed members of his administration to violate the right to freedom of religion protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.
      Religious institutions such as churches and schools have been ordered to provide contraceptives and abortion inducing morning after pills to employees as part of the health care bill requirements. The fact that this is a direct violation of their religious teaching is of no concern to Obama.
      3. Despite the fact that the United States Senate refused to pass the Cap and Trade bill, the President has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to use regulations to implement key portions of the bill, including those regulating so-called greenhouse gases. Obama himself has acknowledged that this will force energy prices in this country to skyrocket. He is taking these actions in direct defiance of the will of the people of the United States, the will of Congress, and the Constitution. The actions of the EPA include regulations that will force many coal burning power plants to close.
      4. Through the Department of the Interior (DOI) Obama has placed a moratorium on offshore oil drilling or exploration off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico. He has also prohibited new drilling exploration on federal land in any states in the United States. These actions by the DOI have continued in direct defiance of several court orders issued by Federal Judge Martin Feldman in New Orleans, Louisiana declaring that the department had no authority to issue such a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf. In fact, the Secretary of the Department of the Interior (DOI) has been held in contempt by the same judge. The administration has claimed to be complying, but has tied up the drilling permits in so much red tape that the effect is the same.
      5. Instead of allowing American companies to drill for oil domestically, Obama has betrayed the American people and authorized loans of billions of dollars to countries like Brazil and Mexico so that they can drill for oil, and then sell that oil to the United States. This will dramatically increase our dependence on foreign nations including Venezuela, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and even Libya that do not serve the interest of America or the American people.
      Obama has also refused to approve the keystone pipeline from Canada to the United States that would not only lessen our dependence on oil from countries like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, but create thousands of new jobs in the United States. The decision on the pipeline is one that belongs in the hands of the members of Congress, not the President.
      6. President Obama has abdicated his responsibility to enforce the laws of the United States against illegal immigration. He has virtually declared our southern border an open border by declaring certain areas of federal land in states like Arizona as off-limits to federal, state, and local authorities. This is despite the fact that these areas are being used to bring in thousands of illegal immigrants, massive amounts of drugs, and also being used by foreign terrorists to infiltrate the United States. He has also ordered the border patrol not to arrest most illegal immigrants entering the country, and has stopped deportation proceedings against thousands of people in this country illegally. He is in effect instituting the so-called “dream act” bypassing the Congress of the United States which has sole authority over immigration matters.
      7. The President and his Attorney General Eric Holder have clearly violated their oath of office by joining with foreign countries such as Mexico, Bolivia, and Columbia, in lawsuits against the sovereign states of Arizona, Georgia, and Alabama to stop them from enforcing the federal immigration laws.
      8. President Obama has ordered the Federal Communications Commission to adopt regulations giving the federal government control of the Internet and its contents, including providing Obama with a kill switch that gives him authority to shut down the Internet if he sees fit. This is in direct violation of a decision by the United States Supreme Court that the FCC has no Constitutional authority to control the Internet.
      There were two bills pending in Congress to effectively give Obama the kill switch he wants over the Internet. When these two proposals, the Stop Internet Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) were withdrawn amid public outcry Obama announced he will sign an international treaty that purports to give him the same authority. He has signaled his intention to do this as an “Executive Act” and not bring the treaty to the Senate for ratification as required by Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution. I believe he intends to take the same action in regard to the United Nations Small arms treaty and the UN Law of the Sea treaty that are both unlikely to get Senate approval.
      9. One of the paramount responsibilities of the President of the United States and his executive branch of government is to enforce and defend laws adopted by Congress unless they are declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. Obama has decided that he should ignore this Constitutional mandate, and that as President he is more powerful than either the Congress of the United States or the Supreme Court. He has unilaterally declared that the Defense of Marriage Act passed by the Congress is unconstitutional, and further declared that he will not have the Justice Department defend it against lawsuits.
      His administration has also refused to enforce laws against voter intimidation and federal law that requires states to purge their voter registration lists of deceased individuals and those that are registered illegally. In addition, the Justice Department is refusing to allow states to enforce laws requiring proof of identity by voters at the polls. Obama has essentially said that he is the supreme ruler of the United States, and that the Congress and the Federal Judiciary are irrelevant.
      10. It has been widely reported that acting through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms the Obama administration was involved for months in getting legitimate and law-abiding gun store owners along our southern border to supply weapons to straw buyers who the government knew would deliver them to the drug cartels in Mexico. This was billed as a sting operation against the cartels when in fact it was designed to produce fraudulent data showing that large numbers of weapons were going from the United States to the Mexican drug dealers.
      This data was then to be used, and is being used, to try to justify new gun control regulations to limit the rights of American citizens to keep and bear arms. It has nothing to do with arresting members of the drug operations. The administration has, in effect, armed our enemies, and one border patrol agent has already been killed by one of these weapons. Now, Obama continues to impose gun control laws by Executive order so he will not have to deal with Congress. The administration is also refusing to cooperate with the committees in the House of Representatives that are investigating the entire operation. It is even defying Congressional subpoenas.
      11. The President of the United States is not authorized by the Constitution to take our nation to war without the consent of the Congress of the United States. The only exception to this is the authority granted to the President by Congress under the War Powers Act. This law allows the President to take immediate action without the consent of Congress if there is an imminent threat to the security of the United States, or its citizens. Although there was clearly no such imminent threat caused by the Civil War in Libya, the President committed members of the United States military to combat missions in a foreign country without the consent of Congress. He based his authority on a United Nations resolution, and a resolution by the Arab League.
      Now, the President has carried it one step further. During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 7, 2012, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta told Senators that the President has authority to take our country to war without the Congressional approval required by Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution. The administration is taking the position that it can ignore Congress as long as it has United Nations approval or NATO approval.
      However, these actions may be the least of the worries facing the American people. The White House insisted that language be included in the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that gives the President sole authority to order the military to arrest and indefinite detain American citizens on U.S. soil if the President suspects them of terrorist ties. This was amazingly passed overwhelmingly by Congress. It appears to be another situation where few members read the bill before voting on it.
      This was almost immediately followed by another unconstitutional executive order titled the National Defense Resources Preparation order. It is similar to orders signed by past Presidents, but this one includes language that appears to give Obama the authority to declare martial law in peacetime, and take over the allocation of everything from food and fuel to transportation and health care. This violates the Constitution in a number of different ways.
      12. Last but not the least of my dirty dozen of impeachable offenses, is the fact that since taking office the President has used executive orders, laws pushed through Congress in the dark of night, and administrative actions by his departments to nationalize and control automobile manufacturers, banks, insurance companies, and portions of the healthcare industry. This is designed to take our country from a free enterprise economy to a socialist economy. There is absolutely no authority in the Constitution of the United States that allows the President to do this.
      Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution provides as follows: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
      I contend that among those high crimes and misdemeanors is the intentional violation of the oath of office administered to the President and all other federal officials. In fact, federal law at 5 U.S.C. 7311 specifically provides that violation of the oath of office includes advocating the overthrowing of our constitutional form of government. This is specifically declared a criminal offense in 18 U.S.C. 1918 and is punishable by both a fine and imprisonment.
      In the 12 areas I mentioned in the paragraphs above I firmly believe that Obama, Eric Holder, and numerous other members of his administration have gone beyond just advocating the overthrow of our constitutional form of government. They are actually engaged in making it happen, and as a result should be impeached and convicted. There are also the emerging issues of corruption such as the Solyndra scandal caused by Obama using stimulus money to pay off campaign contributors.
      Will there be an impeachment and conviction in the current Congress? Probably not, since it takes a two thirds vote in the House of Representatives to impeach, and a two thirds vote in the Senate to convict. With Harry Reid and the progressives still in control of the Senate, and many of them guilty of some of the same impeachable offenses, they will resist it.
      However, we are the American people and we still have a right to control our government, and the people elected to represent us. Therefore, I am personally calling on the conservative members the House of Representatives to bring this action based on the grounds I have enumerated so that the American people can understand what is really at stake here. Then “we the people,” can make our voices heard.

Michael Connelly is also the ONLY Constitutional Attorney who has read the entire document named "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" which started in "Anti-law" as 1309 "American's Health Act" summer 2009.
Michael Connelly has enumerated "2012 Abuses Against Consent of the Governed"  -  Dictator Obama is, indeed a violator of High Crimes and Misdemeanors... including Treason by implementing UN / Agenda 21 - Iowa's Dept. of Agriculture Czar determining, via UN's Green Agenda  and EO Executive Order 13600 of February 9, 2012 Establishing the President’s Global Development Council ---- an elimination of the sovereignty of our Nation by allowing United Nations to impose its dictates --- totally absent Congress -- let alone "We the People".

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1. How you think...

is everything; 2. Decide upon your dreams and goals; 3. Take Action; 4. NEVER STOP LEARNING; 5. Be Persistent and work hard; 6. Learn to Analyze Details; 7. Focus your Time and Money; 8. Don't be afraid to Innovate; BE Different; 9. Deal and Communicate with People Effectively;

10. BE HONEST AND DEPENDABLE; TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: Otherwise #1 - 9 won't matter!!

Measures for your choices as "persons" who are Candidates for Any Office.....

but Especially THE NEXT MAYOR OF SAN DIEGO -- CARL DE MAIO-----Here's Why:
#1. How you think is everything:  Carl has decided to take a huge Risk.  He wants to be the Mayor of San Diego (#2) --- He does not want to leave this City.

He has #3 taken action....BEFORE announcing his Candidacy --- He arranged, wrote, and has started implementing "Road to Recovery"  with its update just last week  Carl is in his 2nd Term as 5th District City Council.....HE IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE with a Track Record for Our City...and Therefore Our County.

5.  You only have to have volunteered for him over the last few years to know how true this is! .....And HE IS the reason Union Pension's shall not continue 100% financed, at bankrupting levels against every tax-payer in this City!!!!!  That means 12 hrs or more every weekend....that means all over this city...that means reaching out to every resident who lives here.... with the United States Constitution's "The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the Natural Rights / Freedom from God as Unalienable - of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness,  AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions TO AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS of those rights...".

He is working very continue to perform and apply an excellent "Strategic Plan" - 5 years out in Posterity...  What other candidate -- any office -- any level -  including Presidential is doing that!!!  Everyone is looking inside an enclosed box named jobs, economy... including Carl;  but not at the expense of poor business techniques.  

No Other Candidate for Mayor of this City  has the Demonstrated skills of an Administrator and Business Owner that Carl.  Those of you who recognize the above "IBD'S 10 SECRETS TO SUCCESS" know how much we have learned over the years reading William O'Neil's "Investor's Business Daily" which is the Business world of investing and finance for "We the People" who want to learn and know -- they 5W's and H of the 'Tool' named Money....Tools are different from Ideas which Person uses to find Life, Liberty and Pursuit...  Freedom comes from within Your conscience and your belief in whatever good and right represent.   For the vast majority of Americans....That does mean Obedience to God's Laws...The basis of our government since 1620.

Person choosing Life, Liberty, and Pursuits of happiness -- with God -- are "Soul".   Person is comprised of body and soul.. When the body dies, the Person dies.  The Soul is separate and distinct from the body... The answer to the 5W's and H of your soul --- lies in your own, unique person of conscience.

A unique person's choice of life and liberty -- is the choice of that unique person living life on the continuum of 'free agency' to be as good as you can be given the limits of  'soul'  or the other way. That is what our God and our Founders secured for US(A) and for this Planet:  "Conscience is the most sacred of all property." --- James Madison, Essay on Property, March 29, 1792.
9. See above...  Again.... Carl is Implementing... not lip servicing or manipulating a position for all kinds of Agendas...some secret and some open......AS INTEGRAL TO THE NATURE OF Homo Sapiens with Cognitive Attributes...  But

10.  Carl is a Person of Integrity and Responsibility....He has put himself... with the help as communicating and dealing with 'Persons' effectively... to accomplish 1-8

Don't fall for the "hidden agenda" ...  It Isn't there!  The opposition to Carl is though!  If you decide to buy into shall be the Loss to this City and this County.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Listening to Glenn this am re OWS's and others of Soros..

 ..- Obama - UN open-society with borderless nations and jurisprudence -- training programs in every community however small.  Purpose start insurrection by attending Teaparty (the location of "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness secured by "Consent of the Governed), functions of any sort..or any gathering in God-Nation-before politics of ...evil. Idea is to cause chaos by interrupting the meeting's proceedings..and starting a fight verbal with abuse or physical.

Want to know a great answer to this stupid, ignorant behavior?

When they start-up, even let them feel a little of their idea of control over your meeting by waiting -- if and when they don't quit: 1) Do what Roger Hedgecock at the Mt. Soledad Cross saving Ceremony: "We would like to hear from you and are glad you came" ; and
Tom Del Becarro, Ch of CA-GOP, at Riverside's Republican Party Mtg. - "Speak-out California": "We want to hear from you. Will you please join in the question and answer period.".  2) If they get physical or scream and shout, ALL Stand-up-Fold your arms over your chest, LOOK THEM SQUARE IN THE EYE - make eye contact, SILENCE - Let the pin-dropping roar!  That's God speaking in each one of you:-)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Private Credit card companies required.. give credit information of each-one persons obtaining credit to the government named “Homeland Security”. Registered Nurse may have their life and liberty to practice nursing removed because of not paying their taxes — don’t worry though it’s only if you owe greater than $100,000.00 to the Government called State of California....

Thus continues Social Group Law of Protection and Safety as a right which allows legislators, departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, executive orders, and United Nations, to enter into every aspect of government at any level of life including animate and inanimate objects.

-There is no person – just the personal; family; work; play; spend; build-- or not; self ownership of business-- or not; group of: physical characteristics, quantity of worldly goods and services, car, electronics especially alphanumeric with photos over the atoms of electricity, nuclear, petroleum, mining, lumbering, objects and skin color-preferably not white, country of origin-preferably not America- as culture objects; professions - especially state certification and licensing; amount of money-- how and where you spend it, - for accounting to government to be sure you report all earnings required or potentially required by government as your donation of earnings - taxes.

We the people own to much!  Government must protect us - especially if we are the ethical, honest, hardworking backbone of financial resource for that government...any level; but especially the Executive Branch of the Federal level which has the Judicial Branch in its control...though that might be can hope

Remember the Social Law of safety and protection of homo sapiens with animal, vegetable, mineral, fishes; and plastic bags to money relating to what profession you choose,  is in place - State and Federal. Though there are more States which have not adopted Social Law, than there are which have adopted social law.

No. There is no consent from the governed because there is No Declaration of Independence..that means there is no God’s Law;
..and that’s true of too many of our Courts including the Supreme; and
...that means there is no Constitution of the United States...and that’s true also, isn’t it - just look at statutes, regulations, Executive orders, and court rulings.

ALL THREE LOST mean there is no Sovereignty of Person Protected, that tyranny of the Majority rules all aspects of life with or without homo sapiens...absolute power of government!

Yes! It is a violation of Article V.  Yes! It is despotism and tyranny.  It is also the “long train of abuses” Thomas and the signers of the Declaration warned EachOneAmerican about...

Yes!  We the People – elected or working – are ignorant... Declaration and Constitution with intertwine with God’s Laws is Not Taught...  Quit the opposite is taught....

Social law is the horn player among players who may or may not have horns, the music is cacophony and the conductor is government at whatever applicable level is required for its self-preservation and control with power. .... not authority...power.

Power because its vulnerability is educated person about all the areas of information required to make choices of “consent of the governed”.  That’s why our Presidential candidates are hand picked..not allowed to speak freely on topics because there is no media except that of the government; and there is no communication of information because that government cannot allow information.  After the Socialists win in November... You shall see internet go from “are you sure you want to share this comment.  It appears inflammatory” on FB to .. Don’t even try to speak this in public... We KnowWho You Are and We Are Watching You – Big Brother is alive and doing very well — working hard to make Americans become the poor of North Korea and give away our Nation’s sovereignty for world control via UN, EU, World Bank, and G. Soros.

The RN ‘s who could lose their licenses to practice is  thanks to the socialist hiding behind Democratic party Henry T. Perea from Fresno’s 31 District who wrote AB 1424, tyranny of the majoirty which was among the several hundred laws as legislation signed by Socialist Brown before midnight 12/31/ 2011... ATTENTION Fresno American Patriot Voters — here’s the Constitution and Declaration removed in one elected individual. Go look at his “be happy in your work” webpage.  A perfect example of social law at work!

The Socialists optimal dream!  Complete government very nearly complete... and with the gerrymander districts by political party affiliation – at the same time “consent of the governed” denied because of “top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation”.
Why there are more voter-districts which will have top-two vote getters from the Democratic party...thus removing ‘consent of the governed’ the greater number Districts from the lesser number political party - Republican. Notice the party affiliation?  The writers of this stupid idea are of a political affiliation..also!  Just as the school board members are with city councils who abstain from “The Invocation” to God!

We of California, who love our voice as vote Must Repeal Section 5(a) and (b) with 8 of Article II in California’s Constitution.  That is where the top two vote-getters regardless of political party affiliation and control of initiatives in the Secretary of State are located.  And that’s why “sexual deviation shall be taught to kindergarten children without God’s Law....  Don’t think the ‘initiative to excuse your child from this will work.  It won’t because of group pressure combined with concepts of cooperation with the authority represented by the teacher in the classroom... Sorry, of course not all teachers!  None of the above is ALL anyone...  But greater number is the sole concept of group-think and organize for the center of social law power..

This Socialism! Whatever you do...don’t place social in front of  “justice”, unless you enjoy taking the name of our Lord God in vain! [That’s how angry this “Founding Father Patriot” is for if you read what I write... it is all about Person in relation to Love of God intertwined with the love of George, Tom, John, James, Alexander, Samuel, and every-single-one-of the Minutemen and those no clothes, no guns, little ammunition, no food, cloth-wrapped boots walking in snow... who got wet in ice water where they sat as they rowed boats across the Delaware,, Christmas Eve... Jesus’ Birthday.. To win!]

We the People did not vote to change the Republican form of Representative Government in which One Person, playing his clarinet, in an orchestra with trombone and other players of instruments who also have liberties and pursuits beyond the orchestra of duty and service to Nation...which plays Handel’s Messiah conducted by God’s Laws...the Protection of One Person before God and before our Supreme Law of the Land — with the Declaration!

Americans, do you really want to spit in the faces of  The Puritans and The Founders

[So now, I’ll get the “do you really want to post this” message... and the FCC/mindless wonders of conform, stay in line of top down, and don’t question!]