The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Like so many who have been if office in Wash. DC --- Forget the 10th Amendment and forget that State and Federal Governments are so large from being involved in what belongs to the people as 'persons' or 'persons as business'! 

10% cut is a very small start, but it is a start! If the Federal Government returned to the limits of Article I, then we wouldn't be "Bankrupt" from Section 8:4 ".....uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States." 1828 American dictionary first bankrupt: "a. Having committed acts of bankruptcy; unable to pay just debts; insolvent.., then with the -ruptcy part: "The state of being a bankrupt, or insolvent; inability to pay all debts. 
2. The act of becoming a bankrupt; the act of rendering one's self a bankrupt, as by absconding, or otherwise; failure in trade and last with the -ruptcy part And Law: " A law, which, upon a bankrupt's surrendering all his property to commissioners for the benefit of his creditors, discharges him from the payment of his debts,and all liability to arrest or suit for the same, and secures his future acquired property from a liability to the payment of his past debts." 

Notice, it addresses trade and traders...not the US government, because the founders would not have acted so irresponsibly as 'elected agents - We the People' representing their lives in agriculture and business; not would they have done so to "We the People's" life, liberty, and property via unlawful financing of non-government affairs; ie those not covered in the the Constitution, not delegated to the States, are reserved to the people!!! The Obama-Soros government prides itself on utilizing the life, liberty, and property of "We the People" in unlawful, forceful, usurpation of persons as citizens of the US. The Bible source for this paragraph:  "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."  {The Bible Old and New Testaments are about one person with God and Jesus teaching 'Governance' For self, village, nation with law and morality).

If the owner of the NY Property were just an owner who happened to be Islamic, that might pass; but it is a huge stretch! 1828 American Dictionary also defines "religion" as "1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion." The Islam supported by the property owner of the NY land; does not support this definition of religion. He may use the word; but that has no relation to the fact. When you include the External Government of force and control exemplified by "Sharia Law", then you can see that Islam's religion is Islam's government and does not reflect Obedience to God's Laws which is the definition of "religion" the founder's were referring to when they wrote "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. .." Isn't it convenient for the owner of the NY property to USE the word religion to get his way while ignoring Islam as the government attachment in "Sharia Law"; while the founders and the United States know 'religion as obedience to God's Laws represent the basis of sovereignty in justice for the conscious of 'A Person' and law is derived from God. Not the government of opinion of law via committee or by one Imman who decides...everyhting! 

Ron Paul is a patriot and lives this country; but like many, doesn't remember how Both Founding Documents Are written from Both the Old And New Testaments of the Bible, as well as history, philosophy deriving the knowledge and wisdom very difficult to appreciate in today's world; but absolutely as important in every when first written as the Mayflower Compact; placed in the activities of each colony for at least 150 years before Both Founding Documents were written. That we grew-up in 1620 from Internal Government of "religion and morality"...against the vagaries of the External Government at pinnacle, beyond anything America has ever experienced with the Obama Administration, is another of the "Adversities" which America Must Learn to correct.
The Bible for this paragraph: " ..But we know the law is good, if A MAN use it lawfully; Knowing this, that the law is Not Made for A RIGHTEOUS MAN, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners...{I Timothy I: 8-13}.

Learn and Teach the Declaration and The Constitution; then teach to everyone you know; then take action ton protect our votes at the polls next year. Our Votes are not secure and they are "Effects" of the 4th Amendment!

"..Wonderful...Counselor...The Mighty God...The Everlasting Father..The Prince of Peace.." (65)

"..Wonderful...Counselor...The Mighty God...The Everlasting Father..The Prince of Peace.." (65)

"..All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every Man to his own way. And the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. .."*. That's what Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder's father fought to bring to The Supreme Court of the United States of 391 years starting with "The Mayflower Compact". But Mr. Snyder, senior didn't know what separation of church and state* had become, is today; and unless "We the People" again realize the breadth and depth of our responsibility to "The Counselor, Mighty God, and Everlasting Father" and our sovereignty to 'ourself', as a natural or naturalized citizen and member of God's Nation; too much represented by this specific, Supreme Court case, will be lost.

"My Father and I are One." is 'yelling' [I know He doesn't's rhetorical] by having the individual 'person' of "God hates the U.S.A." be held as above the life of Lance Corporal Snyder and the love of Mr. Snyder, senior...who knows the roots of this Nation.

It doesn't matter what Mr. Snyder said to himself to prompt him to take so much notice of that individual across the street, quietly expressing violation to #3/10 of The Lord God's Commandments. It took about 2 days for this writer to recognize the violation & I'm well into The Bible since childhood; and certainly 8 of 9 Justices still haven't made the say nothing of those of US (A) paying attention. A conversation, if Mr. Snyder feels up to it, would be another insight to God' and Jesus in our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor of this day, this hour, this Nation, this time in the History of Mankind.

Jesus is also 'yelling' regarding the "education" of our young that continues, unabated such that it is OK for grammar school children to attend an 'Estenal Government with Religion combined as Islam's Sharia Law '; but that same group of grammar school kids cannot and shall not pledge alliegence to the United States of America, nor acknowledge the orignial school textbook called the Bible, until Noah Webster gave a primer which still used The Bible --- The Everlasting Father. An education that gives all time necessary to learn about "Zeitgeist" of the heart of open society with production - thought - finance - controlled at a level even Marx would blush at! The pure lie of evil this represents to the innocence of youth...who really do want to do the right thing - if they could only receive the direction the 'Old and New Testament's offer' with understanding "Internal Government" of conscience. "Self government is rooted in religion and morality. This self-governing spirit [Is] called American Character and it can be learned by examining the lives of the founders. (pg. 29 "Learn and Teach The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution using Original Texts and The Classical Learning Methods of the Founders" by J. Andrews). This is the Way, Truth, and Light of the difference between mindless power and control with open society and jurisprudence v. The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father - intrinsic to colonial life from 1620 well into the 1960's and still faltering on..because much was lost at "Woodstock".

Individuals who are working on their life's jouney to God and Jesus, with history's great leaders renonowed and unknown except to those whos lives they touched; know and see to it the teachings continue; but because of the human nature ability of Man to cause and support "Myths" and "Mysticism", in this the 'separation of church and state' and a little because of 'forgetting' the words or emphasizing the symptom without the history, physical examination which can lead to a diagnosis of the disease; allowed this 'high wall of impregnable separation'. Then "We the People" allowed themselves to doubt their person of character both present and as heritage. Now, we are a Nation ruled by doubting Thomas and those who would, for their own person of money and power, lie about what this represents to the Posterity represented in the truth and innocence of the young. Yep, young arrive with truth. It's after they get here, among men, that truth gets messed-up. Knowledge and Wisdom are truth, not stagnant, dynamic, challenging, exciting, despairing, and probably every emotion any Individual wants to define within the sphere of his/her world...and I don't mean electronic! Computer is a tool, just like a wheel in importance. Don't be fooled by that newer 'myth' of invicible thinking machine! It is stupid and requires 100% of an indeividual or groups of individuals to make its internal wires for it can only work on wires...until human kind commands nuclear energy. Young people, tied to their little 'myth of thinking' machines are badly mislead...and we see this daily..especially of the generation spanning radio only to television and so forth. The senses returned to so many people by Jesus, are now able to be performed by men. That's doesn't take one iota away from Jesus who is teaching that man is not only made in God's image; but also can attain 'knowledge and wisdom' only limited by their person. And it does not matter the location on this globe of the person meaning full well - the center of Hamas, of radical jihad, of serial killers, of disasters, and of all manner of adversity experienced by human kind. Learning the risk-reward of life's journeys is what is set before us for our 'self' and for our offspring - whether parent or not..has nothing to do with the getting of 'knowledge and wisdom' for each 'self'.

"Counselor" means just that. He will never leave any one of us as 'self', village, city, county, state, and even federal .or whatever the nation looks like. Mankind is now and often leaves God; but He doesn't leave us. What looks like a mystery to mankind is just another 'bumping along' as a counselor. But You, singular and pleural, must get Knowledge and wisdom...for Everlasting Father with "My Father and I are One" can only cousel you so far on the journies. Example, just because Budda was on earth in B.C., doesn't mean that God had nothing to do with him; for there is a lot of God in Budda who is loved as he should be.

Learning is getting 'knowledge and wisdom'. While you learn, among the 5W's and H of research and jounalism (ignored for modern..n.n..n work] or the 4 R's of Classical Method; then accomplish, then relate and reflect, and all the time the 5 W's and H of 'The Almighty God'; as Jesus teaches, You, singular or pleural, Shall receive rewards beyond measure.

That's the Truth, isn't it!

*Handel's "Messiah". Sometime print off the lyrics. That's the good side of computers - lots of neat stuff and ways to validate your work. The 'pleural' part of above relating to organized religions, cities, counties, dictatorships (pinheads in time as history), states, nations have a difficult time with the concept of 'accountability and validation'. Business and corporations don't because the outcome of selling and success in the market is a 'good product' which requires both. Handel's "Messiah" is not performed because ALL of the Way, The Truth, and The Light are contained both in the music itself and in the lyrics from Isaiah with other Chapters of the Bible. Handel did write "Wonderful...couselor...the mighty Father..." That was his legacy in the truth of his music. Reflecting this takes in the movie from the previous "Taking Sides" music conductor Furtwangler in 1943. Oops! It's at Pyrrhic Change.

Here is Noah Webster's 1828 American Dictionary definition of religion: "1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion."

Sunday, April 24, 2011


In a Nation where the Preamble to the Supreme Law of the Land speaks ONLY about "We the People" and thereby recognizing God's Gift that ONLY one person is capable of taking responsibility for that part of the universe he occupys. That whenever government tries as in the above 'nonsense of a conversation', the ONLY outcome is continuing from disaster to catastrophe!

But just to be clearer, lying to persons who have less than most other persons about the 'fault and blame' of persons who have earned through taking risk via applying their knowledge to their idea of way, truth and light, inherited with the inherited responsibilities,  and...even lost everything they have, only to stoop-down to build-up - all over again; does benefit 'persons who have less than most other persons'; for the purpose of feeding $$$$ this mindless, killer shark of power called  1/21/2006 to 1/20/2012 group-think, ignorant, absent history Administration is "..but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners.." they demonstrate by their actions against this Nation.

One Wealthy person who decides to build a house, or anything else for that matter, employs more persons at less cost with greater satisfaction in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; than any government in the history of none [exceptions to bad governance do occur with individual leaders: Genghis Khan, King Richard and other British kings and queens, and many of our Presidents, Governors, Legislators throughout our history]  Think about it, while the President of GE, during his 'turn in office of management-leadership'  likes to play with Obama's group-think, regardless of the GE President,  his corporation continues to expand opportunity for internships, inventions, improvements, management of loans, risk, rewards of investments, many small and large business which combine to produce a special product...often for the unknowns risk-benefit-rewards to be gain by exploring the unknown worlds above and below oceans and in the universe.  God's Gift of Nuclear Energy is as great as the wheel to mankind; but to power-monger, self-aggrandizement, knowledge control few who require guilt to rule knowledge and wisdom..especially in what is occurring in Japan after the hundreds of large and small quakes, without respect for the knowledge they gain at great loss and even greater loss to person, that is the courage of adversity which brings the greatest of God's rewards.  I'm not leaving Jesus out.  He is God's son. He is God's messenger for this the next 200+ year phase of person learning governance from family throughout this globe to government for each Nation..with respect to mankind as person.  One at a time, every hour of every day,....until the next Lesson.

So, if you have a minus zero$$$ or so many zeros after your $1, then you are still ONLY a person; but with all the opportunities God through His son Jesus promises. Be Happy, for Christ gave his life for all the above and for all the future of person.  He is Risen!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

CRP Chairman Del Becarro creates forum "California Speaks Out"..

Real Ideas from Real People in Real Time! 4/7 was in Fresno. Thursday, April 21 was at the Mission Inn in Riverside complete with protestors against cuts in IHSS across the street; and voices from ALL available Real People viewpoints inside. CRP members, guests and All Available listened.

There were, at first, Real People with the need to "yell" their view. They were asked to wait, that they would be able to speak when their turn arrived. This meant allowing the ongoing issue and question to finish. Then, the subject was accommodated for the viewpoints of  'deceit' in the use of  Redevelopment Agency Funds; need to stop Obama from his attack on Free Market System; SEIU computer leader who asked about correctness of the cost of duplicating resources from computer analyst as union members in favor of outsourcing; attack by Liberals on "We the Citizen's" Redistricting Committee by loading it in favor of their interest software for district redrawing v. the other software redrawing; high schooler who expressed the loss of teachers would continue to adversely effect quality of education with co-students who have trouble caring about learning, anyway; and a private Real Person who said she flip-flopped from one party to another and wanted to know "What are you going to do for Me?"; and a very nice, young Republican who wondered what the party was going to do to attract people from other cultures. This was one of the best answers by Mayor Lane "It doesn't matter the color of your skin, where you come from, how old you are, or what country you are from".

Apologies to the Master of Ceremony ?name  who help identify problems and the plan of the program. Ch. Tom introduced the City Council Member Melissa Melendez from Lake Elsinore; Randon Lane, the Mayor of Murietta; Assemblyman  Brian Nestande, 64th AD; and CRP Vice-Chairman Steve Baric.

Ch. Tom then spole of the issues that the governor cannot or does not recognize or have plans to correct...union pensions, size of CA government, and poor CA education.

It was a most informative and "Californian" speaks group. Excellent with more opportunities to come: June 9 here in San Diego; August 25 in Los Angeles; Sept. 15th in Orange County; Sept. 29 in Bakersfield for our southern area.  More are planned.

To the independent citizen of "What will you [Republican Party] do for me?":  get the government off your back so you can pursue your personal definition of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without paying the state and federal governments money they utilize as a mind-less eating machine called a Killer Shark. Giving you something - not unless you mean the rewards of your own efforts for yourself and family.

To the high school student:  As was brought up- merit raises without any merit combined with unable to fire teachers who cannot and will not maintain a standard for teaching subject matter remains a problem to change. Assemblyman Nestande pointed out the following: If the Los Angeles Unified School District wanted to hold a 'One-day Meeting to update and get employees on one page of action plans' the district would have to rent the Los Angeles Coliseum to hold the meeting for the bureaucrats for that school district!  There is a lot wrong about the interior workings of our state which, if corrected, would go a long way toward reducing state debt.  Tests of achievement don't use the test 'tool' for the individual student to make his/her own learning is used for adults only and as such don't really measure anything at all.. since the student is simply the pawn... not the king of learning.

Everyone, and I do mean everyone- citizen - of this State with a stake in California's Future for themselves and their children's children!  It is no different here than in Obama's spend, spend, spend...and then spend some more without the slightest respect for foundations, employment, trading in business and the marketplace, internships and training programs that the "rich people or people as Corporations" contribute to every sector of every states's economy and therefore the revenue for the Fed.  California citizens take this opportunity to have your voices heard in a more effective manner with the effect extending to the candidates for office we nominate in 2012 - including redistricting, Article II: 5 "..All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary election for any candidate for congressional and state elective
office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by
the candidate or the voter, provided that the voter is otherwise
qualified to vote for candidates for the office in question. This is the origin of the word "Rhino" or 'sheep skin covering the killer shark of group-minded, non-history, few men mentality. Go to these meetings and learn to recognize the person of Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the integrity of service as a representative of State, Federal, City, County or any elective office of government at any level.  We can't change government if we don't recognize the integrity of the person requesting your support; but not planning to respect you once elected. [There are approximately 436 Agencies in California with many duplications, connections, and not useful parts.  These have never been reviewed. Using CA's Sunset Plan doesn't work because the owner-employees of the agency are the determiners of report content which determines the life of that agency!]

This part is opinion, but also reflects many expressions from many Republicans all over San Diego and in some, balanced newspaper 'letters to editors'.
The Republicans, some more State-Federal Constitution aware than others, do want less government as invasive, counter-'person, property, papers, and effects' via taxation beyond sustainability; has no regard to its own size and lack of response, disorganization, absent accountability, and regulating via appointment spending machines known as departments, commissions, bureaus, boards. 

Regardless, if you want to know the 5W's and H of The Republican Party...come and join-into Ch. Del Beccaros's "California Speaks Out".  The Riverside meeting isn't available yet at CRP's TV site at You Tube; but probably will be soon.  Go Look and then Come!!!  "California Speaks Out" is a terrific opportunity!

"Taking Sides", another man-made definition of Nature's God...

without God or Jesus lessons.  The pyrrhic part is the area I use to teach, or attempt to clarify God, Jesus, and the finest of men and women, who continue -- against odds --- to pursue The Way, The Truth, and The Light which music, especially of Mr Furtwangler's skill and insight, continue to teach, beyond words...the beauty of mankind standing for.....not leaning against understanding, tolerance, and the love that Jesus told each person to "love your enemies".

This movie starts with "Find Furtwangler guilty." from an American. Judging 100% of Germans as gulity of crimes against humanity based on proximity and no other fact is impossible for homo sapiens; but not for God or His Son with their prophets. Regarding the end of film snippit of hand shaking at a celebration for Hitler..what else would those 'judges' expect!? Had they been present, do they honestly think they would have performed a different action than what Mr. Furtwangler did? Which leaves us at the correct conclusion of who is the guilty party of 'taking sides' or more important, judging falsely?  Like the judgement against Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder by all, but one, Supreme Court Justice, this kind of judgement was and is best left with God.  The punishment of an honorable, gifted man making the only choice he could under circumstances; with the dishonor of Justices against another honorable man who gave his life, fortune and sacred Honor to a violator of one of God's first Lessons The Ten Commandments via the 'judgement' of  "expression of public concern" which has virtually nothing to do with religion of  the1828 American Dictionary: "1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion..".

Because "our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor are intrinsic to the 495 year history of this nation from Mayflower Compact, to this day in 2011, or tomorrow, or forever as long as there are "persons" who shall place "My God and My Country are my business." before anything else in their lives. That is the reason one person can and should do all in his/her power for America as " is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.".  The founders believed that this idea is essential to protect the sovereignty of person, property, papers, effects from the vagaries of government out of control; and learning the principles must start at the age of consent +/- 8 yrs. and continue throughout adulthood of citizenship.  So, after Research, Reflect, Relate, and Record with the 5W's andH, for many years, this individual does present the temerity to stand and say the above, below, and other commentaries with thoughts based on All Primary Resources: The Bible, The Declaration, The Constitution, 38 years of professional work, and simply...the Truth does stand! There is no thought except for the dirth of correct knowledge and the accurate, complete "Nature and Nature's God" of our founding documents in handling the 'human nature of governing'.  The dirth is used against the young, naive, adult "too busy" to pay attention, and those who pay attention, as long as the 'focus' is defined by themselves and presented within guidelines defined by the same men as judges - information to the contrary notwith-standing .

The interrogator during "Taking Sides", time and time again, listens only to his narrow information, to his preconceived ideas which probably are a bit more dramatic in the movie than the actual person the interrogator was; although he did support the 'judges' of man.  In 1943, the circumstances would lean in the direction taken with anger much more the determiner, than humanity of person. It would be hard to act otherwise for these judges, but that action only mitigates. Probably more than mitigate, given the horror to persons who happen to be Jewish or not..just happen to be on the wrong side of Nazis. Same true today, it is very hard to realize that the attack on the sovereignty of person is as real as the slaughter of the Jews. These two actions do belong in the same sentence, for the outcomes are the same. 

One comment by skillet1515 does shed additional light: "Simply awful. Extremely historically inaccurate.  In the movie Furtwängler hangs his head in shame and says he regrets not running away in 1934. In reality he did just the opposite. :
"[...] people never needed more, never yearned more to hear Beethoven and his message of freedom and human love, than precisely these Germans, who had to live under Himmlers terror[.] I do not regret having stayed with them."
I wish just one person working on this script had done a little research.".

Thank you for your additional comment. Because Mr. Wilhelm Furtwangler, renowned conductor of Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra made a personal choice with his Sacred Honor during an impossible to imagine period of history, he was judged and sentenced by mankind's societal sense of revenge without the way or the truth. And this continues today.

Today, continuing until all "Zeitgiest" Obama-Soros -thinkers again retreat to their holes in their ground; while the Gift of God -- one person, one at a time, to and with the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost again lead mankind for Knowledge which begats Wisdom to lead all persons back to God.

Not that Furtwangler did the love part..Not At All; but he did do what one person, under the circumstances could do...expecially with "I love my country"... Leaving wasn't an option for Mr. Furtwangler.

In today's US(A), leaving isn't an option either. The worst enemy we have is ourselves allowing one man with a group of like-minded, group-think, absent sovereignty and history, deciding what is best for a nation of 495 years [dated back to its origins as The Mayflower compact] without a Supreme Lawgiver. The Group-minded, cohort think, "zeitgeist: moving forward" [also a you tube movie] have determined their definitions - actions - usurpations - force - with dictatorship via information control.

This combined with another group of people, who genuinely don't believe that 58 founders with God, Jesus, History, could actually write two documents which demonstrate 'governance' meaning "relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance. It consists of either a separate process or part of management or leadership processes." That these 58 men did, in the way, truth, and light, produce the unique in the world application of controlling government via protecting the individual person from the harm that uncontrolled government causes and is witness today here and on this globe.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Metal fatigue, Salmonella, and External Government

"Declaration of Constitutional Principles" states the following:
---In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law,superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it Is Unconstitutional and null and void from inception.
---Only individual persons or corporate "persons" which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.
---An unconstitutional statute is Not a Law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.
---The power to "regulate" commerce includes the powers the license those enterprises which engage in such an exchanges, and to prescribe the form, size, quality, measure, labeling, scheduling, transport, and routing of goods and services, but Not Prohibition of the content or terms of such exchanges. It includes the power to impose Civil Penalties for violations of such regulations, such as fines or loss of licenses, but Not criminal penalties, such as deprivation of life or liberty.

The principle expressed, which is the core or guiding principles from God Old Testament and Jesus New Testament - Common Law - Blackstone - many Philosophers, derives the concept of Internal Government expressed in The Declaration as " assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of nature and of Nature's God entitle them,..." with "We hold these truths to be self evident, ....All men [national and global] are Created equal....endowed by their Creator... with certain unalienable Rights [of homo sapiens or person - global as well as national]...."; and in The Constitution throughout all Articles and Amendments, but stopping short of the "modern" amendments - not to disparage the laws they represent, but only to reflect that the "Wednesday, March 4, 1789" Adoption is sufficient unto itself in view of Internal and External Government. The underlying Constitutional Principle is:
---The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the capacity to regulated its [their] competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity."

Montesquieu concept of the purpose of government is in a model [can't draw it yet] which is an oval "representing the total amount of government or control necessary to protect the basic rights and preserve justice in a society of people. This model applies to any form of society, including a family, a city, a state, or a nation [located anywhere on this Globe]."  The oval is divided into two parts, internal and external government. Internal government's name is as stated above with this addition: "This may also be called self-government and it is the core ingredient of total government. ..if everyone possessed total control of their own actions by not infringing on other's basic rights, there would be no need for external government. Internal government is the voluntary control that each individual has over himself based on his own conscience and self-control."

"..Since this is not possible in this imperfect world, we must supplement the lack of internal government with external government in order to meet the ends of justice and preserve the inalienable rights of [sovereign by God]individuals."   ....External or civil government is involuntary control which uses force..." as power-dictate-coercion-distortion-lie-withheld information- censorship of information - deceit - hate - despise - mob rule. Mr.Obama, the teacher and implementer of Saul Alinsky's idea of governing as: "The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means...." p.29;  "The seventh rule... is that generally success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics...." p.34; The tenth rule... is you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.... It involves sifting the multiple factors which combine in creating the circumstances at any given time... Who, and how many will support the action?... If weapons are needed, then are appropriate d weapons available? Availability of means determines whether you will be underground or above ground; whether you will move quickly or slowly..." p.36. 

Obama's Executive Branch cabinet czars move quickly, relentlessly, not always successfully; but always  completely invisible to any 'We the People', 'We the Elected People legislative' accountability, even though they do use "distort, withhold information, and devious definitions" for the identification of need to "justify"  writing regulations and for presentation to activate promulgation into the 'Federal Code of Regulations' - rarely, if ever, with regard to either The Supreme Law or any Law which intrudes into the czar's definitions.   Notably missed by everyone, bar only those Legislators involved, the President, twice stating in his "State of the Union Address" that all regulations from the Executive Branch would be reviewed.

In Mc Clatchy Newspapers, "FAA: Airline must check for metal fatigue (Tuesday, 4/5/11; front page)" it sounds like the media-control, newspeak is at work via this lead-in style sentence. But as you read pg.A5, you learn that not only has Southwest Airlines already completed and removed 3 metal fatigued Boeings from the 79 already inspected Boeing's and included Boeing models, but also expects to complete its fleet before the 'not in the yet to be published next Tuesday FAA's "emergency directive" '. Before the czars, FAA would not have to write an emergency directive because as the external control government; they KNOW, absolutely, that all airlines are meticulous regarding the guarding of billions of air travelers the world over. The "corporate persons" of internal government would no more have risked/benefited themselves by not inspecting for metal fatigue than an "individual person" would. 

This is a repeat czarist behavior from the One Salmonella Egg in the Largest Egg Manufacturer in the United State's hatching by chickens and included the absent information technique regarding how easily any acid like vinegar or lemon, let alone heat, kills salmonella --- as well as any bacteria, to attempt to make the case for increased inspectors (taxpayer via union-paid and embedded) and regulations. This may have been one of the miscues the czars did not have success. But again, external government of force and control is not necessary. But the external emergency force defined by FAA. is inconsistent with the constitution and the protection of rights of  "corporate persons".  The Egg Company, itself, has good safeguards when you consider one egg in how many billions of the millions of chickens involved... The Egg Company loses its - person, when not utilizing Internal Government control by persons who won't buy eggs from the grocery, only from the local grower (who also distributes to the 'big egg company'). That is Internal control is choice of virtue of good stewardship as well as control via loss of business, reputation, and therefore $$$. 

Next, lets regard the "Drug and Cosmetic Renewal Act".  You might not remember, but this is the one where a Democratic Legislator didn't know there was an open-mic, and said words to the effect of the push-through, illegal nature of this Act, but that's not what is addressed here...because having read the act, as few do public or elected, it became apparent that the Act disregards 'due process' for the 'corporate person' named food manufacturer - let alone drug or cosmetic - because you can't take the food from the original act [title 'Food, Drug, Cosmetic Act'] this act would "Renew", -- is gone. That's right, there is no 'due process' for the license removal to manufacture or produce whatever product comes under the devil's cape of external government's definition of 'violation' via inspectors in less than 72 hours....reduced from 10 days in the original act. Elected Reps. tell me it was fixed...whatever that means since it would be hard for external government to 'fix' anything when 'it' is the sole determiner of the problem in the first place.  'It', via its inspectors with all their power have only to walk into a corporate-person's plant to reak havoc at their force, let alone to justify the inspectors existence to ignore safety process in place by the 'corporate person', in order to place their definition into place and add regulation. Again, Internal Government of food, drug, cosmetic developers, producers, manufacturers have to answer to their own "Mission Statements", risk/benefit, market place opinions, shareholders, and environmental effects for the substances required to produce whatever they are doing or planning to do. For the "individual component of the polity is the person.." statement from "Declaration of Constitutional Principles", there really is more loss from ignoring the competitiveness of the natural rights of internal government; than any regulation or other action by any government city, county, state, or federal. 

In the Department of Education, centralization of external government power is utilized in the regulating, monitoring, defining, and assessing of corporate-person, private post-secondary education, trade schools; and the persons attending these schools. This extension of power, money, rules, regulations continues the Obama goal to Centralized, Executive Branch Government of appointment over 'ordinary legislation' and implement controls which are duplicating already established standards from the Associations of Secondary Education throughout the states, as well as nationally.  Again, external government attempting to establish itself over internal government with its inherent, non-governmental mission and goals of assisting all persons to obtain a trade or occupation or skill.  This secondary education "integrity of education review" is not part of enumerated powers stated in Article I:8, 9, or anywhere else in the Constitution.  

These demonstrations of the 'Czar Effect' - to increase both centralized, external control government and its regulations - abound through virtually every cabinet in this administration, in its formation of commissions, and in the executive orders.  Executive Orders are unconstitutional based on "---Congress does not have the power to delegate its legislative powers to elements of other branches, nor do agencies of the executive branch have the power to adopt "regulations" or "executive orders" that deviate from constitutional legislation adopted by Congress and signed by the President in any way whatsoever. Any such "regulations" or "Executive orders" must be adopted as ordinary legislation before they can become effective. The only exceptions are restrictions on legislation to that part of it which is constitutional, and executive orders that implement legislation for specific cases.  Very few of Obama's "executive orders" have gone through "ordinary legislation" but are adopted and in place.  Wonder at what progress this President has made in his "State of the Union", twice made promise to review all regulations of his cabinets, commissions, agencies!?

"Today, we find that the boundary is being continuously pushed from internal government to greater external government. More control is being relinquished on the local level and given to the federal level. If the boundary continues to shift, there will be a point where the Constitution will no longer serve to preserve ("..the blessings of Liberty..").  It is critical today that people be taught to be self-governing again so that the boundary can be pushed back to the Constitutional [Declaration] model."

'We the people - including elected' currently have 14 Trillion Dollars of debt passing on to at least the next two generations, of yet to be thought of born 2012 babies and their children. While House is attempting a budget that decreases the debt and includes a reduction of 10% 'across the board' in the1300 Departments and Agencies, by $80 billion over 10 years...that is not 10% of 14 Trillion Dollars the 2012 babies will have to contend with. Further, it does not change iota... of the humongous, demand - dictate - define - withheld - distorted - censored - absent 5W&H - that has become the nemesis that describe both the Federal and many State Governments under the 'thorn of Obamaism'.

Notice, elected representatives, regardless of which, where the seats, they are elected to exist, always address themselves as if they are somehow separated from citizens who elected them.... Sort of 'see what we did' or 'See what I did' or many other generalizations which tend to separate America, citizens from  "---A government consists of those "persons"  to whom certain powers held by the citizens in common are delegated, to act as agents for those citizens, exercising only such powers as are delegated to them, and according to their instructions. That delegation and those instructions constitute an extension of the basis social contract called the constitution, which may be written or unwritten."  

Our "Agents" must recognize "Null and Void" in relation to "Patient Protection and Affordable Act"; the actions of 1300 Departments and Agencies with Commissions, functioning as if they are independent of any constitution or even law of the land.  Agencies and Departments which are not included in "enumerated powers" must return to the States: Medicare -Caid, Education, Energy, Interior, Labor, Veteran's Affairs, Council of Economic Advisors, Environmental Protection Agency and any political belief which places itself,  before National Internal Government of person or corporate person's rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, immunities, and privileges.  Now, That would dent, permanently, the 2012 babies and their children of 14 Trillion in Debt.   

This action by the elected agents as 'we the people' would go a long way to returning to the Supreme Law of the Land; its preamble " order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote (Not provide) the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.". 

1. "DECLARATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES, general, specific to the Constitution for the United States" by Jon Roland;  Most of quotes identified by principle above.
2. "Learn and Teach The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution using Original Texts and the Classical Learning Methods(Read, Reflect, Relate, Record) of the Founders" by Joseph Andrews; section regarding internal - external government and outcomes of ignoring.

Seminar on the Constitution (Advanced)

When: Saturday, April 16, 2011
Where: Joslyn Senior Center  
111 Richmar Avenue, San Marcos, CA 92069
Time: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM 
Reserve your space online by registering at, or please call 760-749-1010

Coming in May:    
Seminar on the Constitution
When: Saturday, May 7, 2011
Where: Torrey Pines Christian Church, 8320 La Jolla Scenic Drive North, San Diego, CA
Time: 8:30AM to 3PM
Accommodations: $25 suggested donation for study documents, light lunch, coffee breaks and rental.
Reserve your space online by registering on the contact page or call Carolyn (858-459-0436) or Jackie (619-548-3000) After registering, mail your donation in advance to: The Center for Teaching the Constitution, PO Box 872, San Marcos, CA 92079
From The Center for Teaching the Constitution 
Organize a seminar on the Constitution in your own community. Just find at least 50 patriots and a place to meet. The Center for Teaching the Constitution will provide a speaker to teach the founding principles and energize your group to become beacons of freedom to restore the republic and personal freedom. Go to the contact page to request a seminar.
The Continental Congress has reconvened for the first time since 1776! This historic event took place last year from November 11-22 at St. Charles, Illinois where over 100 delegates from 47 states met to review and document violations of the Constitution and create a plan to restore the Constitution. The plan is called the Articles of Freedom and it consists of 14 resolutions containing instructions to the federal and state governments and recommendations to the people to restore our Constitutional Republic. On April 19, 2010 this document was presented to all 50 state legislatures and the federal government as instructions from the sovereign people to the servant government to comply with the Constitution. We are also encouraging everyone  to go to: and read the articles and sign the pledge.
Web-based Constitution Course (Course P3): Click on courses tab to find 18 preliminary lessons. Video presentations are currently in process. Register on contact page.

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