The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Life or Death, Your 4th Amendment has been REVOKED‏; BUT....

ex·i·gent circumstances

An exigent circumstance, in the American law of criminal procedure, allows law enforcement to enter a structure without a warrant, or if they have a "knock and announce" warrant, without knocking and waiting for refusal under certain circumstances. ....  More »   [from Wikipedia]  AND

["But they had the wrong guy. The drug courier was in another apartment. Hollis King may have been breaking the law, but he was minding his own business, on his own premises, and only became a suspect after the police had made their mistake."]*    BUT:  The police at the hard knock of the door, Could Not Know they had the wrong guy, until they entered the home; but did know who they had followed this same  apartment building.
["But Justice Sam Alito, writing for the 8-1 majority, said, in effect, So what?"]   No.  He said what he said:   ["He wrote: "The Kentucky Supreme Court held that the exigent circumstances rule does not apply in the case at hand because the police should have foreseen that their conduct would prompt the occupants to attempt to destroy evidence. We reject this interpretation"]    -- since King could have simply ignored the knock at the door, or could have opened his door and declined to answer any questions.]".

Be sure you have ALL information with correct definition of important concepts like "exigent circumstances"; and the reason 'exigent' word Must be used.  Otherwise, any suspect person, followed by police; and then interrupted as cause occurs, must be OK to act for the suspect.  Remember probable cause... and the word "unreasonable" in the 4th. Here is Mr. Webster's, 1828 American Dic. definition: "2. Exceeding the bounds of reason; claiming or insisting on more than is fit; as an unreasonable demand.".  'Bounds of reason' were not exceeded.

Here is 'probable cause': "probable cause is the standard by which an officer or agent of the law has the grounds to make an arrest, to conduct a personal or property search, or to obtain a warrant for arrest, etc. when criminal charges are being considered.  It also has standards before a judge will issue a warrant.

No harm - No foul on the Supreme Court Justices on this one. The opposition to the search and seizure is the extreme side of example of OK to do wrong... as long as you can get away with it...which is the argument in this specific case. In other words, the path isn't "unreasonable"; but Not acceptable for suspect to take responsibility of the reason the suspect 'person' is having his door knocked-on... in the first place.

*quotes with brackets are from "Giving too much license to cops" by Michael A. Walsh in New York Post; 5/27/2011.  

And are also a response to Judge Napolitano [whom I rarely disagree], but having heard Justice  Ginsburg   question the Snyder attorney in the Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder case, I immediately watch-out and look for the 'red herring' involved.  Both Scotus are audible and downloadable. Listen for yourselves!

It is easy, especially with limited knowledge, of the wisdom and knowledge - like Proverbs and Jesus, of the Constitution's content; to make leaps just like this one about the 4th.  But watch-out, for there are much more important attacks against the Constitution going on daily here in Sacramento and in the Administration of Obama-Soros-cohorts; that won't reach the courts, or may not be heard with the "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" violated! Unless, we can teach and instruct our "elected-We the People" to challenge in court; and respect that when there is no drums to play in an orchestra planning to play Beethoven's 5th; then there is no Beethoven's 5th ["dum-bum-dee-bum, bum-bum-dee-bum" for those who don't know this opening part].  That relates to Article I:1 ".. a Congress" which is also defined in 1828 Dic. in very musical terms...because: In a Republic - the voice of one person is important. When that voice is absent from the Bill, Act, Statute - that it cannot proceed for signature to law.  There is no "concert of measures for the common good".  The drums do not represent the greater number of instruments in the orchestra; but there is no Beethoven's 5th without them!  

There is no law, when the minority party refuses to sign onto the opinion of the majority. Minority and Majority do not refer to number, but to the constitutional principle of "capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and.." with the Biblical "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." and much more.  The reason Not to increase the "debt ceiling law"; The Dream Act, The "America's Financial Stability Act", most of the Regulations formulated by the 1300 Agencies and Departments under the Czars of this Administration; and the Administration's acts of spending beyond the history of mankind on this globe---any nation-, are all examples of the violation of sovereignty of person -- of person as corp. business --- of State --- of this Nation, as well as many other Nations held under the despotism of demand government; and those who aspire to borderless Nations and Jurisprudence.

This is what Ithis 'person' wants to Teach Everyone.  Yes, "We the People" can make judgments and decisions, given information --- else: Do you really need a judge and attorney to read The Bible?  The persons, nations, parables, laws, Psalms, and virtually every part of The Bible -- is meant to be used Today, Tomorrow, and Forever.  The Bible with The Book of Mormon with The Declaration and The Constitution are all the work of Jesus Christ through the many "Persons" great and small who gave, live, lived and will live for His word with God for Life, Liberty, Happiness and with Obedience to The Father, His Son, and Our Holy Ghost.  The magnificence of these relationships to 'doing right' because one person is important one at a time with Our God and every person related to continuing His Teaching and Labors on our behalf....including the Crucifixion of His Son. That, in itself, an example of government...washing...for number of people. Only Their Magnificence could create such a world for physical homo sapiens with much more important "temporal soul". 

Pray For Our Nation..

we have the government at 2 largest levels which thinks 'it' can use greater number of citizens as votes and green backs as dollars to use its force to dictate to 'We the People' regarding continue invasion of life, liberty, and happiness because 'it says so'.  This is the 'Democracy' the founders so hated...rule by 'mob' rather than principle.

Mob because government choices include controlling letters, numbers, archiving, "person" for Education before "person" of aged of age, disability, and need, and usurping money as taxes without regard for "..actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and .." so amply illustrated by Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking with our President. The absence of:   the 5w's & H with the 4R's of learning;  with principle, virtue, integrity, and religious values of God's Law since the Mayflower Compact chosen by to many 'person's of 'number over principle'.

 Lord, 'Elected We the People' have lost their way; are taking "We the People" with them causing much disrespect, disobedience, harm, and disregard for any principle --- save their own definition of   "The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. ... The real arena is corrupt and bloody." p.24 Handbook for Liberals.".  "

combined with:   “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer. [opening page dedication]”*.

Lord, this "person" knows you will never leave "US' A".  "We the People" ask that you hear US A say 'help our 'Elected We the People' who recognize your words as The Leader of our Great Nation, in deciding whether to give more 'power' with "We the People's" Debt, with the irresponsible subjugation of taxation out of control; and 

applied against 'We the People without regard to any principle of "...person", which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise 'their 10th Amendment', natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to.....regulate [self determination via conscience] 
[government's] actions to avoid depriving others of those rights,..." . '

'We the People' humbly ask for your the name of the Heavenly Father, Amen.

Thursday, May 19, 2011 » Obama Urges Israel to Go Back to 1967 Borders » Obama Urges Israel to Go Back to 1967 Borders

I love all the comments which don't miss Obama's ignorance, disdain, fraudulent OPINION sans fact or sense of Jewish history. One.. Should .. Wonder at Jews who support Obama???!!!!

Don't forget in 2012 [this President should be running to hide --- from Americans] not Obama; nor any of his cohorts in crimes against 391 year old America from The Mayflower Compact! Vote and donate to support...the Republicans!

Who, hopefully, will wake-up from their 'political-minds' to realize "The Party of Principle" needs to Act Now.... That's especially true of the local - county - state organization who want to go 'dark' for this summer months. When voter rolls, precincts, imported aliens for the purpose of union votes who are involved in the creation of this Obama-Soros-SEIU President Administration!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The San Diego County Board of E..d..u....just

took the "Leading First Prize"   in the socialist view of government control by utilizing spoon-fed information from Fallbrook's "Governing" Board in the 4th denial of  'Charter School' formation for Fallbrook Elementary School.. But "it is OK" because the 'partitioners can still go to the State Board; as if that would be an improvement over the Socialist, spoon-fed, distorted, withheld, and flat-out wrong use and reading of Charter Law per CA's E...d...u..code, at the San Diego County Board tonight. Do yourself and your children's children a favor: Take your first opportunity to remove these one-sided excuses of human kind from the responsibility of definition...not to children they sold out to!

Minds made up before the speakers for Fallbrook's petition arrived at the meeting.  All Board Members with properly sealed lips of dismay and sadness, over the sincerity of the over 400 proponents to form the Charter School. As one gentleman Board member said 'We understand how you feel and even agree with the Charter School concept; but we are mandated to follow the recommendations of the governing board'.  Since the vote was decided before the meeting occurred, it could be asked "Why Bother" presenting the concept in the first place.  Charter Law notwithstanding, this Board already decided it would Only consider that part of Charter Law which agreed with the Governing Board - the "Financial 'pull up your pants', Consultant" and its governing board "attorney" which specializes in how to word the law to avoid having facts and truth interfere with the preconceived notions prevalent in today's, union-think, schooling, of not even - politically correct - , simply totally distorted, withheld, and absent the right to speak to change information; or refute the lies prevalent from the governing board's self-defined and righteous indignation that anyone would have the gull to call them irresponsible for ...ooops!  They forgot who they're in business for!  Remember, 5 to 13 year old children - the posterity of Fallbrook and our Nation's future!  Governing Board forever! Union forever! Truth, Sorry Charlie, your not small enough"!!!

Remember that old way to run a meeting?  It's called "Robert's Rules of Order".  It was not necessary at the San Diego County Board of E..d..u.  In fact the proponents of the Fallbrook Charter School were informed their Attorney and Financial Consultant would not be allowed to speak!  How does that grab all of you left-over Americans of Declaration and Constitution ilk!?  I'm furious ... and I did tell them so, during the break!  Hope they have fun looking at themselves in the mirror tomorrow morning!

The Governing Board had about 30 minutes to start, presented their determinations as existed since Day One of the whole Fallbrook Charter petition. Granted, they did lay the groundwork and repeated the law from the appropriate sections of the Edu. Code. The Fallbrook's Governing Board's  stating no less than 3 times, that ONLY what is addressed in the Charter Law would be considered - even though, much of the law is written with "flexibility" because much cannot be done until the Charter is in Place.

The Charter group didn't and doesn't refute any part of that. They don't need to. The Charter Leader refuted the Board with a total of 3 minutes time.  The County Board Chair or President asked for questions or comments from the other Board members:
      A Board member did ask for extended time for more specifics regarding the financial aspects for Fallbrook's Charter, without the financial consultant. 2 minutes more were 'allowed'.

 Sure enough, Robert's Rules abandon! The motion to, again, deny Fallbrook Charter School, was presented and seconded. The Governing Board, to be very clear, was allowed to have Both Attorney and Financial Consultant Input after the Motion is on the floor for the vote!  Fallbrook Charter was not allowed to refute the missed and distorted information presented by the 'financial accountant'.  Fallbrook Charter was not allowed to answer or refute,  after the governing board's person of money management spoke to deride the charter.  And, equally 'stating by the very loud action' as both governing and county board denied the Fallbrook Charter's Attorney and Financial Consultant time, that these two representatives of law and of charter school finance, were not intelligent or well qualified or good enough to be 'allowed' say in support of Fallbrook's children..

 Robert's Rules review:  Present your arguments - both sides - with comments (Fallbrook had one citizen speak for the 400 + ) governing board - no one commented except the presenter. Leader asks for questions or comment from the voting Board.  Financial pro charter is given 2 minutes more - not with attorney or financial consultant -. Motion to "Deny the Chartered to Fallbrook Elementary is made and seconded.".  Governing Board then gets both Attorney and Financial Consultant to speak. Financial consultant gets to deliver incorrect information - because of the '3 times only what is in the petition for Charter' - and continued ignoring of how to read the law from other than the Governing's Board with their self-interest attorney - defining what the Charter School Law states.  So even when Fallbrook presented evidence to support there viewpoint of the same law, that was ignored and the Charter attorney and financial support were disbarred from presenting.   The Single Leader of forming Fallbrook Charter School was also denied the Robert's Rule of answering, the misrepresentations of the Governing's-antichildren in charter school-Financial consultant; as part of discussion in relation to the motion on the floor.  A voice vote was taken and called 'unanimous' by the county board's leader; but then you couldn't really hear - only she could. This listener thinks there were 1 or 2 abstainers who didn't say anything as they looked downward into the the desks they wished would swallow them up!

The Charter School Leader provided evidence in direct relation to the Charter School Education Code as Written in CA Law to completely refute the governing board.  The Fallbrook Charter school was damned before it ever arrived.  The County Board's minds were spoon-fed, unquestioningly made-up, conforming very beautifully to the deaf-wearing blinders-group think of socialist unions.

For each individual member of that County Board: Integrity, be damned! Go for the opposition to those successful for children's education Charter Schools,  and perpetuate the failed education represented by Fallbrook's governing board... by pulling out all the stops. Lets kill [not the literal as in ending life, but kill as in living defined by a few 'human-kind', a.k.a living death of  thought]  those 400+ and more, American-types that think they can get away with stopping union, socialist, "cultural-social-non history-no classical learning of the 4R's with relating and reflecting banned from those 5 to 13 year olds, "zeitgeist" group thinking!