The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Federal deficit $119,554 + California deficit $12,795 =
                 $132,349 per Taxpayer 
and all the propose and add-ons by the equally irresponsible Progressive-                    
                       Socialist-Islam Government aren't counted--yet!

Irresponsible, Child-like behavior from the Majority Party declining to take responsibility for the running of the State they were elected to support along with both Federal and State Constitutions. In the State Constitution, the responsibilities of the Legislature are spelled-out.  Without room for "If you won't play my way. I won't play with there!"; 'throwing up her 3 1/2 y/o head' and costing taxpayers for their employees and sitting time at their respective desks! Neither Constitution makes room for that kind of behavior. It isn't anticipated by the history of Assembly and Senate Members, that such behavior would occur; but given the nature of Progressive-Socialist single-sided; blind to Bills presented by the Minority Party; and deaf to any suggestion that the Majority might have a behavior problem: "After all, isn't that what the Republicans did last year's budget!!??". This mentality is why the $$$$$$ figure deficit will be the responsibility of the next 4-6 generations of both majority and minority parties and includes California citizens; and are placed at the top of this fairly small essay!

Since the Majority Party is not 3 1/2 y/o, an adult style punishment for disrespect in performing the Constitutional Duties of their office is probably overdue and very much in order.  It might have to come from our Governor. He is probably fed-up to well above his head with the 'hold-up' behaviors. BUT the Republicans to protect All Citizens, including themselves, the continued loss of jobs, population, business (which is the reason part of loss tax revenue occurred) and the above facts of Federal And California deficit cost to each taxpayer; WHILE the majority party has one, single answer which "has always worked before! Raise Taxes - again!". The majority party refuses to even begin to look at the cost of retirement for their lovely, union votes that protect their seats in California's Legislature, or the waste of money in duplication, poor communication, and too much personnel in Departments, Commissions, and Bureaus! Imagine, if the majority party had considered a line-item, 5% cut in all of the above before June 15, 2009, it would be nearly complete by now!

The Consequences to the Citizens of this State to both deficits - are of no consequence because of 3 1/2 y/o behavior that doesn't care or...well Mr/Ms/Mrs Citizen of the Majority Party...Ask your favorite Majority Member of Our State Legislature the 5W's and H of that mindset.

This writer sincerely doubts that the MAJORITY party at either the State or Federal Governments, is capable of realizing that each individual's decision to hold office invariably results in Service or taking personal responsibility to the Citizens and to the State or Nation's Constitution they swore to uphold.

Or they may be under the delusion, many in Congress are: That the United States of America is a Democracy and as such, the only election that counts occurred in 2008 and therefore, there is nothing the Minority or un-accepting Majority members can do!

It is certainly very common to hear elected and unelected Americans referring to our Nation as a 'Democracy'; but it is a 'REPUBLIC' We Pledge Our Alligence to; and it is a 'Republic' Article IV:4 refers to: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of....". Here is the Article which addresses changing, amending by one of two methods, the Constitution: Article V which does NOT ADDRESS WINING AN ELECTION AS A METHOD TO CHANGE THE 234Y/O CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

While these facts probably won't change a 3 1/2 y/o child's behavior, maybe holding the salaries and benefits of the Majority Party - not including their employees, will help! Like children, who are born into a 'family' with a myraid of descriptions; adults working for the Majority Party, have No Control or Say Over the Decisions their parents or Legislative Members make. It is Certain to get their attention. It might even get them to respect "..just powers derived from the consent of the governed.." but don't hold your breath.

Governor Schwarzenegger, could you write an Executive Order from June 15 to date, to hold their pay, for the Majority of Elected Assembly-members and Senators who deem their opinions more important than their responsibility to the State Constitution and Citizens of Our State of California?? We the Taxpayers, protected by the Minority Party, would appreciate the action very much!

Thank you, Governor Schwarzenegger, for considering holding the pay of the Majority Party Members from June 15 to date the majority party begins to resume their responsibilities to the Citizens and Constitution of California.

Catherine E. West, a Patriot and Native-Born Californian


Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Insults of "America's Financial Stability Act"...

is more Un-Constitutional than "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" and requires REPEAL - ASAP - Even Before "Patient Protection... "!!!!   In fact, it is a un-noticed 2 way insult to Every Individual American including Congress-Members, regardless of Party, that has occurred in our history from the landing of the Mayflower!!!

Insult #1) The Writers of the "America's Financial Stability Act" (there were NO Cosponsors of this Act) were contributors to the "Bubble's" damage and have among the lowest ethical concerns in Congress. And Every Single Member of Congress including American Individuals - Sen. Dodd and Rep. Frank - Know This!

Insult #2)  As everyone is pointing out - "America's Financial Security Act" leaves out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,  one reason:  the names of the authors of this gigantic, deceitful document about our financial system which Shall continue to Flounder until this Administration can figure out "This Administration Is The Problem". Another reason:  The Executive Branch of this Obama/Alinsky-Cloward/Piven  - Already Controls Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through the real estate home loans  and modification programs.

 'We the People' can continue "Remember in November"! And Please "Keep the Feet to the Fire" for every individual American, and against every Congress-member, "We finally got them back in Line!", supporter of the Obama Regime.

Please Continue to E-mail, Fax, and Phone - every Single Congress-member who chose this Man named Obama who Is Of The Islamic Religion, before the United States of America. Mr. Obama acting against security of person, home, property, and effects, sans respect for Private property and 'due process' against Chrysler's CEO; and while acknowledging that British Petroleum is taking responsibility, but not enough to prevent a $20 Billion Slush Fund monitored by Obama's Czars; or Before the Cause is known; and yelling crook, lier and "Worse spill in United States History" of Gulf Oil Spill "not more than 180,000,000 barrels (Wed.AP news) (which did not spill more than Exxon Valdez 250,000,000 barrels and the Gulf is Not in sub-zero temperatures!); interference with ICE and Borders with Executive Branch of United States Government vs. Arizona lawsuit; along with (actually this might be a good thing, meant to be bad!!) City Councils, Baseball, H.S Sports Finals, California State (against Federal Law - Sovereign State acting against another Sovereign State and With Another Nation) with Mexico to re-schedule a border meeting suppose to take place in Arizona!

Reason why a good thing in disguise?  Look At The Leaders Of All Those Involved In The Decisions: Before Trial - and Remember November or Spring or Next Election; -- and in the case of Baseball - let the Commissioner Know that  #1: Mexican ballplayers do not make a majority of Americans! In the case of the High School Playoff - girls team; - Remember who Runs for the School Board and who is involved. Voice Opposition and that there IS NOTHING IN ANY OF THESE OTHER EXTRA-CURRICULAR, NON-ELECTED AND  ELECTED PERSONS WHICH ALLOWS THEM TO SPEAK JUDGEMENT AND OPINION FOR THE VOTERS OF THEIR CITY, OR THE CITIZENS OF THEIR STATES, AND FAMILIES OF ALL THOSE INDIVIDUALS AFFECTED BY THOSE JUDGMENTS AND OPINIONS!  Remember the ethics of Opinion* and Judgement*: Yes, everyone does have a Right to their Opinion; But everyone also Has The Responsibility to Honor themselves and others By Acknowledging the Wrong When the Opinion is Wrong, especially when some or any of the facts are presented with deceit.

Judgement is Different because it belongs to God and He says "Judge Not That Ye Be Judged.." and maybe you don't heed his Words...That is your opinion and choice, but non-buyer Beware!   I realize that our Courts and Judges cannot function without the word 'Judgement' and that it is a separate use from its Biblical sense; i.e Judgement Day. God teaches exactly what the first paragraph of the Declaration: "When in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People....and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent* Respect to the Opinions of Mankind...".

"America's Financial Stability Act" is opinions and judgments based on deceit, one-sided arguments, and silence without acceptance when arguments against this Act were presented. Like the Oil Rig Commission, it will be run by ignorant of business members of the Executive or Legislative Branch(es) of a one-sided, Socialistic government with 'world order' defined by one or two men, the most important "means defined by Alinsky" to be obtained.

The Truth and Verbal fight against the Progressive-Socialist-Islam Viewpoint will continue after 2012 because of the number of octopus's suction cups on all 8 arms and the size of this particular animal who has been growing for a long time.  Americans and Americans elected to office, must understand the great difference between religion and ethics of our Founders and practiced all the way through the mid-1930's; and the Nature of the Negative of Political Party which Progressives, et. al. represent.  Don't misunderstand, Republicans, because of their small government, less taxes, personal responsibility, and free trade are and have been defending US(A) since this Administration with its lemming Party members, went haywire into submission 02/01/09; but since the "Numbers Game" takes precedence over our Republic's Substance of Issue and Candidate, they haven't been able to win, but have been able to stall Obama & company to the degree of today's weekly Speech by Obama.

Congratulations for your very hard work and keep it up -- excluding the Delaware side show Republicans who need to have their heads examined, but they wiill be back when they wake up from "Rip van Wrinkle"!

*As always, when using our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, it is very important to look and regard the meanings of words in the time of usage via Noah Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language"(1828):

OPINION: "1. The judgment which the mind forms of any proposition, statement, theory or event, the truth or falsehood of which is supported by a degree of evidence that renders it probably, but does not produce absolute knowledge or certainty. It has been a received opinion that all matter is comprised in four elements. This opinion is proved by many discoveries to be false. From circumstances we form opinions respecting future events.
Opinion is when the assent of the understanding is so far gained by evidence of probability, that it rather inclines to one persuasion than to another, yet not without a mixture of uncertainty or doubting.
2. The judgment or sentiments which the mind forms of persons or their qualities. We speak of a good opinion, a favorable opinion, a bad opinion, a private opinion, and public or general opinion, &c.
Friendship gives a man a peculiar right and claim to the good opinion of his friend.
3. Settled judgment or persuasion; as religious opinions; political opinion.(3 OF 9 definitions)

JUDG'MENT, n. The act of judging; the act or process of the mind in comparing its ideas, to find their agreement or disagreement, and to ascertain truth; or the process of examining facts and arguments, to ascertain propriety and justice; or the process of examining the relations between one proposition and another.
1. The faculty of the mind by which man is enabled to compare ideas and ascertain the relations of terms and propositions; as a man of clear judgment or sound judgment. The judgment may be biased by prejudice. Judgment supplies the want of certain knowledge.
2. The determination of the mind, formed from comparing the relations of ideas, or the comparison of facts and arguments. In the formation of our judgments, we should be careful to weigh and compare all the facts connected with the subject.
3. In law, the sentence of doom pronounced in any cause, civil or criminal, by the judge or court by which it is tried. Judgment may be rendered on demurrer, on a verdict, on a confession or default, or on a non-suit. Judgment, though pronounced by the judge or court, is properly the determination or sentence of the law. A pardon may be pleaded in arrest of judgment.

decent - adverb for decency in Latin: DE'CENCY, n. [L. to be fit or becoming; Gr. to be good, or fit for.]  decent (Oxford Dictionary) Propriety:  2. Fitness; suitableness; appropriateness; consonance with established principles, rules or customs; justness; accuracy. Propriety of conduct, in a moral sense, consists in its conformity to the moral law; propriety of behavior, consists in conformity to the established rules of decorum; propriety in language, is correctness in the use of words and phrases, according to established usage, which constitutes the rule of speaking and writing.

Respect  n.:  2. That estimation or honor in which men hold the distinguished worth or substantial good qualities of others. It expresses less than reverence and veneration, which regard elders and superiors; whereas respect may regard juniors and inferiors.  3.  That estimation or honor in which men hold the distinguished worth or substantial good qualities of others. It expresses less than reverence and veneration, which regard elders and superiors; whereas respect may regard juniors and inferiors.  8. Relation; regard; reference; followed by of, but more properly by to  
Respect to the Opinions of Mankind...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Problem with All 3 of the 11, 14, 25 is the Same....

NUMBERS! With its opposition: SUBSTANCE: Content or Essence of Proposition - Bill - Act;  and of the Individual Candidate or Office Holder, regardless of level of 'Federated Form'of governing. That Individual's core, as in his/her ethics, service, religion applied to the issues, pro-con arguments, resources for thoughtful decision-making,  and as service to the Nation of  'We the people' First. Then that Individual's accountability to the elected or appointed role and position, because the Party Membership describes the Ethics and religion viewpoint of the whole via Platform and actions taken over time; and then the Candidate-Office Holder's 'Issue at hand' to determine the merits of the Legislature or Congress which is the Republic of our Nation: Duty, Honor, Country!

NUMBERS are simple and short: in polls, surveys = decision regarding directions for legislation, issues, who might be in 1st or 2nd place. In Candidates during Primary = simply the greater NUMBER of First and Second Place voter's votes with the Candidate not required to state party affiliation or ethics-accountability, or the 5W's& H of his/her SUBSTANCE. In Propositions, simply who spends or yells the loudest without regard for the Ethics or SUBSTANCE.  #14 does not recognize the Political Party's Process for determining and Role in informing Voters of the SUBSTANCE of a Candidate, Issue, Proposition.

Proposition 14 is the form of Democracy which at the State and Federal levels of government often result in confusion, redistribution of money or business; redo of old thoughts: Social Justice; more government power because the NUMBERS Cannot and Shall Not address or substitute for SUBSTANCE.  That's is the reason the Health Act, The re-do of the Supreme Court's decision that a corporation is an individual and therefore can donate or interact in an election to help a candidate who would not become an Obama-type; or that a government 'watchdog' is much better at business than business is at its own ethics!

Most important Next Tuesday, July 20, 2010, NUMBERS, unless Democrats (not about Party - but ends up that way because Republicans Will Not compromise Justice and the Court of Last Resort to politics), not SUBSTANCE may Seat a Justice on the Supreme Court who is without SUBSTANCE demonstrating her belief in other than the United States Constitution, and therefore the ethics and religion   expressed in the Principles written in The Declaration of Independence. Because of this President's politics and nominee, the "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" may not be found UnConstitutional because should she pass without SUBSTANCE; she shall support The Progressive Political Party before the United States of America.

Numbers without SUBSTANCE are very misleading, incorrect, and depose the SUBSTANCE of our 234 year old Republic Government.

Comment Before Article from "FOX AND HOUNDS":

Do 11 and 14 Add Up to 25?

Joe Mathews's picture
Journalist and Irvine senior fellow at the New America Foundation. He is co-author of California Crackup: How Reform Broke the Golden State and How We Can Fix It (UC Press, 2010).
Prop 25, the November ballot initiative to permit budget bills to pass with a majority vote instead of 2/3, also represents something of a referendum on two recent voter-approved measures, Prop 11 and Prop 14.
Prop 11, the redistricting reform initiative passed in 2008, and Prop 14, the just-approved top-two primary, were pushed through in hopes of creating a legislature that would be more effective, representative, and ultimately trustworthy.
But do voters, having changed how legislative districts are drawn and candidates are elected, feel better enough about the legislature to give them more room to maneuver?
Prop 25, by making it easier for legislative majorities to pass a budget, calls that question.
Longtime readers know I'm sympathetic to Prop 25's goal of removing the 2/3-supermajority requirement from the state's budget system. (I'd like Prop 25 even more if it removed the supermajority requirements for taxes, as its opponents claim it does -- claims that seem dubious when one reads the plain language of the measure).
And I think that the state's reform community has been right about one thing: creating a more effective and more representative legislature through political reform must come before we make changes to the budget system.
However: as a matter of politics and of reality, I fear that Prop 11 and Prop 14 have not done enough to change the system and give voters the confidence in the legislature they need to go ahead and approve something like Prop 25.
Part of the trouble is that the reforms in Prop 11 and Prop 14 have yet to take effect. The other part of the trouble is that the two measures, for all their virtues, are unlikely to make big changes in how our legislature operates. The intense partisanship of both parties and the sorting of Californians into like-minded communities will make it extraordinarily difficult to produce more competitive legislative districts. And there's little evidence that Prop 14's change in primary rules will produce more than a few moderates-and it's far from clear that electing more moderates will fix the legislature.
Prop 25, in a way, suffers from the same disease as Prop 11 and Prop 14-it's a fine, but not quite good enough to change much measure. In fact, by making it easier to pass spending while keeping the 2/3 restriction for new revenues that makes it so difficult to raise taxes, Prop 25 could make deficits worse.
What would be a better approach? Begin with a deeper change in legislative elections, by scrapping our current system of single-member districts elected in first-past-the-post plurality contests. Replace it with a system of multi-member districts that represent the distinct regions of California and elect at least some of those members proportionally, so that everyone has representation and so that the parties compete everywhere.
Once those sorts of reforms make the legislature more representative, then you move on the supermajorities - and not just the budget two-thirds rule, but similar rules that limit the legislature's room to maneuver on tax hikes, education spending, local government funding and transportation.
For now, don't hold your breath waiting for 11 and 14 to add up to 25.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ch. Steele is correct about Afghanistan! It is Obama's War. Reason is difference between reason Mr. Bush and Chaney iidentifed the (Middle East) War "WE hold these Truths to be self-evident... endowed by their Creator"  vs. Obama's yes all men should be free; but that's not a reason to stay in Afghanistan especially with all the crooks and liers in the President's government. It is important to realize that with "no Universal Truth" there is no possibility to come to leadership in the direction of the individuality of a small nation with only one identity -opium; and no information about how to change direction.  The differences between Iraq and Afghanistan remain immense.  No nation supporting Afghanistan's Independence is ready to admit that there is no defeat of Taliban or any enemy of Afghanistan if the people in the villages or the leaders cannot identify a direction to grow (agriculture., manufacturing, wireless..?). Afghanistan cannot keep independence from Radical Islam without other nation's help.  General Patraeus, as was Ambassador Crocker, has been following Mr. Bush and Chaney's road as was the State Department. The development of basic food, clothing, education is so far behind, that progress is painfully slow - even with the best of Promoting national independence!  Obama's adding a traditional battle general, is a Marine, but battles won't end just because this President doesn't like to use the words Radical Islam with every bit of the lawless, borderless,  tyranny it represents.

Our Nation with our allies cannot change the way Afghanistan has lost its identity and its direction; that it also holds a central location in the Middle east remains. Which means Iraq, like Israel, is a surrounded nation by  segment called Afghanistan.

That is why Afghanistan Is Obama's War!  And that is the fact Ch. Steele was referring to..  Although, I'm not sure anyone is left who understands that Iraq becoming more Independent or with improved balance between its Islamic religion and its independence, will help the entire area called the Middle East.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Holder is Disturbed; K.S Mohammed probably isn't; & punishment Holder..

Holder: 'Political' Response in Congress to Sept. 11 Trial 'Disturbs Me'

Published July 11, 2010
Attorney General Eric Holder on Sunday accused Democrats and Republicans in Congress of politicizing the trial of the alleged Sept. 11 mastermind, saying it "disturbs me a great deal" that their bickering has disrupted the administration's timetable for dealing with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators. 
In unusually blunt language, the attorney general expressed deep frustration with the way Congress has kicked around his trial plans. Holder announced last year that he wanted to try Mohammed and four other defendants in civilian courts in New York City, but the idea generated so much bipartisan controversy that it's all but been abandoned. 
Holder, speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation," suggested Congress was toying with America's safety. 
"The politicization of this issue, when we're dealing with ultimate national security issues, is something that disturbs me a great deal," Holder said. "We're dealing with the deaths of 3,000 people on September the 11th. We're dealing with the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, a person who was a key part of Al Qaeda. 
"And to have Republicans and Democrats arguing about this in a political way, as opposed to dealing with the substance that we have to really focus on, is something that I think is regrettable and has resulted, I think, in the delays that we have seen," Holder said. 

The attorney general claimed the administration was still reviewing its options for the appropriate forum and location for the trial. Though some lawmakers have said the military tribunals are the perfect venue, Holder said the civilian system has tried hundreds of terrorists and that it would be "very dangerous" to take that option out of the Justice Department's legal toolbox. 
He also said there's a real question about whether a terrorist suspect such as Mohammed can face the death penalty if he were to plead guilty before a military commission. He said that while it's possible to impose the death penalty in a civilian setting for someone who pleads guilty, there's far less legal certainty about that possibility in a military setting. 
Holder said, "people in Congress need to work with us in the Executive Branch" to find a way to bring the suspects to trial. "Justice has been denied too long," he said. 
Since January, Holder has said that all options are on the table about where to try Mohammed and the four other terrorist suspects. That includes the possibility of having them go before a military commission at the U.S. Navy base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where they are now held.
Mohammed, who was captured in Pakistan in 2003, has proclaimed his involvement in the Sept. 11 plot and has said he wants to plead guilty and be executed, achieving what he views as martyrdom. 
The attorney general said the Obama administration is working through issues about a site for the proceedings, taking into account the need for Congress to approve funding and trying to address concerns expressed by local officials. 
"As soon as we can" resolve those issues, "we will make a decision as to where that trial will occur," Holder said. 
The attorney general also said it is his hope that Congress provides money to move Guantanamo detainees to a new location in Thomson, Ill., where an underused state prison now exists. 
"There is no reason to believe that people held in Guantanamo cannot be held wherever we put them in the United States. Again, very safely and very effectively," Holder said. 
The need for congressional approval of the money for the project stands in the way of doing so, with Republicans and some Democrats objecting to bringing those prisoners into the United States. 
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

 Typical of Progressive Socialists!  How could, anyone, argue with spending money on transportation, safety, guards, time, relocation, prison rebuilt for increased security and for trial location as well; for the 'ringleader' of the deaths of 3000+ innocent individuals people from here, and many other places in the world, to say nothing of the cascading life-changes resulting to those left behind!?  Imagine leaving the prisoners on an island not to unlike France's prison for Bonaparte or the French prison that is also an island - totally!  And the Armed Forces Court of Law less likely to give the death sentence?  Because not giving 'this assistant in murder' the 'death sentence' prevents him from dying a hero's death in Radical Islam!  Armed Services court is well aware of this side-bar; this Administration would like forgotten!  Life in prison without parole is a punishment that this man deserves.

 Nope, there is another more important reason - not to be said in public.  It is another of those "they wouldn't understand" like the disastrous 'health act'!  Actually, I'd say it; and it should be said because it would explain a lot of interventions and choices made.

And then there is the 'blame game' regarding delays because "Remember in November" is 15 weeks away and those interfering, minority Republicans keep stopping things from happening! And now the left of center Democrats have found their voices because they, too, are American!  One doesn't get American's Angry by Calling our Nation Irreligious,  or other names all of which are more true of this small group of name-calling, small number of so called Americans of Socialist belief.  But then, it is much more to this Administration's word games to call their own disarray "due to politics as the risk of safety of this nation"!