The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Where is the "wrath of God"?..

Tarek Fatah Talk at ideacity 2011 above URL

"..God's righteousness is revealed in it by faith and for faith--- as it is written, by faith shall the righteous live. But God's (wrath) is revealed from heaven against all impiety and wickedness of those who hinder the Truth by their wickedness. For whatever is to be known of  God is plain to them; God himself has made it plain---forever since the world was created, his invisible nature, his everlasting power and divine being.... . So they have no excuse. Though they knew God....they turned to futile speculations till their ignorant minds grew dark. They claim to be wise, but they have become fools; they have exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the semblance of the likeness of mortal man, of birds, of quadrupeds, and of reptiles. ..(from Romans 1:18-22)[James Moffatt, Hon.D.D., D. Litt;  translation of The Bible; 1952]".

  Patriots and Veterans of America 

National Call to Action Alert

Demand to Restore our Constitutional Republic

Waking the Sleeping Giant

This is a National Call to Battle and a National Call to Action

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is portrayed at the very end of the 1970 film Tora! Tora! Tora!, and in the 2001 filmPearl Harbor, as saying after his attack on Pearl Harbor, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." The quotation was abbreviated in the film Pearl Harbor (2001), where it merely read, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant."

Our first article in this series was to create an alert for the American people that we must awake from our slumber and re-establish the Republic "for which it stands" before it is too late.

In hard times, as in war, questions arise that were once considered taboo. As we approach $15 trillion run up in aggregate national debt and confront the reality of a welfare socialist state a rendezvous with brutal reality is upon us. Now, we must demand Patriots and Veterans (the backbone of America) stand up and sound a Paul Revere call to all people in your towns and communities that America is in serious jeopardy of being destroyed before our very eyes. The real threats to our country must be realized by all and action taken before unrecoverable damage occurs.

We are calling up the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), the American Legion, Rolling Thunder/Bikers, NASCAR crews/fans, all the Armed Forces organizations, members of the NRA, Gun Owners associations, American Hunters, Horsemen and horsewomen across the country and all other Patriots to write letters to editors, call radio talk shows, announce on blogs, alert church leaders, organize weekly demonstrations, march in Washington, DC and your State Capitols. It is time for the trumpets and bugles to wake the Sleeping giant before it is too late. Whatever it takes to get the job done is required as the longevity of America and the Founding Fathers is in great jeopardy.

We listen to the unfolding budget/debt issues, more negative news each and every morning and the continuing ineptness so clearly on display by our elected and appointed leaders. At once, while struck with horror, I now feel strangely disconnected from the passions it stirs in me. I walk the river near my home with my dog into the sunshine of Montana and I want, and expect something to be occurring in this country that will awake America today. Even here in the beautiful and rugged mountains of western Montana people are hiking, golfing, strolling, smiling and acting as if nothing of any momentous consequence is occurring in or outside the United States. Our belief in our safety and security is being shattered, yet strangely, people seem to continue as if there is nothing to worry about too deeply.

Personally, I do not believe in turning the other cheek. Yet, I do not want to become what I so despise - a fanatic driven by virulence and hatred as to do violence. I do not sanction any kind of fanaticism, because fanaticism feeds on itself and is driven by blind emotion. It demands unquestioning obedience and intolerance, rather than acceptance of diverse and genuine viewpoints. However, I do not believe in passivity either. Nothing goes away until you are willing to take a stand that says: "you may not cross this line because if you do, this will be the consequence". Well, I am convinced that an unacceptable line has been crossed. You hurt my people, you hurt my country - you hurt me.

I do not excuse dishonesty, corruptness, and behavior by members of Congress and the White House. Behavior counts, character counts! If a child of mine is threatened, I become a lion. If my people are threatened I feel a personal sense of violation that I need to react to in much the same way. If my country is threatened, my patriotism soars to its highest level, and my blood boils. Punishment for this transgression of my person and my country's boundaries and way-of-life is essential; it is in my opinion, mandatory as a citizen. Instead of our current dissolution and chaos, we must reunite and roar like the lion we are, the father who is reacting to a wrong done to his child.

Enough politicking and talk. Action is crucial.

The Patriots UnionVeteran Defenders of America and Stand Up America need you and demand from our hearts that Patriots and Veterans join us now. The U.S. Patriots Union is the rally point for all decent American patriots. The Veteran Defenders of America is the rally point for all former service men and women, and all veterans. We must counter the threats as we see them today. This is a national threat assessment that you will not see anywhere but here. Yet, it is the most honest assessment of the many threats to American freedom, liberty and prosperity today.
  • Corrupt and Dysfunctional U.S. Government - Barack Obama and his team of Progressive Socialists/Communists
  • U.S. Economic Collapse
  • Moral and Cultural Decay in the USA
  • Broken National Borders
  • Iran and its Middle East proxies
  • Radical Islam and the Global Caliphate; Al Qaeda's surge
  • Willful Constitutional violations
  • Anti-American progressive liberal educational system at all levels
Enough politicking and talk. Action is crucial. We have been so afraid to be the lion, afraid to be seen as a bad guy, that we have NOT drawn the line in the sand and said: "you may not cross this line or these are the consequences". To take a stand is not being a bad guy. It is quite the opposite, it is to be lauded; taking a stand with very clearly defined national goals and objectives are being responsible. We need to do more than simply reacting; we need to be pro-active and pre-emptive.

A joint formal announcement concerning a demand for immediate restoration of our Constitutional Republic will be issued by the Veterans Council of Patriots Union in the coming days. We call upon ALL patriots and veterans to join together for a joint demand and action initiative to restore the Republic.

I want to see our people; our fellow citizens do just that, not just as a reaction to the current economic and security threats, but on a continual basis defending against internal (domestic) elements of national suicide and destruction. It's the equivalent of being a parent who is afraid of being firm and setting boundaries, letting their child run out of control for fear we may be thought the ogre, and reacts only situation by situation, each time confirming softness instead of resolve. That parent needs to step back, size up the situation and say this is what MUST be done now, so not to face it again. We must change our political philosophy, awaken from our lethargic state, erase our apathy and above all, we must abide by our well designed Constitution.

We must replace the leadership of this country now by demanding resignations, exposing and trying political criminals, filing legal actions and replacing those people in positions of power with a new team of Warrior Leaders. I believe we must reclaim our status as courageous warriors, as outraged fighters, as the parents of the child that has been set upon, and say to those that have crossed the line and caused us pain: "there will be reprisal and punishment".

In our American Exceptionalism, one borne of varied and mixed cultures, peoples with differing origins, of diverse religious affiliations; the need to put aside our petty differences which keep our combined culture fragmented, is crucial. I am one of those "Sleeping Giants" that has been awakened and want you to be awakened, and join me as a "Sleeping Giant" freshly awoken, a giant no longer asleep that sees the light of day before it is too late and is willing to ACT.

Please America; help us stir the "Sleeping Giant".


By MG Paul Vallely and Released by the Patriots Union and Veteran Defenders of America
July 31, 2011

George Soros, B. Obama, The czars of Obama's Cabinet with 2600 other agencies which act through regulation without Rule of Law in preventing-slowing-ceasing-continuing our nation's assets and the life, liberty, and happiness of each, sovereign American:  in R and D -  exploration of outer space,  of assets of mining and petroleum, nuclear energy; choices in business for profit without government interference;  indoctrination of children disguised as education without God or God as integral with our Nation through Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States and each of the Sovereign States- but OK Islam and sexual deviation - thus perpetrating lie, deceit, censorship against their learning; and in our colleges where graduation depends on agreeing with a professor who holds an "opinion without interference".  Socialism of these groups of men/mankind, declare their independence and denigration of God's Laws and the usurpation of the life, liberty and happiness of the sovereignty Nations on this globe completely absent the citizens which form the structure of the nations via the United Nations as expressed in its "Charter" and its "Statement of Principles". The UN with this nation's current President and Congressional supporters and Cabinet members act against our nation via "Agenda 21"; "Children's Rights"; economic - environmental- jurisprudence- without any vote of citizen..nor even support of many of the Nation's citizens resulting in governing via leadership of by nation without God's Laws and without the consent of the governed. The socialism of the UN with support of the Socialist - Obama government has actively entered into the ruling by force of life, liberty and happiness which is forbidden by The Constitution of the United States of America. Both turn their backs on any form of "Rule of Law" preferring their  own definition of group, of life, and of what liberty will consist under their rule.

With these stated and more reasons, and as both Tarek Fatah speech in Canada and the above "National Call to Action Alert -- Demand Restoration of our Constitutional Republic" state.... "We the People" must act -- now!!

God's wrath is all around working to have each one of US(A) see that righteousness is protected by each one of US as person, working together to become one great very aware awake Giant.  It isn't that God is absent in His wrath.  We are His Children. As "Our Father who art in heaven..", He must Let His children speak against this evil of absent Truth, Way, and Light each one person owns a gifts from our Father.Else, how can His children stand and deliver for 'thyself', the belief, trust, and faith in our Lord and Father has spent the last 400 years evolving for each-one-person-one-at-a-time in God and in our Nation. Our Father is standing and waiting for 'the person' to join the State and the nation to eradicate the enemy which is within.

 This enemy is not in the United States, alone. It is Global and it is organized and directed by God's opposite anti-Christ known by many names in antiquity and as real persons of yesterday, today, and all the tomorrows of our posterity as Nations on this Globe..  The United States of America is God's Leading Nation on this Globe, though in Truth, Great Britain is in 2010-11-12,  the Leader of "Religion and Morality" required of all nations - This demonstrated by it Not joining in the 4 against Israel and not following the UN's intrusion into the affairs of the sovereignty of its self as The Great Nation it is.  Much of Western Europe, as well Japan and probably S.. Korea, has no intention of following the UN down its force-dictate-definition-determining of direction and goals all Nations - with the United States - "shall" take...because it says so..along with the Soros-Obama Open 'Society of "zeitgeist".

This "RETURN" to "Religion and Integrity" begins with our nation. The "Call to Action" is a real as the requirement that Mr. Fatah addresses toward the end...when you hear someone identifying a "radical islamic" as being called a "right-wing, xenophobic, racist rant."

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Nehemiah and Today’s Nationl, International Threats..

Nehemiah and Today’s Nationl, International Threats..
“..Jeruselum lies waste and gates are burned with fire...” How Nehemiah teaches problem, assessment (both subjective and objective),  intervention with opposition, goal with validation and outcomes all along this Chapter of Nehemiah.  Why understanding this Chapter is important to our Nation and Globe.  It is God’s purpose to Teach from what Nehemiah lived at that time of history in the Middle East.  Nehemiah was actively living and applying God’s will by intervening with would become the help of rulers, Jews, priests, nobles, or “rest that did work”.

This Same is as True if Nehemiah was looking upon our Nation’s enemy within, enemy outside - so easily mislead.

Problem: Nehemiah speaks to King Artazerkis regarding the above statement. He receives from the King what he needs, goes alone with “with his beast under him” to view all the damage.

Assessment: Initially alone or one “person”, he told no-one “what God put to my heart to do”; and used the night to perform his damage assessment.

Intervention:   Then Nehemia spoke included himself as “Ye see the distress WE are in..” by repeating the assessment he completed.

Then, when ready he told all of them What “distress that we are in”; How Jerusalem lieth waste and the gates thereof are burned with fire.. “. Then with total inclusive action “come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach..”.

Nehemiah then made “..the hand of my God was good upon me; as also the King’s words that has spoken unto me.”.  They answered “Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”

Opposition to problem and assessment occurs more than once throughout the process of attaining Goal: Nehemiah’s arch enemy, Sanballet -an Horonite, Tobias - a servant , and Geshem - an Arabian, “..they laughed us to scorn, and despised us, and said, What is this thing that ye do? Will ye rebel against the king?” It also “grieved them there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.”.

Nehamiah answers with: “The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build; but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.”.

Repeating: This same is true today, as if Nehemiah work continues. His work is demonstrated by  speaking of : “gates of fire”, “walls broken down”, “dung port”; used in this essay as analogous to turning away from Truth; in favor of Crime as “an act which violates a law human or divine, a rule of moral duty, or any rule of duty plainly implied in those laws. A crime may consist in omission, neglect, commission, and positive transgression.”

All four are consistently occurring Nationally, among nations, and intrinsic to the ambitions of global government - United Nations.  While ignorance of Crime - at least divine - is not an excuse for any one part of these large Unit’ actions, it does enhance the ability for these crimes to continue - unabated resulting in loss of ‘Freedom’ which does mean divine law, as well as man’s unalienable right to “Life, Liberty, and Happiness” for “person” under God .. or even moral duty.

Here are some examples:
— United Nation’s Affirmation of:   “freedom of opinion without interference” - A4 of WSIS 12/2006 and before.  In America, We hear it as the tenet:  “Everyone has a right to an opinion”. This ‘imperative tenet’ is an absolute ‘form of principle’ which is not truth (tenet can be either true or untrue). Imperative because it is the only word that allows the “External Government” of force, dictate, demand, and coercion, or the government form of Socialism disguised as the ‘will of the people by democracy or collective mass,  group-think’, to coexist with governments which respect God’s Law with Justice for sovereignty of person.

Definition is important. Whether from The Bible’s Dictionary, Noah Webster’s “1828 American Dictionary of the English Language”, from Oxford’s Dictionary; and often looking up the same word in 1828 along with 2011 Oxford lends greater understanding both to the definition and to how the definition is used, or not with omission, neglect, commission or positive transgression.  From Wikipedia definition of: “Opinion:  In general, an opinion is a subjective belief, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts.”  Subjective refers to a ‘person’ or ‘persons’ particular feelings, perspective, understanding, beliefs and desires. “It may refer to unsubstantiated information, in contrast to knowledge and fact-based beliefs.”.

From Nehemiah: the actions which caused to gates to be on fire and the walls of Jerusalem to fall, along with Sanballat’s worry of loss of power over Nehemiah’s seek the welfare of the children of Israel are expression of the perspective - beliefs - desires of Sanballat or any person-persons with the External Government requirement. Note that the servant, Tobias, and Greshem from Arabia sort-of stand off to the side, i.e. aren’t really centered, but are present for Sanballat’s outcry?  That’s is what appears to equate to United Nations and America’s collusion to Socialism with omission, neglect, commission and transgression ‘any person(servant)’ as citizen-nation or Greshem intrinsic nation (Arabia).  Most nation’s have no idea what the UN is growing into because they are busy trying to survive financial and citizen disaster - with at least one exception: Great Britain who is not missing one iota of the crimes as actions of UN-Socialism here in America- and attack on Israel.

Today, National, International, and the organization of Nations under the UN take actions by crimes of omission-neglect- commission and positive transgression and principle expressed as tenet: “opinion without interference” with actions into determining:
—  “The rights of Children’ over parents;
— entering into the world of cyber-space, economics;
— environment ‘belief in a tenet named - ‘global warming’ with application of the parts via fine and jurisprudence including “Agency 21's so-called “soft treaty”.

God’s Law is not present in any part of the UN Charter or Statement of Principles or any part of UN actions; but does address “social progress”; and in The Preamble, does speak to “fundamental human rights, ..dignity, and worth of the human person,..(and) equal rights of men and women.. ” and all sizes of nations; but not in relation to unalienable rights from God. Justice also is absent God, recognizing “respect for..obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law... .”  Thus, in the name of ‘principle of expediency’ and political correctness for ‘External Government’...commit the crimes of omission, commission, positive transgression; and neglect, probably mostly from carelessness, but given the extent of ‘Nation Intrusion’ especially here in America, neglect by design, on a Global scale.

Our Nation is slowly awakening to the attack on our Constitution by abrogation of the maker: This Socialist Government under Obama - el. al., especially at the pinnacle, speed-rate of his Administration with supporters absent any principle of Declaration of Independence because “it is law you cannot see”, and continuing the ‘tenet principle of socialism or rule of collective group via definition of group leader or government alone can solve problems...a.k.a. don’t worry, be happy! Government will take care of everything; and demonstrated by Obama’s flagship of socialism: Patient Protection and Affordable Act (Obama care) followed closely by “America’s Financial Security Act (a.k.a control of Capitalism by government definition of “safety” of business)”!

Omission, Neglect, commission, and positive transgression are the working words for this day in history’s Socialism applied.  It is impossible to implement the Soros-Obama Socialism unless lie, distortion, redefinition, censorship with denying information to “We the People” and a little criminality of coercion, threats and acts against person. Removal of trust at all costs, as searches with patdowns, scans, fingerprints and criminal record checks of all “We the People” especially utilizing airplanes - regardless of natural rights, by government force as Regulation. The government’s Tenet of Safety =  if we examine 100% of “We the People”, then we (government) will guarantee to make 100% of the people more safe, and catch the bads guys in the action; demonstrating violation of natural rights including presumption of innocence and equal protection!  Abrogation of the 14th Amendment as “equal protection in application of law” is also a socialist absolute which has the imperative of disobedience to the “Rule of Law”.

The Gates of Fire – acts against “person” combined with “Falling walls” of this and other Nations represent the abrogation of our 391 year old “Religion and Morality” combined with the histories dating back to God on Earth as well as Jesus, by usurpation by this government and the government now-forming in the United Nations under Socialism.

Goals: All the gates are repaired. The walls taken care of.  Sanballat doesn’t change.  And the lives of Nehemiah, Ezra and others continue on in the Old Testament.

Today. The gates are still on fire and the walls: Constitution, Religion and Morality, Sovereignty of Person, Nation remain under attack; and kepted off-balance by displacement into issues like money, production of goods and services-jobs, environment, communication with Truth in Information sharing, and government for its ownership,  growth and perpetuation in all spheres of life, liberty and happiness.
We the People must learn that economy, money, environment, entreprnership, person and ‘person as business’ all vanish as a “whale through a fishing net”... when God’s Laws are not obeyed.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Redistricting, AB459, CA Constitution Article II voting...

an attack on our Nation probably missed because never addressed together, occurred with time in between; and ignorance abounds...which helps the Socialists:

1) REDISTRICTING - John Eastman’s Article regarding Challenge status;
today is a decision day with question “Will the 3 Republicans hold-off the liberal, non-partisan commission. Ron Nehring’s article on 75% plurality in new seats for “Democrat (doesn’t exist as a party anymore) It is CA Socialist Party! See # below


2) Article II: Voting, Initiative and Referendum, and Recall: Attention to Section 5:(a) “..All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary election for any candidate for congressional and state elective office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by the candidate or the voter, ... . The candidates who are the top two vote-getters at a voter- nominated primary election for a congressional or state elective office shall, regardless of party preference, compete in the ensuing general election.” ;


3) AB459 Electoral college interstate compact changes this existing law: providing “statewide election of a slate of electors to vote in the electoral college for President and Vice President..” with “each political party selects its slate of presidential electors in accordance with statutory procedures that differ by party.
To this: “ratify a specified interstate compact that requires the chief election official of each signatory state to appoint the slate of presidential electors that was nominated in association with the presidential ticket that received the largest popular vote total.


1) Violation of Article IV:4 which guarantees a Republican form of Government. Violation of Article V changing the government of this State and nation, by vote default to a Democracy without using this Article. Violation of America which could fall under High Crimes and Misdemeanors; and given the extent of the above - possibly Treason though the war is without guns unless you count the death of life, liberty as the same effect as guns.  Violation of Amendments IX, XIV.

Mr. Webster on Crime: “ 1. An act which violates a law, divine or human; an act which violates a rule of moral duty; an offense against the laws of right, prescribed by God or man, or against any rule of duty plainly implied in those laws. A crime may consist in omission or neglect, as well as in commission, or positive transgression. The commander of a fortress who suffers the enemy to take possession by neglect, is as really criminal, as one who voluntarily opens the gates without resistance.
But in a more common and restricted sense, a crime denotes an offense, or violation of public law, of a deeper and more atrocious nature; a public wrong; or a violation of the commands of God, and the offenses against the laws made to preserve the public rights; as treason, murder, robbery, theft, arson, &c. The minor wrongs committed against individuals or private rights, are denominated trespasses, and the minor wrongs against public rights are called misdemeanors. Crimes and misdemeanors are punishable by indictment, information or public prosecution; trespasses or private injuries, at the suit of the individuals injured. But in many cases an act is considered both as a public offense and a trespass, and is punishable both by the public and the individual injured.”    Very different from today’s definition in that it includes divine, human, rule of moral duty; against the laws of right, prescribed by God or man...”.

2) A guarantee of socialism of greater number without Noah Webster’s definition of Politics: “ POLITICS, n. The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.”

“Religion and Morality” shall also be replaced by Man’s Laws as expressed in the United Nations charter, WSIS 21/10-12/2006. - a.k.a., Agenda 21, Parental et. al. Sovereignty of State (state isn’t defined) does have lip-service because there is virtually no meaning to the words peace, security, human rights, “worth” part of human person, justice and obligations arising under treaty, social justice(hope fully reader is noticing some literally, red flags soaring in inequity because human kind is the definer of the huge concepts tossed around the UN Preamble.
“Open Society” with Borderless nations and jurisprudence remains the name of law and order from ‘the few human-kind’ without God’s Laws or respect for sovereignty of “person” - one-at-a-time - of our Declaration and Constitution Principles.

3) Socialist Democracy.  N. Webster’s definition of Democracy: “ n. [Gr. People, and to possess, to govern.] Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens.

Numbers 1 through 3 above are “collective”. It also says “the people exercise the powers of legislation”.  Where are the people of #1 which is controlled by Secretary of State; #2 which is a signatory of certain states yet to be determined ...and absent information with vote of the citizens; and #3 which is absent any “Republic oath of support and defense to the Content of the 7 Articles as “Rule of Law” or “Supreme Law” of this nation.

When you add Mr. Webster’s definition of the “collective” part of Democracy, the meaning becomes clearer still: “1. Formed by gathering; gathered into a mass, sum, or body; congregated, or aggregated.”

4) The UN Charter, Preamble, WSIS are entirely composed of collective, mass, social, environmental and entirety of mankind’s activities on earth defined by the UN; as they are by the Socialist Soros-Obama-Zeitgeist...already in place and working here in our nation:
A. Agenda 21
B. Brown’s Administrative, appointed money-holders declaration of “the people’s privacy” more important than how the same “people’s” earnings as taxes and reported to CACS.
C. The Fact that the Governor (or President) Departments are quasi-government in that regulations can remove from “person” or “person as business” life, liberty, and happiness, based solely on the “right of opinion” of the State or Federally, union member and Trained Inspectors.
D. Unions are also quasi-governments under a closed-shop in that 100% of their funds are taxpayer dollars...without the vote of “We the Constitutional Republic People”.
E. The same ‘Secretary of State managing AB459 is also responsible for absent outcomes of reported voter fraud...both sides of the precinct table 11/2/2010 and previously!  Secretary of State is accountable to no-one, especially law of ethics with Oath of Office.

BUT CAN BE SLOWED AND/OR STOPPED BY THE TOOL of  "RULE OF LAW" - "We the People" using it:  Here's How:
A. Instead of waiting for the Socialist Legislator to write, send to committee to add another chain-link, and to the floors of legislature-2 add 2 more chain-links, and then to governor for the the padlock which seals "anti-law" in place;  WHILE SOME PROPOSED BILLS ARRIVE FIRST - NOT ALL, REGULATIONS, STATUTES, OF ANY KIND GO TO THE APPROPRIATE FLOOR, Return to the Challenge on Constitutional Question: 1)This Bill is a violation of __________part of Articles, Amendments, Sections, Code as Law and Regulation. 2) to the 'Writer of the 'proposed bill', answer Now on this floor in this chamber and in writing as addendum title: "Answer to why the Bill is Not a violation" of Supreme or Any State Constitution (as appropriate). 3) Debate ensues directed to the Bill in relation to the Constitution involved; 4)  Bill found UNCONSTITUTIONAL DUE TO INCONSISTENT, or any of the 12 reasons found in "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" --- Bill is DEAD.

Just look at the money saved comparing the actual events of legislators dictating educational content; combined with the 'going to court' to nullify what is obviously "anti-law";  to when the bill first comes to the Legislators with the power of 'One" as filibuster or "harmony and concert" of "a congress". "You can't have Beethoven's 5th without the drummer" IS THE ESSENCE OF OUR DEMOCRACY IN A REPUBLIC. It recognizes 'EVERY PERSON' as One; it protects God's Laws and "person" which Democracy, alone, cannot...; and it slows, modify's, and stops the 'vagaries of faction' represented by socialism's decline of person, of trust, of life - liberty (lip-service is given); in favor of  "collective", "mass", 'Group-minded' thinking.
The topic could be anything, but homo-sex, a personal choice in a group-setting enforced on the live's of 'person' would be this State's Socialist Legislator's platform...and is reflected in the UN Charter and Principles. The Legislator's choice of topic is also the ATTACK on all Both Declaration (The Premise and The Promise) and Constitution (The Protection of The Premise with The Fulfillment of the Promise*).

EXAMPLE: "homo sexuality taught in school" (there is a reason this was the topic added to edu.* is the Bill.  1) This Bill #__homo sex is Unconstitutional. It is inconsistent with the following principles: contrary  to the right of life and liberty choice of "person", is not based on 'any' power delegated to the government under the Constitution; neglect to perform the duty of "Religion and Integrity" of governance; involves the operation of government outside its constitutional jurisdiction; it is intended to be applied selectively 'history' in public schools - a violation of equal rights (children and young are minors - have no say - and are refused information regarding the "Religion and Ethics" of the Bill's contents). It is a violation of Article I:8, Amendments IX, X, XIV.   2) Now, on this floor and In writing, Mr. Legislator of Socialism, explain why the bill is OK with the Constitution(s) because CA's is a mirror of US. 3) Determine 'Dead' or Debate as needed.

This Must be used for AB459 - Electoral College by State control!!!!!!

1) Support and Defend our Constitution(S) by increasing awareness and challenging.
2) Protect our votes.  No voting, concerned American should be absent from this organization’s goals and work already in progress.
3) Realize that in 'Real Time' "We the People" means We are our Republic. It is correct and right that we say publicly the part and reason the Constitution is violated.
4) Ask all candidates, mosquito abatement to President what they know, not lip-serve, about both Documents.
5) Make sure, especially the younger set with the 'X' & 'Y' generations which were never taught either founding document much less God and Country (unless they are service-members) among your networks or friends, family, associates what the Stakes in 2012 are, and the importance of Each Person's Role to say "ya or Nay".
6) Sincerely Pray for God's Assistance.  "Ask and it shall be opened unto you; seek and ye shall find. Obey God's Laws is all that is asked, though you might smile at this comment :-) [This writer hopes you do!].

*From Joseph Andrew's "Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S Constitution using Original Texts and the Classical Learning Methods (Research, Relate, Reflect, Record) of the Founders.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The effects of asking the wrong question.

from Breitbart TV:


Another example of a Lucifer Alinsky tactic in a tactic: "4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity." (A follower of Christ knows this Statement is intrinsically - False).  Don't limit this to God's Laws of religion because it is addressing the large number of 'persons' who have left organized, politically correct religion of 'collective, greater number' - including Catholic; -  rather than the discipline of obedience to the much tougher road to God's Laws.  Because this large group doesn't read The Bible or actively pursue "The Way, The Truth or The Light, they are easily swayed and have a lot of doubt; could have a Holy Ghost, but not know Who or What 'The Holy Trinity' is to their 'self' universe and/or can't hear the soft, quiet Holy Ghost Voice.

Jesus is like that in His 'Complete, Perfect Understanding Person' as two of many roles: The Leader and Teacher. He simply presents examples, parables, introduces characters and poetry with wisdom and knowledge of everything on and off this globe...He shows the path...'person' chooses it, interprets it, lives it, or not, represented by the continuum of 'one homo sapien at a time's cognitive attributes and characteristics. Our Lord God has no delegation of any other- of any description-just our Constitution's synonymous: "The individual component of the polity is the PERSON, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive (and in God's Love 'or not-cognitive', plants animals of life minute to gigantic) attributes (for purpose of 'governance and law' contained in "Constitutional Principles") of a member of the species HOMO SAPIENS.  This simple, practical, deeply religious, truth of 'person in self' before God is part of the magnificence of both Declaration and Constitution...but there's more.  You have to continue to learn..teach your personal network.. to find other Treasures of Mankind instilled with-in these two 'Gifts from God' through the lives, fortunes, and sacred honor of the founders.

Join-in Politics to move its important role to fight of the "politics of Socialism which delights, with Lucifer, in class warfare-discrimination-yelling fire when they are the fire causer's.

It is an unfortunate part of Breitbart, Fox, and all media  that name-calling is better than addressing the disobedience to God through disrespect, disregard, and absent 'Religion and Integrity' of office represented by the anti-law written by the Soros-Obama-CA greater number, group-think Socialist Legislature.

Reader, you must remember - person's die, or if they understand The Holy Trinity return to God -  their presence on the planet is very, very tiny when compared to the effect of their actions-deeds-lawful or "Displacement" away from Declaration and Constitution, with the Truths these two Documents are in application and in life of human-kind, in favor of 'person'.   The Socialist-open society-Zeitgeist is another example of violation of "Though shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor (understanding all meanings of neighbor).". ...never spoken of..but supported continually by its disguise: Democracy. With Democracy as collective or mass, mean greater number, opinion-generator regardless of God's Law, Justice, Fact.  This is represented by CA's new voter law of greater number (regardless of party - philosophy of government - membership) of #1 and #2 "vote-getters" and by the attempt to rid the United States of America of an important fairness The Electoral College Represents,named AB 459 or change to 'greater number of popular votes - only'.
But Lucifer does have and must have every possible combinations of descriptors to lump 'person' into groups, for that is how he works to destroy TRUST....the beginning point of ALL homo sapiens interactions and a difference with the other species of the Animal Kingdom, though love is one part of trust present in many - if not all animal groups.

Lucifer Alinsky with the current not-American expression of 'Greater Number', Group Identification as 'Community of Interest", 'cultural-environmental togetherness', 'union member', 'homosexual', 'teapartier', 'censorship', 'scientific concepts' and most egregiously - 'medical practice' against the person (which most don't even know exists);  regularly lumps 'person' into groups defined and designated by him via, (interestingly) 'a person' or a 'few designated persons' as DEFINED by application of Alinsky via Soro's groups-Obama's Czars-and members of Congress who act as or minions of collective-group-think. But it is Lucifer's 'absolute law' , all persons must obey Lucifer's defined concepts (Alinsky-Zeitgeist-collectivism of the dictatorships of Socialism, Radical jihad, government in Venezuela, China, N. Korea, too much of Islam and the Middle East - including the war of more than 30 years - not 10. God remains the Leader of 'self' as conscience - choice - the Way-Truth-and-Light.."Person" chooses - no group-think.

For this article, the other Alinsky Tactic is:  "10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign." AND: " 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. WITH Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'    Person to attack, that way Soros-open society and socialism represented by Obama, can steal 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" represented by the life you chose and choose - with all you love - by removing or neutralizing Article IV:4's promise and guarantee of a "Republican Form" of government  AB459 - Article II of CA's Constitution - Section 5 holds the number - not philosophy of government as more important - with name calling much more than issue.  One last Lucifer Law: Get rid of 'person' like Glenn Beck, The Only Man In Media who uses Television for what it is also designed: The Medium to Teach. In Glenn's work and mission: Wake-up America, Rome is burning is the place name.....Not The Law of God and of The Truth of America and the 5W's and H of our role on the Planet,  then with Global Nations in God's name... the Universe --- All Mankind's Next Frontier.
"One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other." (pps.127-134)".  You might think that this writer's comment is doing just that God v Lucifer.  But the mistake is not in the actions the names represent, but the '5W's and H in a Total, all Encompassing Universe with one-person-at-a-time-choice' is, at least, among the most important differences. Because only God would understand the totality of the 5W's and H of Lucifer's role among person-hood with 'government' without 'governance' intertwined

The question isn't "Why Do You Feel [Gays] are less than you?".  That is the Alinsky tactic.  The question is "Why should the 'group named homosexual' be allowed to perpetrate its choices on all persons when performance of sex is the Choice of one-person-one-at-a-time."?  Granted it is a sin as is any act which perpetrates 'force of action' against another's  personal choice; and on the continuum of evil, is somewhat minor when placed against the harm and wrong-doing represented by censorship-distortion-lie-especially to the very young who can't know unless taught (demonstrated by the 'X' and 'Y' generations) or any crime blue or white..including this government's lie described; i.e. number with opinion is much more important than "religion and integrity". This isn't to agree with homosexuality or any sexual deviation, just that when 'person' chooses, the act of sex isn't 100% of the 5W's and H of that person.  All life's choices are as varied as the number of humans present in all dynamics of life; the major reason the extreme of group-think is self-destructive with greater number, in placing artificial, man-determined, constraints to corral 'person', when only The Lord God is perfect enough to determine 'person' in His name.    

Monday, August 1, 2011


This is a copy of the embed code: I have no idea what you suppose to do with it; but this video was on Breitbart TV as a winner of $100,000.00... It deserves every penny and every nut:-).