The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

State offers..., politics and then there is Governance

Tuesday's paper, front page: "State offers help to gamblers"..."A new state program offers treatment for gambling addicts, and its free."[!!!!]. Same front page: "Vote on tax election nears" : " majority Democrats that they might try to bypass Republican lawmakers to call a special election on taxes.  " voters can decide whether to renew higher sales, personal income and vehicle taxes."  "If bipartisan support for the special election fails, Democrats have floated the idea of trying to get it on the ballot by a simple majority."  "..such a vote would be questionable, it is being considered [anyway]." Republicans would challenge the legality of simple majority approval..".

$26.6 billion deficit being 'repaired' by "..balancing the tax extensions with about $14,000,000,000.00 in spending cuts and fund transfers, some of which he (Gov.) signed into law last week."

Republicans proposed reforms would:
-limit the extensions to 18 months instead of 5 years (Democrat desire)
-vote to reduce public pensions  and set a spending cap
-converting public employee pensions to 401k-style plans (like Carl DeMaio's plan here in S.D)
-tying future state spending to inflation,
-restoring funding for county fairs
-moving next years Presidential Primary to March rather than June (Democrats choice).

"The spending cuts signed into law so far include an estimated $7,400,000,000 from the state's Welfare -to-work program, services for the Developmentally Disabled, and health insurance for the poor.

Here is the Disconnect which requires your attention: ALL of the ABOVE are Lose - Lose for California's Highest State TaxPayor Resources in the United States of America.  And.. 1) Wherever it uses the word 'state' change it to taxpayer:  so subtract $4,000,000,000 from the $7,400,000,000 above = $7,396,000,000 remaining to take care of the already tax cut to the bones ....Developmentally Disabled [no-one speaks for, except those who know these special individuals], and the 'no to low income' ill acute and chronic [also, always cut].  So much for UCLA'S idea of Free!   2) Please notice that negotiations are not about reducing the size of the bulging, duplicative, redundant, intrusive nature of State [and Federal] government; or any promise of any sort of change in  the 'state's group-think' regarding the location of money used for 'non-entity state' what ever, originates and me!  'State' means ignore its citizens....keep taxing...keep spending.   And Most important of all....Never, never allow the citizens of the state to be relieved from the state's burden by allowing A] water to flow in the Delta, so the Asset of the Golden State called Agriculture could work to regain some of its loses from the 'fish's environmentalists with District Judge assistance via his thorny judgement chair'; B] allow the slant-drilling for Oil on the Pacific Coast... that alone could reduce the debt by more than 1/2 --- but it is another environmentalist, anti-petroleum [much improved and more descriptive use of the asset because petroleum is much more than just cars!], nuclear group-think of annual (never more than one year at a time; strategic planning is SOP in business); but not the business of guaranteed, unlimited income from taxpayers - state -- not their children's children futures - they'll have to fend for themselves!!! State, via 'elected, greater number, divorced from 'We the State Citizen', can't use Assets. Can't comprehend the State to sell some of its land or holdings....nope only the Citizens; because the unions deliver the votes; and all the Governor has to do is get it to the ballot. C} Recognize that every member of the Democratic and maybe even a few of the Republican seats...are gifts to the owners by Union Administration via their members dues.  Never, Never will the 'greater number' vote against their 'Union Benefactors' for the salary-wages-retirement-with profit of retirement benefits-members-bosses-administration-administration's attorneys  versus Citizens of the State of California.....So that cost, unsustainable to our state's  survival, shall continue unabated because the 'greater number' likes it that way.

I am a proud Republican and proud - so far - of how well our party performs in holding off the union-run Democrats of Obama-likeness against assets growth of this State and this Nation.  I cannot help but disagree with the 'negotiations' as noted above --- especially county-fairs when Developmentally Disabled and those who genuinely cannot afford the costs of their acute and chronic illnesses are cut-off from the one concept which is a state responsibility....helping those who cannot help themselves due to age, condition --- not the healing of gamblers-drug addicts- and others who feed-off the taxpayer along with the "elected, We the People" but divorce 'We the People' in favor of a 'seat' of money and power....over responsible service, duty and honor of their 'sovereign individual-alities' which they will have to face -- sooner or later.

Good Governance is not the non-entity state sans the control by 'its' elected We the People are negotiations-as-usual; it is long past time to consider the Citizen of this State - recognize that the special class called Union-member has no more privileges and immunities than any citizen of this State; and that spending uncontrolled and without any 'due diligence' to stop.... will continue to drain the life-blood of this state --- Yet Again --- on the backs of the source of this Golden States best and greatest asset: Each single citizen working at whatever, alone or for whomever, for the reasons of life , liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... from God.  The One Everyone Answers Too!

 Elected human-kind return to the 'First Table of Law' and to the Duty, Honor, Respect for this Sovereign State in this Sovereign Union represented by each Sovereign individual pursuing his/her life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Parable of the Exploding Eggs

Looking for a job, just moved into an apartment with year's lease that challenges the threat of eviction unless some kind of cash flow appears on horizon line. Jet, Petey, and Sophie, the 2 little and 1 med. sized dogs, and their owner had an 'education' regarding the use of the term "Pet Friendly" and renting an apartment; followed by the demand major cost of washing your clothes in the 'complex's laundromat' @$1.50/load wash and 1.25/load dry, with a card which requires $10-15-20 of load before using.  All this plus dogs and me going from 1500 sq. ft. - not counting the back yard - to probably less than 800.  This sidebar to let the reader know the state of mind of dogs and human.  Moulie, the Queen, White and Tan Persians, kind of watched and waited her turn.

The other day, made hard boiled eggs; but because didn't have my cooker; guessed at the time to cook --- too little.  Planned egg salad and had everything ready, but the eggs had runny which wouldn't work.  So I put them in the microwave. I will say that I had a minuscule thought that there might be something wrong with this 'quick way' to finish cooking the eggs; but at that moment in time,  not conscious enough!  Less than 1.4 minutes later..... smithereens!  I do mean smether on the reens!  Minute....all over....mashed, but cooked!  I saved what I could and put it into the 'egg salad' which is now more salad -than egg; and started cleaning up the mess!  All the while thinking, dumb..wasted more time...and other not so mentionable.  Then got an idea!  How about Petey!?  He likes to eat leftovers and regularly gets table scraps.  Picked him up, confused him, and he is a little blind from cataracts... so that didn't work..especially when I pushed his head inside the microwave!  That really did it...not my 12 pound Bichon, Petey!  So tried Sophie, the Bichon, chow hound who never saw a piece of food she wouldn't eat and tips the scale at 20+ pounds, got an opportunity for the eggs inside the microwave. Sophie started out OK, but as she went inside the microwave, things were very nervous! -- Here she was on a counter, licking something not fallen anywhere, and not quite sure why she was where she was; but being Sophie, she persisted ... a little longer, then no-way. To Strange! Jet is 50 pounds and the microwave to awkward to put on the floor, so he didn't get a chance, though he really would have cleaned the egg up - beautifully.  By now though, I've gotten the worse of the smithereens taken care of.  Of course cleaned the inside of the microwave according to the germ content of its tremulous occupants.  Added ham to the egg salad and it was good, but not "egg salad".

The Patient Protection and Affordable Act was written by unknown assistants to possibly someone in the White House about the entire field of medicine with all Citizens joining in because the Executive Branch of government wills it....for the good of those who are not covered because of preexisting conditions, too costly treatments for catastrophic illness, the poor, and the belief by changing the whole of medicine to conform to the Executive Branch of Government's concept determined by statistical analysis of acute, chronic, catastrophic, and all healthy active citizens who don't want to spend money on what they don't need since their pursuit of happiness does not coincide with the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.  Never mind the Legislative Branch of the 3 Branches of our Federal government, they mostly just do what they are told; and if the President of the Executive Branch wants his Health Act with College Loans thrown-in for good measure - well why not?  Especially, if those dastardly Republicans continue to refuse to conform the the demands of the Executive Branch.  Demands which include allowing Unions control of their own insurance; congress-members, their staffs, state legislators and their staffs; and allow,certain, states to not be involved at all. This act includes the formation of over 100 new Departments and Bureaus.  Forgot to say:  1300 already existing departments and Agencies, + 50 States departments and bureaus are all union-run, closed shop[except for 1 or 2 states  not in debt and not closed shop] --- even in California which has a State Constitutional Law against a closed-shop form of  wages, and salary, via blackmail of taxpayers --- including the taxpayer union member who gets to pay dues as well as his taxes --- to benefit his bosses, administration who hires the union lawyers paid also by the taxpayer who is  the guaranteer of benefits a non-union citizen could not duplicate either as a business or an individual.  And 'We the People' wonder at the debt!

Others, more and more each day, all over America 'Wonder' at political party members who shall not speak; legislators who shall not speak; but are also part of the "..No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;...nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The Act under Section 6201 also prevents direct patient care workers and providers at BOTH State and Federal level, from providing that care, unless each sovereign individual submits to fingerprinting and criminal record checks.  You need to understand, fingerprints must have criminal records...or the it of the prints cannot found to be used in any pending criminal case.  The righteous are now the subjects of Federal Law demands sans 'due process' or any of the amendments IV through VI.

Citizens also wonder at legislators who can give mouthing of words regarding the humongous size, intrusion, and life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness usurpation of the sovereignty of individuals; but not look at the size of its own State, of the Executive Branch of  Federal Government which can write this "Patient Protection and Affordable Act",  declare that "We have to pass it to find out what it says." is a very good reason for a group-think, conforming bunch of one party, internet game playing, human-kind to sign and send this non-Republic form of government to the President for Signature. Also a violation of the Supreme Law of the Land --- there is no Republican signature on the Act.

Here are the Constitutional Principles "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" violate:
"-In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. any Statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and null and void from inception.
-an unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.
-Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be delegated  to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders.  This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg.
-Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to disobey that act, to report it as a crime, and to arrest the offender and deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution.
-Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.
Here are a few of the ways the "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" are inconsistent with the constitution and support its unconstitutionality:
1) Contrary to a right guaranteed under the Constitution.  Definition of citizen who shall be a part of this Act, while disallowing other citizens - elected or not or States which citizens reside to be exempt.  fingerprints and criminal record checks for professional - not criminals for no intensive purpose except to have prints from persons...even though those prints are not readily available for criminal investigations should one be needed and there is no due process in the utilization of the object the prints become - because they can only be found, Independent - of the person they belong to.  Fingerprints are filed by the characteristics of the print - nothing to do with the person attached until evidence is obtain which might bring a charge, then the prints have not been legally obtained in relation to the investigation of the crime committed.  The is no connection between the existence of the print .. and the crime.. to the person the print belongs to because the print was obtained in advance of any illegal act.of the owner of the print ie finger attached to his/her body!  Can't be  That's entrapment: ".. the person was not ready and willing to commit the crime before the government agents spoke with him".  An individual, forced to give prints or not keep a job, cannot later because of the government force, have the print object used.
2) It is not based on one of the powers delegated to the government under the constitution.  The Executive Branch cannot have exclusive, majority, and an imbalance of dollar and regulatory power over both the nations citizens and the Legislative Branch of Government. It is not part of enumerated powers including 'commerce' from Noah Webster's 1828 Dic. "  1. In a general sense, an interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffick. Commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce, or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce.
8) It is intended to be applied selectively - violates equal protection provision.
9) Proper notice of the law or act was not applied during passage - only one of the two parties signed. It was passed with the statement " We have to pass it to know what it contains."
12) Information needed to make a proper determination has been withheld, distorted in a way that is intended to mislead and has that effect as result of financial irresponsibility of taxpayer and borrowed money; not allowed enough time to read, relate, reflect the implications of 100% of medical care and the resources attached to it to one Branch of government. Now, because some legislators still want to rescue this disaster of an Act... negligence through the ignorance of all this Act contains.... and does Not Protect the Sovereignty of the Individual from the Federal government; and continues to ignore how unsustainable 1300 + the Acts 100 + more Departments and Bureaus act -- without any accountability to Law - especially the Supreme Law. 


The delivering of care to the ill individual is really the end point of the smithereens from this most evil of government acts!  There is nothing left for the ill person when the Executive Branch of government has taxed, fined, punished, usurped definitions of illness to its own ends.  Medicare Home Health Agency Manuel which use to state "Patient Care dictates patient service"  now reads  'only if the costs defined by the statistician Allow the kind of care the ill might require'; and FORGET the individual. Statistics cannot and shall not address the sovereignty of the individual which is the location of quality, -  pursuit of what happiness may remain for sovereign individuals with their families, or alone, living  with the results of debilitating acute - chronic - catastrophic illness, either in their relationship with their physicians or with the care providers such as RN, LVN, PT, OT, Speech-Language Pathologists, social workers, and the cream of crop caregiver named 'Certified Home Health Aides'; plus the ancillary and necessary PETeams, Senior Services, Church, Volunteer, hospice worlds of care which do not begin to list the other associations and organizations for the ill - without any government of any kind!   We really did do well --- without the government.  Especially a government so large, it cannot see its own reflection and cannot accept or even acknowledge its own culpability in the progress of financial disrepair of the medical system.  Only disrepair because of the government's regulations, discount of costs without regard to the reality of the cost... so it keeps growing.
Example:  4x4 gauze sponge costs about 60 cents in the drug store; providers have to charge the government $2.00 to get the 60 cents because of the subtraction of the $2.00 divided between the cost basis size of the agency - located in which state - in which region - obligated to which party in power - and whether the 4x4 gauze sponge should have been used in the first place - even with the doctor's order - which is irrelevant because of the government regulation which over-rides the physician's determination of the 4x4 gauze sponge need for this individual patient....and that scenario goes for every, single, item any individual patient would require to have a history, physical, lab work and x-rays for diagnosis (-es) depending on every single factor herein stated and yet to be invented should the dastardly protection of government money and power at the expense of patient's affordable care!

The Eggs (Patient Protection and Affordable Act) is blasted to smithereens (the violations of the constitution itself, its principles)!  Attempting to use Petey or Sophie to fix the Act doesn't come close to putting 'smithereens' back together; and the clean-up including for the germs of Petey and Sophie cannot save any more of the egg emulsion from  the smithereens.  Loss is inevitable. Continuing to attempt to save smithereens just increases the loses because as the story goes "..all the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put Humpty together again."  Please learn your lessons Legislators all levels of government.  Only your individual honor against this kind of thinking stops it!!  Nothing else will.   There will be no such thing as a 'fair income tax' because government cannot be fair and is, currently unlimited in how it punishes the earnings of its citizens, its citizens as corporations, its nation's assets as nuclear - petroleum - natural gas - gold - platinum - coal... All of which ... with the Sovereignty of the individual, state and this Nation in a world of Nations... are God's eternal Gift to each one of US(A) in our families, in our work as elected or not elected individuals; and in our willingness to abide by the First Table of Law.... Obedience to God and His Word through His Son, Jesus Christ who gave His Life for Us --- again April 24, 2011...and again...and again.

PLEASE STOP THIS INCARNATION AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION AND AGAINST THE PEOPLE THE CONSTITUTION IS ATTEMPTING TO PROTECT....unless LEGISLATORS can find THEIR PERSONAL integrity against everything Both the Declaration of rights under God and the constitution represent to the sovereignty of one person, under one The Lord thy God, under the Sovereignty of State and of this United States of America.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Comment to Relate and Reflect: Terrorist Ayres ADMITS Writing Book for Obama

Written by CA Political News on March 27, 2011, 08:12 PM
Ayers affirms he wrote Dreams from my Father

Jack Cashill, American Thinker, 3/27/11

Last Thursday evening at Montclair State University, with a video camera rolling, Bill Ayers volunteered that yes indeed he had written the acclaimed Barack Obama memoir, Dreams from My Father.

Unprompted, Ayers also noted that while Dreams deserves its praise, Obama's second opus, Audacity of Hope, is "more of a political hack book."

Not surprisingly, Ayers retreated into irony as he ended the session. "Yeah, yeah," he said after confirming again that he wrote Dreams, "And if you help me prove it, I'll split the royalties with you. Thank you very much."

With his final comment, the Ayers-friendly audience laughed in relief.  The media will laugh nervously upon seeing the video as well.  The White House will not.

Barack Obama knows what I know and what the people who have read my book, "Deconstructing Obama," know: Bill Ayers is the principal craftsman behind Dreams.  The evidence is overwhelming.

Ayers also established, as I have contended from the beginning, that he is not the author of Audacity of Hope.  Although Obama claims unique authorship of this book too, it was, as Ayers suggests, a disingenuous feint to the center written by committee.

Worse for Obama still, Ayers knows that the story he and Obama contrived in Dreams is false in many key details.  The fact that Donald Trump has proved willing to challenge that story has got to make the White House even more apprehensive.

As was obvious in his speech at Montclair, Ayers does not like the application of force in Libya, and this may have been his own way of retaliating.  Consider it a shot across Obama's bow.  The White House will.

Worse, this admission establishes the connections between George Soros and global socialization; prevention of development of US assets:nuclear and petroleum, which could also defuse the Middle East War. The war which has escalated under this Administration's regime, because it cannot and shall not recognize "..assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of nature's God Entitle them.." with the endowment by the Creator with unalienable rights.

It means that this President shall not "..faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Which means, the sovereign individual Shall not be protected from government force, demand, and occupation of life, liberty, and happiness; nor the Sovereign State from Executive Branch usurpation of responsibility to 'We the People' via violations of Article IV: 4 and Amendments IX and X.
That abuses via taxation for a much too large and usurptive government will not be corrected because it is too hard to stop the humongous snowball rolling our Nation to oblivion!

That means that Financial Security's 1136 page take-over via
"ensure the orderly resolution of failing complex financial institutions in order to minimize economic turmoil and protect the interest of taxpayers, to provide for effective bank supervision through the establishment of the Financial Institutions Regulatory Administration, to enhance the regulation of consumer financial products and services through the establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, to allow the Federal government to better coordinate and monitor insurance matters through the establishment of the Office of National Insurance in the Department of Treasury, to improve the regulation of derivatives, securities, securities products, credit rating agencies, and hedge funds, to increase investor protections, and for other purposes. This when the definition of the problem originated with the government and its track record for defining, understanding, managing medical, energy, environmental, or false-CO2 is abysmal --- at best.  Then there is the "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" - anything but protection for the ill and infamous for its lack of affordable; and its irresponsible use of taxpayer and borrowed money, plus Executive Control of any part of the GNP, is well out of its business or enumerated powers.

Most important this President allows the following Constitutional Principles to be consistently violated: "-In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to ALL other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION.". And "An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a REGIME. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but ANTILAW." And addressing the Cabinet Czars, "Each level and jurisdiction of government has been delegated the power to punish as CRIMES the DEPRIVATION of constitutional and civil rights of persons by  agents of government, and some governments the power to punish deprivation of rights by individuals not agents of government. Statues to implement those powers have been enacted in almost every jurisdiction, and they cover almost every deprivation." And "Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is ILLEGAL, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a VIOLATION  of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so." And this little known, on purpose: Any Citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of a apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent jurisdiction for PROSECUTION.

Look at this article - reflect and relate on its ramifications; and Help 'We the People' Perform the duties required to "..whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to ALTER or ABOLISH, and to institute principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate...... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, IT IS THEIR RIGHT, IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such government...".

The insults to the sovereignty of the individual, the State, and to the Sovereignty of this Nation, require "We the People" to exercise their duty.

But, being cautious in the attacks on the True Vote of We the People - so that it is diffused by numbers of special interests such as union, foreign without allegiance but with citizenship, and simply the lack of personal integrity this country was founded and must run upon.  It behooves everyone to get behind and understand the complete, unique, answers to todays national and international issues, contained in Both The Declaration and Constitution of this nation --- with support from all the world history, Bible, Famous Leaders who contributed to the formation of this Nation, and to the design of: "Declaration Model of Government".

Resources:   "The Declaration of Constitutional Principles" Jon Roland

The Declaration of Independence  - especially the 27 abuses because Obama is the proud, anti-constitution owner of at least 8 of them [need a few noun and verb changes, but otherwise!]

The Constitution of the United States of America written for "We the People" to use and apply from age 8 years throughout adult life and voting, duties as citizen years...   Not for "Constitutional Scholars", Judges or Attorneys" except as they are also of the homo sapiens variety of human kind..  In short, all mankind puts their pants on one leg at a time!  Arrogance of individuals does not help any individual...and the results of that attitude are plainly demonstrated!

"The 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language" by Noah Webster for important words definitions like 'congress', 'religion', 'freedom', virtue....almost every key noun or verb because virtue with God were integral to daily living -- even among the bad guys --- much more than now.  Mysticism and Magic rule over God, Jesus and virtue with consequences also readily apparent! especially "The Manuel" named "Learn and Teach The Declaration of Independence and The U.S Constitution, using original Texts and the Classical Method of Learning of the Founders: Read, Reflect, Relate, and Record....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Comment to: O'REILLY: U.S. fulfills obligations of a noble country

The opposition to military action in Libya is fascinating. President Barack Obama is taking incoming fire from the left and the right as various agendas collide against neutralizing Moammar Gadhafi.
The dissent is all over the place, so let's try to simplify the situation.
We begin with a quote from Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
That's true. We have seen it time and again throughout history. When evil is not confronted, it can win, often with devastating results.
There is no question that Gadhafi was on the verge of slaughtering his opposition.
His mercenaries and highly paid military were closing in on rebel strongholds, and amnesty would not be forthcoming, as the colonel himself publicly proclaimed.
Finally, the U.N. acted, and a no-fly zone was approved. After waffling for weeks, Obama swung into action, ordering U.S. planes and missiles into the skies.
Then he went to Brazil.
Immediately, the far left erupted. Ralph Nader is calling for impeachment. Michael Moore has suggested that Obama give back the Nobel Peace Prize.
Congressman Dennis Kucinich wants to cut off funding for any military action against Libya.
On the right, Pat Buchanan banged the isolationist drum: "Why is the United States, all the way across the ocean, got to go in and stop Arabs from killing Arabs? ... Why are we in there?"
To prevent a massacre? I believe that's the reason, Mr. Buchanan.
Congressman Ron Paul was equally blunt: "What are we doing? We are in this crisis, and they decide to spend all this money. It makes no sense at all."
Here's my question for Paul: Would you be comfortable, Congressman, watching thousands of human beings being slaughtered by a terrorist dictator when you know that your country had the power to prevent it?
In fact, the no-fly zone was up and running in hours, and Gadhafi's forces have been seriously damaged.
Now the rebels have a chance to eventually overthrow the dictator, and mass murder has been avoided at least for the time being.
This is not a complicated issue. If America is indeed a noble country, it should act to save lives when it can. That doesn't mean getting bogged down in quagmires such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam.
But when quick, decisive action can defeat evil, it should be taken.
I believe in the basic nobility of America. I also believe few other nations have the motivation and power to confront evil that this country does. If it's all about us, if all we think about is our own sacrifice, then American exceptionalism disappears.
We did the right thing in Libya.
BILL O'REILLY is host of "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News. Contact him through Comment at

Mr. O'Reilly, Edmund Burke also lived in a time when obedience to God and virtue were part of daily lives to many more Americans, than today.  "The only thing necessary for the triumph over evil is for good men to do nothing."; has a much broader application of meaning to this Nation and its activity internationally against "evil" - especially as defined by this Administration.

No where in your commentary do you address the nature of the "rebels" against Gadhafi. They are supported by Iran. Which is part Global Socialization.

While Gadhafi is evil, he is at least as consistent in his wrongness as is Castro in Cuba.  To allow Gadhafi to be replaced by the much more sinister evil to the citizens of Libya: 'group-think Socialism' isn't doing any person in Libya a 'favor of our obligations'.   ---- Especially since they have the same problem with withheld, distorted information intended to mislead who or what the opposition "rebels" represent.

Your commentary reflects the very same withheld, distorted, misleading information served-up to Americans.

As for the second guessers for why war in any part of the Middle East, they shall never understand "..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... that equal rights come from God - The Creator -  not from man of any sort - and not limited to just one Nation; but to God's Creation The Sovereign Individual residing on the Planet named "earth'.
Catherine West

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Budget comment re taxes, unions, possibilities with single-mined blind,deaf, stiff-necked group-think...

Brown's Countdown, Day 66: Field Poll: Jerry Brown has voter support for extending taxes, but opportunity may not last - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Comment to above:
Brown wants his tax increases. The unions want the tax increases. 68% of voters - both parties are against tax increases. The cost of union salaries, bosses, supervisors, administration with the "hired" union attorneys....continue to grow via each, individual member dues. Member dues deducted even during a strike! Unions are paid by taxpayers. They are not elected; do not have accountability to Legislative branch of government at any level; and on a regular basis fail to perform their duties as regulators for Departments and Bureaus - again at all levels of government - simply because they are not accountable! Union members are taxpayers. Union members support the election of union-represented-governors, senators, assembly-members, representatives, Senators, and Presidents. Union members have little or no say in the decisions made by their leaders whatever level; and coercion in job availability may be rampant or best, the member is simply ignored as a hoy-paloy-non-distinct-two-legged-worker (forget the sometimes attached word, 'bee' - that would be too much of a compliment).

So when the Republicans say 'NO' it is recorded as against the State. The state has no money; is spending what it doesn't have in dollars in every area of health and welfare, education, public works, environment regulation, energy; it has no 10th Amendment right to be indulging its non-entity-irresponsible-selfish need for power and control. Because it is a non-entity, without control; bad concepts of demand, usurpation, power, and control take over; government remains a 'Absent Brain' incapable of performing with integrity, duty and service. The requirements of 'good governance' that our founders wrote in Both The Declaration and The Constitution --- including California's Constitution.

Only returning and shrinking "government" to allow service, duty, integrity with respect to the abilities of individuals as designed by Both founding documents, will save US(A) from the unsustainable nature of irresponsible $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, Acts,Amendments,Laws,Regulations,EO,Commisiions and all tools of non-brain-entity-control.    Both these Documents for 'governance stewardship and integrity' are what protect US(A) as sovereign individuals - states - and nation. Until, "letting go" of Sen. DeMint or "closing down" of this American Patriot of ALL areas of government which do not meet the standards of individual sovereign person first....before money, candidate, integrity or even God's word, take place; ---- Our Nation, the Only Nation of Working to Allow -- God's Gift to Person -- will continue to fonder in the windless sea of lawless neglect to Duty, Honor, Country! --- All Citizens from 8 years old and those at the end of their life's journey(but still vote, listen and decide)--- realize you lose all dreams and all inventiveness with the non-entity of government control-demand-usurpation now acting and in charge! The Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity ---- also end, now 2011-12, NOW!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Regarding Tyrannosaurus Rex Federal government, balanced budget, fair tax...

When any government has grown to 1300 Departments and Agencies, with the only employment growth at extortion charges to the Taxpayers via Union Admin., Bosses and hired attorneys with only one agenda...more money and power for the self-grandizement for 'Its' admin. bosses and attorney's..! Membership is simply "The end justify's the means - ethics with thanks to Saul Alinsky and his Lucifer mentor for usury of 'Its' member!

Some members are also desiring a "Fair Tax".

The Federal Level of government will not get smaller ignoring unions, adding a balanced budget amendment, or utilizing a fair tax; because not one of these actions will change the self-indulgent, gigantic mouthed, tyrannosaurus rex of this government!  None will make this tyrannosaurus rex of a government perform with integrity and respect to its Citizens, inconveniently called "We the People in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice...and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves AND OUR POSTERITY, do ORDAIN and establish this Constitution FOR the..."!  Integrity of limits - the only answer...and It must Begin, Now!

Every elected Agent of We the People, should be devoting themselves to [this Citizen] "close down" Senator DeMint -the kinder, civil "Let Go" of this monster which Shall Destroy each sovereign individual, State, and Nation!

This Citizen has picked two Departments both not included in "enumerated powers": Education and Health and Human Services [that's where 6% of GNP is located - remember!?]. Both of these would be a good start toward reviewing the founder's 'enumerated powers' with the eye of the not-mentioned, important method, of not allowing tyrannosaurs rex to happen in the first place!

Education because "83% of USA schools will fail the Federal Standard for education(newspaper 3/7/11)"[so what!]. Did you see Greta van Sustern's interview of the HS Student early in the Wisconsin debacle against taxpayers? 100% Socialist line of verbiage, completely innocent and ignorant, and 100% Good American young man..and doesn't even know it! Has no idea the difference between "a democracy in a Republic" let alone the concept of sovereignty of person, state, and nation! Such an education!  There is an organization here in CA which is working to get government out of education at both State and Federal level. Charter and home-schooling are looked upon as a 'savior' of Learning for our young, and is effective against government-based education. So much so that CA State is looking to reduce its funding because the grads leave public school behind at every level! But indoctrination via union-dominated, closed shop teachers[so to speak], is the watch-word and ignorance is the dominant present goal of education.  State and Federal emphasize punishment for lack of success; but "Learning" is the personal essence of sovereignty; and not measurable by any method of group-think mindedness.

Health and Human Services: Someone said to this Citizen the other day: "What would we do about medicine if the Federal Government wasn't involved?".  Guess what?  As a RN, BSN, PHN in all fields of medical care new born to elderly with 38 years of work; we do just fine with JACO, JCAHO, and the inherent standards of practice each and ever sector of medicine utilizes. Further, risk/reward management is more throughly directed toward problem solving the integrity of a problem or issue than any program at any state or federal level.  Again, because We the People are best served as individuals, especially when ill... It is fraudulent for government to think it can group-think or use statistics to solve all aspects of human illness. But "IT" does!

"Patient Protection and Affordable Act" is the most lawless Act Passed in the history of the United States of America...Bar None! The minute the words spoken said "We have to pass it to see what it says." this Act achieved its status of the most illegal Act in our history...and it Shall and is doing, our Nation great harm...and IT shall not deliver Health care in any way...  We Must Take the loss; and move away from the 'sick' government which could make and take action on such a statement!

Granted, this is earth-shaking for Congress as well as Executive; but you, Senator Paul and all Senators regardless of Party membership, are the protector of "We the People".  Health and Human services, from the Founders [not this Citizen] would be better served at each, sovereign State's level with the citizens of the State deciding the 5w's and H of a much better rate, than 57 cent dollar divided among 50 states with the special interests involved, and with politics as usual much more important than the service and duty to our Nation!

Please reconsider the emphasis and change the goal to "closing down" or "letting go" of 1300 Agencies and Departments.

I am a Campaign for Liberty Member.

Thank you, Catherine West  San Marcos, CA

Saturday, March 5, 2011

FW: Fact Sheet: Government Unions 101

Unions are the undertow of the riptide against the sovereign individual, state, and nation versus the continuing Socialist takeover via group-think of Social justice via other people's security of person, home, property, and effects - unreasonable search (loans from China and fines, fees, costs anywhere and on anything (debit cards in all directions) that this Administration can find) and seizure (certainly - the futures of life and the pursuit of Happiness & therefore Liberty, of the next generation plus 2 generations - not yet thought of....). 

This document adds weight to the clear and present danger the administration of the nation is leading all of US(A) toward...
This is not an empty - opinion; it is well demonstrated fact. And while this Administration is not responsible, 100% for the 'justice by men'; it is the culmination of the efforts funded by George Soros, enstigated by Saul Alinsky with his mentor Lucifer; perpetuated by Cloward-Piven to the world effort plain to see; and even hear - via Greta van Sustern, doing her job of interview -- without inserting herself into the interview -- of the young man who is a Madison Hight School senior -- a good, all-American style Lad -- spouting 100% Socialism; because he has not been, and will not be taught the "Religion and virtue - First Table of Law" Both The Declaration and Constitution represent.

Question:  How long,  Americans!?  

Not necessarily Ron's Question....  definitely this American's question! 

Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 17:46:05 -0500
Subject: Fact Sheet: Government Unions 101



To: Catherine West

From: Ron Nehring, Chairman

Date: March 1, 2011


With the issue of government unions in the spotlight, I wanted to share with you this excellent fact sheet just published by our friends at the Heritage Foundation.

Ron Nehring
Ron Nehring
CHAIRMAN, California Republican Party


Published on February 28, 2011 Factsheet #79

What Is Government Collective Bargaining?

Legal Monopoly: Government collective bargaining gives unions a monopoly on the government's workforce. The government must employ workers on the terms the union negotiates. It may not hire competing workers.

Private vs. Public-Sector: Unions operate differently in government than in the private sector. Private-sector unions bargain over limited profits. Competition from other businesses moderates wage demands. Governments earn no profits and have no competition. Government unions negotiate for more tax dollars.

Risking Public Services: When government unions strike, they can deprive citizens of essential services-such as education for children-until demands are met.

History of Government Collective Bargaining

Unions Once Rejected: Early labor leaders didn't believe unions belonged in government. In 1955, George Meany, then-president of the AFL-CIO, said: "It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government." In 1959 the AFL-CIO Executive Council declared, "In terms of accepted collective bargaining procedures, government workers have no right beyond the authority to petition Congress-a right available to every citizen."

FDR: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D) gave unions extensive powers to bargain collectively in the private sector but excluded them from government. FDR believed collective bargaining had no place in public service and that a government strike was "unthinkable and intolerable."

A Change of Heart: Union membership peaked in the private sector in the 1950s. Unions came to see government employees as valuable new dues-paying members. Some states, like VA and NC, still do not negotiate public spending with government unions. 52% of union members in the U.S. now work for a government.


The Consequences of Government Collective Bargaining

Leverage over Government: Granting unions a monopoly over work done in government gives unions enormous leverage over budgets and taxes. Unions use this power to raise taxes and get more of the budget spent on them.

Inflated Government Pay: Government unions win above-market compensation for their members. The average government employee enjoys better health benefits, better pensions, better job security, and an earlier retirement than the average private-sector worker, although cash wages are typically not inflated at the state or local level.

Forced Union Dues: In the 28 non-right-to-work states, unions negotiate provisions that force government employees to pay union dues or get fired. This brings government unions billions of dollars.

Politicized Civil Service. Government unions have the power to elect the management they negotiate with, so they spend heavily to elect politicians who promise them concessions. Government unions were the top political spenders, outside the two major parties, in the 2010 election cycle.

What about Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin: Governor Scott Walker (R) is reforming collective bargaining. His proposal restores voter control over most spending decisions but does not completely eliminate collective bargaining.

Reforms: Walker's proposal restricts government unions to negotiating over wages only, and not benefits or work rules (such as job guarantees for failing teachers). Voters would have to approve any wage increase beyond inflation. Unions would have to demonstrate that they have the support of a majority of members through an annual secret ballot. Wisconsin would stop subsidizing union fundraising by collecting union dues through its payroll system, and would no longer fire workers who choose not to pay union dues.

Is This Union Busting? A union is only "busted" if its members are forced to quit the union. Giving employees the choice to pay or not pay expensive dues is hardly union busting. Under Walker's plan, Wisconsin unions would still have considerably more negotiating power than even federal employee unions.

This email was sent to by |  
Ron Nehring, Chairman. California Republican Party | 1903 W. Magnolia Blvd | Burbank | CA | 91506

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Administratvie, Legislative, and for other reasons: Judicial Just Don't...

Get It!  "We the People - elected and non-elected, administrated against via Union Administration": 
 Talk about disbelief of the Attack on Both Founding Documents;  try on all levels of government, continuing to perform services and actions which are none of their business; spending the money of Americans - without accountability of thoughtful service; because the "IT" of government or President Reagan's "The most feared sentence in the English (or anywhere else on the globe): "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Oh, my god..."We the People" tell "IT" called government Federal Level to quit the Executive Cabinet leaders and czars from the 'Centralized Non-Legislative review, antilaw of "We the People"  Regulations and "properly adopted rules" defined by the few, biased for Social-Justice of this particular "We have to pass it to see what it says" Administration. 

With 1300 Departments and Agencies at the Federal Level (didn't count the cost of 27 Commissions) and State; plus the State Level Departments, commissions, agencies; plus the County and city levels of government....just  closing Education and medical care at the Federal level would take away a lot of debt; same two at the State Level.  Our 'elected We the People', now have the duty to close down Federal Level-by  returning to the concepts of limited power to maintain a border.

It is imperative, that 'This Congress' as agents of We the People, to regard Union contracts, throughout the Federal and State Levels, as the Unconstitutional documents each contract represents:  Article IV:2, 4; Article VI:2; Amendments VIII [but that requires the use of the 1828 Dictionary looking at the word 'fine(s)*; IX,  X,  XIV [The Favorite Amendment of the 'group-think, Obama Socialist Administration with 'its' judges - to ignore and denigrate] Sections 1 no law abridging privileges and immunities and equal protection.  

The most egregious need to move out of Federal Government with huge savings -- except for the cost to HOUSE and SENATE AGENTS  of the taxpaying citizens: 
FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION: With its "neutral communications medium (from whatever non-human nature universe that 'neutral' part resides in).....adopting rules to preserve basic internet values...with only the FCC having the ability to define their idea of a problem: "preserve internet freedom and openness"..."past pursued unbiased enforcement of Open Internet principles, we have not had properly adopted rules. ...(Julius Genachowski in "Preserving the Open Internet, GN Docket No. 09-191, Broadband Industry Practices, WC Docket No. 07-52).

THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - ideally return to local level; but OUT of Federal Level: with its most recent adoption of the 31 areas of centralization of education programs public and private; including "codifying"access to IRS computer programs "to allow an applicant to import income and other data", "Program Integrity Issues: Final Rule; 34 CFR Parts 600- 603,"; But Primarily the Department as an insult to "We the People" responsibility as well as unalienable Right to Life --- ; and of course to address the ignorance and disdain for Article I:8, Article IV:2, 4; Amendment IX and X. 

The PARTS of Health and Human Services named: 1) Medicare-Medicaid - because of the same part of the Declaration just stated; Article I:8, Amendments IX and X. More importantly todays paper: The President of the United States of America says to the 50 sovereign States: "If your state can create a plan that covers as many people as affordably and comprehensively as the Affordable Care Act*  does - without increasing the deficit - you can impliemant that plan. And we'll work with you to do it. (Obama Shows Flexibility on Law; Margaret Talvev, McClatchy Newspapers; pg.A3 NC Times).  

EVERYONE: These 2 sentences in today's newspaper, from our President say the entire difference Between:  Social Justice Law by and for men, -Socialism, -with the coveting of ignorance, assumed about 'We the People'; and Demonstrated by the group-thinking-arrogant/dominating leadership, by irresponsible using of other people's not only money, but also sovereign person, state;  Versus,  "Religion and Morality as the first Table of Law" or Law from God, Jesus His Son, The Bible, and Common Law of BOTH Founding Documents.  Further because: "The Constitution if Law. The Declaration is Not Law. (from an attorney)", the Principles expressed in the Declaration which derive from God, the Lessons of Jesus, The Bible which is the Basis of Common Law (expressed in Amendment VII), the concept of 'individual sovereignty' all the Documents address, is not allowable for the purposes of law. Law written by justice based on "The Laws of "..assume among the powers of the earth", ".. Nature and Nature's God", ".. Unalienable", ".. Creator.." or the reason BOTH DOCUMENTS ARE INTERTWINED INTO The LAWS OF MANKIND. 

Move and distribute 100% of Medicare and Medicaid back to the closest location of 'We the People' to result in the Most affective (this is directly from the founders as part of the reason for enumerated powers) application of: "Patient Care dictates patient service" from the old Health and Human Services Manuel.  Medicare and Medicaid (Cal) returned to the States where a dollar will purchase, in the "unable to pay We the People" who paid --- during working years---for the kind of care they need; with the needed care provided at a price which is realistic to the cost of the provision; and closer to 'We the People" of a bottom-up government, or to the citizens of the State - to decide the best method of purchasing the product named: medical care to those in need; but  Not:  medical depends on the statistical number divided by the number of states, the 10 regions & territories, and the number of people who qualify for whatever the diag. or group of dx. with concomitant treatments standard, or otherwise are determined...but not too much otherwise, because that doesn't fit 'group-think'. 'Social Justice' written by men who describe, define, arrange, distort, ignore the information required to make a decision --- which should never be made by a sovereign individual as a member of a community, sovereign state or sovereign nation and who is the most affected not only in cost, but also in service the Fed. thinks it can perform!

2) MEDICAL INFORMATION FOR DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT because of gross duplication of thousands of private profit and not-for-profit organizations work without taxpayer money and with the independence of closer to the individuals most affected who require that support.  

Below is the list of "Operating Divisions"** with "Staff Divisions"**. You can read for yourselves the amount of duplication.  Also, please realize that anyone can visit all 1300 Department, Agency; 27 Commissions to have a self-made demonstration of the monster our Federal Government has become, made worse by the group-think, law by social justice, pharisee of rule and order determined, defined ....
The add to above, the number of Union Member individuals, supporting their Administrators in a dictating format of leadership...we'll tell how specifically what your vote shall contain...any words outside of this kind of dictate shall not be tolerated and could result in you(employee) losing your position in whatever your're doing in government!

It is imperative, that this Congress begin the work of examining, WITH 'We the People' via mechanisms already in place - called Act Now and via the Congressional Republican Party sites and via direct correspondence between Senator and Representative with their districts and States: exactly how much of 'enumerated powers' should remain  v. the debt with how many Must Go away because the worst thought for We the People is: some non-entity with two legs in Wash. DC, paying dues to an Union Administrator who supports a view of government known to be disastrous; could actually know more than We the People who provide the entity of their funding...not in perpetuity.  

When there is more debt than assets; you not only STOP SPENDING, you look at what you own, with an eye to selling or removing the cost from the 'table called financial responsibility' to one person or to a difference. And you don't slow, prevent, via railroading useless regulations and paperwork; the best assets of "do ordain and establish this Constitution 'for' the United States of America. Deep water drilling of Petroleum [it's the better word because it utilizes ALL uses of this gift from dinosaur's very large protein, carbohydrate, fat filled bodies], nuclear, natural gas which doesn't even include gold, silver, platinum and other valuable minerals.  Stop subsidies of energy that require development; because if good enough, like oil; subsidy isn't necessary and a burden on "working and Posterity, We the People". 
One deep water oil drilling permit in Nine Months with six still in the bins of "denial of American Assets via this Obama Administration with its cohorts of Soros, Alinsky, Piven, World socialism with UN as corrupt as the nations it attacks, because confusion with ignorance is the "delight of Satan" - the patron saint of darkness, harm and misery to each individual who falls under its spell.

Also, we can't give away money as Grants, because there is no free money; and because since its taxpayer's money you are using...doesn't it make much more sense to leave the dollars in their hands in the first place.  Think of all you save just in personnel of several parts of Treasury with IRS with distributing depts. for the locations of the grants, and don't forget someone should monitor the grants!  Since no-one can really tell if the dollar used for whatever is a China-loan dollar or a taxpayer dollar, then every time $1.00 of grant money goes out; it has the potential of being 'bright-red ink' known as principle and interest as 100% of that given-away dollar!

'Government has no person'; and therefore no brains to even think of functioning in terms of duty, honor, OR to EXERCISE  the responsibility of virtue expressed as Principle in the Declaration with Law in the Constitution - only mankind is capable. Then, only in the ability to Only the honor and integrity of "elected, appointed, employees of We the People" doing each individual's job; so doing the right thing when no-one is looking -- is to follow The Supreme Law of God, of God with Jesus in the Declaration, and in the Supreme Law of the Land.   

*(that's the newest verbiage for this atrocious attack on taxpayers as earners and as payers of interest and principle on Loans our nation: It's real name, commonly forgotten by intent of its writers: "The Patient Protection and Affordable Act")