The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Monday, April 11, 2022

The NUMBERS GAME: two kingdoms of talking forked-tongue serpent required by father evil-lie to play his spirit devil, 45 years International Court of iniquity -- oligarch label Common Law Public Value Living & graven image-MIND control

May 9, 2009, Revisited June 10,2009--April 11, 2020; 9/17/23}

"The Numbers Game" 2 of 10 carved -idol god- Not to worship or bow down to them - to serve it is being played in many areas of our lifestyles. In the grocery markets, it is your 'Club Card' to track most popular purchases by category; on many News Stations it is, "Do you think AIG executives are guilty of taking too much money?, or other questions answered yes or no. 

In computers, choices are IMPERATIVE- binary, enslaved think alike,  Command from humanoid robotron, "Just answer 'yes' or 'no' (i.e. no such concept of TRUTH/ SELF = 1st GREAT COMMAND - "YOU MUST LOVE THE LORD, YOUR GOD, WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART, YOUR WHOLE MIND,  AND YOUR WHOLE SOUL, this is THE  GREATEST AND CHIEF COMMAND. There is a second like it: YOU MUST LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF:  THE WHOLE LAW AND THE PROPHETS, {that's Jesus/ WORD/ TRUTH/ Christ "before the foundations of the earth"-John 17, 'Gen. 2, "N'ames the those crowds, villages where everyone wants to be as close to Jesus as they can, comfort, Joy, peace -  feed the 5000 - leave and Lives, Fortunes and sacred Honor occur among the ETERNAL SOUL(S)= SPIRIT TRUTH } HANG UPON THESE TWO  COMMANDS" -- the idol god - inanimate thing(s)- 'number' incapable of Truth, ONLY destroys;  and living - things/ atoms - "any 'T'hing / objects that crawls on earth".  'Numbers'- 'T'ime - BIGGER - can have numerous layers for variables, caliber for guns/ rifles; types of fires- historic 'burn at the stake'. The layer decisions are yes-no because a computer is biNOmial. That means 'shades of grey' or choices between black = no and white = yes, do not exist. What part of our lives does not involve a computer? What happens when you purchase something and the clerk says: "The computer won't allow me to do...? And now, our Oversized, Bigheaded government spent Supplemental , fiscal agent for our entire Taxpayer PORTFOLIO- COMBINED- STATEMENT ON-LINE- WALLETS - of plastic, fiat -- Dollars Federal reserve 12 MEGAregion(s) of MEGApolis -- 3+FICO  totally 'think alike' - based 'number' only means 2 GREATEST COMMANDS are NULL, VOID, thus TRUTH doesn't exist - especially: "There are more instances of abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations" - James Madison, Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 16, 1788 -  on the electricity machine- computer hardware/software to hold each 'one being's American's medical history for Universal Medicine Federal Government use!!?? President Bush also wanted every American's Medical Records available online. Difference: online "for the individual/family American to utilize as They moved in location and/or physician. Remember, we the taxpayer/voter defeated this concept at with Hilary Clinton.

'The Numbers Game' was first written in January 2007 and addressed how the opposition depended on polls, surveys and various other counting devices to make decisions about how our government should run relating to the unpopular War in Iraq. Then Pres. Bush didn't want any 'T'hing/ Atoms to do with surveys, polls and opinions regarding how to conduct the War against radical jihad Muslims(terrorists is the politically correct word) where-ever they occurred. During his last two years, Mr. Bush had the support of between 9 and 19% according to the numerous surveys, polls, and daily counts of the Troops who had died to assist the Iraqi People in their uphill battle, for both sectarian and non-sectarian (i.e., triune WRITTEN ix, xiii 47/49 artiii-435 census 3/1/2020, 4/29/2020 eradication of ARTICLES VII- 24/7 Roles of challenges, FEET PSM on his "PLACE of HABITATION" - PROPERTY in IV:2 'C'itizen is ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH- Command V, James 1, from Gen 3:20- Cain- jealousy, 4:24- the Father gave, says Adam, Seth to replace Abel) in VI in , with evil - from udhr unGLOBAL HERDSCMTPOP) Jesus is only 5 senses/ fleshy and in Revelations 22: 16, scion House of David, sent His Angels to give you this testimony. For a church rooftop, layered building- denomination) 'rights,' with decision, to move toward their choice for de-moc-rac-y in the heart of the Middle East.

No matter the number of survey results, certain unalienable rights from our Creator remain. It doesn't matter what part of the globe a person stands on -- all sizes, shapes, beliefs, lack of beliefs, activities -- have an unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This has been a part of world history long before the United States of America existed; but took shape for the individual person's life, here with Our Nation. It is not less true because a majority of people don't know or agree with a nation's right to fight against tyranny With USA Assistance. That's why Iraq is not a subject for yes/no surveys. At least until 11/4/08....

The Survey Problem remains: Our Nation's decisions about the ethical principles we have always supported; are now weighted and influence by invisible men/women who decide what questions are asked; the geographic locations where questions are presented; the time of day; and how to count the people who answer pollster's questions: 'Yes, No, Undecided. The invisible pollsters have no responsibility for the questions. They do not have to report their questions when the poll is published; nor do they have to account for the content of the questions. They do not own any accountability for the outcomes of their surveys and polls. This also includes numbers of responses by letters, public gatherings, businesses and government at all levels. How many times have you heard: "Everyone does it"; as if everyone justifies the action. The greatest number of opinion, poll, survey, and now votes, are determiners of the course our Nation will take for the next four years. We are American, we do work for our Nation whether heading in a good or detrimental direction.

Since winning the November 4, 2008 election and his 'first one hundred days in office', President Obama has taken a gigantic step in determining, with his liberal left cohorts, that he has the right to change the Form of Government Our Nation takes: Socialism. When you think back to primaries, the Democrats offered Only Far Left Liberals(Socialists) for Candidates for President. Again, in complete disregard for Article IV:4 "..guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." and Article V: Amendment Process of the Constitution - 'the how to' of changing the form of government. Reminder to forgetful Americans: The Declaration of Independence is Our Nation's Birth Certificate; and The Constitution of the United States of American is Our Owner's Manual. Both are documents of Integrity and Personal Value for Each Citizen born or naturalized. All Presidents and Congress-persons, up to the current one have Sworn Oaths to "..preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America - Article II:1". The current President and his Administration, also took the Oath, but it remains to be seen when or if, they will recognize Our Nation's Constitution. Simply winning the election doesn't complete the change to Socialism. Obama must confront the 233 year old Constitution and Federated form of government; then directly ask for 2/3rds of the States to ratify the Constitution to allow the change from Federated Government Pyramid(family/individual-base, local, county, State, Federal-tip of pyramid) to Socialist. Demonstrated action of our current administration: ---the temerity to interfere with private corporations, fire CEO's (without due process or even a 'charge';---use coercion you must encourage 'green cars' or else... . ---Too banks you must...for toxic accounts...or else government won't, with taxpayer money, help the insurance or bank cash for, the unique in US History, real estate 'bubble burst' that resulted in No Sources for Obtaining Loans individually, business-wide, and the Stock Market therefore world economies. While, at the same time, prevent some TARP Banks from repaying and closing the loan of taxpayer money! With this Administration, government sets the terms of business and commerce. ---This Administration's definition of government also determines who gets to keep how much of the money. Business owner's take responsibility, risk their lives and fortunes for the business they know how to run; but because of Mr. Obama's determination of what wealth is worth, these owners must give it away to less fortunate, non-risk takers, simply because they don't have as much as some other class. Mr. Obama and his socialist, rubber stampers, have determined just how business should run in their 'like-minded agreement of what is right for today's political wind' direction.

Granted, many Central Democrats do not see his election as a change in the Form of Our Government. They agree with a large, central government and with Obama's Socialist duties as one answer to 'that terrible, worst President in history Bush!'. Many Democratic Americans said: "Maybe Socialism won't be so bad!". With tax and spend at both the State and Federal levels at the same time as an economic down-turn, the increases in family spending for government requirements is higher than it has ever been in United States History. The Government demands for taxpayer dollars is a clear and present danger to our Nation since it threatens every American regardless of income, including 'family, local, county, state, federal' economies and future opportunities to 2012 and beyond. Here is how some of Obama & Administration will change Our Nation:---The Proposed 'Green Power Grid' with Senator Harry Reid, will allow the President to determine the location of power grids for wind and sun throughout the USA. If a State disagrees with the President, the Energy Department will declare 'eminent domain' to continue the growth of the grids. There is no part of the Constitution that addresses this form of Federal abuse of Government Power over the States or the people. Amendment X does state: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people". ---The concept of 'green' or purchase of 'toxic accounts' from TARP banks, doesn't exist in the Constitution. Federal Government deciding which energy 'green grid'/Global warming use of science that agrees while ignoring the science that disagrees, results in clear and present danger to the continued, growth and safety of America - especially by ignoring the role of both Nuclear and Petroleum. The Federal government should no more be involved than the State in pursing 'the selective definition of energy'. Our government is power grabbing. It is the antithesis of Americans and Our History of Research and Development. ---Our Founders were well aware of the danger of power in government that absorbs the 'of, by, and for the people'. The Constitution did not "tell government what to do for the people" because the founders knew by first hand experience and by world history, what happens when the government changes to the hands of a few, flowing into more aspects of family - individual life, to redefining government versus individual responsibility.---Individuality - Family- is a Constitutional Core Concept for Each American and Immigrant Becoming a Citizen: determining as an Individual not only what his/her "...pursuit of happiness.."; but also The Role An Individual decides to take in his/her life to support the God Given Gift of The Family and Individual as Center of "We the people in order to form a more perfect union..." .The American International Group (AIG) Executives are threatened with a 90% tax for keeping their legal, binding Contracted severance pay from the largest insurance company in the World: AIG. What the AIG Executives are being accused and found guilty of is misuse of funds and benefitting from wrong management practice in working for AIG. - WITHOUT ACCUSATION OR TRIAL, They are Simply Guilty by Congressional shouting! TARP included our taxpayer/government money, but is also a Violation of Amendment V: "No person shall be held....nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; ...". Our President, Senators, through hours of Committee meetings, have spent several thousand taxpayer dollars to decry these Executives without ever recognizing this violation of the Constitution. The 90% tax is also called 'Bill of Attainder' which is prohibited by Article I:9. No-one else recognized the Constitutional violation, except Senator Paul and many quiet, knowledgeable Americans. That's why I have written this the way I have! 

 Watch-out for how fast President Obama is moving! He needs to keep Congress and Americans ---AS IGNORANT  AND UNINFORMED BY WITH-HOLDING DISTORING -DISTINCTLY LIE, STEAL, FALSE WITNESS does equal off-balance and scared, anxious, or worried; and he needs to keep us distracted from all the ingraining he is performing with Auto industry, universal health, Energy 'Green' Only, and Real Estate because he believes, once government establishes itself in private industry, it will remain or be very difficult to dislodge.

It is Extremely Important that You Notice There was No Media Coverage of the Size and increased number of executives who are part of AIG, or that severance pay in Executive Contracts at this level of responsibility is Standard Operating Procedure in most American Businesses. The Media - all levels - continues to fail to report all sides of an issue WITHOUT opinion, so the voting American can be informed. Further, that there are 503 TARP companies* involved, many of which have large number of Executives working for them. The media calls 'choosing issue items to report' form of reporting 'Target News' which is arbitrary, arrogant and has been consistently taking place over the last eight years. The media - all levels - continues to fail to report all sides of an issue WITHOUT OPINION, so the voting American can be informed. The media is active in publishing surveys. Notice the difference the AIG story takes with "Here's the rest of story..(Paul Harvey, radio commentary)". The media did report at least one AIG Executive, did give back most of the money, donating balance to charity, and noting that he Performed the Job He Was Hired To Do. That there are 503 Banks involved about 20 at this writing have already paid, with interest, back Our Taxpayer money. Pres. Obama also wants to purchase 'toxic accounts' from the 480+ banks. This after the Feds 'assessment' of toxic accounts - in addition to each banks own assessment. Using taxpayer resources for a special group of people or situation - especially private business has been violated more than once - it has failed more than once. Taxpayer money is not part of the commerce. Therefore it is only a tool to help government fulfill its mandated responsibilities - not create new business partnerships or 'green' projects. The people own business or work = paying taxes on their income = whatever size business pays taxes = employees pay taxes. Government receives $$$ as tax receipts to provide First the Constitutional stated duties of the President, Congress, and the Judiciary; then other roles. Government has no business defining how much an individual, family, business of any size earns or not! Business, commerce is reserved for the people. We Are, by and large, honest, straightforward, and hardworking. We've just gotten so used to hearing about the less than 49% that don't do well and need more support... whatever and where-ever they occur. There are multiple programs which use our taxpayer resources to help the 49%. By and large, most taxpayers don't mind helping people out. We do it all the time. Even though Mr. Bush had only 17% 'number's game' support, the ethics that equality of man is world-wide has prevailed, however small it may appear to people opposed to the Iraqi People's attempt at a voice in their own government. There is and has been a non-shooting war taking place among the people who live under 24/7 tyranny; and the twenty-six year plus, 'Stability Foreign Policy' Obama & cohorts want to maintain; still has not accomplished any progress for the people of the Middle East. At least Iraq got a chance. The Iraqi People have managed - against all odds - a right to decide about their own government and their future especially from the bottom-Family- of the Federated form of government. The idea of listening to their people, alone, is a huge change in Islam. The Federated Pyramid makes Federal Government the tiny tip of the pyramid. Obama's Socialism - clearly - spreads black clouds down the pyramid to reach into all segments: Family/Local/County/State/Federal. There are no guns, but war it is for many angry Americans, regardless of party-puppet tongues - affiliation, at the audacity and assumptions President Obama and his supporters have made. The United States of America is changed because President Obama received 'The Numbers Game' most votes. We need to look at this man named President who believes government money is his alone to spend; and at a Party who isn't paying attention to the probably the greatest threat to Our Nation: Ignoring both the Declaration and Constitution, because of party rubber stamps more important than Our Nation! Many Americans, born and naturalized, of all political parties and all levels of life here in America have missed or forgotten what has happened to our Constitution. And one of two - Most Important Documents, will continue to be ignored or debased unless We The People, again, make Our Constitution a Living Fact. Then Reaffirm Our Support to the Integrity and Universal Truth of God that was so active with our Founding Fathers in forming these Two Unique Documents of History and To Our Nation which Has Both the Privilege and Responsibility to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Integrity of the Declaration of Independence. All Americans take this Oath by just being born here. Immigrants take this Oath to become citizens. All of us can forget that We The People are the thread of time that keeps Our Nation along "..endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights..."..................and protects other Nations from the abuse of the family and individual's pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Americans We Are Our Government and It Is Time To Speak!
Thank you, Cathy West; San Marcos, CA

*see TARP then Transaction Reports. It is harder to find these reports now with the change from Treasurer Paulson.PS: No one else recognized the Constitutional violation, except Senator Paul and many quiet, knowledgeable Americans. That's why I have written the above to include where in the Declaration and Constitutional problems emerge. Our Matt. 18 in 22; John 1, 14in17 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO, "ARTICLE VII WITNESSES Founding /Drafters Fathers did indeed predict all the problems Mr. Obama & his Administration have presented to our Nation!

PPS: I didn't know the Constitution either, but took a course available through (online as well as classroom). It is terrific and very needed by all of US. The class members also enjoy the learning and discussions which have the goal of letting the Constitution and Declaration speak to 2009 instead of keeping it back in 1783. After taking the class, members sign-up to also teach the Declaration and Constitution to their families and friends.

ppps: This HTML does NOT understand English grammar - so it is all bunched up. Probably this will bunch up also. So, Sorry & good luck! I worked on fixing for 2 hours, wrote a comment on google's Did that fix it? without any four letter words - which I consider very good!