The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Pyrrhic Change: EB has been a wonderful resource But...

Pyrrhic Change: EB has been a wonderful resource But...: succombed to the UDHR-humanist philosophy: ".. We make reasoned decisions because our experience with approaches that abandon reason co...

EB has been a wonderful resource But...

succombed to the UDHR-humanist philosophy: "..We make reasoned decisions because our experience with approaches that abandon reason convinces us that such approaches are inadequate and often counterproductive for the realization of human goals. When reason is abandoned there is no “court of appeal” where differences of opinion can be settled. ...We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible. As a result, we are committed to the position that the only thing that can be called knowledge is that which is firmly grounded in the realm of human understanding and verification; [and] ...we take a strict position on what constitutes knowledge,.."   at; Common Core curriculum; Common Law Public Value 'standing' arbitrary, humanist/ human precept, rules of conduct - force absent reciprocation of right supreme to Article VI especially relating to Oath of Office, the One Law forming the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents:

Wrote this "comment to Encyclopedia Britannica (EB)", after locating where human input is permitted, because one of the very best methods of knowing whom you are addressing, i.e., "knowledge, wisdom, for truth in trust and promise", or "this current Anti-Republic under God Regime's" "ravenous wolves" wearing sheepskins telling you that you can have "grapes from thorns and figs from thistles", is that you are Never allowed to comment on their page -- even if you have checked the little box saying "follow" or "friend" in which neither word has the definition upon which it is used.
        Any Orgainzation refusing to allow "What's on your mind?" or "comment" or "Twitter's" twit -- the shorten letters more important than idea form of communication -- though it can be fun and a great method for sarcasm and wit, practices its deeds, language and communication through   "we take a strict position on what constitutes knowledge', especially utilizing H. Clinton/47-Obama/71-Lucifer-Alinsky's #13 target, freeze, polarize with name-calling, a.k.a, Clinton-Obama-Lucifer-Alinski's #5 -ridicule, like the FB Charlie Rangle's "Hamas Terrorists" or Harry Reid's "Watch out for anyone who calls himself an American Patriot, they are really enemies of this government," -- though that is a statement of Truth because this current government is revocation of the One Law revealed from 1620 Puritans, in the 1789 Ratified Laws within the Three Sacred Documents - No Truth, No Trust, No God --;.and humanist- socialist-communist-written, UDHR's #19opinion without interference except when: " We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them.".

Name-calling is "personality" of "individual, everyBody, homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes - except Immortal-Soul -" is of this current arbitrary, human precept rules of conduct- force devoid 'right'; and absent Constitutional, Article II and VI Oath with God as witness, therefore Bible and Declaration, Person of no physical or environmental characteristics because man is created in God's Spirit/ Image and has his own unique, Immortal-Soul/ mind/ heart/ will/ conscience/ courage which has no physical, especially sexual-organ-gender, or environmental characteristics, they are not part of Truth, Trust, and God creation of His Universe "n. [L. universitas.] The collective name of heaven/God and earth/Christ in His Father and Him in You/ You in Him, and ALL that BELONGS to them; the WHOLE SYSTEM of created things", i.e The Periodic Chart of the Elements, Living and Inanimate-Indifferent- objects, because man defines whether the use of those objects in the name of Laws of Nature and of Nature's God Entitle One People --- to exercise and obtain risk/ reward from Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.

Before 1969, living and inanimate objects could not be parties-at-law, for they cannot mount a defense in a court of law on their own behalf -- they are not of the species homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes- not Constitutional person, or corporate persons composed of individual persons; but with "Common Law Public Value, arbitrary, rules of conduct-force-government-defined-state/society": "You serpents! You brood of vipers! How can you escape being sentenced to Gehenna? This is why I will send you prophets, wise men, and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, some of whom you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town; it is that on you may fall the punishment for all the just blood shed on earth, from the blood of Abel the just down to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar [the blood of Americans on American soil in Lebanon and on the borders between Mexico and Arizona]. I tell you truly, it will all come upon this generation;" meaning We the People - elected or not - who permit repudiation of The One Law, including The 10 Commandments, within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents.

I used the online EB to look up scribes and pharisees with a very good article that answered exactly what I was looking for. The " 7 day free trial " appeared. I searched for info. regarding cost and terms...none is available, though there is reference to 19 cents/day.
       In searching for this info, researched areas of your Directors. Found that you own Merriam-Webster's and that "sustainability" was very important to social-state among your directors; but absent truth, requiring trust, and ignoring promise, all of which require God's One Law, -- actually provable with language and communication the word "sustainable" itself.
        Probably you won't CONNECT the "sustainable" with licentiousness of Agenda 21's C but only when attached to two molecules of O, absent H, N, and Sun as the requirement of arbitrary, human precept-rules of conduct -force devoid of 'right' as supreme to God because He cannot possibly, according to human precept's "what comes out of the mouth defiles a man," take care of "Life, Liberty, or pursuit of Happiness --- knowledge, wisdom, truth in trust-promise for justice in those spheres for each-one-person of His creation of His universe, i.e The Periodic Chart of the Elements.
      Having grown-up with EB's history in our family library, 40's through 70's and then for a time the early, on line EB -- based in knowledge, wisdom, for truth in trust and promise with accountability of personal integrity as brothers "Love your neighbor as yourself", the loss of truth, trust becomes apparent and "Woe to you, you impious scribed and Pharisee! You shut the Realm of heaven in men's faces; you neither enter yourselves, nor will you let those enter who are on the point of entering.." Matt 23....rules.  I am so sorry, you are blind guides that you are! I know you will disregard this message..because of your blind leading the blind deafness,.. and because for you to admit to wickedness would mean that you would admit to dishonor, distrust, No Truth and No God; for you would know you cannot serve both God and Mammon... You must choose.  
      Worse, you are teaching world-wide - so consider Matt. 18's "hindrance, millstone and jump into the sea", because you are definitely among those who shall feel God's sword, in Ezekiel 33; -- who also teaches, through and directly from God, Himself, -- how to redeem the death of your, individual Person-unique, Immortal-Soul.
      I'm sorry too, about all EB and your "greatest among you, Dr. Noah Webster's magnificent work in the 1828 AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language" represent in knowledge, wisdom, and truth. You ought to read his "Preface" carefully....  I'm so disappointed at your losing such a magnificent opportunity in Love of Learning for right that knowledge, wisdom, truth in trust so that justice can occur of, by, and for -- the entire individual Person in any location on God's Planet. .. but then, humanist philosophy requires closing your mind so that concrete, senses can function to take the empty neurotransmitters and limit function to only feelings and selected, permitted the way for you.
         ..You have been lied to and fooled if your education occurred in State and Federal Indoctrination Schools and Colleges of arbitrary, "paper-professors blank-"UDHR #19..right to opinion without interference regardless of frontier," where the language and communication of the word 'opinion' is devoid of probability of Truth --- see def. in your online 1828 American Dictionary and while there -- try Religion, Ethics, Lie, Deceit, Trust, Promise, and Oath - Pledge, because you do both every time you say "..And to the Republic (Article IV:2,4)for which it stands, One Nation, under God (Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, in separate and equal station of each-one-person's unique, Immortal-Soul, Article II and VI Oath of Office)"; and you don't even believe the truth, trust, and God in those cornerstone and foundation of our archetypal Republican Form of Representative government under the Federalist Equilateral Triangle composed and comprised of each-one-person's protecting and securing 'right' from the base to the tiny tip of that very abuse, tyranny, usurpation of the triangle.

The reason for looking up scribes and pharisees is CONNECTING/RELATING, Step 3 of the 4 Steps of the Classical Learning Methods of the Colonists, Founders among them; and 'Assessment' of the SOAP method of using knowledge, wisdom, truth in trust for justice -- the 5W's and H of whatever you are addressing in whatever role of life, liberty, pursuits utilizing the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.
        You see, scribes and pharisees are the person's chosen from among We the People, to be scribes and pharisees (right of the people is not yet 'revealed' - it's unknown), elected-Representatives by "consent of the governed-vote" (right of One People is now 'revealed' and well known because of its repudiation in Europe) to protect and secure 'right' with the "Rod and Staff of God present in the Pastures of Still Water/ Mirror to your Soul through your own eyes, a.k.a. Article I, II, and III - absent IV, V, and VI of the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents.  See the Love of our Everlasting Father and His patience...see where He is leading US in His salvation... see what We the People, the only nation on God's earth in His universe, Own and One at a time..!??   Oh yes, vere, very humble.

"We lay it down as fundamental, that laws, to be just, must give a reciprocation of right; that, without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, founded in force, and not in conscience (T. Jefferson, Virginia 1782); and in the Bible, Matt. 23: Jesus "speaking to the crowds (US- and any Nation with God in front of its nation's government) and to His disciples: "The scribes and Pharisees sit on the seat of Moses; so do whatever they tell you, obey them, but do not do as they do. They talk but they do not act; they make up heavy loads and lay them on men's shoulders, but they will not stir a finger to remove them.  Besides, all they do is done to catch the notice of men; they make their phylacteries broad, they wear large tassels, they are fond of the best places at banquets and the front seats in the synagogues; they like to be saluted in the marketplaces and to be called 'rabbi' by men.  
      But your are not to be called 'rabbi,' for One is you teacher, and you are all brothers;  
      You are not to call anyone 'father' on earth, for One is your heavenly Father;
      Nor must you be called 'leaders,' even the Christ.
      He who is greatest among you must be your servant.
      Whoever uplifts himself will be humbled, and whoever humble himself will be uplifted.

      Woe to you, you impious scribes and pharisees, elected to any office, administrative-police-state/judges, justices, attorneys!  You shut the Realm of heaven in men's faces; you neither enter yourselves, nor will you let those enter who are on the point of entering.
     Woe to you, you impious scribes and Pharisees! You traverse sea and land [and air] to make a single proselyte, and when you succeed, you make him a son of Gehenna twice as bad as yourselves.
      Woe to you, blind guides [Party leaders, churches leaders, organizations and groups like Homeowners Assoc. and Rental-owner-managers] that you are!  You say, 'Swear by the sanctuary, [Pledge of Allegiance, Oath] and it means nothing; but swear by the gold of the sanctuary [time and money for the elimination tournaments" rather than of the moral government of God; or Gospel is not part of Government and no Christian should participate in the protection and security of 'right' - 30% of you failed to follow Christ in 2012], and the oath is binding.'  
      Your are senseless and blind! For which is the greater, the gold or the sanctuary that makes the gold sacred?
      You say again, 'Swear by the alter, [courts of justice] and it means nothing; but swear by the gift [arbitrary, humanist rules of conduct - force absent reciprocation of right], and the oath is binding.'
      You are blind! For which is the greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred?
      He who swears by the altar swears by it and by all that lies on it; he who swears by the sanctuary swears by it and by Him who inhavits it;
      he who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits upon it.
      Who to you, you impious scibes and Pharisees! You tithe mint and dill and cummin, and omit the weightier matters of the Law, justice and mercy and faithfullness; these latter you ought to have practised--- without the former.
      Blind guides that you are, filtering away the gnat (taxpayer-government-over-man's PPAA's all healthy, honest men shall purchase insurance to meet medical requirements] and swallowing the camel [No American in the United States of america is allowed to refuse joining PPAA; and no business-not-attached-to-government is allowed to hire more than 'number' persons of body and soul' unless providing medical care - not needed nor required for those healthy persons of liberty in choice of their property " In its larger and juster meaning, it embraces every thing to which a man may attach a value and have a right; and which leaves to every one else the like advantage.

In the former sense, a man's land, or merchandize, or money is called his property.

In the latter sense, a man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them.

He has a property of peculiar value in his religious opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by them.

He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person.

He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them.

In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights. .."

And this current President's anti-Republic under God Regime in tandem with this current Socialist, arbitrary rules of conduct - force Region, once called California,1/50th of the United States of america -- No more and No less, shall always disrespect all Constitutional Person in repudiation of 1789 Rule of Law: "Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions"---- James Madison "Property".

Utilizing "CONNECTIONS", RELATING, is never taught by the State and Federal Indoctrinators, for learning is actually forbidden, and many, even among home schooling or Charter Schools, do not know what it means: ". [L. See Connect.] The act of joining or state of being joined; a state of being knit or fastened together; union by junction, by an intervening substance or medium, by dependence or relation, or by order in a series; a word of very general import. There is a connection of links in a chain; a connection between all parts of the human body; a connection between virtue and happiness, and between this life and the future; a connection between parent and child, master and servant, husband and wife; between motives and actions, and between actions and their consequences. In short, the word is applicable to almost every thing that has a dependence on or relation to another thing."   Connections never requires 'testing' for its prime source is our Eternal God and our King of Kings, i.e. if not grounded in Knowledge, Wisdom, Truth in Trust, and Promise / Oath of Office/Pledge of Allegiance, then Woe to each-one-person, especially among those who would call themselves leaders, teachers, minions of administrative-police-state's scribes and pharisees, who in their decision to follow wickedness also shall violate their very, own-Person temple of Spirit in unique, Immortal-Soul's "Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg;" including The One Law of The Bible and "the Laws of The Declaration of Independence...[is the] declaratory charter of our rights, and the rights of man."--Thomas Jefferson, 1819.

Since few individuals even comprehend CONNECTIONS, no-one 'sees' or 'hears', stands, defends, protects each-brother's 'right,' goodness, of our archetypal, Republic under God and the No Truth trust God of this current President, leader absent truth, humility and service, and the need to protect & defend our archetypal Republic.  It is going down, Flag up-side-down, because of ignorance....

Monday, June 2, 2014

Pyrrhic Change: Failing to Vote tomorrow is denying God’s Laws, su...

Pyrrhic Change: Failing to Vote tomorrow is denying God’s Laws, su...: “That to Secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, Deriving their Just Powers From the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED”: THAT MEAN...

Failing to Vote tomorrow is denying God’s Laws, subjects You to Ezekiel 33; and you fail your Person of honor....

“That to Secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, Deriving their Just Powers From the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED”: THAT MEANS YOU - Tuesday, June 3, 8am to 8pm: One Person-One Vote as Person of OUR ARCHETYPAL REPUBLIC UNDER GOD, and GOD Does Mean The Bible/ The One Law- Moral Government of God and His Son Jesus Christ; Stated in the Laws within The Declaration of Independence, and Applied within
The Constitution of the United States of America, and The Constitution of California:
Failing to vote is denying God’s Laws, subjects You to Ezekiel 33; and you fail your Person of honor, duty, and service to the Heritage of the ONLY NATION IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND ON GOD’S PLANET TO STATE AND APPLY HIS ONE LAW IN THE PROTECTION AND SECURITY OF EACH-ONE-PERSON’S “PROPERTY” - JAMES MADISON at /documents/v1ch16s23.html by one Person’s Oath of Office in Promise, Truth and Trust — God says “I am that I am” the Colonists Founders among them knew as an AXIOM to the point of never discussing that Truth, but it is the basis of all argument and opinion from that day to about 1969.
VOTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THOSE AMERICANS OF GOD AND NATION FIRST: Our Heritage from the 1620 Puritans - 393 years in Posterity - 99.8% Colonists from 1769, Founders among them, to each and every-one-Person who understands: “We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here...”... and for the Support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, We Mutually Pledge to Each Other our Lives, our Fortunes, and Our sacred Honor”:
One God Truth in Trust: We the People must return to: “You Shall Not give False Evidence Against Your Fellow Countryman” and “YOU SHALL NOT STEAL, which includes this expanded, not well known definition:”1. To take and carry away feloniously, as the personal goods of another. To constitute stealing or theft, the taking must be felonious, that is, with an intent to take what belongs to another, and without his consent. Let him that stole, steal no more. Ephesians 4. 2. To Withdraw or convey without notice or clandestinely. They could insinuate and steal themselves under the same by submission. 3. To gain or win by address or gradual and imperceptible means. Variety of objects has a tendency to steal away the mind from its steady pursuit of any subject. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel. 2 Samuel 15. v.i. 1. To withdraw or pass privily; to slip along or away unperceived. Fixed of mind to fly all company, one night she stole away. From whom you now must steal and take no leave. A soft and solemn breathing sound rose like a steam of rich distilld perfumes, and stole upon the air. 2. To practice theft; to take feloniously. He steals for a livelihood.”
“It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible, ; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition.”–Thomas Jefferson paraphrased from Matt. 15.
The Following are Not Democrats, they are Socialists who have No Intention at any Time or Under Any Circumstance to Obey the Laws of The Three Sacred Documents, Two of Which, they deny the existence of any Law what-so-ever; and of NGO/ UN/ UDHR - collective, mass people who have duties to their communities for the full development of their Personalities.
Democrats have no intention of Destroying God, the Declaration, or The Constitution (2012 Socialist Disguised as Democratic Convention in which God was removed from the Platform... ask me if you want - It does address #1, 2, 3 of the Ten Commandments and There are consequences to disobedience):
This current President’s Anti-Republic under God Regime, in tandem with our current Governor Brown,
Lieutenant Governor G. Newsom/ probably Candidate Eric Korevaar, since he likes Gov. Grey;
Controller Candidate John A. Perez was until 5/12/ Speaker of the Assembly, of Plastic Bag and California Voting Rights Act, CVRA/Community of Interest, COI – Gerrymandered Districts grouped into physical characteristics and location of homes, absent English the Official, Language of the Laws of the Two Founding Documents and the Issues with Candidates of our Laws within The Three Sacred Documents and California Constitution;
Incumbent-Attorney General: Kamala D. Harris who writes the “legislative Analyst” information, and declares “Initiatives in compliance with US and CA Law – which those Issues are not, and would not under any circumstance obey an Oath of Office or enforce any part of the Constitution, not recognizing the Declaration and denying the existence of the Moral Government of God, especially Article IV: 3, 4 or Article V;
Candidate Tsimboukakis is for 100% Taxpayer-supported, Common Core Curriculum, indoctrination, college education: “ No Tuition college in the State of CA”; is a “Chicken Little’s Falling Sky/a.k.a. too much CO2, absent H, N, Sun” and “Emperor’s New Clothes/ a.k.a Carbon Chips as fines traded on Stock Exchanges ” believer in Agenda 21/ Kyoto Protocol/ GW, Sustainable life on Planet Earth, Green/Greening/ Green Goddess Ghia/ “Climate Change”; yet another of more than 500 state agencies - “Home Owner Associations oversight and enforcement agency in the State” of government-over-man; taxpayer-public-private/taxpayer breaks - Partnerships, in short he is a Greek socialist who doesn’t have knowledge of American Republican Form of Representative Government to Protect each-one-Person’s Rights through a volunteer among We the People, who does not Take his Person of integrity and Honor in Oath of Office, Promise in Trust, Article VI of US and Article XX:3 of California Laws with God as his witness.
T. Torlakson, Incumbent State Superintendent of Public Instruction of Same sex organ, mixed bathroom and gym dressing; Common Core Curriculum Indoctrination of UDHR’s Arbitrary, rules of conduct absent reciprocation of Right: “#19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers;” where “Opinion” has absolutely No “PROBABILITY” to obedience to #7 and #8 Commandments, i.e No God, No Truth, No Trust, No knowledge, or wisdom...; and
Marshall Tuck has “NO COMMENT” what-so-ever on COMMON CORE CURRICULUM – see “"Story-Killers: How the Common Core Destroys Minds and Souls", Terrence O. Moore, Professor of History, Hillsdale College at
Next is a new or perhaps old – very used form of giving or refusing to give Support to a Candidate running unopposed:
Incumbent candidate Sheriff Bill Gore: No Article II rights what-so-ever because He also has no idea of the Content of the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents . DO NOT PLACE OR FILL-IN YOUR DOT HERE ---- DO NOT SUSTAIN THIS PERSON FOR HIS OFFICE.
Propositions 41 and 42: NO on both because 41 adds TAXPAYER-PUBLIC-PRIVATE-TAXPAYER BREAKS TO CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES to build Facilities for the Homeless who, as one person, shall not see penny one of that $600,000,000 /5% Tax Bond- that cannot be sold; while at THE SAME TIME, EACH-ONE-INDIVIDUAL PERSON WILL CONTINUE THE 94 YEAR OLD, “PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE - REPUBLIC UNDER GOD - PROGRAM OF LOW INTEREST LOANS TO PURCHASE PRIVATE HOMES WITH THE MONEY PAID BACK TO THE TAXPAYERS THROUGHOUT ALL THOSE YEARS....versus the socialist-atheist-state society where taking non-existent money from the taxpayer and redistributing it to their, group-think, collective people NOT EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW — IS IT!!!
42 IS THE Taxpayer State saying to the Taxpayer City that the State does not have to Honor their “10's of Millions of dollars Debt”; especially since the State is supreme to We the People and the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents.
Here are the Candidates of Merit, Proven Experience, who have track records supporting the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, though they could use education regarding the Content of Enforcement Contained there in:
Governor: Tim Donnelly Lieutenant Governor: Ron Nehring
Secretary of State: Pete Peterson
Controller: Ashley Swearengin Attorney General: David King
Treasurer: Greg Conlon
State Insurance Commissioner: Ted Gaines
Member State Board of Equalization 4th District of 5 throughout the State:
Diane L. Harkey
LYDIA A. GUTIERREZ: ---- THE ONLY CANDIDATE WHO EVEN ADDRESSES UNTRUTHS, Direct violations of the Moral Government of God inherent to Socialist-atheist-robot-group-think OF ‘COMMON CORE-KILLING MINDS AND SOULS’<<<<
Judges: #9: Ronald Prager; #19: Paul Ware; *#20 Carla Keehn*;
#25 Ken Gosselin; #44 Jacqueline M. Stern:
Carla Keehn, like Jim Miller has noted this enthroned incumbent, Lisa Schall has a problem obeying the laws she enforces on her thrown of martinet, thus Carla Keehn is standing for “>>Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so. >>Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to disobey that act, to report it as a crime, and to arrest the offender and deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution.” at .
Incumbent Ernest J. “Ernie” Dronenburg, Jr. Assessor/ Recorder/ County Clerk;
San Diego County District Attorney, incumbent: Bonnie Dumanis