The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Government Spending and Fiscal Responsibility

“More than lip service and more than reduced light bills [1]” in the homes of the ‘collective-mass, people and the houses of legislative government are required.

“The first fiscal responsibility of government is to preserve the value of the dollar. It can do this by prudent budgeting, by living within the means” of Persons, comprising the polity of the whole, who supply the money for government at all levels of the Federalist equilateral triangle of representative government; and by encouraging the Person’s enterprise in their Strategic Plan.

“The root evil is that the government is engaged in activities in which it has no legitimate business.”

“As long as any level, especially tiny-tip, Federal, of Government “acknowledges responsibility” in a  socialist-collective, economic fields, “its spending in that field cannot be substantially reduced.”.

“The only way to curtail spending is to eliminate the programs on which excess spending is consumed”: PPAA, Commissions, Education, Environment of Executive Order/Departmental law by decree/absent court, disguised as Regulation, United Nations’ Agenda 21's 4 Sections in control of  plants, animals - including the mammal homo sapiens in all aspects of life in Body physiology, anatomy with neurology,  - living objects; and the inanimate objects of air, land, water, hardware/software of, by, and for any object in of human-kind use...

This Obama Socialist regime of forbidding tax cuts; because it cannot forbid its ‘socialist-society’ insatiable appetite for other people’s earnings which also are required by the Socialists, or else someone will be stronger with more opportunity than some other collective-group; and having a “One Person” is the antithesis of Atheist-Socialist-collective-think.

The Obama Regime’s president is giving lip-service to ‘cutting government programs’; while the ‘Leadership in the House of Fiscal Responsibility’ still functions under the “Religion and Morality” concept of OK, we’ll start collecting taxes on those who have the nerve to earn $249,999+1 which covers the socialist-business-concepts for both the Fed. and at least the Socialist - twin State of California. In other words, Speaker Boehner will do as he says, even if a severe violation of One Person’s Life and therefore liberty and pursuit, R&D, and employment of others of skills - the Laws of Both Founding Documents.  Mr. Obama has no such intention – lip service is all he can under his governance produce since it would be a violation of “Freeze, Refreeze, Unfreeze” of his Lucifer mentor Alinsky.

One day, there was this discussion among the socialist-collective about cows.  White cows give white milk, brown cows give brown-chocolate milk; and spotted cows give either white or brown milk directly in relation to the “number of spots” on their hides.  This is a perfect example of Socialist-Atheist-Secular-preconceived conclusions because fact is not a requirement. Fact is actually to be discouraged, because it leads to competition which establishes the disagreements among the kinds of designed and designated collective-mass-people within their respective bailiwick of environment-life-style-$$$ and time of ownership; but never, never quality or purpose in knowledge, wisdom which produces truth for One Person in that old, 1620-1789-2006 Republican form of Representative government!

Examples, because we’re talking living and inanimate objects here, include: Representative Boehner stating the above OK to taxing the collective-class, 1789 unconstitutional, who earns $249,999 +$1.00 and employs people who both pay taxes and spend within the private economy to businesses who also pay taxes; while the “Socialist-Atheist Regime leader obama blithely says OK we’ll cut government spending – complete with his demonstrated absence of the ability to recognize the difference between a truth and his lies.

The above snip-it is from today’s UT, an AP article “Some Areas of overlap emerge in Fiscal Plans”–Jim Kuhnnenn & Andrew Taylor. Probably you don’t notice the “NewSpeak” but its there, “Areas of Overlap” “Emerge”....and it goes downhill from there as our Republican form of representative government’s One Person and All minorities have equal rights, with any majority which must be strictly limited in the power and operation of government, folds and capitulates to ‘a number’ and word “Majority” which has no intention of ever involving itself in First Table of Law and Second Table of Law: the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, ... and unalienable rights, let alone the 1620 to 1789-Oath of Office in Articles II and VI.

“Consent of the Governed” has the opportunity for the benefit of Sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation to prevent this Anti-Law from continuing: Before Friday, 12/14 – Instruct Each One Electoral College Member who is an American of Love of God and of Nation before Party – to Note cast their Ballot for this president – against the Laws of Both Founding Documents. The Sovereignty of State over the Federal Government and the People as the consent of the governed. We the People need one third or 18, minor-number, State’s Electoral College Members to refuse to cast a ballot for this man to remain in office.

Another, front page article “New Study Examines Brain Trauma”—Ken Belson, this one from NYT, demonstrates Socialist-group think in scientific method. The group in the study is comprised only of athletes, military veterans, and others of repeated head trauma which adds to the evidence that repeated brain injury consequences over time.

This study is only 4 years old; but there have been other studies not of athletes as the dominate reason, just repeated brain traumas back about the late 80's.  Mr. Belson and the study does note that this study cannot prove definitively that head injuries sustained on the field caused CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), especially on 83 expired athletes; and that athletes who may have suffered brain injury in football or military but do not have CTE, the “percentage”,  probably Will Not Have brain tissue for comparison because “less likely to donate their brains to science.  This in itself is not a scientific method – already you cannot produce the cause of CTE to the result of effect.

In addition, “It’s a gambler’s game to try to predict what percentage of the population has this.”.
The study is suppose to “dispel doubts about the likelihood that many years of head trauma can lead to CTE.

But the General public, especially the parents of H.S contact sports ‘assume’ the conclusion – even with “All concussions are not created equal”.

The point, risk/benefit with opportunity / threat reduced or redefined, not based on evidence, but on the idea that CTE could occur.  The Benefit is the learning in competitive sports, in music and band, and in life — the interactions of adversity with opportunity equal mental self-reliance of one individual as a member of a team of individuals- each one doing their ‘job’, and growth, as well as aspects of physical health and understanding how a brain can be repaired in and of itself – which is absent from consideration by researchers and parents who read this article. Also missing in regards to the increase of Alzheimer’s Disease is the correlation of increase of statin drugs and the adverse effect on the neurons of brain function (Google “Statins and Brain Function” AND
“David Goodman, PhD)

The socialist - just the facts which support or refute; but never all of the facts and corollaries which can affect the outcome to be avoided, and /or the removal of the sport worse than the possibility of the CTE.

Both take on the cow’s skin color attribute as the evidence of the useful fact which supports a preconceived conclusion desired to achieve “opinion without interference”, the new “The end justifies the means”; and “Black/White” of Orwell’s 1984 this Obama Regime loves to duplicate.

Because of sovereignty of State and the “Obama Regime” against our Nation, if Mitt Romney does become President, then the following, in some measure, will occur: spending cuts before increasing taxation in any form. Perpetuating tax increases with continued record unemployment, increasing part-time pressures on employment through the fines and costs of the $249,999 + $1.00 employer due to the effect of PPAA, and reducing the ability for R&D to occur; and the taxing and fees at all levels of government without regard to the consequences, is chicanery.

Mitt will reduce spending and taxes which will not only return to the individual the means with which he can assert his freedom and dignity, but also guarantee to the nation, state, county, and city, the economic strength that will always be the ultimate defense against foreign foes.

As the able Administrator he is, he “will develop clearly stated and clearly understood priorities for national programs. We cannot do everything at once and there are many things the Federal Government shouldn’t be doing at all.”  The Tenth Amendment with the enumerated powers for both State as Federal levels of “Consent” and “We” must be respected. – as must the skills and attributes, “Religion and Morality” – the most sacred property is conscience.

Resources and Comments
1. “Government Spending and Fiscal Responsibility”; “I seek an America..”Barry Goldwater, 1957 is quoted throughout this essay

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