The American's Creed by William T. Page; Clerk of the House; 1917:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Representative Issa, the Hearing, the Videos and Our Republic First
These "shared" from You Tube are about 6 back to back videos of Representative Issa's oversight Committee Hearing* with a full coverage, primarily Fox, but one MSNBC and Rep. Stephens as the Dem. and The State Dept. Spokesman for Kerry, coverage before and after the Hearing took place last Wednesday. It does take a couple of hours...but its worth it to have demonstrated the extent of one lie perpetrating an avalanche of lies and increasing the harm and tragedy of the events in Benghazi with the "..course of Human Events recognized by Anti-law of the Obama-Atheist-secular-Sharia-collective, mass people designed of, by, and for government's force Man's Law" absent God's Laws.
Consistent with the "Obama Atheist-Secular-Sharia-Man's law", and with the UN's 'Nation building-anti-God's Laws, there is NO TRUTH; and therefore, only Obama Lucifer Alinsky's, and cohorts of the Soros Open Society members, name-calling, neglect to answer, yell foul, to create disorganization of anything connecting the Anti-American-Anti-God's Laws-Tragedy which occurred in Benghazi; and also in "Patient Protection and Affordable Act", "American's Financial Freedom Act"; “National Defense Act of Local Police becoming Federal Police”; no budget signed into law for 3 of the last four years - so that 29,941 Executive Branch-closed shop union Agencies could continue to receive 'CONTINUATION MONEY FUNDING", - thus bypassing our Republic's House of Representatives oversight to irresponsible and unconstitutional spending; and the "sustainable - Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon of the false god named GW including force and coercion of cities in the State of California, MA, NY, HA and more to conform to UN's Agenda 21.
But the fact is the State Department's own investigation was 100% the "Obama- Atheist- Secular -Sharia-Man's Law" supreme over "Religion and Morality" of the Laws of Both Founding Documents. I hear some readers, "There 'this Founding Father's Patriot' goes again, with the "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them..Unalienable natural Rights; and you are correct --- Our Republic under God is the SOLE NATION in the HISTORY OF MANKIND, to state ONE PERSON'S ACCOUNTABILITY TO GOD and PROTECTED in all aspects of LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUITS OF HAPPINESS by the LAWS OF THE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS. The "Bound by" is SOLELY THAT REPRESENTATIVE OF ELECTIVE OFFICE FROM MOSQUITO ABATEMENT TO PRESIDENT AND ALL AGENCIES, OFFICIALS, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS....
This Obama-UN-Socialist Regime which is committing the crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression of EACH-ONE-PERSON'S RELIGIOUS LIBERTY of our Article IV:4 guarantee of Republican Form of Government where the Person as of separate and equal station... with any Person, regardless of being an employee of the State Department or of the CIA....including the Janitors and cafeteria workers or "The [nominal] Leader" of that Governmental Agency.
Our Republic is Founded and Functions with God's Laws -- ALL OF THEM; and the knowledge, wisdom, justice in Truth which is Only present from following and being accountable to God... through "Oath of Office" and Morality's "The doctrine or system of moral duties, or the duties of men in their social character; ethics. The system of morality to be gathered from the writings of ancient sages, falls very short of that delivered in the gospel. 1. The practice of the moral duties; virtue. We often admire the politeness of men whose morality we question. 2. The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed.".
Because the crime of omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression is the government-over-man's Anti-Law of procedure-in-governance; this fake-false "President, Vice President and all civil officials of the United States..”, continuing extermination of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, especially relating to One Person's Soul in Religious Liberty, shall reign as a supreme-kingship over the Laws of our Founding Documents: "Our [atheist] secular establishment wants to reduce the autonomy of religious institutions and limit the influence of faith in the public square [including our Posterity from kindergarten through Ph.D as a paper named 'credential' by indoctrination]" ("Religion and Public Life in America", R.R. Reno, Editor "First Things"; Imprimis 04/2013)
Both, DEM Stephens and Kerry State Department spokespersons, were verbose about how the Oversight Committee is All Republican and/or out for "political" gain, or lots of name calling; and those 3 State Department Employees with 1 CIA Employee who are "Whistleblowers", which actually means Protection for the government-wrong-doing by the government- while stopping, or preventing, the One Person–with the whistle, and their attorney from performing "Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the DUTY [to self in honor - to position in Oath - and to being an American of our Republic under God] to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which if the Laws of both Founding documents [God's Laws of Nature and Nature's God...Unalienable Natural Rights] are involved, means to obey or help enforce those Laws. This Duty CANNOT BE DELEGATED to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal adviser. It is Not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job of following orders. (Principle of Nuremberg and of Ezekiel 33); But
Really, attempting to make the point of Partisanship which is unfair, because only Republicans, the DINO'S (Socialist's wearing the sheepskin to hide their dinosaur-hide DEM name) are members of the committee; ---- except that the State Department's investigation was SOLELY partisan-Administration-run with the noted, exceptions in omission, neglect, and positive transgressions which occurred especially relating to Mr. Hicks and Mr. Nordstrom and Mr Thomas, who was forbidden to testify at all in the Hearings by the “State Department of Mis-representation-in-lie”.
Quoted above, in case you didn't recognize the instructions and applications our Founding Father's gave us regarding "Long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism.." with Article II:4, with invasion of rights and infringement, because Articles I, II, III, IV, V, VI with the Preamble and Amendments I, II, IV, VIII - cruel and unusual punishment, IX, X, are abuses with usruaptions, and spit-in-your-face-Extremist-American-for your Person of Belief in the Wonder of those Documents, and the History surrounding Americans serving throughout the World, and in our homeland, in Personal "The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility."; While..
..sometimes forgotten, never-ever taught to children from 8 yrs. Through Ph.D, in life, is none-the-less, ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN; so that when other families, towns, counties, State, or Federal Level and other Nation's are in trouble, We the People Do Help our Neighbors, though loving our enemies is a difficult assignment, it is rewarding because just LOOK at WHAT WE HAVE RE-DISCOVERED ABOUT OUR NATION from 1620 to and through this Date in "When in the Course of Human Events...among Nature and Nature's God of good and evil, of Truth and Lie, of rightousness and sacrifice in mutally pledging to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor --- among those who were killed, or ceased from action, on that tragic Day and its aftermath including what these videos Representative Issa placed on You Tube.
There are a couple of videos that appear non-related; but they are related because every, single, Act taken by this 2009 - until: We the People, again understand there is No Law Superior to the Laws and Lessons of Our Lord God, His son Jesus, and the Apostles; and because our Patriarch of 47 public years of duty and service - not One Penney of wages wrote: "Of all dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. ..".
The “Obama Socialist Anti-Law Regime’s” very deep, dark, black pit of evil is the--- first time Americans have really been attacked at the level of Each-One's Person Soul- experiencing laws determined, investigated, and adjudicated as living and inanimate objects and/or collective, mass, designed-in-government interest-people.
We the people hardly recognize this degree of Person attack, and we tend to be independent of ‘organized religion or ecclesiastics of church’, for its “Man informing God regarding how He should run the affairs of Soul, repugnant to many thoughtful individuals.
The Attack IS NOT ABOUT PARTISAN, POLITICS, GOVERNANCE... IT IS SOLELY AND COMPLETELY -- REPUDIATION OF GOD in favor of Man as supreme in his definition of society - and re-defining of equality-dignity-"In-alienable" not Unalienable-f reedom-justice- -peace-and Justice absent God, and human rights absent Person as an individual?!
That is the reason, more and more Americans are coming to realize Article II:4 Impeachment and Conviction of demonstrated abuses, usurpations, for the purpose of despotism – removes all the Unconstitutional Acts as Laws and as Agency Laws disguised as Regulations.. And Executive Orders, and those Court Rulings which repudiate God in favor of inanimate and living objects, of groups-designated by government completely absent Person and corporate persons; And It Is Each-One-Person’s Duty to his God, or (Affirmation), and to selfsame Person among other Americans of One Person at a Time, i.e. The Whole of our Republic under God is the Sum of Each-One-Person made in the image of God - in Soul traveling on earth in body’s anatomy, physilogy, neurology, and in Free Agency of Life, Liberty, and resuming our creative energies in discovery, R&D of life, liberty, and all that God has Created here and in His Universe..He is waiting for us as One Person, among the many mansions of His Nations on this learn knowledge, wisdom, for Truth of Him, His son Jesus. YES, IT IS TRUE - DO NOT DOUBT.
You may think the serpent that persuaded Adam and Eve to eat that apple was a long time ago, but it just happened- last Wednesday and again and again, in these Acts against our Nation by a few men who really believe they are better than God.
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